Woman's Rite Of Passage

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  • lms2

    Originally posted by DLR7884

    Neither of them are a compliment by the way, lms.....
    Sometimes you just have to consider the source.


    • Rikk
      • Jan 2004
      • 16518

      Originally posted by lms2
      Sometimes you just have to consider the source.
      People dislike you without me saying anything, you know. They can read.

      Who's the psycho lying about late-night phone calls?
      Roth Army Militia

      Originally posted by WARF
      Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


      • DLR7884

        • Jan 2004
        • 5895

        Originally posted by lms2
        Sometimes you just have to consider the source.
        Are you saying you DON'T look like Roseanne?

        The source was the pic.
        Originally Posted by WARF:
        DLR7884 - This guy is one bad ass sonafabitch... I've seen him destroy peoples posting careers in a single sentence.


        • Katydid
          I am a Giant CUNT
          • Apr 2004
          • 2407

          Originally posted by CROWBAR
          THAT explains it all! Now we know.

          Here's a pic of Katydiddle's ex, before kickin'!
          Who was that old actor? What was the name of that movie? It was up in North Dakota or somewhere and it was about an Indian reservation...he saw the owl, and there was a lot of shooting...


          • Katydid
            I am a Giant CUNT
            • Apr 2004
            • 2407

            If you get a chance there is a good movie out with McCauley McCauken in it. He goes to visit his two uncles...

            The Young Lions...

            It was out last year. You probably already seen it. But it had a lot of good stuff about how the movie was made, etc.

            A young patient I stayed with had it. I never got to see all of it.

            But It is so funny.

            But, hey I liked Fried Green Tomatoes too. My cousin saw it and said, "You gotta see it. The young woman who kills the guy and makes bbq out of him reminded me of you when you were younger."

            There is a good one too I saw with Robert Duvall in it. Tender Mercies...reminded me of guys I've seen in life.


            • Jesterstar
              Crazy Ass Mofo
              • Jan 2004
              • 2945

              Clock is Ticking Katy.............You have some thinking to do.
              Seshmeister is such a STUD.........OOOOOOOOOO



              • Katydid
                I am a Giant CUNT
                • Apr 2004
                • 2407

                Young people now a days would do well to go back to the country and have some hard times. That builds character more than nothing else.

                Few know how a meadow smells after a spring rain. How good it feels when the first Johnny Jump Up is discovered.

                Walking in the woods and seeing May Apples and fern. Here in NC, seeing the laural blooms, going to Grandfather Mountain, going across the mile high swinging bridge. Visiting true old mountain folk.

                There were some books called FOXFIRE that kids wrote at Appalachian College, I think. We read it before coming to NC.

                They also have a tv channel with old guitar makers, who show you how, and how to make fiddles, etc.

                I like to go up in the Mountains where it is cool in summer, the curvey roads. I remember coming to NC from OK. I had been asleep in the motor home, felt a jolt and woke up. I was use to flat land, prairie. The mountains towering over us, the road so curvery, mountain falls coming down the mountains. I felt smothered. Took awhile getting confidence to drive in the mountains. I finally reasoned that if I went off the road, surely a tree somewhere would catch me...

                The roadside stands, the mountain honey, dolls, the trails, the being able to see for miles... Fresh air.

                The tourist shops at Blowing Rock, watching them make candy at the candy factory. Having an ice cream at the main park in town.

                It is well worth anyone's time to come and see it. See Mildred and the bears and a bobcat and eagle, etc.

                Go fishing in Price Lake, so blue...so cold.


                • Little_Skittles
                  Foot Soldier
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 557

                  I would love to see the world have a regression, where the women wore corsets and learned how to sew. Where you worked hard to get something. I love the old days i love hearing about them. Things seemed simpler back then.
                  Do you love me peter? Yes of course my lord. Then feed my sheep.


                  • Katydid
                    I am a Giant CUNT
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 2407

                    Originally posted by Jesterstar
                    Clock is Ticking Katy.............You have some thinking to do.
                    Welcome Jesterstar, and thank you for inviting me into your thread that time.

                    Your picture picking your guitar in your luxury apt. definately shows you have bling bling, but where was your $ sign necklace. I didnt' see it.

                    I am my own dog, and just stay on the porch. You are definately too wild for me. Sorry. You'd do nothing but get me in trouble. I can get into enough do do my myself.

                    But your are welcome anywhere I am, long as you don't cramp my style. (pee too close to the house, put down my GOD in favor of your G d to much, suck up to HITCH and make me jealous too much (you and Flappo) or think you can sing better than David Lee Roth.

                    I am too old for you anyway; Heck, I'm too old for everyone around here, that sucks.

                    I just mind my own business and if I like you I will defend you to the death.

                    That's the best I can promise you.


                    • Katydid
                      I am a Giant CUNT
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 2407

                      Now Jesterstar, go gather the eggs out of the hen house. Except for the setting hen, ya don't want to mess with her. She can get mean.

                      Then scatter some chicken feed for them.

                      If you gonna hang with me you gonna work.

                      Flappo, go milk the cow. Give her some hay in that box and lock her head inside so she don't gore you with her horns. Pay no mind if she swats you in the face with her tail full of cuckleburrs. And don't be squirting the cats all the milk.

                      Little Skittles, Set here on the porch in the shade and help me hull purple shell peas. Then we'll peel some apples and make a pie.

                      Need someone to raid the beehives and get some fresh honey.

                      Need someone to churn the milk and make some butter.

                      We may cut up some cabbage and boil it and make cornbread.

                      Get someone to go get some green onions and fresh tomatoes out of the garden.

                      Oh, and somebody help me draw some buckets of water and water my tomatoe plants, they are drying up.

                      (Assuming this is past March 17th...)

                      March 17th was when we planted potatoes and root crops. Need someone help me cut up some potatoes, leaving eyes on each piece so they will sprout and grow.

                      Get those settng onions lay then 4" apart in a furrow, cover them up, mud the roots first then cover them in dry earth.

                      Should have roasting ears on the corn for 4th. of July also watermelons.

                      Plant some squash and cucumbers, cabbage, peas, okra..

                      God, I'm ready for Spring. Wish I had a place big enough for a garden.


                      • Little_Skittles
                        Foot Soldier
                        • Dec 2004
                        • 557

                        hahah katy you can help me grow a garden we've a massive yard and a stupid husky that loves to run in it, so i never could get a garden even if i wanted one. It's pretty much spring here nice weather around 60.
                        Do you love me peter? Yes of course my lord. Then feed my sheep.


                        • Katydid
                          I am a Giant CUNT
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 2407

                          I remember we used to scrap the old corn stalks and dried up corn and mix it with molasses (grind it) and make sweet feed for the horses. They like it too good tho. Gotta keep it sealed in a barrel and dose it out sparingly. If they get in it they will eat all of it, and get foundered.

                          Going into old hardware stores and mills, smells so good. Picking out seeds to plant.

                          When I was really small we'd pick cotton (neighbors helped each other) put it in a sack. When it got full, go weigh it on the scales. Then empty it in the truck.

                          Sometimes we picked cotton, (got really scratched up on the dried sharp boles, had to use gloves. Sometimes just pulled the green boles left. But never mix them, or you'll burn the gin down.

                          Remember Tammy Wynette saying she mixed green boles with the cotton and the gin burned down...

                          Never put clods of dirt in your sack or rocks...

                          I had a friend named Hughdual Lee Dugan...gotta find him. He was my boyfriend in second grade. We held hands and sat in the cut out windows of the old rock school, called them "cubbyholes." held hands and sat in the fire escape. He also pulled boles with me. Once my wart bled, so he tied his snot rag round it and said he was Dr. Wu. He was weird. Had a cape, claimed he was Kid Charlemange. (whoever that was.) He'd get my sock boggan and ran around the lunch room with it. I'd chase him. Then some boys got it and ran with it. He was knocking knots on their heads faster than they could rub them.

                          Willie Nelson said it was him. He couldn't talk plain and he was saying Hugh Willie...but he's too old. (he is friends with my sons John & Kirk tho. They wrote and produced stuff together, Kirk spent some time in Austin working w/him in his studio.)

                          But he moved off in 2nd grade. Made me promise we'd look each other up when we "got big"... but he lied...I've put a star in the book of liars for 49 years now, going 50...Said, "Katydid, my green eyed Katydid, promise me....don't lie now."

                          I had George Clooney helping me look for him. He found someone called Steely Dan and made a movie about him. But he said the Katy he was sing about was a dildo...I don't believe that.

                          Anyways, he e mailed me and joined me in his fanclub. Then I think I met him once...I went to Silver Bullet, and he was standing next to the wall staring....I asked, "how are you?" He said, "No flies on me..." Later I bought one of the tapes with the Katydid on it at an old sell and trade shop. Couldn't hear all of the songs on it.

                          When I got a computer I looked him up. "No flies on me" was one of his sayings in the story I read...I still don't know if it was the right Dugan???

                          Hughdual Lee Dugan just stayed a little while in second grade. He stayed with his cousin. Think his mama was divorcing...then he moved to Chambers, Oklahoma.

                          Daddy would tease me and say, " Hughdual Lee Dugan moved to Chambers, now ain't that the shits???"

                          I'd cry and sling snot...

                          Our teacher had a book where she gave us various colors of stars for various things. It was an incentive thing...

                          So I still don't know if I'll ever find out who he is...but if you read this Hughdual Lee Dugan I'm putting my 50th star in the book of liars this year.


                          • Golden AWe
                            DIAMOND STATUS
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 34245

                            katydid, it's NONNA, not NORRIE
                            Originally posted by Cato
                            Golden, why are you FAT?
                            Originally posted by lesfunk
                            Much like yourself as the Jim Morrison of Nazi bunker flies


                            • Golden AWe
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 34245

                              Originally posted by Cato
                              Golden, why are you FAT?
                              Originally posted by lesfunk
                              Much like yourself as the Jim Morrison of Nazi bunker flies


                              • Katydid
                                I am a Giant CUNT
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 2407

                                Pate 4

