Disappointing: James Cameron's AVATAR

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  • GAR
    • Jan 2004
    • 10881

    Disappointing: James Cameron's AVATAR

    I just got back from sneaking in at the movies.. Lefty and I were in dispute over who's actually wearing the pants in this relationship so I stepped out to go see a movie and chill out. Before I return and poke her eyeballs out with my thumbnails..

    But even before that, I asked how much was the ticket "ten fifty" what? Almost eleven bucks, for a matinee?

    Is that for the 3D one, you got both versions here - "no actually, the non-3d print is showing in the SMALLER screen and it's $13.75"

    I think that she took my query to mean my intent to pay. So after I passed the ticket counter, I walked past the double-doors someone came out of but didn't latch completely closed and I snuck in. There's my intent..

    (they're wise to this shit btw now, they staff a Zitfaced zombie further in by the popcorn to tear your fuckin' ticket.. you get past this goof by asking "which way is the Men's?)

    Alrighty. This AVATAR is a science-fiction destravaganza on a muppet's eye view in proportion to what you'd expect from the trailers you may have seen.

    Some of the CGI is pretty cool, however 3D gogglevision induces anxiety and tremors of delerium throughout my entire musculature, so to avoid giving the cleanup people's condending with a bloodbath at film's end (and because the non-3D print had just started unlike the 3D just ending) I chose to find my quite vast seating inside the non-3D screening.

    And like Yahoo Movies reviewed quite accurately, the script is bad but the fancy cartoon characters are good.

    I knew this going in, however what I wasn't prepared for was Blue People's Planet to be inhabited by the Blue NAKED people of the planet.

    That's right, the women are topless and most of the time it's veiled nudity: loincloths, hair-upon-nipples (if you're ever in the UK there's a great coffee-danish place there btw) and G-string ladies all over the place.

    The Blue Nakeds live in this big tree. There is a Spirit in the tree, and they worship it. However, there's a huge deposit of radioactive shit underneath it called Givvashittium that the White Man wants to take away from this amalgamated tribe of Earth's Colonial-days' "victims" such as north American natives, Zulus, Polynesians, and Maori among others.

    In fact, the director James Cameron hired a linguist to "invent" a language based on this amalgamation.

    So what you see basically if you go, is a bunch of loinclothed eco-Hippie tree-hugging Pagans who worship Mother Nature, ride flying lizards and 6-legged anteater/horses and Hammerheaded LandsharkRHINO's who live in a forest.

    It would have made my day, and made the film complete, to see them drop acid and get up there on the branches and jam like they were attending Woodstock. At least that's the only thing left unconveyed by James Cameron. Dumbass..

    Now, this Givvashittium element in the Blue's ground, it makes rocks and things levitate. Like how magnets repel, this stuff has marketable properties for industry and the BCE which you've heard FORD talk about so much here, they go in with the Marines to kill everybody and take this virtual-reality "gold" by inducing Marine Field Guides to sleep. In this dreamstate, they animate a Bluelike body and then get these "silly Indians" to trust them, and learn of their ways.. all the while scouting around looking for signs of Givvashittium deposits in and around the area.

    I won't give further than the basic premise, however, there's a big confrontation: the Marine shags one of the Blue Nakeds, and a compromised mission ensues further chaos of will.

    Formulaic. Heavy-handed CGI vested to the personal tailorings of Spaghetti Western schooldays' recollections, spending his 1950's schoolboy weekends in front of the black n white TV tugging on his heartstrings.

    Go see this thing if you wish to boast of having seen "the most expensive movie of ALL TIME" but if you don't give a shit, you aren't missing anything is my advice.

    I mean, the Spiderman movies, they were packed for weeks n weeks. This thing has JUST come out 24 hours ago, and the 5oclock matinee was about 40% capacity I'd say.

    Not a good sign for a 200 / 250 / 300 / 500 million dollar flick. I doubt you'll hear more about it a month from now.

    I guess the Rotten Tomatoe bulletpoint #1 would be: fuckin' DUHH, hey Cameron nobody's taking their kids to see NAKEDS. They get that shit on the indernet, when you and your wife are not looking and you know that, so why pay for it?

    Point #2, was the language. I counted a few Goddamns, and Holy Shits. Now, while neither invective is found in the Old or New Testaments in the Bible - ordinary churchgoing people won't be found foisting their families in front of the movie screens listening to the Word of the Street. I didn't like it, you may not like it, too.

    Point #3, was some of the violence. One effort was made to avoid this I applaud: the BlueSHAG chick slices a dog's throat, and the camera angle turns to the Marine avatar's face instead of showing the animal's death. BUT the director has no problem at all with people getting stabbed, shot, bloodsplatters, and in one poignantly graphical scene a BlueNAKED impalement with a treebranch thru the midsection.

    I read somewhere in online reviews this was intended to have some kind of sequel, but it was whittled down and trust me it shows.

    In summary I want to throw out some tags to equate the balance of my Escape Into Town from an authoritarian-drunk woman who's going to be single after the holidays: Eco-driven, Colonial-era guilting with a dose of Wiccan paganism thrown in for good measure!
    Last edited by GAR; 12-20-2009, 03:34 AM.
  • Shaun Ponsonby
    • Oct 2004
    • 6409

    I think it looks like a shitty movie that uses special effects to carry it anyway.

    I hate that kind of film.
    Fast & Bulbous, Got Me?


    • Terry
      • Jan 2004
      • 11967

      When all the media can talk about are the cost of the film and the special effects, well, that doesn't really infer that the story (the one crucial element needed to make a decent film - you can have all the star power / great actors combined with the biggest budget and best effects, but with an average story you're still usually only gonna get an average film) was anything that great.

      None of the trailers I've seen have induced me to go see it.

      Same goes for the Sherlock Holmes flick. That thing looks like it's gonna suck. Unless McAdams is gonna show her vag, I'm passing on that, too.
      Scramby eggs and bacon.


      • lesfunk
        Full Member Status

        • Jan 2004
        • 3583

        I heard it described as "The Longest, Loudest, Most Expensive Commercial for a Video Game ever made"
        No thanks. I'll Pass
        http://gifsoup.com/imager.php?id=4448212&t=o GIFSoup


        • Hummarstra
          • Feb 2004
          • 1196

          I saw it in 3D. I agree the script was weak and had some eye-rolling stupid lines. My biggest disappointment was with the performance of the lead actor, Worthington. Why did Cameron cast this guy? He can't act Worth a shit, imo. He's boring as fuck and has no emotional range as an actor. He ruined it for me.

          The story is an old one: It's the white man wanting to push the Indians off the land so whitey can exploit it. But, one of the whities falls in love with an Indian girl, meets the clan, discovers that they are innately good and then switches teams and fights back at whitey.

          Oh, and Cameron rips off Star Wars with a near dead-on description of the Force - the energy field that is every where that the blue people can tap into. Thats a bad paraphrase, but get the point.


          • Hummarstra
            • Feb 2004
            • 1196

            I forgot to add that the music SUCKED. Every time they showed the blue people this cheesy African music came on. Straight out of the Lion King. I HATED THAT. The rest of the score just didn't add to the movie either.


            • ace diamond
              Full Member Status

              • Sep 2004
              • 3863

              Originally posted by lesfunk
              I heard it described as "The Longest, Loudest, Most Expensive Commercial for a Video Game ever made"
              No thanks. I'll Pass
              file this one away with that 2 1/2 hours tom hanks fed ex commercial.
              Originally posted by hideyoursheep
              When Hagar speaks, I want to cut off my ears and send them to Bristol Palin.
              "It's like trying to fit a mouse fart into a sardine can with a shoe horn"-Ace Diamond


              • GO-SPURS-GO
                • Feb 2007
                • 907

                Originally posted by Hummarstra
                I saw it in 3D.
                Is it worth watching it in 3D at least? I love 3D movies, I've seen every one at the Imax. So that alone makes me want to see it, regardless if the story is stupid. The Critics all love it! I don't listen to them because they all ragged on "Harlem Nights", and I think it's one of the best movies I've ever seen.

                Gar mentions the aliens are naked, is that true? I've tried to find a "rating" on this movie, but I can't. Not sure if I should take my 9 year old, or not.


                • Kristy
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Aug 2004
                  • 16346

                  Cameron said he's been working on this movie since 1994 which gave him, what, about 12-14 years to develop a decent script? I've seen this movie and apart from saying the cliche tactic that this is 2 and 41 minutes of my life I'll never get back it's more or less one giant political statement: instead of a county it's a distant planet (or moon) that has a "vital resource" for energy consumption and soon become occupied by an "invading force." Why, that's so original of you, Cameron!

                  The plot? Eh, was here one? Really? A paralyzed Marine makes good with the enemy (so-to-speak) in his avatar form (who is more or less a Hanoi Jane or Jack depending upon how you look upon it) and the film spirals into a liberal anti-war, pro-environment stance which is all well and good until, again, you realize Cameron can't write fucking script to save his life.


                  • Kristy
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Aug 2004
                    • 16346

                    Originally posted by GO-SPURS-GO
                    Is it worth watching it in 3D at least?
                    Actually, the technology in this film is superior. So superior in fact it itself becomes the true star of this mundane Cameron epic.


                    • GO-SPURS-GO
                      • Feb 2007
                      • 907

                      Originally posted by Kristy
                      Actually, the technology in this film is superior. So superior in fact it itself becomes the true star of this mundane Cameron epic.
                      Too bad I stopped dropping acid in 1993, because this movie would be perfect to trip on. Hell, I remember going on an acid trip and watching Jaws in 3D, 4 times in a row.


                      • Nitro Express
                        DIAMOND STATUS
                        • Aug 2004
                        • 32798

                        Originally posted by Kristy
                        Actually, the technology in this film is superior. So superior in fact it itself becomes the true star of this mundane Cameron epic.
                        Special effect technology has surpassed hollywood's ability to write good material. Much like how our weapons technology has surpassed our ethical ability to have such.
                        No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                        • Nitro Express
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Aug 2004
                          • 32798

                          I'm getting tired of all this 2012, UFO, allien shit. If I want that I will just tune into Coast to Coast AM at night.
                          No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                          • Candy Girl

                            Originally posted by Shaun Ponsonby
                            I think it looks like a shitty movie that uses special effects to carry it anyway.

                            I hate that kind of film.
                            I agree, that's why I prefer the older movies before the flash/bang special effects ones came along. Then the movie was carried by people who could actually "act".


                            • Candy Girl

                              Oh and Gar, you're a dipshit. To sneak in to a movie and complain about it, unbelieveable.

