When the Fakk©®™ did it...

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  • conmee
    • Mar 2003
    • 1945

    When the Fakk©®™ did it...

    Brethren and Sistren,

    When the fakk did it become acceptable, nay, a BADGE OF HONOR©®™ for women to goddam BREAST FEED©®™ in public?!?!? Here in The OC I have seen no less than two FEEDERS©®™ at goddam STARBUCKS this week... WTF? There's nothing at all appealing about seeing that shit, and most woman can barely drive let alone putting on makeup, adjusting the blanky, popping out the sagging boobage, and aligning the baby's wailing mouth up to the nip... seriously, the kid won't fakking starve if you wait until you get in the car or go home. Yeah, great, it's natural, maybe I should just rub one out in the goddam easy chair here while I chug down an espresso...

    I am absolutely NOT sexist, I think all women are created equal, all bleed out of their pee holes, and some have even managed to go on to get college educations and star in porn, but for the love of JIVE©®™, keep your tits in your bra unless it's the beach, strip club, or reality show.

    That is all.

    Last edited by conmee; 04-01-2010, 09:08 PM. Reason: I can't spell...
    An Icon©®™Incorporated/GODDAM BUCK-KNIFE JACKBOOT MOTHERFUCK©®™ Production.
    hitchWORLD1969.com© and Old Boy Club© Co-Founder, Investor, and Spiritual Leader 1996-2024©™®

    E.U.A.S. - "The Feng Shui in the House That Roth Built!"

    R.I.P. - Douglas Hitchens, Jr. aka Hitch1969 aka Supermodel Doug et al... 1-23-2017

    "It is possible to OverGap©®™" - Sesh©®™, 5-8-2013

    "A reacharound doesn't need to be gay." - Sesh©®™, 1-18-2012

    "If we are going to have ex mods posting cocks can they at least be a manageable size." - Sesh©®™, 8-24-2011

    "For the love of jive, have a waborita and chill out." - Hitchman©®™, 5-18-2004
  • thome
    • Mar 2005
    • 6678

    I only know they have Twoo Boobbages©® and I stole your CR thingie

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/7OaRUwWi9Vs&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/7OaRUwWi9Vs&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


    • Diamondjimi
      • May 2004
      • 12086

      Doesn't bother me a bit. But if the woman throws me dirty look or has something to say about my glance I'd tell her to put the milk bag away and do it in private...
      Trolls take heed...LOG OUT & FUCK OFF!!!


      • Dan
        • Jan 2004
        • 12194

        Originally posted by Diamondjimi
        Doesn't bother me a bit. But if the woman throws me dirty look or has something to say about my glance I'd tell her to put the milk bag away and do it in private...
        It Would Help If You Have Your Pants On DJ.
        First Roth Army Kiwi To See Van Halen Live 6/16/2012 Phoenix Arizona.


        • kwame k
          • Feb 2008
          • 11302

          Originally posted by vandeleur
          E- Jesus . Playing both sides because he didnt understand the argument in the first place


          • Panamark
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Jan 2004
            • 17161

            too funny Danny and DJ !

            I tell ya what, after becoming a somewhat recent dad for the first
            time. Our son was delivered in a new age trendy private maternity
            hospital in Sydney. The Dad's are encouraged (pushed) to join
            in on every freakin part of it.. The rooms have these massive showers
            where (when the woman goes into labour) you are encouraged to
            get in there, her all naked (Dad's must keep undies on) and
            even nursies will jump on in to help.... But fook me, the post birth
            mass breast feeding classes, I must have looked like I was on crack,
            I couldnt find a comfortable place to point my eyeballs.
            There was milk laden boobies everywhere. In fact at this point
            all the women were topless, none of this discreet little nipple flaps...

            Totally get where you are coming from Icon.... I saw so much milk
            feeding boobies in such a short period of time it was trippy.

            The other thing i noticed was going to ob-gyn appointments,
            you are just sitting in the waiting room, bored, as they always
            make you wait two hours, so you resort to looking at insects,
            roof decorations, anything, as the range of womens weekly magazines
            dont really provide great reading...
            ALWAYS, while you are looking around randomly you end up staring
            at the exact moment a mother whips it out, nipple all ready, and
            then you cop the reverse stare, and feel like a freakin deviot pervert !!

            Happens everytime...

            Fortunately for me, my son didnt really get into the whole boob feed
            thing and we switched to formula.... (Way better dudes !!!! for those
            about to go over the edge into parenthood)
            BABY PANA 2 IS Coming !! All across the land, let the love and beer flow !
            Love ya Mary Frances!


            • Seshmeister

              • Oct 2003
              • 35215

              That sounds like madness you really should have put your foot down.

              I only ever went to one class and it was deeply unsettling to see the way the dads were overcompensating and groveling. Piece of nonsense.

              Turn up on the day of the birth wearing a falconry glove to minimise scratching damage during the unpleasantness, try to look vaguely interested whilst she complains about fulfilling her biological function if only to minimise the moans later and then have an extended period of baby head wetting in the pub whilst you can. If there is any opportunity to keep them both in the hospital longer after the birth jump at it. Unless of course you already have a kid, then get them back promptly to help out.



              • Dan
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Jan 2004
                • 12194

                Looking Is Ok But Not Touching.
                First Roth Army Kiwi To See Van Halen Live 6/16/2012 Phoenix Arizona.


                • GAR
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 10881

                  A reverse look with a frown behind it earns a wink and a smile from me, bitch.

                  I don't take that shit. If they whip it out, I should have the right to the other side. Or to whip mine out in public, too.

                  You're right. Who wants to see any of that? Or should I say who doesn't.. uhhh huhuhuhhuhuh



                  • GAR
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 10881

                    Originally posted by conmee
                    Here in The OC
                    Fullerton? Are you the one working at Chapman..


                    • conmee
                      ROTH ARMY FOUNDER
                      • Mar 2003
                      • 1945

                      Brethren and Sistren,

                      Don't get me wrong, yeah, if it's your own kid and wife... I get it... but that's the problem with BREEDERS©®™, so fakking narcissistic that they think their cool kid and shit is cool to everyone else... I don't give a fack if their kid is a college genius or the cutest fakking thing since, well you get the point... all I'm saying is this shit wouldn't happen in IRAN or NORTH KOREA, that's all I'm sayin'....

                      And I think, sesh, that is some of the most poignant wisdom to leave your virtual mouth since I don't know when... if I ever knock up one of these whores (again) I'll be sure to take your advice on all things post-partum.

                      That is all.

                      An Icon©®™Incorporated/GODDAM BUCK-KNIFE JACKBOOT MOTHERFUCK©®™ Production.
                      hitchWORLD1969.com© and Old Boy Club© Co-Founder, Investor, and Spiritual Leader 1996-2024©™®

                      E.U.A.S. - "The Feng Shui in the House That Roth Built!"

                      R.I.P. - Douglas Hitchens, Jr. aka Hitch1969 aka Supermodel Doug et al... 1-23-2017

                      "It is possible to OverGap©®™" - Sesh©®™, 5-8-2013

                      "A reacharound doesn't need to be gay." - Sesh©®™, 1-18-2012

                      "If we are going to have ex mods posting cocks can they at least be a manageable size." - Sesh©®™, 8-24-2011

                      "For the love of jive, have a waborita and chill out." - Hitchman©®™, 5-18-2004


                      • conmee
                        ROTH ARMY FOUNDER
                        • Mar 2003
                        • 1945

                        Fullerton?!?!? I guess it is technically in the county, but no, I'm in the Laguna/Newport area, where the housewives run rampant, the alimony flows, and we're up to our eyeballs in cougars whose vocabularies don't include the word "excess" when it comes to Bentleys, Aston Martins, Rolls, and cosmetic surgery.

                        That is all.

                        An Icon©®™Incorporated/GODDAM BUCK-KNIFE JACKBOOT MOTHERFUCK©®™ Production.
                        hitchWORLD1969.com© and Old Boy Club© Co-Founder, Investor, and Spiritual Leader 1996-2024©™®

                        E.U.A.S. - "The Feng Shui in the House That Roth Built!"

                        R.I.P. - Douglas Hitchens, Jr. aka Hitch1969 aka Supermodel Doug et al... 1-23-2017

                        "It is possible to OverGap©®™" - Sesh©®™, 5-8-2013

                        "A reacharound doesn't need to be gay." - Sesh©®™, 1-18-2012

                        "If we are going to have ex mods posting cocks can they at least be a manageable size." - Sesh©®™, 8-24-2011

                        "For the love of jive, have a waborita and chill out." - Hitchman©®™, 5-18-2004


                        • GAR
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 10881

                          The sandwich shack down the highway has awesome stuff.. I don't ever get to Laguna. I'm up in LA.

                          Another great place I like over there is that 50s diner.. you probably know those joints.

                          Laguna rocks for cougars! You see that all over the place down there, crossing the street with the little dogs..


                          • GAR
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 10881

                            OFFAK I just read the piechart pay-out for donations..


                            • Mushroom
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 1127

                              I don't mind seeing boobage, it's their fault if I look. the problem is most of them are not MILFs

