That Time Of Year - Perseids Meteor Shower Coming Up Next Week

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  • Hardrock69
    • Feb 2005
    • 21888

    That Time Of Year - Perseids Meteor Shower Coming Up Next Week

    Well, the peak is next week. Wednesday night thru Friday morning.
    Though you should be able to see occasional meteors now, and for a week or two after the peak.

    Also, something I never knew before, there are two other weaker meteor showers that occur during this time frame as well.

    I will be sitting outside (if it is clear) with my Nikon and my tripod, doing time-exposures, trying to catch some good pics. I like to shoot meteors and rock bands with my Nikon.

    The last time the annual Perseid meteor shower happened during a run of good moonless nights was in 2007. It turns out that every three years, the same phase of the Moon returns to roughly the same date each month (2.2 days earlier, on average). So in 2010 we're on for moonless Perseids again!

    The shower lasts for many days, but according to the International Meteor Organization this year's peak should occur during a half-day-long window centered on 1: 00 Universal Time on August 13th, which is ideal timing for skywatchers in Eurasia. For North Americans, the best viewing will probably be late Thursday night and early Friday morning, August 12-13, or possibly the night before.

    (HR69 Note: Universal Time is just GMT- )

    In any case, prime viewing for the Perseids is from about 11 p.m. or midnight (local time) until the first light of dawn. This is when the shower's radiant (its perspective point of origin) is well up in your sky. The higher the radiant, the more meteors you'll see.

    Many longtime skywatchers remember the fine displays the Perseids put on in the early 1990s, around when the shower's parent comet, 109P/Swift-Tuttle, last passed through the inner solar system. Those days are gone; the comet won't be back until 2126. But even now some, thin, dense filaments of meteoroids that the comet shed in recent centuries continue to liven up the shower's behavior. Strands left behind by the comet in 441 and 1479 might be in play this year, though only a little enhancement is expected from them.

    At a very dark, rural site, you can probably expect to see 100 or more meteors per hour when the radiant (in northern Perseus) is highest in your sky before the first light of dawn. Any light pollution will cut down on the numbers, as will the radiant's lower altitude earlier in the night. But the brightest few meteors shine right through light pollution, and the few that happen when the radiant is low are especially long, skimming the upper atmosphere and flying far across the sky.

    To get the most enjoyment while watching for Perseids, find a dark spot with an open sky view, bundle up thoroughly in blankets or a sleeping bag (for mosquito shielding as well as warmth, and don't forget the repellent), and lie back in a reclining chair. Gaze into the stars, and be patient. The best direction to watch is wherever your sky is darkest, usually straight up, perhaps with a little inclination toward the radiant. That's all there is to it!

    If you're a little more ambitious, you can make a careful meteor count and report it to the International Meteor Organization. Such counts are analyzed to yield the shower's zenithal hourly rate, which is the number of meteors that a single observer would see per hour under ideal conditions: with the radiant directly overhead (at the zenith) and the sky dark enough to reveal 6.5-magnitude stars.

    Not all the meteors you'll see are Perseids. In addition to occasional random, sporadic meteors, the weaker Delta Aquarid shower is also active during Perseid season. The Delta Aquarids are slower, often yellower, and track away from a radiant point in eastern Aquarius. Weaker still are the Kappa Cygnids, identifiable by their flight direction away from Cygnus in an altogether different part of the sky.

    Don't forget that the Perseid shower lasts for more than one night! Rates are about a quarter to half the peak for one or two nights before and after. A few forerunners of the shower may show up as early as July 20th, and stragglers have been recorded as late as August 24th.
    Last edited by Hardrock69; 08-06-2010, 12:12 AM.
  • Hardrock69
    • Feb 2005
    • 21888

    Went out for a couple of hours last night. Fucking humidity.

    Saw 3 meteors, all 3 in areas of the sky where my camera was NOT pointing. However, it was only 10:30 PM CST when I saw the first one, and it was a doozy!

    Weather seems iffy for the next 3 days. less than 20% chance of popup thunderstorms during the day, supposedly clearing by nightfall.
    Do I sound like a weather forecaster? Dropping to the mid-70s by midnight each night. Wish the humidity would go away. I have to put my Nikon in a ziploc bag when I take it outside, and I haveta leave it in the bag for an hour or so, so the temperature of the lens gets to be that of the outside. This will prevent the lens from fogging up when taking it out into the humid heat from the air-conditioned and dry interior of my house.

    As long as I get clear skies for the next 3 nights, I oughta be able to get in some good watching. I ordered an infra-red remote control last week. To stop vibration of the camera caused by manually pushing the shutter button. But dammit, Amazon says it won't arrive until Thursday!

    5 fucking days to ship the fucker from Lexington, KY to Nashville? Which is a fucking 3 hour drive? Assholes.

    Oh well. I have three more nights where it looks like the weather will cooperate. Supposed to get rain Thursday-Friday. Nice thing is, Wednesday night is the PEAK of the shower, but not the end. I will still be able to watch for meteors for up to a week after Wednesday.

    Will post updates, and any good pics I get.


    • Nitro Express
      • Aug 2004
      • 32798

      The last big meteor shower I saw was awsome! I got buzzed on mezcal, laid in the hammock on the deck and watched one after another. We don't have much light pollution where we live so you really could see it.
      No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


      • Hardrock69
        • Feb 2005
        • 21888

        It is almost pitch black at my place at night. OOoooOoOOOoOooOOo....what's that sound?!?!?!?!?

        Never know what kind of critters are creeping around the forest at night, lol.


        • Hardrock69
          • Feb 2005
          • 21888


          I can't believe the shit I saw tonight. Did not see a lot of stuff, but goddamn.
          Some of it I cannot really explain.

          First off. Began taking 20-second time exposures around 11 PM.

          I had an old piece of shit full-height office chair sitting in my driveway next to my tripod, so I could lean back and relax.
          So I am staring at about an 75-degree angle (almost straight up) facing north. About 11:15 PM I suddenly noticed what looked like a jet. A single blinking white light, blinking at the usual rate of speed.

          Only one thing different. This motherfucker was hauling ASS! I mean, had to at least have been doing 2,000 mph. I would venture to say if you watched it horizon to horizon it would be gone in 15 seconds. And this fucker was at high altitude. Easily 20,000 feet, possibly 30,000 feet or more.

          Then, suddenly it made a sharp turn to my right (it's left). Not just a 'sharp turn'. It was MORE than a 90-degree angle. AND IT DID NOT SLOW DOWN.
          The g-forces alone would have killed any pilot who made a turn like that at that speed. The plane disappeared behind the canopy of a 200 foot tall tree that is right in front of my house.

          As I sat there dumbstruck, it suddenly appeared again from behind the tree canopy, moving from my right to my left. It suddenly made a right turn at 90 degrees, going away from me, and in 3 seconds was GONE.

          I did not see it again.

          A few moments ago (about 1:30 AM), as I was going through my photos, I checked the pics I had taken around 11:15 PM.

          Lo and behold, my shutter was open for several seconds during the first flyover and I caught it on film!

          I have pasted a green line showing the flight path, with smaller green lines at right angles to point out the blinking light. The plane showed up at the bottom of the photo (bottom of my field of view), heading towards me, then it veered slightly to the left (it's right). You will see where the straight line ends.....that is when the shutter snapped shut, as there are no more blinking lights after that.....I drew in the rest of the flight path. It made a sharp turn to it's left and back, and went straight across my field of view from left to right before disappearing.

          Here is a photo that I took later, with nothing special about it, but I have overlaid more green lines to show the flight path that thing took when it reappeared just 10-15 seconds after it disappeared behind the tree canopy.

          Note the tree canopy to the right of the photo. It suddenly appeared from behind it in the sky going from my right to left....then took a sharp right turn and flew away from me.

          Again, it had to have been going 2,000 mph minimum. And when it flew away from me, I realized made no sound! I mean, any normal jet, even fighter aircraft flying 30-40 thousand feet up will make a rumble in the sky. I live in the forest, where there is no noise pollution. Either this thing had super-quiet engines, or it was way the fuck up in the sky, or both, cause I sat there staring at the sky after it was gone waiting to hear the sound of it's engine....and I never heard a fucking thing.

          No I am not claiming this is some fucking thing from another world. The strobe I saw on it tells me it is an aircraft, but for it to be doing the things I saw it do, it is not something the public is aware of. Must be some kind of advanced aircraft. Needless to say, really blew my mind. And no, I am not on drugs. Though I woulda loved to have had some smoke, lol.

          I saw a meteor about 20 minutes later, but it flashed in a part of the sky where my camera was NOT pointed.

          Then, finally, I saw a meteor that I did capture. Only one problem. Sky was not clear. Slightly overcast, hazy, with clouds moving around all night, but not solid clouds, just partly cloudy.
          And the meteor was of course above the clouds, so my shot is a bit obscured.
          Would have had a better shot if there were no clouds, but what the fuck. I still have the rest of the week to try for more shots.

          Green line above and parallel to the meteor. Had the ISO cranked to 1600 on a 10-second exposure at that time (just experimenting....90% of my images were 800 ISO at 20 second exposure). I just now cranked the contrast a bit so you guys could see the meteor trail, but as a result the picture has a shitload of digital noise, not to mention the fact I shrunk the image size and quality to upload it on my crummy dialup connection:


          • Hardrock69
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Feb 2005
            • 21888

            And now a word from Yahoo on the subject:


            • jhale667
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Aug 2004
              • 20929

              Cool experimental aircraft sighting, HR!
              Originally posted by conmee
              If anyone even thinks about deleting the Muff Thread they are banned.... no questions asked.

              That is all.

              Originally posted by GO-SPURS-GO
              I've seen prominent hypocrite liberal on this site Jhale667

              Originally posted by Isaac R.
              Then it's really true??:eek:

              The Muff Thread is really just GONE ???

              OMFG...who in their right mind...???
              Originally posted by eddie78
              I was wrong about you, brother. You're good.


              • Hardrock69
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Feb 2005
                • 21888

                One of those things you have to see to believe I suppose. Was lucky to be taking time exposures when the first flyover happened. I was so freaked out I did not bother to release the camera shutter again right away, so I missed the second flyover.

                Coulda been one of the newer unmanned drone vehicles. Even so, as an 'aircraft', it could not possibly make the sharp turns it made at that speed and remain in one piece.

                DAMMIT! Just saw the weather forecast for tonight. Looks like more of the same. Partly cloudy. GRRRRR!!!

                Me just wants a clear fucking night with no interruptions by clouds! The clouds clear out as the night rolls on....I am a zombie now though, as I was so hellbent on posting the above pics and writing the post up, I did not crash until after 3 AM. Got only 3 hours of sleep.

                Ah well. Will post update later after tonight's photo sessions. Fortunately there is no rain predicted for tonight.
                Last edited by Hardrock69; 08-10-2010, 12:51 PM.


                • Seshmeister
                  ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                  • Oct 2003
                  • 35217


                  I never see shit here in a cloudy city.

                  I briefly saw a mysterious yellow ball in the sky a few days ago and it turned out it was something called the sun...


                  • Hardrock69
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Feb 2005
                    • 21888



                    • Jagermeister
                      Full Member Status

                      • Apr 2010
                      • 4510

                      Originally posted by Hardrock69
                      And now a word from Yahoo on the subject:

                      Oh now you know you can't believe anything those fuckers print.
                      Last edited by Jagermeister; 08-10-2010, 02:01 PM.


                      • Hardrock69
                        DIAMOND STATUS
                        • Feb 2005
                        • 21888



                        • Hardrock69
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Feb 2005
                          • 21888

                          Saw three meteors tonight. None of them where my camera was pointing. Oh well.

                          Weather was clear. Pretty humid, but in the upper 70s, so tolerable. Better than 99 degrees.

                          Forecast calls for more of the same tomorrow. Hope it is clear. I am not going to expect any massive meteor storms. But if I see a few, that is cool I guess.


                          • Blaze
                            Full Member Status

                            • Jan 2009
                            • 4371

                            So, I didn't miss this!
                            I am a camera novice, Hardrock.
                            I have the tripod to set up on, can you direct me about the settings to experiment in getting some shots.

                            I am going to play with the shutter time today to see what I have. Honestly, I do not even know how to do that.

                            I am so glad I did not miss this.
                            "I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. - Some come from ahead and some come from behind. - But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. - Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!" ~ Dr. Seuss


                            • Blaze
                              Full Member Status

                              • Jan 2009
                              • 4371

                              Originally posted by Hardrock69
                              Went out for a couple of hours last night. Fucking humidity.

                              Saw 3 meteors, all 3 in areas of the sky where my camera was NOT pointing. However, it was only 10:30 PM CST when I saw the first one, and it was a doozy!

                              Weather seems iffy for the next 3 days. less than 20% chance of popup thunderstorms during the day, supposedly clearing by nightfall.
                              Do I sound like a weather forecaster? Dropping to the mid-70s by midnight each night. Wish the humidity would go away. I have to put my Nikon in a ziploc bag when I take it outside, and I haveta leave it in the bag for an hour or so, so the temperature of the lens gets to be that of the outside. This will prevent the lens from fogging up when taking it out into the humid heat from the air-conditioned and dry interior of my house.

                              As long as I get clear skies for the next 3 nights, I oughta be able to get in some good watching. I ordered an infra-red remote control last week. To stop vibration of the camera caused by manually pushing the shutter button. But dammit, Amazon says it won't arrive until Thursday!

                              5 fucking days to ship the fucker from Lexington, KY to Nashville? Which is a fucking 3 hour drive? Assholes.

                              Oh well. I have three more nights where it looks like the weather will cooperate. Supposed to get rain Thursday-Friday. Nice thing is, Wednesday night is the PEAK of the shower, but not the end. I will still be able to watch for meteors for up to a week after Wednesday.

                              Will post updates, and any good pics I get.
                              I was just thinking about a remote control yesterday, so my movement would not startle a shot.

                              As for the shake.... couldn't you use the timer feature?

                              I have never experienced the lens fog. Maybe, it is not that humid here. Or I hadn't noticed before or give it thought.
                              "I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. - Some come from ahead and some come from behind. - But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. - Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!" ~ Dr. Seuss

