Maybe I should have said lawmakers and funded systems make money from it being illegal, and not government as a whole?
Drug kingpins lobby the same as big business. Don't think they don't. People deep in the drug trade have more to lose if it becomes legal. If it's legal, they don't have a way to make money. Courts win because of court costs. Prisons win because it's another person to add to the count to request funding. Attorneies win because of lawyer fees. Police offices get spiffs for quotas. Not all of the federal funding for the war on drugs is actually spent on the war on drugs. If your state police receive a hypothetical amount, say $2,000,000 for funding the war on drugs in that state, only about 75% of that money tops actually goes to the efforts on the war on drugs. That leaves $500,000 sitting in the general pot (no pun intended). If the drug arrests go down, so does the posts funding.
I did 2 research papers on this topic. I need to dig up some of my research from school and post the references. Some of the stuff on legislative and police corruption (specifically 1967 - 1988) will blow your mind.
Drug kingpins lobby the same as big business. Don't think they don't. People deep in the drug trade have more to lose if it becomes legal. If it's legal, they don't have a way to make money. Courts win because of court costs. Prisons win because it's another person to add to the count to request funding. Attorneies win because of lawyer fees. Police offices get spiffs for quotas. Not all of the federal funding for the war on drugs is actually spent on the war on drugs. If your state police receive a hypothetical amount, say $2,000,000 for funding the war on drugs in that state, only about 75% of that money tops actually goes to the efforts on the war on drugs. That leaves $500,000 sitting in the general pot (no pun intended). If the drug arrests go down, so does the posts funding.
I did 2 research papers on this topic. I need to dig up some of my research from school and post the references. Some of the stuff on legislative and police corruption (specifically 1967 - 1988) will blow your mind.