Hardrock69's Reefhead Madness Thread
This is a sticky topic.
No, it wasn't a lie. Since there was no way to safely eat pork, then it was actually unclean and would kill you, at that point. Even with today's technology, those who keep a Kosher diet are eating much healthier than those who do not. Compare those Hebrew National hotdogs to a competing brand, for example. Not that hotdogs in general are the best example of health food, but ye know what I meanComment
Yep, and I knew this stuff almost twenty years ago......Comment
I think the government has the right to inform people of the dangers but it doesn't have to be big daddy in everything. Life is about making choices and learning from them. When every decision is made for you, life sucks. That's the way the Soviet Union was in 1978 when we went there. It was the government telling everyone what to do and they were scared to think for themselves. Government is pretty much ran by control freaks anyways. They are attracted to it. Not exactly the type of people I want dictating everything we do.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
Ever see the numbers on the War on Drugs?
It's staggering how much money is wasted on it and how many nonviolent offenders are sitting in jail right now. All in an effort to legislate morality. The money generated in fines, lawyer fees and such are just insane.
In the case of pot....all for a weed that damn near anyone can grow!
Legalize it, regulate it, and be done with it.
Copied fron www.druglawreform.info :
Overview of drug laws and legislative trends in Argentina
On August 25, 2009, the Supreme Court of Argentina unanimously declared unconstitutional the second paragraph of Article 14 of the national Narcotics Law (Law No. 23,737) which punishes the possession of drugs for personal consumption with imprisonment, ranging from one month to two years (replaceable with educational measures or treatment). According to the Court the unconstitutionality of the article is applicable to cases of drug possession for personal consumption, when third parties are not affected.
Although the Court's ruling does not specifically refer to one particular substance, and the case on which it ruled dealt with cannabis, it opens the door to judicial reform of drug laws in Argentina, since these arguments also apply to other drugs. A bill to decriminalize the possession of all drugs for personal consumption was expected in 2010, but will now most likely be discussed in 2012.Comment
Sent from my BlackBerry 8520 using Tapatalk"Ya know what they say about angels... An angel is a supernatural being or spirit, usually humanoid in form, found in various religions and mythologies. Plus Roth fan boards..."- ZahZoo April 2013Comment
Well, one thing a friend and I figured out the other day....if Law Enforcement agencies are worried about their budgets for going after reefer people will be cut if pot is legalized, the answer is just to shift their efforts to meth-heads. There are armies of meth-heads out there just waiting to be busted, and currently there is not enough cash in the budgets to bust all of them. Legalize the reefer, that frees up resources to fight meth, heroin, etc.
Not cocaine though. That is how the CIA makes their money.Comment
You know what does explain that? It's the not the word of god it's the inane scribblings of clueless bronze age fucking goat herders.Comment
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”― Stephen HawkingComment