As if this week couldn't get any better, Marijuana doesn't harm lung function.

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  • Yount
    • Jan 2012
    • 1099

    Let's not insult the herb and call it marijuana. Call it cannabis. I'm pretty sure in 1937 when they passed the law to criminalize it (as well as hemp), the anti-dopers called it marijuana to make it sound a little more scary. In fact I think it was passed through under the title Proposition 20 or some shit like that wasn't it so nobody would notice?


    • kwame k
      • Feb 2008
      • 11302

      Message received and understood
      Originally posted by vandeleur
      E- Jesus . Playing both sides because he didnt understand the argument in the first place


      • Yount
        • Jan 2012
        • 1099

        Cannabis should be viewed for what it is - an herb. We should be encouraged to cook with it.


        • hambon4lif
          Crazy Ass Mofo
          • Jun 2004
          • 2810

          I usually bake with it.


          • kwame k
            • Feb 2008
            • 11302

            Not necessarily should it be viewed as just an herb.........

            Hemp has a ton of industrial worth....

            Paper alone would cut the costs of the paper industry by damn near half [equipment, labor, transportation, milling and refining costs] let alone the environmental impact. It's fast growing, renewable and has hundreds of applications, too. Farmers could harvest hemp on existing lands. Have a harvest yearly.....clothes, hell any type of fabric, the extracted oils or soy type based products, the list is endless.

            The acreage it takes to make paper from wood versus the acreage it takes to make it from hemp....hemp wins. It's better, too! The old WWII saying......Hemp for Victory! Something like that
            Originally posted by vandeleur
            E- Jesus . Playing both sides because he didnt understand the argument in the first place


            • kwame k
              • Feb 2008
              • 11302

              Originally posted by hambon4lif
              I usually bake with it.
              I'm usually baked from it
              Originally posted by vandeleur
              E- Jesus . Playing both sides because he didnt understand the argument in the first place


              • chi-town324
                Crazy Ass Mofo
                • Feb 2007
                • 2618

                i work for a large company and had pre employment testing ...i do know that if i am injured on the job, and sent to a hospital, i will be immediately tested at the hospital. If i refuse or test positive i can be terminated. It's just not worth the risk...although when i retire...


                • Hardrock69
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Feb 2005
                  • 21888

                  Ok. State of Washington learned from past mistakes. In 2008, they had a ballot initiative to legalize pot. They did not have the required number of signatures by the deadline to turn the petition in, so it did not get on the ballot for the elections.

                  This time out, they have more than enough signatures and have turned in the paperwork on time.

                  An initiative making it legal for adults to grow, smoke and sell marijuana has qualified for the November ballot.

                  Marijuana legalization measure ready for the ballot
                  By Jerry Cornfield

                  Friday, January 27, 2012 | 3:23 pm

                  An initiative making it legal for adults to grow, smoke and sell marijuana has qualified for the November ballot.

                  The expected announcement came today from the Secretary of State's Office.

                  Sponsors of Initiative 502 submitted 354,608 signatures and needed at least 241,153 of them to be of valid voters. A signature-check using a random sample determined that sponsors had nearly 278,000 valid signatures, according to agency spokesman David Ammons.

                  This is an initiative to the Legislature which means lawmakers could go ahead and adopt it themselves then send it to the governor for signing. No one anticipates that will happen so voters will get to decide.

                  Under the measure, marijuana would be regulated and taxed in the same manner as alcohol. For more info, go to the online home of the sponsors,
                  Am keeping my fingers crossed, as States tend to act like lemmings. It takes one or two to take the lead on some issue, then more will follow.

                  We WILL see what happens in November. Funny. The Mayan's End Of The World date will not be able to prevent the elections from happening, lol.


                  • neuralfraud
                    Head Fluffer
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 278

                    Nice article and all but has noone seemed to notice the FREQUENCY mentioned? one OR MAYBE two per WEEK?

                    Look, smoke cigarettes! only one or 2 a week won't hurt you.. but ya, who does that? Now why dont you tell us how smoking 2 packs of joints a day stacks up to 2 packs of marlboro's and we'll have some objective information!


                    • Hardrock69
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Feb 2005
                      • 21888


                      (Reuters) - Efforts to legalize marijuana for recreational use are gaining momentum in Washington state and Colorado, despite fierce opposition from the federal government and a decades-long cultural battle over America's most commonly used illicit drug.

                      Officials in Washington state on Friday said an initiative to legalize pot has enough signatures to qualify for the ballot in November. In Colorado, officials are likely this week to make a similar determination about an initiative there.

                      Supporters are prepared to possibly spend millions of dollars ahead of the November ballot, when they hope a strong voter turnout, particularly among youth, for the U.S. presidential election will aid their cause.

                      "Whether it's make or break depends on what public opinion does after 2012, but in terms of voter turnout this is the best year to do it," said Alison Holcomb, director of New Approach Washington, the initiative's sponsor.

                      While 16 states, including Washington and Colorado, along with the nation's capital, now allow marijuana use for medical purposes, cannabis remains an illegal narcotic under U.S. law - and public opinion is sharply divided on the merits of full legalization.

                      California voters turned back a ballot initiative to legalize marijuana for recreational use in 2010, in part because of concerns about how production and sale of the drug would be regulated.

                      Since then, the U.S. Department of Justice has cracked down on medical cannabis operations in California, Washington state and elsewhere, raiding dispensaries and growing operations and threatening landlords with prosecution.

                      "Our highest priority are the folks that violate both state and federal law," said Rusty Payne, spokesman for the Drug Enforcement Administration. "There are places that have made a lot of money who claim to be nonprofit, and they have faced both local and federal scrutiny."

                      Undeterred, supporters of the Washington state initiative say it represents the "grown-up" approach to legalization.

                      Sales would only be allowed to adults 21 and older through marijuana-only stores licensed by the state Liquor Control Board, which would also oversee production and processing of the drug. Laws on drunken driving would be amended to include maximum blood content thresholds for THC, the main psychoactive element in pot plants.

                      Colorado already has a robust regulatory system for medical marijuana that includes a registry of over 80,000 card-carrying patients and rules governing how physicians and distributors operate. Here, too, legalization advocates are stressing a rational regulatory approach.

                      "Voters aren't being asked to imagine as much as they are in other states, they have seen that marijuana can be regulated and it doesn't result in significant problems," said Mason Tvert, co-director of the Colorado-based Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol.

                      Organizers of the Washington effort have collected over $1.1 million in campaign funds, with $250,000 of that coming from Progressive Insurance chairman Peter Lewis, public disclosure records show.

                      Loren Collingwood, senior researcher for the nonpartisan Washington Poll run by the University of Washington, said the initiative could pass, but that backers must spend between $2 million and $4 million to run a competitive campaign.

                      A poll done by the university in October found 48 percent of Washington residents support the idea of pot legalization, but that was not tied to any particular initiative.

                      "If young voters turn out in droves like they did in 2008 or even start to approach those numbers ... then I think this will pass, but they very well may not," Collingwood said.

                      NATIONAL SHIFT

                      Pot legalization supporters have argued for decades that prohibition has failed to curb pot use, and that the policy enriches drug cartels, hurts casual users and deprives governments of a potentially lucrative source of tax revenue.

                      Now, they see momentum on their side, pointing to an October Gallup Poll that found a record 50 percent of Americans support legalizing marijuana use, up from 36 percent five years before.

                      The poll also found 62 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 29 back legalization, and that the young are driving the shift in attitudes.

                      "There's a set of factors that suggest both the Washington and Colorado initiates have a better chance of winning than any of the initiatives that have happened before," said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance.

                      "But that said, even with a majority of likely voters in both states saying they favor legal marijuana, we know in the final stretch there's always a small percentage that get nervous or scared off or fearful of change," he said.

                      Opponents of legalization, meanwhile, say it would simply promote the use of a sometimes-addictive drug that has been linked to short-term memory loss and other behavioral problems such as lack of motivation.

                      Legalization "is not good for states and citizens who live in those states, and it's certainly not good for the outlook of children who live in those states," said Calivina Fay, head of the Florida-based Drug Free America Foundation.

                      One study published in 2011 by researchers with the University of Colorado Denver found 39 out of 80 teens in a Denver substance abuse program had at least once obtained pot from someone with a medical marijuana license.

                      LOCAL OPPOSITION

                      For supporters of legalization, the medical marijuana trade has been a mixed blessing. Critics say dispensaries, in addition to serving the truly sick, supply recreational users who have no real medical problems despite claims of backaches or pain.

                      In Washington state, about 30 or 40 cities have passed moratoriums on collective medical marijuana gardens allowed under state law, said Jim Doherty, legal consultant for the Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington. Some residents see medical marijuana sales as a nuisance, he said.

                      Meanwhile, Seattle has over 100 medical marijuana shops, said City Attorney Peter Holmes, who supports full legalization.

                      "Right now in Seattle, we're feeling that it's a bit unfair that we are being tolerant of medical marijuana users, when other localities are not, because we tend to become suppliers for the whole state rather than our own citizens," Holmes said.

                      Holcomb, the director of the Washington state initiative campaign, acknowledged some voters view a large share of medical pot users as illicit recreational tokers. But she said her campaign will turn the argument around, when it seeks to convince voters full legalization is good for the state.

                      "You're ending that hypocrisy and restoring respect for the law," she said.

                      (Reporting By Alex Dobuzinskis; Editing by Jonathan Weber)

