The weekly serial killer profile thread

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  • DLR7884

    • Jan 2004
    • 5895

    Oh hell, you know I'd return to this thread.

    I'm the reason people are starting to fucking read it.

    You're welcome.
    Originally Posted by WARF:
    DLR7884 - This guy is one bad ass sonafabitch... I've seen him destroy peoples posting careers in a single sentence.


    • DLR7884

      • Jan 2004
      • 5895

      I'm the reason that it's now 2 pages.

      You're welcome again.
      Originally Posted by WARF:
      DLR7884 - This guy is one bad ass sonafabitch... I've seen him destroy peoples posting careers in a single sentence.


      • Elitest

        Thank you honey.........

        now back to work.......I must look up Peter Sutcliffe....( and I dont mean literally ...)


        • Igosplut

          • Jan 2004
          • 2794

          Originally posted by DLR7884
          I'm the reason that it's now 2 pages.

          You're welcome again.
          Your not thanked...

          I'd rather it die on its own than have you think that the only reason its still here is you..

          Run along now, and stop being such an attention whore.
          Chainsaw Muthuafucka


          • Igosplut

            • Jan 2004
            • 2794

            Now on to todays main attraction..... An instant request as it were...we have...

            'The Yorkshire Ripper'

            "I thought 'God, what have I done?'...I realised I would be in serious trouble.
            I thought the best way out of the mess was to make sure she could not tell anybody - peter sutcliffe

            BORN : 2 June 1946

            DIED : Not Yet (despite many attempts)

            VICTIMS : 13 dead, 7 survivors.

            5/7/75 - Sutcliffe makes his first attack on a prostitute, Anna Rogulskyj survives. Sutcliffe fails.
            15/8/75 - Second attack, this time with a brick. Olive Smart lives, Sutcliffe fails again.
            30/10/75 - Sutcliffe finally succeeds. Wilma McCann, 28, goes down as the first 'ripper' victim.
            Sutcliffe killed her just 100 yards from her home. 14 stab wounds and two big fuckin' hammer blows too the back of the head. Pete's M.O. had been set.
            20/1/76 - Emily Jackson, 42, found dead. Two big hammer blows again, but this time Pete stabbed her over 50 times with a phillips head screwdriver. Pete must have been pumped up for this one. He stomped her so hard he left a wellington impression on her right thigh.
            9/5/76 - Another failure; Marcella Claxton survives.
            5/2/77 - Irene Richardson, 28; three hammer blows, neck savaged with a knife. Sound familiar?
            23/4/77 - Patricia Atkinson, 32; four hammer blows this time, then seven stab wounds to the stomach before a big slash up her side. They found a size seven wellington boot print on the floor, the same as the one on Emily Jackson's corpse.
            26/6/77 - Jayne McDonald, 16; Pete changed his M.O. for this one as she wasn't a whore, just a school girl. Well Pete smacked the back of her head in then stabbed in both the back and the chest. She was discovered by little kiddies on there way to an adventure playground.
            10/7/77 - Maureen Long survives a rather vicious attack. Pete must have had an off night
            1/10/77 - Jean Jordan; One very pissed off ripper smashed her skull with eleven hammer blows. Unfortunately for Pete he had to leave the body in a hurry because a car drove by.
            9/10/77 - Sutcliffe remembers that Jordon had a five pound note that he gave her so he goes back to the body. When he couldn't find her handbag he got pissed off and hacked at her body with broken glass, attempting to take the head off. Eventually he gave up and just gave the corpse a 'ruddy good kicking.' She was discovered the next day and her head was unrecognisable.
            2/11/77 - Sutcliffe interviewed for the first time by police.
            8/11/77 - 2nd Police interview
            14/12/77 - Marilyn Loore survives.
            21/1/78 - Yvonne Pearson, 22; The first to feel Sutcliffe's new 'Club' hammer. Pete then jumped up and down on her chest repeatedly until her ribs were all cracked. The body went undiscovered two months, during which time Pete came back repeatedly attempting to make it stick out more, even placing a newspaper under her arm.
            31/1/78 - Helen Rytka, 18; His least favoured victim. Always attempting to make her sound like a good girl. Bullshit. She was a whore. Anyway, Pete actually had sex with this one, and as she went to leave the car, BANG, right on the back of the head, he followed this up with five more, just to be sure. She was stabbed three times in the chest, then rather violently mutilated, somehow managing to keep stabbing her in the same spots.
            16/5/78 - Vera Millward, 41; three hammer blows, followed with a huge slash across the stomach. Pete had actually put a piece of paper over her head as it was in a bit of messy state.
            13/8/78 - 3rd police interview
            23/8/78 - 4th police interview. Must have some effect as Sutcliffe stops for 8 months.
            4/4/79 - Josephine Whitaker, 19; Skull smashed in with a hammer. The second respectable girl victim.
            29/7/79 - 5th police interview
            2/9/79 - Barbera Leach, 20; Another respectable one. This time Pete got her in the street, smashing her skull in. He then dragged her into a backyard, where he stabbed her eight times. He then chucked her in the bin, covering her with an old carpet.
            23/10/79 - 6th police interview.
            13/1/80 - 7th police interview.
            20/1/80 - 8th police interview.
            2/2/80 - 9th police interview.
            18/8/80 - Marguerite Walls, 47; Another respectable one. Head bludgeoned, then strangled. Not officially counted as a 'Ripper victim'.
            24/9/80 - Dr. Upadhya Bandara survives
            5/11/80 - Theresa Sykes survives
            17/11/80 - Jaqueline Hill, 20; Another student. This one Pete did just after he'd eaten at KFC. Took her off the street and stabbed her violently, for some reason taking one of her eyes.
            2/1/81 - Sutcliffe gets done while about to add another one, Olivia Reivers.
            4/1/81 - Pete cracks under pressure and admits to the lot.
            22/5/81 - Found guilty of 13 murders. Gets life.

            And there you have it Elitest.....
            Chainsaw Muthuafucka


            • Eyes of the Night
              • Jan 2004
              • 1993

              Good god y'all ... I'm on fire!!!

              Broken down n' dirty dressed in rags ...


              • Junyore Grades
                • Jan 2004
                • 151

                Mind if I claim your smoldering corpse?


                • Eyes of the Night
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 1993

                  Only if you become my next drummer dogg!

                  Drunk edit ...
                  Last edited by Eyes of the Night; 02-04-2004, 09:18 AM.
                  Broken down n' dirty dressed in rags ...


                  • Junyore Grades
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 151

                    Originally posted by Eyes
                    Only if you become my next drummer dogg!
                    Drunk edit ...
                    Hmmmm? Bludgeoned to death by drumstick?? It could work!

                    Last edited by Junyore Grades; 02-04-2004, 01:49 PM.


                    • Mr Walker
                      Crazy Ass Mofo
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 2536

                      This is an awesome thread.
                      Well done.
                      I'm very impressed!!!
                      Thanks Igo!


                      • Mr Walker
                        Crazy Ass Mofo
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 2536

                        Do you have anything on any gruesome female serial killers?


                        • Elitest

                          btw Igo Peter Sutcliffe was actually caught here in my home town.....and the police interviewed him 9 times and still didnt realise it was him....


                          • Igosplut
                            ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                            • Jan 2004
                            • 2794

                            Thanks Mr Walker, But like I said at the begining of the thread I'm just going around to about five different sites stealing this stuff. Changing it around a little, but Its not me doing all the work, thats for sure. But dont we LOVE requests here at the DLR Army serial killer thread.. Yes sir, There seems to be a deranged personality for everyone....Like they said in Blazing saddles "We're all equal here at the hanging house".......

                            Sooooooooooo, let me introduce one of Astrailas best kept secrets...And maybe a distant relative of Panamarks.......

                            Martha Rendall

                            BORN : ??

                            DIED : October 6, 1909

                            VICTIMS : 3

                            This was one twisted bitch. Many have argued, and rightly so, that she is the most sadistic child killer in Australian history. After you've read this story I think you will agree.

                            In 1906 Martha was living with Thomas Morris, a carpenter, and his five kids. I'm not sure if she was a 'nanny' or Mr. Morris's girlfriend, but either way she wasn't too friendly toward the children. Many of their neighbors noticed that since Martha had moved in to the house the children had become much thinner, and many had also witnessed the violent thrashings that she subjected the kids to when they 'acted up'. But since most believed it was none of their business nothing was said against Martha Rendall.

                            In 1907 the children's condition became a little worse. Since they were no longer given a healthy amount of food, they became ill quite easily. One particular complaint was a sore throat. A doctor prescribed 'throat swabs' for two of Mr. Morris's daughters. It would seem that a 'throat swab' is particularly painful as the neighbors reported some rather horrible screams coming from the Morris household.

                            On July 28, 1907, one of the girls, Anne Morris, died. It was officially listed as being due to diphtheria. It seems that the 'throat swaps' did not do it's job.

                            Three months later Olive Morris, another daughter, also died. Once again a doctor pronounced the cause of death as diphtheria. Again, poor Martha's work was in vain as she could not save the child.

                            One year later Arthur Morris, the deceased girls 14 year old brother, joined them. He had been complaining of a sore throat so Martha decided that he need a 'throat swab' to cure this problem (just as it had with his sisters). Those 'throat swabs' must have been bloody painful because he soon stopped complaining about the sore throat and started on about the swabs. From all accounts Martha took great satisfaction from giving the swabs, so much so that she was always ready to give another. But she wouldn't be able to keep giving young Arthur them as he died on October 6, 1908.

                            Not surprisingly the family doctor had become a little suspicious about the demise of the Morris family (ya think?) and ordered an autopsy on young Arthur. Nothing was found out of the ordinary, so death was attributed to that pesky disease, diphtheria.

                            The next Morris kiddy to fall ill to the dreaded sore throat was George Morris. But having watched his siblings all suffer at the hands of Martha Rendall, or "Mother" as he was supposed to call her, he ran away from home. A right good decision one would think. So police started to look for the young run away. During their investigation they spoke to neighbors of the Morris family, many of whom were ready to talk.

                            It seems as though there were one of two interesting tales told to police during these chats with the neighbors. Enough for police to suspect that maybe the three deaths were a little more than suspicious.

                            The bodies were exhumed and intensely checked over. The findings were very interesting.

                            The children had not had their throats swabbed with any kind of medicine prescribed from a doctor, they had actually been swabbed with hydrochloric acid. I'm guessing that most of you know what that means, but for those that don't, well it's pretty hard to see how there could be any other reason that the kids died. It could also be the reason the friggin' throat swabs hurt so much.

                            It came out that Martha had been lacing the children's drinks with the acid. This caused the sore throat. Once the kids complained of the sore throat she would pour more acid down their throats, and performed the now well known 'throat swabs' with more acid. She was able to continue killing as the mucous membrane of the throat tends to swell with acid, just as it does with diphtheria.

                            Police charged both Martha and Thomas Morris with the murders of the three Morris children, but at the court case Thomas Morris was cleared of all wrong doing. Martha Rendall wasn't so lucky. She was found guilty and sentenced to death.

                            On October 6, 1909, Martha Rendall became the last woman to be hung in Western Australia.

                            And another serial killer quote of the week....

                            "I really screwed up this time."
                            JEFFREY DAHMER

                            Stay tuned kids, Lots more to come......
                            Last edited by Igosplut; 02-04-2004, 07:28 PM.
                            Chainsaw Muthuafucka


                            • Hecubus
                              Foot Soldier
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 575




                              Pretty good thread. Keep it rollin' dude.
                              "Honey, my shirt got itself torn up. My shirt tore itself on that stripper's hand, and I need it to be sewed up for the show."
                              "No problem, Dave, no problem. Say hello to Fluffy."
                              "Fuck you, Fluffy."
                              "No, no, you're going to upset Fluffy."
                              "I ain't saying hello to no stuffed bear."
                              "You know, now that I think about it, it's going to take a little longer to sew up that shirt than I was thinking."
                              "Hi Fluffy, how you been?"
                              "Now that I'm thinking of it even more, it's going to take half the time, Double D, Diamond Dave! Would you hold Fluffy?"
                              "N--- yeah."


                              • DLR7884

                                • Jan 2004
                                • 5895

                                Originally posted by Igosplut
                                Your not thanked...

                                I'd rather it die on its own than have you think that the only reason its still here is you..

                                Run along now, and stop being such an attention whore.
                                Eat my ass, and enjoy it.

                                Originally Posted by WARF:
                                DLR7884 - This guy is one bad ass sonafabitch... I've seen him destroy peoples posting careers in a single sentence.

