The weekly serial killer profile thread

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  • Igosplut

    • Jan 2004
    • 2794

    The weekly serial killer profile thread

    WHY? WHY not???

    A new one each week. We're gonna start out with the less-popular, more prolific killers. Hell anybody can do a search for Bundy, or Gacy, but what about all the other less recognized psychopaths out there? Dont they deserve recognition too?? And of course I'm just stealin this shit so dont blame me if somethings wrong.....

    Got any favorites? I'll take requests.....Now on to the slaughter........

    This ones for Elvis..........

    Jake Bird
    BORN : December 14, 1901

    DIED : July 15, 1949

    VICTIMS : 40+

    Jake Bird was born "somewhere out in Louisiana where there ain't no post office." He lived in this place until he was 19 when he seemed to decide that he might like to try a town with a post office. Over the following years of his life he never really settled down anywhere for long. he worked as everything from a manual laborer to a "gandy dancer" on railroads. it was this type of work that built Jake's strength, and also allowed him to keep moving from town to town, always finding something to do for money.

    Birds travels ended on October 30, 1947, when he was arrested in Tacoma, Washington. It seems Jake was passing through a street when he decided to have a little fun. He chose the house of Bertha Kludt, 52. Also in the house was her teenage daughter, Beverly. Well Jake went around the back of the house and found an ax. He then stripped off all his clothes and took the ax with him into the house. I guess that poor Mrs. Kludt and her daughter were a little surprised by a naked black man running through there house swinging an ax, and the showed there fear by screaming, which alerted neighbors who called police. The police though were not quick enough as by the time they had arrived at the scene Jake had bludgeoned both the Kludt ladies to death with the ax. As they walked through the house they spotted Bird walking in the back yard carrying his shoes. When he seen the police officers he came charging at the cops with a knife. He managed to slash two of them but was overpowered and was beaten into unconsciousness. He spent the next few days in hospital.

    When he was ready to speak Bird denied the charges. But his stance soon changed when it came out that police had found brain tissue in his trousers, and it would be hard to explain how that got there, so he admitted to the crime. Being a black man accused of killing whites didn't really help his cause much and Bird was sentence to die. It would seem that Jake wasn't ready to go just yet though. He made a few deals and somehow ended up putting the execution back two years, during which time he told of his many crimes throughout his life.

    From these stories it became fair to assume that Bird was involved in at least 44 murders. Well he at least showed enough knowledge to be consider prime suspect in that many murders. Of these 44 only eleven were proven beyond doubt. Bird had certainly gotten around over the years, he had committed a murder in Illinois, Kentucky, Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota, Ohio, Florida and Wisconsin. In addition to the 44 murders police believed he was involved in many more but these could be just written off as cops trying to clean up there books of unsolved murders (like with Henry Lee Lucas).

    It seems that Bird like one particular type of victim - white women. He particularly like white women cowering in fear of him. Most were killed with an ax or hatchet also.

    Jake Birds luck, and confessions, ran out on July 15, 1949. He was hung at Walla Walla in Washington State. (or should that be "he was put to death by hanging")

    An Interesting Bit:
    While in prison it was reported that jake Bird put a few 'Hexes' on fellow prisoners. A local paper printed stories on these Hexes being very feared by prisoners as a few of those Bird cursed ended up dying. Obviously this is all bullshit, but it is kind of interesting.

    Next week: Eugene Butler!!!!
    Chainsaw Muthuafucka
  • Elitest

    Great idea Igo...I'm gonna sticky this !


    • Igosplut

      • Jan 2004
      • 2794

      Thank you Eiltest, at least SOMEBODY gets it!!!!!!

      Time to bump this up a bit, Lets see if we can get some traffic, shall we??

      This weeks (early) main attraction........Eugene Butler - An early influence for Gacy perhaps? This old bastard had them all fooled.

      BORN : ??

      DIED : 1913

      VICTIMS : 6

      Eugene Butler was known to be a bit of a nutcase. In fact he spent the last seven years of his life in an asylum.

      He had lived almost all of his life outside of Niagara, North Dakota. He was known as being a recluse, and was also very paranoid. He spent quite a bit of his time avoiding people, with the only one's he spoke to being young men he hired as farm hands.

      When Butler died in the local nuthouse no one really suspected him of anything except of being a bit weird, but two years after his death a little suprise was to be had by all.

      During a routine excavation of the late Butler's house a hidden trapdoor was found to open to the ground beneath the floor. Upon a small amount of digging a couple of bones were found, then a skull. The local cops were called.

      Over the next few days six complete skeletons were uncovered from the ground beneath Butler's floorboards. The coroner said they had all been males, between the ages of 15-18. As no one knew of anyone that age who had gone missing the bodies went unidentified. They remain so.

      All had been killed by crushing blows to the backs of the head. As there were no living witnesses, and Butler himself was dead, it was theorized that he had thought the farm hands were planning to rob him, so he decided to strike first. Those who had contact with Butler had heard him talk about such fantasies before, so it was decided that was the motive.

      It would seem though that Butler may have been an early 1900's Gacy, Nilsen or Corll, but as the local law enforcement knew little of sex crimes they didn't think about this as a more logical motive.

      The crimes sound quite similar to our modern day gay killers, and if the real motive was sex, then Butler deserves to be recognized as being a pre cursor to the Gacy's of this world. I see Butler as being like an old guy in Deliverance.

      And THIS weekend kiddies, a special treat..........

      Gobindra Singh - A serial killing Elephant. If this ain't wacky I don't know what the fuck is.

      STAY TUNED!!!!!!!
      Chainsaw Muthuafucka


      • twonabomber
        formerly F A T

        • Jan 2004
        • 11197

        Butler's the man. he got away with it.
        Writing In All Proper Case Takes Extra Time, Is Confusing To Read, And Is Completely Pointless.


        • alexpgrimes
          Foot Soldier
          • Jan 2004
          • 731

          What about the Catholic Church??? They have been killing people in large numbers for centuries.
          If I want any shit out of you, I'll squeeze your head.


          • Igosplut

            • Jan 2004
            • 2794

            Originally posted by alexpgrimes
            What about the Catholic Church??? They have been killing people in large numbers for centuries.
            Do I smell REQUEST here Alexpgrimes?????

            The religion angle turns you on, Huh???? KINKY.........

            Okie dokie, We aims to please here at IGOs serial killer thread. So may I introduce........

            KLAUS GOSSMAN

            A popular German killer of the 60's. Even if he did want to be a preist.

            BORN : 1941

            DIED : may still be alive

            VICTIMS : 7

            Born is Germany , Klaus Gossman began life by seeing his father murdered by the U.S. army at the end of World War Two. Not surprisingly he went on to lead a pretty violent life. According to those that knew his he was obsessed by violence.

            At nineteen he decided on a career path - "Death's Agent."

            He went on to be known as the "Midday Murderer" because his murders all occurred at midday. The reason for this wasn't anything mystical or ritualistic - it was because the church bells that rang each day in his hometown of Nuremberg were so loud that they covered the gunshots that ended his victims lives.

            Gossman was studying theology in 1960 when he began his new career in murder. He had planned the first one carefully. He left the library where he had been studying just in time for the bells. As soon as they began to chime - he pulled out his gun and shot two people dead. As soon as the bells stopped he returned to the library to complete his studying. He also took out his diary where he recorded the murders. He also wrote about his strong desire to become a priest.

            This double murder seemed to satisfy Gossmans blood lust for some time - but the urge came back. In 1962 he robbed a bank (you won't be surprised to know that the robbery took place at midday). During this robbery Gossman got carried away and killed the banks director.

            The bank robbery had worked brilliantly, so Gossman decide to do it again a few months later. He again got away with the money, and again shot and killed a man. The robbery happened at midday.

            On March 29, 1963, Gossman decided Banks were getting boring. He robbed a gun shop instead. This time he killed two people - the elderly owner and her 29 year old son.

            Gossman took the rest of the year off, and then decided that maybe it was time that he killed for his country, not just himself, so he joined the army.

            Obviously Army life wasn't quite what he expected as he deserted just four months later.

            Not long after his desertion he killed again. He tried to snatch a bag in a Nuremberg department store, but when the victim decided that he wasn't getting it without a fight he pulled out his gun and shot her. Gossman had no where to run following this crime and was arrested at the scene.

            When police made a search of his stuff they found his diary that had accounts of all his murders. It also had a long plan written about how Gossman was going to abduct German actress Elke Sommer. He had also scratched her name into the barrel of the gun. One would think that she would have been rather happy when she learned of his arrest.

            He was tried for the murders, and as the police had a huge amount of evidence against him, he was convicted. As far as I know he is still serving out his life sentence.......
            Chainsaw Muthuafucka


            • alexpgrimes
              Foot Soldier
              • Jan 2004
              • 731

              I was talking in generalities but this is ok
              If I want any shit out of you, I'll squeeze your head.


              • Igosplut
                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                • Jan 2004
                • 2794

                Glad to hear it.....

                Now as promised without further adue we have.........

                Gobindra Singh!

                A serial killer elephant you say IGO??? How is this possible??

                Read on doubt'ers!!!!

                BORN : ??
                DIED : December 27, 1998

                VICTIMS : 19

                Well this one is a wonderful, yet very sad tale of an animal fighting back against the abuse from it's human tormentors. For those who never heard about this case I will fill you in a little on this hero of animal kind.

                Gobindra Singh was a bull elephant. He was a very pissed off elephant actually. As we all know millions of Gobindra Singh's relatives have been killed by us bastards. So Gobindra decided to fight back. And before this shitty race of ours added him to it's list of victims, he struck. And he struck. And he struck.

                The story of Gobindra Singh took place in India where it is illegal to hunt elephants these days (although that doesn't stop anyone from the act). So because of this law Gobindra was able to repeatedly get away with his actions. And what exactly were his actions?

                Well Gobindra Singh (I don't know who named him, or what the name means) was living in an area where the land was quickly being overtaken by humans. And this really pissed him off. So he decided to take his land back.

                Over a one and a half year period Gobindra Singh trampled at least 19 people to death. He also destroyed countless crops and smashed over 150 huts. From all accounts the Indians were asking for it. They were moving into HIS backyard, killing HIS family, cutting down HIS food. And if some cunt was building a house in my backyard, killing my family and eating all my food, well I'd do more than trample them, and I'm sure most of you would too. You could say that Gobindra Singh was acting purely in self defense.

                Okay, now we go to the demise of poor Gobindra.

                For an elephant to be legally murdered in India he/she must be declared a "rouge". Since all of Gobindra's victims were poor villagers and the like he was able to get away with it for the first 18 killings, but with his last attack he chose someone of a higher standing in the community. You see, the government knew about Gobindra's murder spree so they sent a veterinarian out to the Tinsukhia district to check out what was wrong with him. So this vet hunter our hero down and shoots him, admittedly with a tranquilizer but poor Gobindra wasn't to know that was he?

                So when poor Gobindra woke up he was being assaulted by this vet in ways that we all would find to be totally humiliating (a thermometer up the ass is not my idea of fun anyway). So Gobindra acted in the only way he could, he rolled over on top of his assailant to stop the vicious assault, and accidentally killed the vet. For the government this was what they were waiting for. They quickly declared Gobindra Singh a "rouge" and he was hunted down by three armed bounty hunters and viciously slaughtered.

                I think that this final act by man sums up poor Gobindra Singh's life, and says an awful lot about who the real criminal is in this story.

                A poor defenseless animal versus three hired assassins, not really a fair fight is it?

                What can one possibly say to add to this case?
                Good one Gobindra Singh, I hope that other animals can learn from your example and stop taking shit from us humans that try to enslave you........

                Next stop: An old perennial favorite that besides slaughtering people, liked to stick needles in his groin for fun (pics too!!!)

                Stay tuned!!!!!!!
                Last edited by Igosplut; 01-31-2004, 09:16 AM.
                Chainsaw Muthuafucka


                • Elitest

                  Thats amazing Igo.....

                  now who is that Wisconsin killer they are always on about it ED GEEN or something like that..?


                  • Igosplut
                    ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                    • Jan 2004
                    • 2794

                    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh yes....Little Eddie Gein....from plainfield Wisconsin...

                    The inspiration for psycho, The Texas Chainsaw massacre, Silence of the lambs, and I'm sure others...

                    You know, He had a belt adorned with nipples.....And a basket full of salted vulvas...among other special things.

                    Sure you want to hear more???

                    Since this is a special request, It will take a few days to work up.. But for you got it..
                    Chainsaw Muthuafucka


                    • DLR7884

                      • Jan 2004
                      • 5895

                      This is a fucking stupid thread.

                      Why is it "stickied" to the top of the forum?

                      I guess I'll just continue to ignore it.

                      You two enjoy yourselves.
                      Originally Posted by WARF:
                      DLR7884 - This guy is one bad ass sonafabitch... I've seen him destroy peoples posting careers in a single sentence.


                      • Eyes of the Night
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 1993

                        Nah, Igo is cool and Elite is british ... I get the humor a bit though ... as users we shouldn't judge a moderators action by means of the sticky ...

                        But I'll go out on a limb as a user and say this ain't stick worthy ...

                        Broken down n' dirty dressed in rags ...


                        • Igosplut
                          ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                          • Jan 2004
                          • 2794

                          Originally posted by DLR7884
                          This is a fucking stupid thread.
                          As opposed to some of the others here?

                          Why is it "stickied" to the top of the forum?
                          Its stickied because I asked. Its at the top from the replys

                          I guess I'll just continue to ignore it.
                          That would solve your problem now wouldnt it.....

                          You two enjoy yourselves.
                          All I have to do is figure out how to get Elitest to my house and that wont be a problem!!
                          Chainsaw Muthuafucka


                          • DLR7884

                            • Jan 2004
                            • 5895

                            What a waste of the sticky power

                            I'm not trying to be a dick, just letting you all know that nobody but you two care about this thread.

                            Abuse of power sucks.
                            Originally Posted by WARF:
                            DLR7884 - This guy is one bad ass sonafabitch... I've seen him destroy peoples posting careers in a single sentence.


                            • Elitest

                              Oh stop behaving like a spoiled little will find there are more people than just Igo and I read this.....

                              y'know Dave used to like you.......even though you stood me up at Bristow 2002 and went off fingering chicks instead...

                              but if you think I give a flying fart whether or not YOU like it that this thread is stickied you are sadly mistaken....if we get no more replies from others in a week or so then probably it might become unstickied..but as it is a weekly thread principally it needs to be kept at the top so weekly viewers can keep up....not everyone lives in here all the time....

