The Sheep Pen

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  • bueno bob
    • Jul 2004
    • 22951

    So he's a Hagar family relative, I take it?

    Seems to have picked up the genetic code.
    Twistin' by the pool.


    • MAX
      Rotharmy Gladiator

      • Jan 2004
      • 13001

      Let's give Bob a shot!!!!

      Lord knows I've been a snoozer in here lately with all of the other crap going on in Main?


      EAT US AND SMILE!!!!


      • Bill Lumbergh

        • Mar 2004
        • 5472

        scuuba-official sheep pen bio

        Favorite Song- "Mandy" (Barry Manilow)

        Favorite Guitarist- "Any Reo Speedwagon guitarists past or present"(when asked "why not Ed Van Halen?" his response was "Ed play's guitar?! I was waiting for the Who's your favorite keyboard player question!")

        Favorite Hangout- "The men's room at any truck stop........"

        Most prized possesions- "My VOA 8-track, Alex Van Halen used neck brace from the VH3 tour, and my collection of photo's from when I stalked Alice from the Brady Bunch in 1986"

        Favorite Sheep Pen Admin- "That would have to be Lou.........he's never around, so he doesnt have the chance to kick my ass like the others "

        Holy fuck, that was informative..........rikk, where's the shotgun?!


        • bueno bob
          • Jul 2004
          • 22951

          Originally posted by MAX
          Let's give Bob a shot!!!!

          Lord knows I've been a snoozer in here lately with all of the other crap going on in Main?


          Well, tell ya what:

          You guys hash it out and let me know...never been a Mod of anything before, so I'll require some "education" on the responsibilities if you choose to go that route.

          I'm up for the challenge, though!

          I love the sheep!

          PM me or whatever, cool?
          Twistin' by the pool.


          • Rikk
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Jan 2004
            • 16518

            Originally posted by Bill Lumbergh
            Here Bob, just so you know who to's scuuba on a typical Sunday afternoon............nice to see his little brother's are of dating age now! "GIT THE MOONSHINE!!!!!!!!!!! I LUVS ME SOME INCEST!!!!!!!!!"
            Ah, having Bill and Bob at the Pen is awesome. It's like having Sean Connery and Andy Garcia leading your Untouchables into battle...
            Roth Army Militia

            Originally posted by WARF
            Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


            • Rikk
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Jan 2004
              • 16518

              * * * * * SHEEP PEN ANNOUNCEMENT * * * * *

              Okay, boys and girls. I'm proud to announce that we have a new Administrator to add to our SHEEP PEN staff. Yes, newbie BUENO BOB is now officially a member of our SHEEP PEN enforcement squad. Welcome aboard, Bob! We're going to need your help because there's been an awful lot of baa-ing drowning out good conversation in these-here parts. So, load up your shotgun and get killing...

              The Sheep Pen Administration staff have basically one task: kick the shit out of sheep. Basically, when you're posting, keep an eye out for sheep. If you see any newcomers (or oldcomers) starting threads or making posts that either compliment Sammy and the current band OR diss Dave, attack said poster. Tear that poster a new asshole, and try to make it humorous. Be vile, be insulting and be hilarious. It's actually quite easy.

              Picture attachments are encouraged (though not required). It is sometimes fun to even just respond to a stupid post with a picture of a sheep taking a shit. Simple, huh?

              Even more important: most Fridays we induct another sheep to be SHEEP OF THE WEEK. After any such induction, it's great to have the Administrators concentrate on said sheep during that week, throwing in various insults in the Sheep Pen and posting pictures.

              It's actually quite fun. The SHEEP PEN has become very noticed and is read by posters from all the VH sites. It's become very popular!!

              We've made a habit of keeping an eye out for good enforcement, and we've been happy with your style for a little while. So, I think having you join as one of our Administrators is a good idea.

              Thus, the staff of the SHEEP PEN will now be:
              RIKK, MAX, BILL, LOU and now you, BOB.

              Congratulations! Great to have you aboard!

              That is all.
              Roth Army Militia

              Originally posted by WARF
              Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


              • Bill Lumbergh

                • Mar 2004
                • 5472

                Damn, Bob's already cleaning house! I told you this guy would get it done!


                • MAX
                  Rotharmy Gladiator

                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 13001

                  Welcome aboard Bob!!!!

                  It will be stellar to have a newer person around who is a lot less biased than people like myself. Have fun man! You are a stellar poster and it's great having you here.

                  Now, on to other things. Guys, I'm going to take a much needed break from The Pen. That "other" thread has literally drained me. I just want to kick back, relax and get back to business. I just need a bit of a break. I hope you guys understand (Max is a fucking pussy!!!! lol!!!) and let me just chill for a bit?

                  Thanks Fuckers!!!
                  EAT US AND SMILE!!!!


                  • Bill Lumbergh

                    • Mar 2004
                    • 5472

                    "Max and I are taking a much needed break away from it all........thanks for your understanding and FAITH."


                    • MAX
                      Rotharmy Gladiator

                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 13001


                      How did you guess? LOL!!!

                      He has a great ass dude!!!!
                      EAT US AND SMILE!!!!


                      • bueno bob
                        DIAMOND STATUS
                        • Jul 2004
                        • 22951

                        Originally posted by Rikk
                        * * * * * SHEEP PEN ANNOUNCEMENT * * * * *

                        Okay, boys and girls. I'm proud to announce that we have a new Administrator to add to our SHEEP PEN staff. Yes, newbie BUENO BOB is now officially a member of our SHEEP PEN enforcement squad. Welcome aboard, Bob! We're going to need your help because there's been an awful lot of baa-ing drowning out good conversation in these-here parts. So, load up your shotgun and get killing...

                        The Sheep Pen Administration staff have basically one task: kick the shit out of sheep. Basically, when you're posting, keep an eye out for sheep. If you see any newcomers (or oldcomers) starting threads or making posts that either compliment Sammy and the current band OR diss Dave, attack said poster. Tear that poster a new asshole, and try to make it humorous. Be vile, be insulting and be hilarious. It's actually quite easy.

                        Picture attachments are encouraged (though not required). It is sometimes fun to even just respond to a stupid post with a picture of a sheep taking a shit. Simple, huh?

                        Even more important: most Fridays we induct another sheep to be SHEEP OF THE WEEK. After any such induction, it's great to have the Administrators concentrate on said sheep during that week, throwing in various insults in the Sheep Pen and posting pictures.

                        It's actually quite fun. The SHEEP PEN has become very noticed and is read by posters from all the VH sites. It's become very popular!!

                        We've made a habit of keeping an eye out for good enforcement, and we've been happy with your style for a little while. So, I think having you join as one of our Administrators is a good idea.

                        Thus, the staff of the SHEEP PEN will now be:
                        RIKK, MAX, BILL, LOU and now you, BOB.

                        Congratulations! Great to have you aboard!

                        That is all.
                        That you, Rikk, for this wonderful opportunity!

                        And they shall know my wrath!

                        Let the ass-kicking commence...
                        Twistin' by the pool.


                        • Rikk
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 16518

                          * * * * * SHEEP PEN ANNOUNCEMENT * * * * *

                          It's time that I bring up some rather bad news: MAX's ass has finally been opened up wider than a 2 L can of tomato juice. Yes...a 2 L can. That means he is now open season for George Michael's entire touring band. We here at THE PEN were very distressed to hear this news. But MAX will be taking a break for maybe one week from PEN duties as doctors use a hydraulic press to try to push his ass back together again. (Trust me, it's not a pretty sight.) Good luck, MAX. If you hear I WANT YOUR SEX start playing in the background, put your back against the wall and refuse to turn around!!

                          On to other matters: I see BUENO BOB is already doing some excellent work. Of this I am proud. Talk about an amazing choice for enforcement. And the PEN can always use good enforcement. I can guarantee that Bob will not be the last addition to this here PEN...but right now he's a star! Welcome aboard, Bob!

                          Bill is showing him around as we speak...he's teaching him low to load a gun, how to whip a prisoner and how to properly cook a lambchop in an oven. Bob has been apparently frothing at the mouth in excitement. Maybe it's because he personally hates our new SHEEP OF THE WEEK...

                          Yes, the SHEEP OF THE WEEK. I've received a few PM's about this. "Where is the fucking sheep of the week, you cocksucker?" one PM said. And to that PM, I answer: FUCK YOU. IF I WANT TO MAKE YOUR MOTHER SOTW, I SHALL. HELL, IT COULD BE THE SHEEP OF CANADIAN THANKSGIVING.

                          (Yes, that's right. It's Thanksgiving up here in Canada. I'm going to have a nice Torontonian Thanksgiving with my loved ones...and I hope friends GUWAPO and other great Canadians do the same! Needless to say, we'll be having legs of lamb while listening to the classic I NEVER SAY GOODBYE in the background.)

                          Ah yes, the SHEEP OF THE WEEK. Who's it gonna be, Bob? Well, I think Bob actually practically chose this for us. But it was inevitable. Last week, we chose Scubaa's Cuban lover TONGUE-IN-ASS for SHEEP OF THE WEEK. And his reign has been extra long. I've even gone over to the Links to torture him a little bit (and said a quick hello to a few good friends over there, as well as making sure I wished Dave a Happy Birthday). But TONGUE-IN-ASS is slowly going back into obscurity-land (partly thanks to the PEN). And it's time his lover and best friend SCUBAA (yes, the man who can't spell his favorite water activities) goes in...because he is extra annoying.

                          Now, SCUBAA was actually inducted as a sheep LAST Friday (the Friday before the one we just passed). And I made a great list of some of his quotes, proving to this-here Army what a cocksucker he is. But I will post those quotes again for your reading pleasure (keep an eye out for this sorry sack of shit, people). Here are some old quotes:

                          SCUBAA: "Still think DLR is a an ass and self centered just to remind you there oh young one."

                          SCUBAA: "Sams music has a deep meaning."

                          SCUBAA: "Thanks for the great entertainment you are almost as funny as a DLR show, god take a listen to the absolute crap House of Blues show from Chicago ..sad i mean sad."

                          SCUBAA: "My kids can do better retire dlr while you still have well maybe have some self respect!"

                          WOW, huh? Aren't you so glad he's posting here! I know I am! YIPPEE!!! A true fan.

                          Why Monday, some of you ask? I'll tell you why. Because I was busier Friday than I am on this Canadian holiday. Consider this the Canadian Thanksgiving Edition of the SHEEP OF THE WEEK induction. And to close this off, I'll leave the final explanation for our induction to our newest member of the SHEEP PEN Administration Staff, Bueno Bob. Take it away, Bob:

                          "Listen up, sheep-shit!

                          The time has come for some "re-education"!

                          In case you haven't noticed it, numbnuts, you're in the minority around here. In case you haven't noticed it, YOU'RE at a DLR website. In case your sheepish brain hasn't grasped the concept of that just yet, that means you are in OUR PLAYGROUND.

                          This means that you're here for one of two reasons:

                          A) You're stupid, and have strayed from the links and can't seem to find your way back; or -

                          B) You're stupid, and have come here with the sole intention of stirring up shit and being a general, all around cock knocker.

                          Your Faggot Rock Ched-Head insolence and belligerance will not be tolerated any further. I have kept you below my radar for some time now, allowing the gravity and the weight of the site to work on you from afar, but I see now that I have been erroneous to do so! It is time for the assault on your feeble intellect to begin in totality!

                          You will be educated.

                          You will come out brand new.

                          You will sing the praises of Roth (both Van Halen and solo) and condemn the blasphemous musical excrement of all things Sammy Hagar.

                          You, sir, are a Sheep, and as one, you deserve my full attention.

                          Your heroes have failed. Their tour is performing FAR below any and all reasonable expectations. Best of Both Worlds, a Reunion Album and the first new material from Van Halen in six years, has been outsold by it's studio album predecessor.

                          Edward has been inconsistant and unstable. Sammy has made more of an ass of himself during this tour than over the last three combined (which is saying a lot). Mike is still fat and doing ridiculous bass solos. Alex has come across to the public as the defacto leader of this flock of shitheads, and NOBODY BUT YOU CARES.

                          This is all you have left, now.

                          Your constant plugging of these threads with your inane banter and non-points remind me of a spell of diarreah I had some weeks ago. But, like all things, that passed. As will your erroneous outlook on Van Halen and Roth. As will your love affair with your mother.

                          You have nothing positive to contribute to this site, and as a result, your name is now number one on my "re-education" list.

                          Are you ready, sheep?

                          This is just the beginning."

                          LOL!!! Great stuff!

                          Welcome, SCUBAA. Now leave your cheese in the corner and please remove any Sammy Hagar memorabilia on the table...except please throw that fucking Cabo Wabo teqila into this-here trash can. We drink whiskey at the Pen.
                          Roth Army Militia

                          Originally posted by WARF
                          Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                          • Sarge's Little Helper
                            • Mar 2003
                            • 1322

                            * * * * * SHEEP PEN ANNOUNCEMENT * * * * *

                            It's time that I bring up some rather bad news: MAX's ass has finally been opened up wider than a 2 L can of tomato juice. Yes...a 1 2 can. That means he is now open season for George Michael's entire touring band. We here at THE PEN were very distressed to hear this news. But MAX will be taking a break for maybe one week from PEN duties as doctors use a hydraulic press to try to push his ass back together again. (Trust me, it's not a pretty sight.) Good luck, MAX. If you hear I WANT YOUR SEX start playing in the background, put your back against the wall and refuse to turn around!!

                            On to other matters: I see BUENO BOB is already doing some excellent work. Of this I am proud. Talk about an amazing choice for enforcement. And the PEN can always use good enforcement. I can guarantee that Bob will not be the last addition to this here PEN...but right now he's a star! Welcome aboard, Bob!

                            Bill is showing him around right now...he's teaching him low to load a gun, how to whip a prisoner and how to properly cook a lambchop in an oven. Bob has been apparently frothing at the mouth in excitement. Maybe it's because he personally hates our new SHEEP OF THE WEEK...

                            Yes, the SHEEP OF THE WEEK. I've received a few PM's about this. "Where is the fucking sheep of the week, you cocksucker?" one PM said. And to that PM, I answer: FUCK YOU. IF I WANT TO MAKE YOUR MOTHER SOTW, I SHALL. HELL, IT COULD BE THE SHEEP OF CANADIAN THANKSGIVING.

                            (Yes, that's right. It's Thanksgiving up here in Canada. I'm going to have a nice Torontonian Thanksgiving with my loved ones...and I hope friends GUWAPO and other great Canadians do the same! Needless to say, we'll be having legs of lamb while listening to the classic I NEVER SAY GOODBYE in the background.)

                            Ah yes, the SHEEP OF THE WEEK. Who's it gonna be, Bob? Well, I think Bob actually practically chose this for us. But it was inevitable. Last week, we chose Scubaa's Cuban lover TONGUE-IN-ASS for SHEEP OF THE WEEK. And his reign has been extra long. I've even gone over to the Links to torture him a little bit (and said a quick hello to a few good friends over there, as well as making sure I wished Dave a Happy Birthday). But TONGUE-IN-ASS is slowly going back into obscurity-land (partly thanks to the PEN). And it's time his lover and best friend SCUBAA (yes, the man who can't spell his favorite water activities) goes in...because he is extra annoying.

                            Now, SCUBAA was actually inducted as a sheep LAST Friday (the Friday before the one we just passed). And I made a great list of some of his quotes, proving to this-here Army what a cocksucker he is. But I will post those quotes again for your reading pleasure (keep an eye out for this sorry sack of shit, people). Here are some old quotes:

                            SCUBAA: "Still think DLR is a an ass and self centered just to remind you there oh young one."

                            SCUBAA: "Sams music has a deep meaning."

                            SCUBAA: "Thanks for the great entertainment you are almost as funny as a DLR show, god take a listen to the absolute crap House of Blues show from Chicago ..sad i mean sad."

                            SCUBAA: "My kids can do better retire dlr while you still have well maybe have some self respect!"

                            WOW, huh? Aren't you so glad he's posting here! I know I am! YIPPEE!!! A true fan.

                            Why Monday, some of you ask? I'll tell you why. Because I was busier Friday than I am on this Canadian holiday. Consider this the Canadian Thanksgiving Edition of the SHEEP OF THE WEEK induction. And to close this off, I'll leave the final explanation for our induction to our newest member of the SHEEP PEN Administration Staff, Bueno Bob. Take it away, Bob:

                            "Listen up, sheep-shit!

                            The time has come for some "re-education"!

                            In case you haven't noticed it, numbnuts, you're in the minority around here. In case you haven't noticed it, YOU'RE at a DLR website. In case your sheepish brain hasn't grasped the concept of that just yet, that means you are in OUR PLAYGROUND.

                            This means that you're here for one of two reasons:

                            A) You're stupid, and have strayed from the links and can't seem to find your way back; or -

                            B) You're stupid, and have come here with the sole intention of stirring up shit and being a general, all around cock knocker.

                            Your Faggot Rock Ched-Head insolence and belligerance will not be tolerated any further. I have kept you below my radar for some time now, allowing the gravity and the weight of the site to work on you from afar, but I see now that I have been erroneous to do so! It is time for the assault on your feeble intellect to begin in totality!

                            You will be educated.

                            You will come out brand new.

                            You will sing the praises of Roth (both Van Halen and solo) and condemn the blasphemous musical excrement of all things Sammy Hagar.

                            You, sir, are a Sheep, and as one, you deserve my full attention.

                            Your heroes have failed. Their tour is performing FAR below any and all reasonable expectations. Best of Both Worlds, a Reunion Album and the first new material from Van Halen in six years, has been outsold by it's studio album predecessor.

                            Edward has been inconsistant and unstable. Sammy has made more of an ass of himself during this tour than over the last three combined (which is saying a lot). Mike is still fat and doing ridiculous bass solos. Alex has come across to the public as the defacto leader of this flock of shitheads, and NOBODY BUT YOU CARES.

                            This is all you have left, now.

                            Your constant plugging of these threads with your inane banter and non-points remind me of a spell of diarreah I had some weeks ago. But, like all things, that passed. As will your erroneous outlook on Van Halen and Roth. As will your love affair with your mother.

                            You have nothing positive to contribute to this site, and as a result, your name is now number one on my "re-education" list.

                            Are you ready, sheep?

                            This is just the beginning."

                            LOL!!! Great stuff!

                            Welcome, SCUBAA. Now leave your cheese in the corner and please remove any Sammy Hagar memorabilia on the table...except please throw that fucking Cabo Wabo teqila into this-here trash can. We drink whiskey at the Pen.
                            Oops. I wasn't paying attention. Tell me again what is going on.
                            "I decided to name my new band DLR because when you say David Lee Roth people think of an individual, but when you say DLR you think of a band. Its just like when you say Edward Van Halen, people think of an individual, but when you say Van Halen, you think of…David Lee Roth, baby!"!


                            • Bill Lumbergh

                              • Mar 2004
                              • 5472

                              "Hey Scubaa, awesome job man.........sheep of the week, huh? Do me proud man........actually just do me! HELLOOO BABBYYYYY"


                              • bueno bob
                                DIAMOND STATUS
                                • Jul 2004
                                • 22951

                                Originally posted by Bill Lumbergh
                                "Hey Scubaa, awesome job man.........sheep of the week, huh? Do me proud man........actually just do me! HELLOOO BABBYYYYY"
                                They shortly thereafter "retired" for the evening...but it was just a "friends" thing! Honest!

                                Where is my little sheep, anyway?

                                Time to go lookin'...
                                Twistin' by the pool.

