The Decline of the Dollar

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  • Nickdfresh

    • Oct 2004
    • 49219

    The Decline of the Dollar

    November 14, 2004

    Dollar's Decline Is Reverberating
    If foreign investors look elsewhere, interest rates could climb and living standards could fall.

    By David Streitfeld, Times Staff Writer

    During a routine sale of U.S. Treasury bonds in early September, one of the essential pillars holding up the economy suddenly disappeared.

    Foreigners have been regularly buying nearly half of all debt issued by the U.S. government. On Sept. 9, for the first time that anyone could remember, they stayed home.

    "Thoughts of panic flickered out there," said Sadakichi Robbins, head of global fixed-income trading at Bank Julius Baer.

    The foreigners returned in force at the next Treasury auction, and Sept. 9 was quickly dismissed as an aberration.

    But the episode demonstrated how much the U.S. economy is dependent on other countries to bankroll its free-spending ways. That fragility is becoming even more precarious because of recent declines in the U.S. dollar to multiyear lows, some economists say.

    Amid worries about bulging U.S. budget and trade deficits, the greenback dropped last week to a record low against the 5-year-old euro, a 12-year low against the Canadian dollar and a nine-year low against an index of major currencies. Many analysts don't see anything that will stop the decline.

    A cheaper dollar reduces the value of American securities, making them less attractive to foreign investors. That could eventually precipitate what Robbins called "the doomsday scenario" — Japan and China not only refusing to buy U.S. bonds, but selling some of their $1.3 trillion in reserves.

    The only way Uncle Sam could then find new customers for its IOUs would be by raising interest rates. And although higher rates are good for savers, they would be disastrous for a country weaned on cheap credit.

    "Sometime soon, the falling dollar is going to show up in rising inflation, rising interest rates and a falling standard of living," said Harry Chernoff, an economist with Pathfinder Capital Advisors. "The housing and mortgage markets, which benefited the most from declining interest rates over the past few years, are likely to feel the most pain."

    Not everyone agrees that suffering is imminent. The National Assn. of Manufacturers calls the dollar doomsayers "all but hysterical." Manufacturers and produce growers like a cheap dollar because it makes their products more affordable in foreign markets.

    Even some foreigners like the low dollar. China has pegged its currency to the dollar. A weak greenback means a weak yuan, making Chinese goods cheaper in foreign markets and fueling the nation's economic boom.

    To most American consumers, a falling dollar is more an annoyance than cause for alarm. It raises the price of a cup of coffee to outlandish levels during a Paris vacation, and may cause second thoughts about buying a more expensive Volkswagen.

    But a number of economists and academics say there are real reasons for concern. If the dollar falls too far too quickly, they say, those all-important foreign investors will abandon the U.S. in favor of stabler places.

    Indeed, there are signs that such an exodus might have already started.

    In August, the most recent period for which there's data, foreign private investors sold $2 billion more in U.S. stocks than they bought, the Treasury said. Meanwhile, they dumped $4 billion more in government bonds than they purchased.

    "A run for the exits could happen any day, that's for sure," said C. Fred Bergsten, author of "Dollar Overvaluation and the World Economy" and director of the Institute for International Economics, a Washington think tank.

    Such a prospect creates a tricky balancing act for policy makers. As long as the dollar devalues in a slow and orderly way, and doesn't trigger panic selling of American securities, Bush administration officials appear to be comfortable with the fall. As they see it, the benefits of boosting the economy through higher exports outweigh the drawbacks.

    The administration approach could work out fine in the short run, economists say. But eventually the slide must stop. Few countries can maintain strong economies with a debased currency.

    Indeed, if a weak currency was the prescription for long-run economic health, countries like Argentina and Mexico — which have suffered massive currency devaluations in the last decade — would be financial titans.

    Ultimately, these economists say, the solution is for the U.S. government to reduce its massive budget deficit. That would curb the need for Uncle Sam to issue so many Treasury notes. And the dollar would rise on its own, because the deficit is the main reason it continues to fall.

    Having China decouple the yuan from the dollar also could help, economists say. It's a step the Bush administration has sought from Beijing, with little progress.

    Under the best scenario, economist Bergsten sees China acceding to American pressure and easing or dropping the yuan-dollar peg by the end of the year.

    Allowing the yuan to float upward would raise the price of Chinese goods in this country and reduce the U.S. trade deficit with the new Asian powerhouse, estimated to be $150 billion this year.

    But if the Chinese resist, the euro will rise even further. It could move up from last week's $1.30 to $2, Bergsten said. Three years ago, it was worth 84 cents.

    That ascent would upset the Europeans, whose exports would suffer and whose economies are already struggling. Central bankers usually speak in measured tones, but European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet was moved last week to call the euro's rise "brutal" and "not welcome."

    Neither the dollar nor the deficits became a hot-button issue during the presidential campaign, for obvious reasons. No politician has ever won an election by telling people their standard of living is going to go down, particularly at a moment when it's so easy to get a loan.

    "The insidious thing about deficits is that they go on as long as the markets allow them to go on," said Maurice Obstfeld, an economics professor at UC Berkeley and author of many works on global capital markets.

    "So people get lulled into the certainty they'll always be able to borrow at low rates, and that this is right and normal and an endorsement of their behavior," he said. "But it has to stop at some point."

    A slump in the dollar also has been providing immediate benefits for some businesses, particularly multinationals but also smaller firms.

    "There's all this scare stuff about the falling dollar, but it's allowing us to compete in the marketplace more effectively," said Stephanie Harkness, chief executive of Pacific Plastics & Engineering in Soquel, Calif.

    Eighteen months ago, Pacific Plastics built a plant in Bangalore, India. It now employs 48 people there and 86 in Soquel.

    "Our customers can save 50% when we produce molds for them in India rather than here," Harkness said. "My ideal scenario is not to have a plant in California at all."

    If Pacific Plastics' bottom line is improving, the government's is steadily getting worse. The gap between what it spent and what it took in during the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 was $413 billion, a record.

    This week, Congress will have to raise the government's $7.4-trillion debt ceiling so it can borrow more money. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, by 2008 nearly 10% of the budget will be devoted to interest payments.

    President Bush has pledged to halve the deficit by 2008. Many economists say that will be difficult, if not impossible, without raising taxes, something Bush has pledged not to do.

    In his postelection news conference, the president said the economy could grow its way out of trouble.

    "As the revenue streams increase, coupled with fiscal discipline, you'll see the deficit shrinking," he said.

    The stock market soared on Bush's remarks, but the currency markets rendered a different verdict. The dollar continued to fall.

    It's not only the government that is profligate. The U.S. current account deficit — the broadest measure of international trade, including exports, imports, services and investments — rose in the second quarter to $166 billion, up 13% from the first quarter.

    Much of the second-quarter shortfall was in goods: for every $20 in products American manufacturers sent overseas, U.S. consumers bought $36 in foreign electronics, cars and other items.

    The current account deficit has risen from 1% of gross domestic product in 1990 to 5.4%.

    That doesn't seem like much, and in the short term it isn't, said James Gipson, chairman of the $7-billion equity mutual fund Clipper Fund, in a letter to shareholders. But just like credit card debt, it compounds over the long term.

    "A slowly and likely growing share of our output of goods and services will go to provide comfortable retirements for the residents of Tokyo, not Topeka," Gipson wrote.

    One trouble with owners in Tokyo is that they may decide they want to own something in India or China instead.

    That's why the Sept. 9 auction prompted concern.

    Usually indirect bidders, which include foreign governments, are heavy buyers at Treasury auctions. This time, their purchases were less than 3%. Traders speculated that Japan was finally calling it quits.

    What happened was never explained, but neither was it repeated.

    "It turned out to be a fluke," said Kim Rupert, managing director for global fixed-income analysis at Action Economics, a consulting firm. "But at first blush, it was 'Oh my gosh.' "
    Last edited by Nickdfresh; 11-14-2004, 05:55 AM.
  • ODShowtime

    • Jun 2004
    • 5812

    our country has a shitty CEO. who the hell would want to invest in us?
    gnaw on it


    • Nickdfresh

      • Oct 2004
      • 49219

      Especially when all your attention is on chasing weapons of mass delusion to justify bad war policies. Maybe a sound economic policies isn't just cutting taxes across the board and hoping everything magically fixes itself.


      • Big Train
        Full Member Status

        • Apr 2004
        • 4013

        What oversimplified drivel....has nothing to do with ,oh say, the gold market and the fact that we don't have any gold to back up the dollar.

        Or things such as the fact the majority of US households have 90% of their net worth extended on credit. That is not the federal government having a shitty CEO, that's the aveage American household having a shitty CEO.

        But let's just continue to blame Bush for everything under the sun....why not?


        • Switch84
          • Feb 2004
          • 2316

          Originally posted by Big Train
          What oversimplified drivel....has nothing to do with ,oh say, the gold market and the fact that we don't have any gold to back up the dollar.

          Or things such as the fact the majority of US households have 90% of their net worth extended on credit. That is not the federal government having a shitty CEO, that's the aveage American household having a shitty CEO.

          But let's just continue to blame Bush for everything under the sun....why not?
          Hahahha! We are slaves to the plastic, aren't we? I for one could do without another credit card, transferring balances of the almost-maxed out ones to a new card with a high ass rate! We can't expect the President to manage our checkbooks, too.

          Ever notice how credit card companies always try to entice you with more cards even though you're in debt up to your ass?
          "He doesn't need to sell millions of records, he doesn't need to fill arenas, he doesn't need to be popular, he doesn't need your money, AND HE DOESN'T NEED YOU!"
          Blackflag on DLR


          • Nickdfresh

            • Oct 2004
            • 49219

            Originally posted by Big Train
            What oversimplified drivel....has nothing to do with ,oh say, the gold market and the fact that we don't have any gold to back up the dollar.

            Or things such as the fact the majority of US households have 90% of their net worth extended on credit. That is not the federal government having a shitty CEO, that's the aveage American household having a shitty CEO.

            But let's just continue to blame Bush for everything under the sun....why not?
            With our budget deficit, they sure as hell set the example!


            • Big Train
              Full Member Status

              • Apr 2004
              • 4013

              Again oversimplifing.....who wanted the budgets.....people like Big Labor (check out Senator Kerry's Big Dig, 14 Billion dollars, which kept a generation of labor greased). The people want it, the government takes it, people get a small piece back and then overspend....rinse and repeat.

              If people knew how to keep more of their wealth, the cycle of dependence would be much better, as people would have the money to reflect and ask questions before some of these large works got underway...I mean call me conservative.


              • ODShowtime

                • Jun 2004
                • 5812

                Originally posted by Big Train
                Or things such as the fact the majority of US households have 90% of their net worth extended on credit. That is not the federal government having a shitty CEO, that's the aveage American household having a shitty CEO.
                Keep diggin'. Why do these households have such large debt burdens? I can think of a few reasons...
                gnaw on it


                • Nickdfresh
                  SUPER MODERATOR

                  • Oct 2004
                  • 49219

                  Originally posted by Big Train
                  Again oversimplifing.....who wanted the budgets.....people like Big Labor (check out Senator Kerry's Big Dig, 14 Billion dollars, which kept a generation of labor greased). The people want it, the government takes it, people get a small piece back and then overspend....rinse and repeat.

                  If people knew how to keep more of their wealth, the cycle of dependence would be much better, as people would have the money to reflect and ask questions before some of these large works got underway...I mean call me conservative.
                  That's an over simplification! Somehow I don't think and extra $400 dollars in the pocket makes much in the way of difference.

                  The so called "Tax Cuts" often run hand in hand to the Federal Gov't cutting aid to states which means that the tax burden not reduced but it is shifted to state and local municipalities.

                  What about U.S. corporate CEO's that are paid often twice as much as their European and Asian counterparts? Is that what corporate welfare is about? Finding tax loopholes not to hire more workers but to allow CEO's to pay themselves large salaries?

                  And if you want to talk over-simplifications my friend, "Trickle Down Economics" is one of the biggest "over-simplifications" of all.


                  • ODShowtime

                    • Jun 2004
                    • 5812

                    Speaking of Gold:

                    Gold Hits 16-Year High - $440 an Oz.

                    1 hour, 19 minutes ago Business - Reuters

                    By Veronica Brown

                    LONDON (Reuters) - Gold hit $440.00 an ounce, its highest in 16-1/4 years, in Europe on Monday and was seen consolidating before rising further on a shaky dollar.

                    Dealers were eyeing $450 -- last seen in June 1988 -- as dollar weakness on worries about the U.S. current account deficit strengthened the attraction of bullion for non-U.S. investors.

                    They said however that the market did not seem to be in a hurry, with prices likely to consolidate slightly lower before resuming upwards.

                    "The market wants and sees that it has the potential to go higher, but it won't happen quickly," Peter Hillyard, head of European metal sales at ANZ Bank said.

                    "We'll probably see another crack at $440 but not today. There's more chance of seeing it back down to the $433 area before it goes up again," he added.

                    After hitting $440 as the dollar hit a nine-year low against a basket of major currencies, spot gold fell to $436.25/437.00 per troy ounce by 1559 GMT from New York's late quote on Friday at $437.70/438.20.

                    The U.S. currency later strengthened slightly as dealers took profits in preparation for a fresh wave of dollar selling.

                    Analyst Frederic Panizzutti of MKS Finance said that a move to $450 depended on another drop in the U.S. currency.

                    DOLLAR WEAKNESS

                    The dollar, down more than five percent against major currencies since October, ignored upbeat U.S. economic data last week as currency markets focused on speculation Washington was happy to see a weaker currency, which would help narrow the deficit. The euro was last at $1.2933.

                    Analysts said the expected imminent launch of an exchange-traded gold fund in New York was adding to positive sentiment.

                    The gold-backed security, known as streetTRACKS, is designed as an alternative to investing in physical gold which is an expensive buy for small retail players.

                    Platinum also strengthened after a run up on Friday when Asian dealers speculated about the contents of a forecast from precious metals refiner Johnson Matthey.

                    Traders expect a bulllish tone to figures in JM's report, due on Tuesday.

                    Spot platinum stood at $875.00/879.00, compared with $871.50/876.50 late in New York on Friday.

                    "Should tomorrow's report fail to provide such bullish data, as some expect, a correction appears to be a logical consequence with levels around $850 likely to provide initial resistance," Alexander Zumpfe of Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein said in a daily report.

                    Palladium was at $215.00/219.00 from $215.50/221.50 in New York previously.

                    Silver followed gold, settling back slightly after hitting a peak last seen in April at $7.61.

                    Spot silver was last at $7.49/7.52 from $7.57/7.60 previously.

                    (additional reporting by Clare Black in London)

                    If I had my shit together I'd be investing in Gold, can food, and shotguns...
                    gnaw on it


                    • Nickdfresh
                      SUPER MODERATOR

                      • Oct 2004
                      • 49219

                      Ditto. I've heard over and over that gold is the best investment for the "end-of-times."


                      • ODShowtime

                        • Jun 2004
                        • 5812

                        That, firewood, and bullets.
                        gnaw on it


                        • Big Train
                          Full Member Status

                          • Apr 2004
                          • 4013

                          Originally posted by ODShowtime
                          Keep diggin'. Why do these households have such large debt burdens? I can think of a few reasons...
                          Spending beyong their means....pure and simple. Or are you fishing for the classic "I don't make enough for what we need, the government takes and don't give" argument?


                          • Nickdfresh
                            SUPER MODERATOR

                            • Oct 2004
                            • 49219

                            You mean like "deficit spending?"


                            • Big Train
                              Full Member Status

                              • Apr 2004
                              • 4013

                              Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                              That's an over simplification! Somehow I don't think and extra $400 dollars in the pocket makes much in the way of difference.

                              The so called "Tax Cuts" often run hand in hand to the Federal Gov't cutting aid to states which means that the tax burden not reduced but it is shifted to state and local municipalities.

                              What about U.S. corporate CEO's that are paid often twice as much as their European and Asian counterparts? Is that what corporate welfare is about? Finding tax loopholes not to hire more workers but to allow CEO's to pay themselves large salaries?

                              And if you want to talk over-simplifications my friend, "Trickle Down Economics" is one of the biggest "over-simplifications" of all.
                              I'm talking about personal responsibility, pure and simple (which, yes, was illustrated by an oversimplification). Your points about corp. welfare is valid, although I disagree with the tax cut comment. Giving money back is always a good thing. What they choose to do with it is where it goes wrong. Again, personal responsibility.

                              When we talk "tax burden" generally the problem is the programs we fund. Basic things need funding yes, but in every state and federal budget there is fat that can and should be cut out. We are not as strict about that as we should be (i.e. attaching unrelated items to bills to get them to pass-should be outlawed).

