Canadian: Liberalism Crapped Up My Country

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  • Warham
    • Mar 2004
    • 14589

    Canadian: Liberalism Crapped Up My Country

    RUSH: Here's Matt in Windsor, Canada. Welcome to the program, Matt, nice to have you on with us.

    CALLER: Mega dittos from Canada. I just want to say to the Americans that a lot of Canadians are grateful for voting Bush in, and the reason why is because we have a -- you've probably read about our military, or the lack of it. We have 10,000 military personnel for Canada. We have subs that sink, ships that break down and we just bought a bunch, a rusty fleet from England, and we had one sailor killed on bringing them back because the electrical panel blew up and it almost sunk.

    But you know, we have 10,000 military personnel, and New York City has 15,000 police officers, I'm told. So... I mean that shows you for 44 million people in Canada (laughing) where we are as a people. We're so far left up here because of Trudeau 30 years ago. I mean, we're paying for it. Like one thing people don't realize. Everybody tries to use Canada as the example of how great everything is if you're just left. On $105,000 me and my wife have to pay $30,000 off the top income tax. Anybody above $115,000 that they make has to pay 45% of that to the government. That's just off the top. Then we have a sales tax that is 15%. Fifteen 15 cents on every dollar you spend, you have to pay to the government.

    RUSH: Let me tell you something, this sounds like a paradise for American liberals.

    CALLER: (Groans) Oh. Oh!

    RUSH: I understand why they're headed that way.

    CALLER: Tell 'em to come because (laughing). I mean, they want to pay the tax up here? I worked on the water, and I tried to educate a lot of Americans because I hear all this garbage about how great Canada is from the universities over there. They preach the same crap. Like, Canada is in the position -- Canada is excelled. Where your leftists are, we're about 30 years in advance of where leftism has taken us. We are so taxed. I mean, there's $500 on licensing fees on a car every year. Five hundred! You know, in Canada, Canadian money, that's like a week's pay, two weeks' pay. I mean that's just... Property tax, 1,200 square foot home, $3,000, you've got 24-by-60-foot backyard. It's just everything. I mean, our --

    RUSH: And still they have health care for everybody but you've got long lines. You have to wait for things and it doesn't work.

    CALLER: Oh, long lines? People were miscarrying in the waiting rooms because... I got a piece of copper in my finger from an injury at work. I waited 15 hours! I could have went home, slept, and come back. Fifteen hours to take a chunk of copper out of my hand.

    RUSH: You could probably taken it out of your hand just as well as the doctors there could have.

    CALLER: Well, that's exactly what happened. This doctor, she come in wired on coffee; she was a student doctor, and she got a little piece of it. My wife had to take the rest of it home. This is our great health care system. Our health care system, I'll give you an example. By 2025 in Canada we will have a shortage of nurses because they're all retiring and the people aren't going into the field up here because it doesn't pay. They're fleeing to the United States because they capped the wages on doctors and nurses up here.

    RUSH: And patients are leaving Canada to be treated in the United States as well.

    CALLER: I know -- and one thing I want to say to America, about this. You hear about people coming to get medication to Canada. Well, here's the dirty secret. You guys are doing all the research and product development! We cap the price on you when you bring your drugs in here, you guys pay for all the research and development. We make the profits. We don't research and develop! You guys do all the work. We make the profit off it. We -- we can afford to cap it, lower the prices, because we're not doing anything. We don't do anything! Merck and all these other companies, Wyeth and all these other companies do the work; we bring 'em in here. We rip you guys off with generic drugs and the Americans come in here and they wonder why they're paying less prices. I mean, if people want leftism in the states, like we have one government controlled news agency. It's called the CBC. We conservatives refer to it as the "Communist Broadcasting Company," and the government appoints the head of it.

    RUSH: Yeah, we know well the CBC. They're preventing this program being syndicated up there. They always have.

    CALLER: I'll tell you. There are a lot of people who listen to (Sean) Hannity, you, Dennis Prager. There are a lot of good conservatives who are just waiting, waiting. I tell you what, they lobby to keep -- you know your satellite dishes? They lobbied the Bell Telephone up here to keep your satellite dishes out because under law called Canada Content, they don't want American news in here. Like for four weeks me and my wife almost vomited. I had to watch -- we didn't have to watch it; we watched it just to be educated on what the liberals and leftists are doing -- they bashed Bush for four weeks. This is the crap that people watch up here!

    RUSH: I understand.

    CALLER: And they think it's the honest-to-God truth.

    RUSH: I know. We know this.

    CALLER: I'm just saying: Americans, if you think liberalism is working, police stop using Canada. Every time I hear Canadians used as an example. "Oh, Canada look at how lush and lovely it is!" We're freaking working for the government up here!

    RUSH: (Laughing, applauding)

    CALLER: We struggle. And my wife makes good money. We're considered top earners in Canada.

    RUSH: What is that, how much do you and your wife earn combined?

    CALLER: I'm off for a year with my kids because of the -- well, that's another story, the day care system. But we were making $105,000 a year. Cars up here, $40,000 for a car.

    RUSH: Well, wait, wait, wait, wait. What kind of car?

    CALLER: A minivan. A Chrysler minivan. On a home we pay $15,000 government sales tax called the GST. (goods and services tax) On a car you pay a GST and PST (provincial sales tax) You pay a ton of tax on the car. The government taxes... Okay, if you sell a car three times, it's taxed three times.

    RUSH: What most people are asking as they listen to you is, "Why are you still there?" Why haven't you left?

    CALLER: Me and my wife have talked about it. Recently it's gotten so crazy, we're talking about moving down there. I had an issue when I was a younger person, and I got in trouble with the law when I was a young man, and if you were in trouble with the law even once it's hard to move to the United States. I have to pay legal --

    RUSH: Noooo, it's not! Just go to Mexico and come up that way.

    CALLER: We're talking about moving. I talked about that the other day.

    RUSH: (Laughing)

    CALLER: I said, "You know what, Cheryl? Let's move, because this is..." and then this lie that everybody hates Bush in Canada? It's not true!

    RUSH: I know. I know. That's one of the biggest myths out there, and not just in Canada, but around the world, not just hates Bush but hates America, and it's one of these popular media myths. Bush is so reviled here by the American left that they'll join forces with anybody that hates Bush, and have some sort of alignment with them simply because they're so blinded by their own seething rage and hatred which I think is getting worse, as we predicted, since the election. Well, Matt, I'm glad you called. I appreciate it. Thanks very much.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I left him on for a while because I wanted to you hear this. This was utter, raw passion of a man who is fed up with out of control liberalism in his own country, and I wanted you to hear it. We talk about it on this program. We have for quite a while. Here's somebody actually living it, and despises it and hates it. Didn't have any notes, I'm sure, just pure, raw passion flowing out -- and this was all under the guise of calling this program to thank Americans for defending Canada because they don't have but 10,000-man military force, if I heard him correctly, and we got more cops in New York City than they have in their military in Canada. I happen to know -- I didn't have a chance to ask him this but he lives in Windsor -- now, if you get your map out, look and find Windsor in Canada, it's just across a small body of water from New Fallujah, Michigan. That would be Auburn Hills where the Detroit Pistons play. If he feels... (laughing) If he feels safer living that close to New Fallujah, you can imagine how bad it is up there! Anyway, Matt, I appreciate the phone call. Thanks so much.
  • Nickdfresh

    • Oct 2004
    • 49219

    A really low crime rate, free health care, and one of the highest overall standards of living must be hell! Comedy Central also did a story on "Conservative" Canadians that want to come south.

    The reporter read a message to them from an anti-immigrant group zealot she interviewed. The massage was "fuck you."


    • Pink Spider
      • Jan 2004
      • 867

      Do you think anyone is going to commit a crime at 10 below? Unless it's to steal a pair gloves and a coat. I believe that they pay a high tax rate for this "free" health care also.

      Anyway, I bet Rush gets his Oxycontin from Canada. It sounds like he's still on it.


      • ODShowtime

        • Jun 2004
        • 5812

        Re: Canadian: Liberalism Crapped Up My Country

        Originally posted by Warham
        Everybody tries to use Canada as the example of how great everything is if you're just left. On $105,000 me and my wife have to pay $30,000 off the top income tax. Anybody above $115,000 that they make has to pay 45% of that to the government. That's just off the top. Then we have a sales tax that is 15%. Fifteen 15 cents on every dollar you spend, you have to pay to the government.

        RUSH: Let me tell you something, this sounds like a paradise for American liberals.

        CALLER: (Groans) Oh. Oh!

        What a jerk-off. Who listens to this guy? Seriously.
        gnaw on it


        • WACF
          Crazy Ass Mofo
          • Jan 2004
          • 2920

          That guys numbers are off....

          In order to have comprehensive health care we do in fact get taxed.
          From what I understand is cheaper to fund health care per person than it is to buy individual health insurance in the states. I do agree with our is socialist but everyone gets taken care worries about cost/insurance.

          The fees that a hospital/doctor can charge are regulated so you avoid gouging at your health care providers place of business.


          • blueturk
            • Jul 2004
            • 1883

            Ah Rush. A chickenhawk who dodged the draft because of a boil on his ass.A fucking pill-head who blasts drug use while high on OC's.A true model of journalistic integrity.


            • Big Train
              Full Member Status

              • Apr 2004
              • 4013

              I found it informative (even with Blue's characterization which has nothing to do with the topic).

              No worries WACF? Or no PERSONAL worries, even though the system is collapsing more and more everyday? The highest overall standard of living? If giving everything away to your government, which if done here Pink and other would be screaming the "F" word, is the way, I'd rather "suffer" under our system. I think you guys are in more trouble than you realize.


              • Nickdfresh
                SUPER MODERATOR

                • Oct 2004
                • 49219

                Originally posted by Big Train
                I found it informative (even with Blue's characterization which has nothing to do with the topic).

                No worries WACF? Or no PERSONAL worries, even though the system is collapsing more and more everyday? The highest overall standard of living? If giving everything away to your government, which if done here Pink and other would be screaming the "F" word, is the way, I'd rather "suffer" under our system. I think you guys are in more trouble than you realize.
                But I guess our stellar economic performance and spending all that money in Iraq instead of on healthcare makes perfect sense. I guess we should "give it all away" to the Iraqis. I truly can not get over the absurd contradiction (of many conservatives) that it is great to spend billions on defense but ignore all other social problems and not doing so is "Socialist."
                Last edited by Nickdfresh; 12-01-2004, 02:53 PM.


                • WACF
                  Crazy Ass Mofo
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 2920

                  Originally posted by Big Train
                  No worries WACF? Or no PERSONAL worries, even though the system is collapsing more and more everyday? The highest overall standard of living? If giving everything away to your government, which if done here Pink and other would be screaming the "F" word, is the way, I'd rather "suffer" under our system. I think you guys are in more trouble than you realize.
                  No worries...the system needs more money but it is working.

                  The big debate these days seem to be whether or not to allow "for profit" health care clinics...basically if you can afford to pay and want quicker service you can pay for it yourself.
                  Good or bad...not sure.
                  The debate seems to be that if a doctor can make more money outside of the healthcare system than all the good ones will run clinics, thus they leave the poorer ones to the public system.

                  There is also the debate of user fees....have not seen it happen yet but I do not doubt it may be in the future.

                  I am taxed but I do not know if it is much worse than you guys in the states...

                  I think my rate right now is around %26...This year I should end up around $74000 or would that compare to your tax rate?


                  • blueturk
                    • Jul 2004
                    • 1883

                    Originally posted by Big Train
                    I found it informative (even with Blue's characterization which has nothing to do with the topic).

                    No worries WACF? Or no PERSONAL worries, even though the system is collapsing more and more everyday? The highest overall standard of living? If giving everything away to your government, which if done here Pink and other would be screaming the "F" word, is the way, I'd rather "suffer" under our system. I think you guys are in more trouble than you realize.
                    Sorry if my characterization marred your reading pleasure,BT. I'm just clarifying the "character" of the self-proclaimed "great truth detector"of the right.This guy makes Dan Rather look like Edward R.Murrow.


                    • Big Train
                      Full Member Status

                      • Apr 2004
                      • 4013

                      Did it really REQUIRE that input Blue? What the caller said couldn't POSSIBLY be factual because of the guy on the other end of the phone?


                      • Big Train
                        Full Member Status

                        • Apr 2004
                        • 4013

                        Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                        But I guess our stellar economic performance and spending all that money in Iraq instead of on healthcare makes perfect sense. I guess we should "give it all away" to the Iraqis. I truly can not get over the absurd contradiction (of many conservatives) that it is great to spend billions on defense but ignore all other social problems and not doing so is "Socialist."
                        Nick, why do you live in such an oversimplified world? That statement is comparing the whole produce section to apples. You make it seem like everybody on this side of the fence are cold, heartless bastard who would rather be shooting someone or fucking someone. I believe in health care, but no fucking way do I think they way Canada does it is the way for me or the US. Not to mention that their overall economic model is very different to ours and the contributing variables are as well. The guys says it in the article and I have said it before (which drove Angel crazy hearing the truth). Their military budget for example is so small, why? Because they have us and they know it. If they got attacked, we would be all over it within hours. Same with Mexico. That frees up a lot of money for healthcare. It small details like that which are brushed over.


                        • WACF
                          Crazy Ass Mofo
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 2920

                          Big Train....publically funded health care does come at a cost.

                          Our military has been raped many times...sad really.
                          Our government does our servicemen/women a disservice.

                          Historically we always have had a small army during peacetime...Korea put our ass in a sling and we did not learn from it!


                          • Warham
                            DIAMOND STATUS
                            • Mar 2004
                            • 14589

                            When you have a military budget of a few hundred dollars a year, it does allow you to free up more money on socialist agendas.


                            • franksters
                              • Mar 2004
                              • 2389

                              these numbers are wrong and the guy should mention how much a house cost on average in canada... 225000

                              so on that note go move to ny or la or florida because really where else do you wanna live in the states and buy yourself a 500 000 us studio in a building
                              SUMMER'S JUST
                              THE CORNER!


