Have the Neocons Destroyed the Presidency?

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  • FORD

    • Jan 2004
    • 58828

    Have the Neocons Destroyed the Presidency?

    Have the Neocons Destroyed the Presidency?

    Patrick J. Buchanan

    February 16 2004

    George W. Bush "betrayed us," howled Al Gore.

    "He played on our fear. He took America on an ill-conceived foreign adventure, dangerous to our troops, an adventure that was preordained and planned before 9-11 ever happened."

    Hearing it, Gore's rant seemed slanderous and demagogic. For though U.S. policy since Clinton had called for regime change in Iraq, there is no evidence, none, that Bush planned to invade prior to 9-11.

    Yet, the president has a grave problem, and it is this: Burrowed inside his foreign-policy team are men guilty of exactly what Gore accuses Bush of, men who did exploit our fears to stampede us into a war they had plotted for years. Consider:
    • * In 1996, in a strategy paper crafted for Israel's Bibi Netanyahu, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and David Wurmser urged him to "focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power" as an "Israeli strategic objective." Perle, Feith, Wurmser were all on Bush's foreign policy team on 9-11.

      * In 1998, eight members of Bush's future team, including Perle, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld, wrote Clinton urging upon him a strategy that "should aim, above all, at the removal of Saddam Hussein."

      * On Jan. 1, 2001, nine months before 9-11, Wurmser called for U.S.-Israeli attacks "to broaden the [Middle East] conflict to strike fatally ... the regimes of Damascus, Baghdad, Tripoli, Teheran and Gaza ... to establish the recognition that fighting with either the United States or Israel is suicidal."

      "Crises can be opportunities," added Wurmser.

      * On Sept. 11, opportunity struck.

      * On Sept. 15, according to author Bob Woodward, Paul Wolfowitz spoke up in the War Cabinet to urge that Afghanistan be put on a back burner and an attack be mounted at once on Iraq, though Iraq had had nothing to do with 9-11. Why Iraq? Said Wolfowitz, because it is "doable."

      * On Sept. 20, 40 neoconservatives in an open letter demanded that Bush remove Saddam from power, "even if evidence does not link Iraq directly to the [9-11] attack." Failure to do so, they warned the president, "would constitute an early and perhaps decisive surrender in the war on international terrorism."

    While Bush had taken office as a traditional conservative skeptical of "nation-building" and calling for a more "humble" foreign policy, after 9-11, he was captured by the neocons and converted to an agenda they had worked up years before. Suddenly, he sounded just like them, threatening wars on "axis-of-evil" nations that had nothing to do with 9-11.

    And here is where Bush's present crisis was created.

    Though he had internalized the neoconservative agenda for war, he had no rationale, no justification, no casus belli. Iraq had not threatened or attacked us.

    Enter the WMD. Neoconservatives pressed on Bush the idea that Iraq must still have weapons of mass destruction and must be working on nuclear weapons. And as Saddam was a figure of such irrationality – i.e., a madman – he would readily give an atom bomb to al-Qaida. An American city could be incinerated.

    Therefore, Saddam had to be destroyed. Bush bought it.

    The problem, however, was this: While there is much evidence Saddam is evil, there is no evidence he was insane. He had not used his WMD in 1991, when he had them. For he was not a fool. He knew that would mean his end. Why would he then build a horror weapon now, give it to a terrorist and risk the annihilation of his regime, family, legacy and himself, a fate he had narrowly escaped in 1991?

    Made no sense – and there was no hard evidence on the WMD.

    Thus, when the CIA was unable to come up with hard evidence that Saddam still had WMD, or was building nuclear weapons, neocon insiders sifted the intelligence, cherry-picked it, presented tidbits to the media as unvarnished truth, and persuaded Powell and the president to rely on it to make the case to Congress, the country and the world. Powell and the president did.

    Now the WMD case has fallen apart. Powell has egg on his face. And the president must persuade Tim Russert and the nation that Iraq was a "war of necessity" because we "had no choice when we looked at the intelligence I looked at."

    But, sir, the intelligence you "looked at" was flawed. Who gave it to you?

    To its neocon architects, Iraq was always about empire, hegemony, Pax Americana, global democracy – about getting hold of America's power to make the Middle East safe for Sharon and themselves glorious and famous.

    But now they have led a president who came to office with good intentions and a good heart to the precipice of ruin. One wonders if Bush knows how badly he has been had. And if he does, why he has not summarily dealt with those who misled him?

    DISCLAIMER: In no way do I agree with the author's contention that Bush Jr was "captured or converted to the neo-con agenda. Jeb Bush was an original member of PNAC, so it is highly unlikely that his brother would have been selected as their frontman if he did not share their views. Pat is dead on about the neocon agenda, but he's sadly mistaken if he believes Junior ever had any intentions of being a "compassionate conservative". The fact that he picked the most reactionary right wing cabinet possible after a election battle that was settled by 1 Supreme Court vote (acting as if he had a landslide victory) proves he was lying about his true motives from the beginning
    Eat Us And Smile

    Cenk For America 2024!!

    Justice Democrats

    "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992
  • Viking
    • Jan 2004
    • 1774

    Ah, poor Pat, still bitter over that whole Reform Party debacle....LMAO


    • Rubnose

      There are now two counties that are free in the mideast. Two countries that will enjoy the same liberties as you and me yet according to you that is a bad thing. Okay genius.


      • rustoffa
        • Jan 2004
        • 8963

        "The problem, however, was this: While there is much evidence Saddam is evil, there is no evidence he was insane." Huh???


        • Rubnose

          Originally posted by rustoffa
          "The problem, however, was this: While there is much evidence Saddam is evil, there is no evidence he was insane." Huh???



          • FORD

            • Jan 2004
            • 58828

            There is a big difference between being evil and being insane.

            Junior actually fits the definition of insane better than Saddam. He told the former Palestinian prime minister that "God told him" to bomb Afghanistan and Iraq. I don't believe Saddam, who ruled Iraq as a secular dictator, ever attributed his evil actions to voices in his head.
            Eat Us And Smile

            Cenk For America 2024!!

            Justice Democrats

            "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


            • Viking
              • Jan 2004
              • 1774

              Originally posted by FORD:
              I don't believe Saddam, who ruled Iraq as a secular dictator, ever attributed his evil actions to voices in his head.
              No, Saddam just thought he was the reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar, and put voices in everyone else's head. Or a bullet, if you didn't listen to the voices.
              Last edited by Viking; 02-18-2004, 01:27 AM.


              • rustoffa
                ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                • Jan 2004
                • 8963

                Originally posted by FORD
                There is a big difference between being evil and being insane.

                Junior actually fits the definition of insane better than Saddam. He told the former Palestinian prime minister that "God told him" to bomb Afghanistan and Iraq. I don't believe Saddam, who ruled Iraq as a secular dictator, ever attributed his evil actions to voices in his head.
                And someone said "there's a thin line between love and hate".Wade through the irony,or lack thereof.

                I'd like to think anyone,regardless of political bias could sort through parallels a little better though.That's a little overboard man.


                • FORD
                  ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                  • Jan 2004
                  • 58828

                  Originally posted by rustoffa
                  And someone said "there's a thin line between love and hate".Wade through the irony,or lack thereof.

                  I'd like to think anyone,regardless of political bias could sort through parallels a little better though.That's a little overboard man.
                  There's no political bias involved. Saddam Hussein may have been one evil son of a bitch, but if you want to talk about crazy religious fanatics who claim "God" tells them to kill, then Bush & Osama fit that description. Saddam does not.

                  That's just the facts.
                  Eat Us And Smile

                  Cenk For America 2024!!

                  Justice Democrats

                  "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                  • BigBadBrian
                    TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 10625

                    Originally posted by FORD
                    There's no political bias involved. Saddam Hussein may have been one evil son of a bitch, but if you want to talk about crazy religious fanatics who claim "God" tells them to kill, then Bush & Osama fit that description. Saddam does not.

                    That's just the facts.
                    Bullshit. Quit making stuff up. You may think some people believe, including yourself, but you're clouding reality with the thoughts your tin-foil beanie let through to that rock that sits on your shoulders.
                    “If bullshit was currency, Joe Biden would be a billionaire.” - George W. Bush


                    • FORD
                      ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                      • Jan 2004
                      • 58828

                      What, exactly, am I "making up"??

                      Oh, you don't believe that Junior told the former Palestinian PM that God told him to bomb Afghanistan and Iraq??

                      Published on Monday, July 7, 2003 by the San Francisco Chronicle
                      The Madness Of King George
                      by Harley Sorensen

                      Folks, our God-fearing president, George W. Bush, who claims to start every morning on his knees praying, now says that he gets his orders from God Himself.

                      I kid you not.

                      I refer you to June 24 article by Arnon Regular in Ha'aretz, an Israeli newspaper. In the last paragraph of that article there's a Bush quote as related by Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas. Here, according to Abbas and Ha'aretz, is what Bush said:

                      God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you can help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them.

                      That quote doesn't make clear whether God issues direct orders to Bush, or whether they discuss things first. but I'd guess discussions. It's hard to imagine God deciding anything of importance without without first getting input from Bush.

                      Over the years I've met a handful of people who regularly talk with God, but they usually do so only when they're off their medications.

                      Those who get instructions directly from the Almighty are twice blessed: They get their orders from the Highest Authority, and the orders are always to do what they would have done anyway.

                      Getting direct orders from God makes a president's life simpler. If God has spoken, the president doesn't have to observe the niceties with which presidents usually contend, things like getting congressional approval or United Nations agreement.

                      Bush's very own personal God connection explains a lot of things. Like Bush's disinterest in global warming.

                      Why should our duly elected president concern himself with global warming when God Himself has said, "Don't worry, be happy"?

                      Do you see how it works? With God in your corner, it matters not what you do, because God will protect you.

                      OK, I've been shilly-shallying around here, hesitant to come right out and say what I think, but I'm becoming convinced that our president, the man with his finger on the nuclear trigger, is a bona fide nutcase.

                      I really do. For him to say God told him to strike al-Qaida is just nutso. For him to say God told him to strike at Saddam, ditto. This guy is not dealing with a full deck.

                      To me, Bush's sanity has been suspect for a long time. He does so many things that defy logic, like his infamous tax cuts, approved by a thoroughly cowed Congress.

                      It doesn't make sense to reduce your income while increasing your spending and plunging into massive debt.

                      His blithe attitude toward the public debt he is creating indicates a failure to grasp reality.

                      His cavalier entry into two wars within two years, in total disregard of world opinion on the second one, indicates a man who just doesn't care what anyone thinks. Now that his ill-planned schemes in Afghanistan and Iraq are coming apart, I sense a bit of panic in the man.

                      Bush knew what everyone knew, that our armies could conquer. But he had no idea whether they, or anyone, could maintain a peace in nations as splintered as Afghanistan and Iraq. They can't. They're not trained for that. That's not their mission.

                      Bush is a good salesman, which is almost certainly why his father's friends chose him to be the front man for the Republican Party. He's a charmer, no doubt of that. Because of his sales ability, he was able to convince most Americans that war with Iraq was a necessity.

                      But America needs more than a slick salesman to lead the world. We need, at the very least, a man with mental stability. We don't have that with Bush. His rapid rise to power, without truly earning it as most presidents before him have done, has gone to his head.

                      So what we have in the White House today is a megalomaniac with a messianic complex, a man who believes that he and he alone can resolve the world's problems.

                      "I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East," he said. I, I, I, I, I! With Bush it's always "I." In a job that requires great humility, we have an egomaniac.

                      I don't expect many people to agree with my armchair psychoanalysis of a man I've never met. We don't like to admit that important people are crazy, or even that our relatives are crazy. Typically, we overlook their bizarre behavior until it gets so bizarre we can't ignore it anymore.

                      So, all I ask is that you pay attention. A man who claims to get orders from God, and who creates world-shaking events on the basis of those "orders," needs watching.
                      Eat Us And Smile

                      Cenk For America 2024!!

                      Justice Democrats

                      "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                      • BigBadBrian
                        TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 10625

                        Consider the source. Unreliable.
                        “If bullshit was currency, Joe Biden would be a billionaire.” - George W. Bush


                        • John Ashcroft
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 2127

                          Originally posted by FORD
                          There is a big difference between being evil and being insane.

                          Junior actually fits the definition of insane better than Saddam. He told the former Palestinian prime minister that "God told him" to bomb Afghanistan and Iraq. I don't believe Saddam, who ruled Iraq as a secular dictator, ever attributed his evil actions to voices in his head.
                          Heh heh heh... The inmate's telling the doctor what sanity is...


                          • FORD
                            ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                            • Jan 2004
                            • 58828

                            Originally posted by BigBadBrian
                            Consider the source. Unreliable.
                            The original source was a credible Israeli newspaper (i.e NOT the Jerusalem Post )
                            Eat Us And Smile

                            Cenk For America 2024!!

                            Justice Democrats

                            "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992

