Woman who lost son in Iraq meets with President, is disgusted...

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  • Hardrock69
    • Feb 2005
    • 21888

    Woman who lost son in Iraq meets with President, is disgusted...

    Mom, Who Lost Son In Iraq, Talks About 'Disgusting' White House Private Meeting With Bush; Claims He Was Arrogant, 'Totally Detached From Humanity' And Didn't Even Know Her Name
    Founder of peace group to stop senseless murder of our children, Cindy Sheehan wants parents to 'wake up' to the illegal nature of the war and Bush's corrupt motives meriting impeachment. She tells parents to advise their children not to fight, saying it's better 'to spend a year in jail instead of an eternity in a coffin.'
    July 5, 2005

    By Greg Szymanski

    Cindy Sheehan has already had her heart ripped into a million pieces by the illegal Iraqi war, losing the son she loved more than life itself only five days after he arrived in Baghdad in April 2004.

    There is nothing more painful or more heart breaking than a parent losing a child.

    And for Sheehan to lose her 24-year-old son, Casey, must have been like someone taking her very own heart and soul and, without warning, ripping them out and throwing them into the depths of hell.

    No one should have to experience such pain, but the cold reality of war is that someone’s child actually dies and there are actual parents left living with the hopeless task of trying to cope with the pain.

    And anyone with any semblance of a heart and soul knows a mother coping with such a loss needs all the help and understanding she can get.

    Anyone with the slightest bit of compassion knows a kind word or a shoulder to cry on helps a mother, who experienced the ultimate loss, get through another day when every day feels like it could be the end of the world.

    So when Sheehan received an invitation to meet privately with President Bush at the White House two months after her son died, the least she could have expected was a bit of compassion or a kind word coming from the heart.

    But what she encountered was an arrogant man with eyes lacking the slightest bit of compassion, a President totally "detached from humanity" and a man who didn’t even bother to remember her son’s name when they were first introduced.

    Instead of a kind gesture or a warm handshake, Sheehan said she immediately got a taste of Bush arrogance when he entered the room and "in a condescending tone and with a disgusting loud Texas accent," said: "Who we’all honorin’ here today?"

    "His mouth kept moving, but there was nothing in his eyes or anything else about him that showed me he really cared or had any real compassion at all. This is a human being totally disconnected from humanity and reality. His eyes were empty, hollow shells and he was acting like I should be proud to just be in his presence when it was my son who died for his illegal war! It was one of the most disgusting experiences I ever had and it took me almost a year to even talk about it," said Sheehan in a telephone conversation from Washington D.C. where she was attending a July 4th anti-war rally.

    Sheehan said the June 2004 private meeting with the President went from bad to worse to a nightmare when Bush acted like he didn’t even want to know her name. She said Bush kept referring to her as ‘Ma’ or ‘Mom’ while he "put on a phony act," saying things like ‘Mom, I can’t even imagine losing a loved one, a mother or a father or a sister or a brother.’

    "The whole meeting was simply bizarre and disgusting, designed to intimidate instead of providing compassion. He didn’t even know our names," said Sheehan. "Finally I got so upset I just looked him in the eye, saying ‘I think you can imagine losing someone. You have two daughters. Imagine losing them?’ After I said that he just looked at me, looked at me with no feeling or caring in his eyes at all."

    Sheehan said what really upset her about the meeting is that Bush appeared to become annoyed and even angry at her daughter Carley, 25, who also attended the White House get-together.

    "My daughter said to him directly ‘I wish I could bring my loved one back’ and he said something like ‘so do we.’ Later she told me that after he made his remark he gave her one of the filthiest looks she had ever had gotten in her life.

    "I just couldn’t believe this was happening. It was so surreal and bizarre. Later I met with some of the other 15or 16 families who were at the White House the same day and, sure enough, they all felt the same way I did.

    "It’s interesting that they put us each in separate rooms. I heard this was done to prevent any type of group outburst and since it’s easier to control a situation when people are separated. Looking back, all I can say is that the meeting with Bush was one of the most disgusting experiences in my life.

    "And I even asked him: ‘Why did you even bother to bring us here when I didn’t vote for you and don’t support the illegal nature of your war?’ He said it wasn’t political but I know it was just another one of his lies, as he probably wanted to be able to say out on the political stump that he wasn’t afraid to meet with families who lost loved one’s in the war."

    Although Sheehan was opposed to the illegal nature of the war from the outset, it wasn’t until January that she began to become politically active.

    Besides speaking at rallies and becoming known in Washington for her outspoken criticism of Bush, Sheehan formed a group called Gold Star Families For Peace, joining together families who lost loved ones in an effort to expose the illegal nature of the war and to hasten the return of troops still fighting in Iraq.

    Her involvement with the anti-war movement also led her recently to join forces with the After Downing Street movement, a civic, political and activist group seeking to open a Presidential impeachment inquiry based on the release of damaging British intelligence documents showing Bush doctored WMD intelligence reports to justify his war policy.

    "Americans need to wake up and we need to put public pressure on our leaders to end this illegal war," said Sheehan, adding that if the public remains passive, recent statements by Donald Rumsfeld that the war may last another 12 years will come true. "We can’t let these people continue to murder our children and also continue murdering innocent Iraqi citizens, now totaling more than 100.000.

    "This is an immoral war based on a false premise. Iraq was never an imminent threat and the Downing Street Memo proves Bush went to war for oil, greed and all the wrong reasons.

    Commenting on Bush’s recent speech at Ft. Bragg intended to rally America behind an unpopular war, she said:

    "He never mentioned the WMD threat and repeatedly brought up 9/11 in an attempt to scare and frighten everyone again. People have characterized the speech in many ways, but if I had to pick a few words, I would say hypocritical, manipulative, condescending, meaningless drivel."

    After the speech, Sheehan was unexpectedly invited on the CNN Larry King Show June 28, but expressed concern and outright anger over the fact she was only given 82 seconds to be "the token anti-war peace speaker" in an hour show which essentially contained a pro war message from all the other guests.

    In a recent rebuttal article placed on the Internet, expressing her displeasure with some of the CNN guests and the short time given for her anti-war message, she wrote:

    "My absolute favorite guest of the evening was Sen. John Warner, powerful chair of the Senate Armed (Disservices) Committee. Of course, he fell in lockstep behind his Führer (Bush) and praised the speech…. I sat in the Green Room with Sen. Warner's entourage. I wondered (even out loud) what price they have paid for our administration's misdeeds in Iraq. They all looked like happy, well-fed, well-dressed, well-educated, and well-hydrated Americans.…I sincerely doubt if any of them had a loved one ripped from their lives by a car bomb, IED, or bullet in an ambush.

    "I spoke with John Warner after his interview and told him unless he was prepared to sacrifice even a good night's sleep over this senseless and criminal war, then he should work on ending it, not prolonging the carnage. He told me that I was "entitled to my opinion," but he would respectfully have to disagree with me. That was awfully Constitutional of him!

    "I finally got to speak for my 82 seconds (all the time Larry King Live could spare for the peace message) about how this war is a catastrophe and how we should bring the troops home and quit forcing the

    Iraqi people to pay for our government's hubris and quit forcing innocent children to suffer so we can allegedly fight terrorism somewhere besides America. How absolutely racist and immoral is it to

    take America's battles to another land and make an entire country pay for the crimes of others? To me, this is blatant genocide.

    "After my brief advocacy for peace, my position was refuted by another mom whose son was killed in Iraq in 2003, saying she "totally disagrees" with me and "feels sorry" for me.

    "Well, you know what? I ache for her blindness and for the millions of ‘sheeple’ who have had the wool pulled over their eyes by this bunch of hypocritical, bad shepherds who are running a disastrous herd over the world. I have distressing news for the ‘Soccer Safety Moms’ and the ‘NASCAR Dads’ who are such ardent supporters of this administration and war:

    "Your grandchildren and children who will be entering Kindergarten this fall will be fighting George's endless war if he gets his way and is allowed to continue spreading the cancer of imperialism in the Middle-East….

    "Think about it when you tuck your child into bed tonight."

  • thome
    • Mar 2005
    • 6678

    Sounds like a bad situation for her after 911 he saw his future
    joined the service wanted to do something for himself and his
    country lost his life for something HE believed in and his mother
    like most loving mothers blames herself Happens w car wrecks ,
    drugs happens every day .He was evidently doing something
    he believed in .She blames everyone except her son, his choice.
    she will always point fingers.If you think this war is a useless tragedy
    then thats it. There are ENDLESS other ways for young people to loose
    thier lives.He made his choice . WAR IS HELL.


    • Seshmeister

      • Oct 2003
      • 35212

      Blair hasn't visted any injured troops yet which I think is a disgrace.

      Has Bush?

      They're sweeping their own fuckup under the carpet. Politicians are on the whole, scum.


      • FORD

        • Jan 2004
        • 58819

        Originally posted by Seshmeister
        Blair hasn't visted any injured troops yet which I think is a disgrace.

        Has Bush?

        I doubt it.

        For Bush to actually see a 19 year old kid with an arm or a leg (or both) blown off would be to remove him from the non-reality bubble that Rove & the PNAC'ers keep him in. Chimp himself has admitted that he doesn't watch TV News or read the papers, so as biased as the corporate media is here, the news Junior hears is even more biased. It comes directly from his handlers.

        Casualties are just numbers on a piece of paper if you never have to look them (or their families) in the eye. And the fact that Junior simply hasn't done so before now is why he didn't have a clue how to respond to Mrs. Sheehan. Obviously she has no fear of that fucking piece of shit. We need a lot more Americans like her, though it's too bad it had to come at such a high price
        Eat Us And Smile

        Cenk For America 2024!!

        Justice Democrats

        "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


        • BigBadBrian
          • Jan 2004
          • 10625

          Originally posted by Seshmeister
          Blair hasn't visted any injured troops yet which I think is a disgrace.

          Has Bush?

          Bush has been to Walter Reed and Bethesda numerous times, this past weekend just recently.

          President Visits Injured Troops
          Bush Urges Nation to Reach Out to Troops on Fourth

          Associated Press
          Saturday, July 2, 2005; Page A02

          President Bush expressed his gratitude to the nation's men and women in uniform yesterday, praising them for "laying the foundation for peace for generations to come."

          Bush visited 37 soldiers wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan and being treated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington.

          President Bush returns the salute of officers as he leaves Walter Reed Army Medical Center. (By Jason Reed -- Reuters)

          "Every time I come here, I am struck by the remarkable resolve and courage of the men and women who are treated here," he said.

          Presidential spokesman Scott McClellan said one soldier who had lost a leg struggled to rise so that he could stand at attention to salute Bush. The president "shared some tearful moments with the family members of the soldiers. He also shared some laughs with them and a lot of hugs," McClellan said.

          Bush spent an hour and a half going from room to room, meeting with the soldiers and their families.

          Afterward, he urged Americans to celebrate the Fourth of July holiday by showing their support for U.S. servicemen and women. He suggested flying the American flag or writing a letter to a soldier overseas.

          Bush also awarded five Purple Hearts to four soldiers -- one was wounded twice and received two awards.

          Bush's visit comes three days after he rejected calls from critics to set a timetable for withdrawing troops from Iraq. During his speech to the nation Tuesday night, he also urged Americans to be patient in the face of fading support from the public.

          Walter Reed has treated more than 4,200 patients from the Iraq war, 1,150 of them with combat injuries, and more than 300 wounded troops from Afghanistan.

          “If bullshit was currency, Joe Biden would be a billionaire.” - George W. Bush


          • BigBadBrian
            • Jan 2004
            • 10625

            Originally posted by FORD
            I doubt it.

            Foot in mouth...again.

            Googling it up on the Internet, Bush's latest visit to Walter Reed was his SIXTH.

            Last edited by BigBadBrian; 07-06-2005, 12:08 PM.
            “If bullshit was currency, Joe Biden would be a billionaire.” - George W. Bush


            • Guitar Shark
              ROTH ARMY SUPREME
              • Jan 2004
              • 7579

              I'm sure the people he visits publicly are hand-picked to ensure that they support the president.

              Note that the woman who is the subject of this story was invited to a "private" meeting at the White House. This was deliberate. They didn't want any cameras around.
              ROTH ARMY MILITIA

              Originally posted by EAT MY ASSHOLE
              Sharky sometimes needs things spelled out for him in explicit, specific detail. I used to think it was a lawyer thing, but over time it became more and more evident that he's merely someone's idiot twin.


              • BigBadBrian
                • Jan 2004
                • 10625

                Originally posted by Guitar Shark
                I'm sure the people he visits publicly are hand-picked to ensure that they support the president.

                Don't be so sure. When I was on active duty, Slick Willy came to my ship and nobody asked my if I was a supporter or not and I got to stand in the crowd.
                “If bullshit was currency, Joe Biden would be a billionaire.” - George W. Bush


                • Guitar Shark
                  ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 7579

                  Originally posted by BigBadBrian
                  Don't be so sure. When I was on active duty, Slick Willy came to my ship and nobody asked my if I was a supporter or not and I got to stand in the crowd.
                  Did you do anything?

                  Previewing audiences started to some degree with the Clinton administration, but it's been elevated to obscene levels now. I don't think you can really compare them.
                  ROTH ARMY MILITIA

                  Originally posted by EAT MY ASSHOLE
                  Sharky sometimes needs things spelled out for him in explicit, specific detail. I used to think it was a lawyer thing, but over time it became more and more evident that he's merely someone's idiot twin.


                  • Nickdfresh
                    SUPER MODERATOR

                    • Oct 2004
                    • 49219

                    There is definitely "fishing" that goes on to find the most ardent right-wing supporters...


                    • BigBadBrian
                      TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 10625

                      Originally posted by Guitar Shark
                      Did you do anything?

                      I didn't have a chance to. He didn't come my way.

                      I know some people that refused to shake his hand when he worked his way through their part of the crowd, though. That was my sole intention had he come my way. What else can you do? He's the POTUS, like it or not.

                      “If bullshit was currency, Joe Biden would be a billionaire.” - George W. Bush


                      • Phil theStalker
                        Full Member Status

                        • Jan 2004
                        • 3843

                        Originally posted by BigBadBrian
                        Don't be so sure. When I was on active duty, Slick Willy came to my ship and nobody asked my if I was a supporter or not and I got to stand in the crowd.
                        This is wot I am talking aboot, BBB.

                        Did yoo fall aff da gang plank and hit yer head on da dock?


                        You can't cuntpare Clinton t2o Bush or Carter or Reagan t2o Bush the coward.

                        Bush is a coward and he's afraid t2o meet with THE PEOPLE.

                        Sorry f4or your head injury.

                        Add to Ignore list


                        • DLR'sCock
                          Crazy Ass Mofo
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 2937

                          Ummmmm Clinton came to a hospital I work at years ago, he visited the entire faciilty, and there was no screening going on. This was a public event as well. I even walked right through his security detail(they never stopped me, and didn't stop to bother him or shake his hand, although I am sure I was carefully watched), only because I needed to though, hospitals never stop...

