**Official 2024 US Election Thread**

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  • Von Halen

    • Dec 2003
    • 7557

    These Hollywood fucks like that fraud Jimmy Kimmel should all be executed. How has that sniveling pussy not gotten cancelled simply because of his “Man Show” past? A show I liked. But others have been cancelled for less.


    • 78/84 guy
      Crazy Ass Mofo
      • Apr 2005
      • 2635

      Originally posted by Von Halen
      These Hollywood fucks like that fraud Jimmy Kimmel should all be executed. How has that sniveling pussy not gotten cancelled simply because of his “Man Show” past? A show I liked. But others have been cancelled for less.
      Why ? Because they want him up there crying like a little pusssy. This is how that party operates now. Fear mongering. They should've learned a big lesson from Tuesday. You know, have actual ideas & solutions to better OUR country. And a competent person to run on them might help. But no. Just after a few days it looks like more of the same, Trump is Hitler ! Didn't Joe just invite Trump to the White House ? This man is Hitler !! How does he even get through the gate if this is true ? Frankly I say fucking good. Stay on your pathetic out of touch path. The Republicans will dominate for another 15 years. And in 15 years the libs will still be crying about Trump. Who at that point will have been out of office again for a decade already.


      • Seshmeister

        • Oct 2003
        • 35577

        Originally posted by ZahZoo
        Been listening/reading a lot of reactions from the election and overwhelming win by both Trump and Republicans overall... It's interesting hearing the realization from many reasonable Democrats are publicly admitting that the bottom-line failure was... they failed to listen and present solutions to the basic issues voters were most affected and concerned with... economy, immigration and crime.
        Remind me what are Trumps solutions to these issues?

        Is it a trade war, mass deportations and to commit some more?


        • Seshmeister

          • Oct 2003
          • 35577

          Originally posted by 78/84 guy
          And in 15 years the libs will still be crying about Trump. Who at that point will have been out of office again for a decade already.
          Well to be fair a few hours ago you were crying about Hillary Clinton and that's been 8 years already.

          You shouldn't want any party to dominate for 15 years even if it's the one you currently like because that's not democracy and left or right once a party has been in power for a while it attracts the worst people and corruption always sets in.
          Last edited by Seshmeister; 11-08-2024, 11:30 AM.


          • 78/84 guy
            Crazy Ass Mofo
            • Apr 2005
            • 2635

            Originally posted by Seshmeister

            Well to be fair a few hours ago you were crying about Hillary Clinton and that's been 8 years already.

            You shouldn't want any party to dominate for 15 years even if it's the one you currently like because that's not democracy and left or right once a party has been in power for a while it attracts the worst people and corruption always sets in.
            Was I crying about her ? Don't think so. Just noting she was probably the beginning of how that party got so fucked up. The woman is a absolute joke. And it won't be up to me to fix the Democrat parties issues so they might have a shot again in 15 years. If they don't. So be it. That's their failure. Not mine. I'm not interested in paying for cutting dicks off of men so they can beat women. Or open borders to let criminals run free with their free Obama phones. Or our veterans getting cast aside to help these illegal fucks instead......or sending $$$$ to fund Iran's hate for the world. Do you see the issues here ? No ? Scary !!! WAKE THE FUCK UP !!
            Last edited by 78/84 guy; 11-08-2024, 11:44 AM.


            • Seshmeister

              • Oct 2003
              • 35577

              Cutting off dicks - I notice of all the things wrong in the world that was the first you mention.

              This trans thing is just a trigger. It's a bullshit nothing story used to make people angry. How does it affect you in any way ever?

              You know how many people in the USA had their dicks cut off so they could beat women last year? Either zero or just slightly more than zero. Did you pay for it? Nope. Do you actually know anyone whose kid lost out to a trans person in sports? No because it either never happens or if it did once who actually cares about school sports all of a sudden? Anyway when did the president decide shit like that anyway? Go shout at the sports governing body or better yet take a chill pill, clear your cookies and try and get your news from places other than algorithms which are designed successfully to make you angry.


              • 78/84 guy
                Crazy Ass Mofo
                • Apr 2005
                • 2635

                Originally posted by Seshmeister
                Cutting off dicks - I notice of all the things wrong in the world that was the first you mention.

                This trans thing is just a trigger. It's a bullshit nothing story used to make people angry. How does it affect you in any way ever?

                You know how many people in the USA had their dicks cut off so they could beat women last year? Either zero or just slightly more than zero. Did you pay for it? Nope. Do you actually know anyone whose kid lost out to a trans person in sports? No because it either never happens or if it did once who actually cares about school sports all of a sudden? Anyway when did the president decide shit like that anyway? Go shout at the sports governing body or better yet take a chill pill, clear your cookies and try and get your news from places other than algorithms which are designed successfully to make you angry.
                So fucking embarrassing to listen to a person try and rationalize that this shit is normal.


                • Kristy
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Aug 2004
                  • 16621

                  Originally posted by 78/84 guy

                  Same old stupid cunt. What do you have, about 15,000 posts of your mental illness bullshit on here since you joined ? Go get laid....All of you pathetic fuckers really need to get over your Trump Derangment Syndrome. All of your brainwashing bought & paid for starting with the billionaire lib that owns CNN, & that other pathetic station MSNBC. They're so incredibly fucking embarrassing on that brainwash station I'd swear they're paid actors. What a fucking pathetic joke. Russia ! Russia, Russia !! Fucking dumb fucks., Chinese propaganda.....The shit we learned about in 6th grade is the America standard of journalism when it comes to Trump. Incredible to me America adults are fucking still falling for it almost a decade later. Journalists ? Socialists.....After what just happened in the election I hold out some hope that people are waking the fuck up. But it won't last if you keep watching that pure fucking pathetic shit. Shit you were fucking warned about when you were 12. Trump is going to run the country into the ground ?!! Are you fucking serious ?!! Honestly what the fuck do you think was going on the last 4 fucking years ?!! Dumb fucks.....your poor feelings are more important. Feelings you were told should be hurt. Unfucking believable....
                  Angry old middle-aged white male. Calm down Boomer grandpa, you'll give yourself a stroke. Trump will run the country to the ground.

                  Want to bet on it?


                  • 78/84 guy
                    Crazy Ass Mofo
                    • Apr 2005
                    • 2635

                    Originally posted by Kristy

                    Angry old middle-aged white male. Calm down Boomer grandpa, you'll give yourself a stroke. Trump will run the country to the ground.

                    Want to bet on it?
                    Pretty laughable coming from a angry middle aged woman. Calm down boomer grandma, you'll give yourself a stroke. Looking around I'd say the country was pretty much run into the ground the last 4 years.
                    Bet what ? You've got nothing to offer, except that big mouth. I wouldn't even stick my dick in that....


                    • Nickdfresh
                      SUPER MODERATOR

                      • Oct 2004
                      • 49394

                      Originally posted by ZahZoo
                      Been listening/reading a lot of reactions from the election and overwhelming win by both Trump and Republicans overall... It's interesting hearing the realization from many reasonable Democrats are publicly admitting that the bottom-line failure was... they failed to listen and present solutions to the basic issues voters were most affected and concerned with... economy, immigration and crime.

                      Of the profound ignorance of the American electorate and how lazy and uninformed they are? The economy? Yes inflation is an issue but that wasn't created by either Biden or Trump, it was the supply chain and the continual shutdown of China that mostly exacerbated that. Inflation has moderated but the economy overall is very strong. The DOW plummeted under Trump in May of 2020 and now is DOUBLE what is was in 2020. Joblessness is at a near all-time low. And every economist’s study, many of which are conservative, show that Democratic admins are far better for the economy than Republican ones.

                      BTW, pretty sure Trump let it slip that he thinks we're going into a recession on his term. LOL

                      Immigration? Yeah it's a problem, but 90% of the people bitching about it have no actual experiences with any immigrants and have never met one. They also fail to realize that immigration, illegal, actually is a net economic benefit otherwise they wouldn't be hired. Would they? Donald Trump certainly has and probably has them on his golf courses staff...

                      Um crime? It's fuicking WAY DOWNNNN FFS!!!! Crime went way UP UNDER TRUMP!!

                      Enjoy Fox and Friends!!

                      Hopefully no one here that voted for Trump will have a son or daughter drafted and sent to a war with Iran, that is a very distinct possibility....


                      • 78/84 guy
                        Crazy Ass Mofo
                        • Apr 2005
                        • 2635

                        Originally posted by Nickdfresh

                        Of the profound ignorance of the American electorate and how lazy and uninformed they are? The economy? Yes inflation is an issue but that wasn't created by either Biden or Trump, it was the supply chain and the continual shutdown of China that mostly exacerbated that. Inflation has moderated but the economy overall is very strong. The DOW plummeted under Trump in May of 2020 and now is DOUBLE what is was in 2020. Joblessness is at a near all-time low. And every economist’s study, many of which are conservative, show that Democratic admins are far better for the economy than Republican ones.

                        BTW, pretty sure Trump let it slip that he thinks we're going into a recession on his term. LOL

                        Immigration? Yeah it's a problem, but 90% of the people bitching about it have no actual experiences with any immigrants and have never met one. They also fail to realize that immigration, illegal, actually is a net economic benefit otherwise they wouldn't be hired. Would they? Donald Trump certainly has and probably has them on his golf courses staff...

                        Um crime? It's fuicking WAY DOWNNNN FFS!!!! Crime went way UP UNDER TRUMP!!

                        Enjoy Fox and Friends!!

                        Hopefully no one here that voted for Trump will have a son or daughter drafted and sent to a war with Iran, that is a very distinct possibility....
                        Please keep making excuses ! I beg of you. All of you. I love it !! It's going to make for a amazing 12 year run for the Republicans as you keep whining, & crying. Hey at least you didn't say it's ALL Trump's fault. It's a solid first step for getting over your Trump Derangment Syndrome.
                        Enjoy CNN & MNNBC, or whatever the fuck its called, while they last.....That election just proved they have ZERO credibility anymore.
                        Last edited by 78/84 guy; 11-08-2024, 01:20 PM.


                        • Kristy
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Aug 2004
                          • 16621

                          Originally posted by 78/84 guy

                          Pretty laughable coming from a angry middle aged woman. Calm down boomer grandma, you'll give yourself a stroke. Looking around I'd say the country was pretty much run into the ground the last 4 years.
                          Bet what ? You've got nothing to offer, except that big mouth. I wouldn't even stick my dick in that....
                          What's the matter, incel? Did a immigrant shit in your Cheerios? I'm not middle-aged or at least not yet. Terminal incel white guys who are so bitter like yourself will be for a rude awakening. Personally I can't fucking wait until Trump literally destroys this country. I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be fan-fucking-tastic. Trump is your Biden now. Too old, severely mentally ill and no clue as to who or where he is. So looking forward to you damage control on that.

                          Oh, and speaking of dicks in mouths, I'm guessing you haven't had on in yours since Von told you he has AIDS. But no question question Trump is going to ass rape your MAGA virgin ass


                          • 78/84 guy
                            Crazy Ass Mofo
                            • Apr 2005
                            • 2635

                            Originally posted by Kristy

                            What's the matter, incel? Did a immigrant shit in your Cheerios? I'm not middle-aged or at least not yet. Terminal incel white guys who are so bitter like yourself will be for a rude awakening. Personally I can't fucking wait until Trump literally destroys this country. I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be fan-fucking-tastic. Trump is your Biden now. Too old, severely mentally ill and no clue as to who or where he is. So looking forward to you damage control on that.

                            Oh, and speaking of dicks in mouths, I'm guessing you haven't had on in yours since Von told you he has AIDS. But no question question Trump is going to ass rape your MAGA virgin ass
                            So sad to think you're over the age of 12. I listen to people like you and think of what a guy from say, 1885 that busted his ass 90 hours a week would think of the absolute shit coming out the mouths of people like you ?
                            Damage control ? None will be needed. Except from Libs trying to save their drowning party. And with excuses like I'm just seeing even just right here the last few days it's never going to happen. I say good.
                            But hey, if they ever do regain power you'll probably have a job. They can use that mouth of yours for sex change operations. Just bite down hard....


                            • Kristy
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Aug 2004
                              • 16621

                              Originally posted by 78/84 guy

                              So sad to think you're over the age of 12. I listen to people like you and think of what a guy from say, 1885 that busted his ass 90 hours a week would think of the absolute shit coming out the mouths of people like you ?
                              Damage control ? None will be needed. Except from Libs trying to save their drowning party. And with excuses like I'm just seeing even just right here the last few days it's never going to happen. I say good.
                              But hey, if they ever do regain power you'll probably have a job. They can use that mouth of yours for sex change operations. Just bite down hard....
                              mmmpph mppph

                              Can't hear you termini incel Try taking Von's dick our of your grubby mouth.


                              • 78/84 guy
                                Crazy Ass Mofo
                                • Apr 2005
                                • 2635

                                Originally posted by Kristy

                                mmmpph mppph

                                Can't hear you termini incel Try taking Von's dick our of your grubby mouth.
                                What an amazing comeback. Did Kamala Harris's staff write that for you. You should've let 60 minutes change your answer to look somewhat un brain dead like they did hers......

