Thoughts on public education

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  • BigBadBrian
    • Jan 2004
    • 10625

    Thoughts on public education

    Thoughts on public education
    Oct 3, 2005
    by Star Parker

    In ninth-grade science classes in Dover, a little town in Pennsylvania, teachers are required to read a statement to their students that Intelligent Design should be considered as an alternative view to evolution as an explanation for life as we know it. Eleven parents have sued the school board and the school district, claiming that Intelligent Design is not science but religion and hence constitutionally off-limits in public schools.

    The consensus seems to be that this case will wind up in the U.S. Supreme Court. Yet accounts of this issue are missing the real problem.

    The crisis today is not defining religion or science but education itself. And we have lost perspective how education has suffered as result of it being a government-controlled monopoly.

    This has important implications in general on the quality of education we provide our kids. Furthermore, it has produced a hopeless situation in inner city schools.

    News from China this week is that state censorship agencies have issued new rules about what kind of news may be published on the Internet. The rules established 11 "forbidden zones" and include a ban on anything that might promote religious beliefs.

    Is it a little eerie to think that we run our public schools like the Chinese communists run their marketplace? The point of education was not a mystery to one of the pioneers of American public education, Horace Mann. For Mann, whose ideas on education reflected those of such men as Benjamin Franklin, "with universal suffrage, there must be universal elevation of character, intellectual and moral, or there will be universal mismanagement and calamity."

    The reason we require schooling, according to Mann, is that a free country needs responsible, enlightened citizens to function. Accordingly, Mann says, in school curricula "principles of morality should be copiously intermingled with the principles of science."

    We clearly live in a country today far different than the 19th-century America of Horace Mann. To even suggest, as part of a public school curriculum, that religion is a legitimate way to address the mystery of life will land you in court. So the task of the lawyers defending Intelligent Design is not to prove that it is science, but to show that it is not religion.

    Given that public schools today do not permit Horace Mann's "principles of morality" to be copiously intermingled, or even gingerly intermingled, with the "principles of science," the best face that can now be put on public education is to call it vocational education.

    We've lost sight of the goal of public education producing better people and citizens. We can't even agree about what this means.

    The parents in Dover who are suing say that parents, not schools, should be responsible for a child's religious education.

    This may work OK with kids who come from intact families. But in today's America, with high divorce rates, and where almost three of 10 babies are born to unwed mothers, this is becoming increasingly rare.

    In inner-city black America, disrupted families are, unfortunately, the rule rather than the exception. Most black kids in inner-city schools come from single-parent homes.

    The result is these kids come from directionless homes and go to directionless schools. Half wind up dropping out, and the ones who make it through graduate with eighth-grade reading skills.

    However one chooses to rationalize how the black family got into such bad shape, we have now only the fact. And we have only the fact that black poverty and the black underclass will persist for another 50 years if black children do not get educated.

    Value neutral, or as is more often the case, politically correct, government schools will never educate black children who live in social chaos.

    Rather than trying to rationalize religion and morality back into public schools, the only reasonable approach in today's America is to fight government control of schools.

    Allow parents to choose where to send their kids to school. Parents, not judges or bureaucrats, should decide whether to send their child to a school that teaches Intelligent Design.

    And black kids should be given the opportunity to go to schools that are allowed to teach how to live as well as what to learn to get a job.

    Star Parker is author of "Uncle Sam's Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America's Poor and What We Can Do about It" and president of CURE, Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education,

    “If bullshit was currency, Joe Biden would be a billionaire.” - George W. Bush
  • lesfunk
    Full Member Status

    • Jan 2004
    • 3583

    Public Schools are becoming more and more of a joke. Unfortunately the joke's not very funny. Too bad they don't spend more time teaching actual skills that one might actually use to better their lot in life, like reading and writing and math, instead of of this Jeezo bullshit. By the same token, saying the words "under god" in the pledge of alliegence isn't going to turn anyon'e kid into a social liability either.I know a lot of people that went to Catholic school and turned out just fine.
    We need to focus on the fundamentals of education and fuck all this sociopolitical preening. GIFSoup


    • knuckleboner
      Crazy Ass Mofo
      • Jan 2004
      • 2927

      Re: Thoughts on public education

      Originally posted by BigBadBrian
      Thoughts on public education
      Oct 3, 2005
      by Star Parker

      Is it a little eerie to think that we run our public schools like the Chinese communists run their marketplace?

      intelligent design should be kept out of schools because it is not a scientific theory. it can have no proof.

      i'm not saying i disagree with the concept. nor do i think that evolution, taught by itself, precludes the notion of an omnipotent creator starting everything off.

      still, you can test and gather evidence for (or against) evolution. hence, it's a scientific theory that belongs in science class.

      IN FACT...i'd say that mandating that a certain philosphy be taught as science, regardless of whether or not there is any identifiable proof associated with it, is a lot closer to communistic china...


      • Nickdfresh

        • Oct 2004
        • 49219

        I didn't know teaching kids superstitious bullshit was education.

        I can just imagine the text-book companies salivating to sell districts a whole new set of biology texts full of wasted tree matter on "Intelligent Design."


        • Nitro Express
          • Aug 2004
          • 32798

          I think the answer is so simple. What can be proven by the scientific method is science and what cannot is theory. Nobody knows exactly how the universe was created nor do we know where we go after we die.

          So if it's science, call it so, if it's theory call it so. School is where people are taught the skills to help make them more employable. It's about learning math, how to write, how to read, basic science, and social skills. The deeper issues of religion should be reserved for the home and church.
          No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


          • The Scatologist
            • Jan 2005
            • 932

            If we are able to teach intelligent design, what's to stop the other religions to be taught as well.

            Pretty soon, 80% of public school class material will be about religion with hardly any REAL material.

            There IS a place where kids can go to learn intelligent design already, and it's called church dumbfucks.
            The name Sammy Hagar conjures up a variety of emotions from music fans--from hate to contempt, from disgust to revulsion.



            • Terry
              • Jan 2004
              • 11967

              Bottom line is there are more dumbfucks than ever graduating from our public schools. Talking basic literacy and an expanding population of functional illiterates in our country. Nobody wants to take responsibility for it. Not the schools, parents or the students themselves. Until that mindset changes, Darwinism vs. Creationalism is an, at best, secondary issue.
              Scramby eggs and bacon.

