"There Is Going To Be Massive Change In Very Short Period Of Time!" In The US

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  • DLR'sCock
    Crazy Ass Mofo
    • Jan 2004
    • 2937

    "There Is Going To Be Massive Change In Very Short Period Of Time!" In The US

    Tom Heneghan & Stew Webb Declare "There Is Going To Be Massive Change In Very Short Period Of Time!" In The US

    by Scott Mowry


    Heroic federal whistleblowers Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb revealed further revelations of the historic new government and judicial systems set to emerge rapidly after the George W. Bush administration is swept out of office from the avalanche of criminal indictments about ready to rain down upon them, at any time now. During last evening's "US Intelligence Report" radio report from Thursday, October 13, 2005, Heneghan and Webb covered a wide gambit of information as usual, including news of more testimony from prominent players, further impending indictments, the strong presence of Israel Mossad agents within the ranks of the Bush crime cabal and the looting of the American treasury.

    "I can tell you, ladies and gentleman, as you listen to us around the united States of America and around the rest of the world, we are getting VERY CLOSE to the 'la libération d'Amérique', the liberation of this country. These indictments which we have talked about for a long time are far sweeping, there is 22 of them, they will include not only the current but the past administration. WE ARE GOING TO SEE THE BEGINNING OF A VERY, VERY FASCINATION PERIOD," declared Heneghan to open the broadcast.

    Heneghan revealed that phony White House reporter and rumored homosexual lover of George W. Bush, Jeff Gannon, was the third prominent person involved in the Valerie Plame outing along with both Karl Rove and Scooter Libby. Gannon has now agreed to testify against the Bush crime cabal, just as Rove and New York Times reporter Judith Miller had agreed to last week. Heneghan detailed that Gannon has been given immunity for his testimony, a condition that had not been offered to Rove.

    "Tonight we can report to you that the third individual who helped leak the name of Valerie Plame, violate the terms of the espionage act, cause the deaths of hundreds of agents all over the world, that individual is Jeff Gannon," stated Heneghan whom he labeled as nothing more than a "press shill" and "the personal homosexual lover of George W. Bush."

    "He was the one who was actually given the name of Valerie Plame to be circulated through the press for the purpose of outing this individual, who knew the truth that there were no weapons of mass destruction, there was never no real excuse to go to war in Iraq, other than an attempt to support the oil derivative investments of the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate, the Israeli Mossad, the Saudi Arabia royal family, Carlyle (Group), etc.," Heneghan added.

    Heneghan also reported that author Hunter S. Thompson, famous for his book "Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas," was writing a massive expose about Gannon and Bush as well as Hilary Clinton and her lesbian affairs. Thompson had allegedly committed suicide at his Colorado home recently but, according to Heneghan and Webb, had, in fact, been murdered by the Israeli Mossad to prevent him from making these revelations public.

    Heneghan also predicted that many prominent members of the national news media, such as famed Watergate and Washington Post reporter, Bob Woodward, and ABC's "This Week" host George Stephanopolous, among others, will be indicted from the Fitzgerald grand juries as well for actively participating in the cover up of the Plame and much other truths.

    Throughout the broadcast, Heneghan spoke of the numerous Israeli Mosad agents that have been placed within the ranks of the US government and media. He labeled Supreme Court nominee Harriet Meirs, new Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, Judith Miller, Woodward, Gannon, Senator Arlen Spector from PA, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Bill Clinton as well as much of the staff of the Pentagon, all possessing strong links to the Mossad.

    The two men also went into great detail of the looting of the national trust and US Social Security funds by the Bush / Clinton crime families which have been borrowed and lent out to the Chinese government because the Federal Reserve has now become bankrupt. The amount of money that has been stolen from the American people may well amount to over $400 trillion.

    "As the French national anthem states (translated), 'how dare you, you conspiritorial tyrants and kings.' And basically what these people are, both this and the previous administrations, are conspiritorial tyrants and kings of the worst order," said Heneghan.

    "This is an elaborate racketeering operation of the worst proportion which has not only exposed our national security, destroyed our Constitution of the united States, but exposed the entire American population to attack and to annihilation because of the greed, profiteering and basically contempt that this filth has for the common American citizen as they pose as what they think to be, overseers and regal monarchs. They are none of the such, THEY ARE SOON GOING TO BE COMMON CRIMINALS(!)," he added.

    "Justice is finally coming about isn't it? PEOPLE ARE GOING TO SEE THINGS IN THIS LAND THAT MOST HAVE BEEN DREAMING OF FOR THE PAST 25 YEARS. It's called a new administration, not the Bush / Clinton crime families or syndicates. And we are going to see justice brought back to this land," Webb said defiantly.

    Perhaps the most exciting element of last night's show was Webb's insistence that many forthright and honest Americans should now seriously consider running for public office once the federal and state governments are purged of the criminal elements that have so dominated this country over the past quarter century. In addition, he suggested that ordinary citizens will now have their greatest opportunity to pursue real justice actions against corrupt governmental officials through the judicial systems like never before.

    "Folks, the wheels of justice with Patrick Fitzgerald and the American/French alliance, the good people within the Central Intelligence Agency and other agencies and the French intelligence, as a result, the wheels of justice got put back on the freight train and it is running down the tracks and the Bush crime family is standing on the tracks thinking they are going to stop the freight train.

    But I got news for them tonight...they're gonna get hit by the train!

    And the train is going to continue and when the train continues over the next two to three years you are going to see major change in the United States of America. And the Justice Department is going to be shook up and THE CONGRESS AND THE SENATE ARE GOING TO HAVE A HOUSE CLEANING LIKE NOBODY HAS EVER SEEN!!!

    So folks, I am going to announce tonight, soon, when this house cleaning comes and these indictments and the arrests of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and all the administration, when it happens, get prepared to start running for offices. Good people, clean people...those that don't have dirt, those that are true Americans, true patriotic Americans, get prepared. Start getting your campaigns in order, start getting your people together because there is going to be a house cleansing in the Congress and in the Senate," declared Webb passionately.

    "And the justice will be implemented, we promise you, based on the terms, demands and decrees of the Constitution of the united States," added Heneghan. "The office of criminal round-up, people will be armed with not only a copy of the Bill of Rights but also a copy of the second amendment and that will be their arrest warrant to take these people to justice"

    "And folks, your are going to see grand juries all across this nation soon open up in US courthouses where you will be able to bring your evidence of wrongdoing of your FBI agents, your DEA agents, your public officials, that is, your congressmen, your senators, your governors of your States. You will be able to go before the grand jury and make that presentation bring those indictments. This is coming to America. There is going to be change very rapidly", Webb further detailed.

    "Operation criminal round-up has been in effect for over a year and half (now). Constitutional re-implimentation is coming to America in the (form of a) new administration. Tom and I both have inside information on this, and I will tell George Bush and Dick Cheney and the whole administration are done! They have been indicted," said Webb. "Let's lay out the facts. THERE IS GOING TO BE MASSIVE CHANGE IN VERY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME," he proclaimed.

    Heneghan and Webb appear weekly on the Turner Radio network on Thursday evenings at 8PM EDT and 5PM PST.
  • Phil theStalker
    Full Member Status

    • Jan 2004
    • 3843

    The American people through the form of grand juries can start by indicting CFR, Trilateral Commision, etc. members for treason which will include living U.S. Presidents.

    The American people must also replace and start their own banking system owned by the American people.

    The American people must also get the bi-sexual Spartan Greek fantasy boys and the occultists out of the Pen5tagon, too.

    It's a real cleaning up mess, but the alternative is a treasonous and pedophiliac homosexual political and military leadership leading us to live out global corporatism plans for continuous world wars and further economic enslavement of THE PEOPLE.

    If there is going to be a cleansing of this corrupted hyper-wealthy human vermin global scourge from the human race let it begin here in America.

    I know David Rockefeller thinks Standard Oil stockholders felt really happy about their stocks, but there are more American people who are not stockholders of any expendable income and all they have are their life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness rights.

    I remember hearing that somewhere.

    This grand jury of Fitzgerald's better be an explosion of legal changes to come to our government system that is obviously heavily corrupted or if history repeats itself the people will be faced with the other kinds of historic explosions of war and revolt.

    Which path will the American people take at the close of this very special grand jury investigations will determine that.

    Godspeed America.

    Godspeed the world.

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      • Feb 2007
      • 12678

      nitro never commented on this?
      Another one of those classic genius posts, sure to generate responses. You log on the next day to see what your witty gem has produced to find no one gets it and 2 knotheads want to stick their dicks in it... Well played, sir!!


      • ELVIS
        • Dec 2003
        • 44120

        Originally posted by PETE'S BROTHER
        nitro never commented on this?
        Sure he has but I seriously doubt anything will come of this...

        Even if Bush and Cheney were thrown in prison today, what would that change about the current direction of this country, that in my not so humble opinion, is headed straight for Nazi Germany on digital steroids...

        The only truth I saw in that article is that "forthright and honest Americans should now seriously consider running for public office once the federal and state governments are purged of the criminal elements that have so dominated this country over the past quarter century."

        The only way to change anything is from within...


        • Seshmeister

          • Oct 2003
          • 35212

          The Jeff Gannon thing was an extraordinary story which got a little press but should have been a massive scandal.

          Gannon(not even his real name) managed to pass Secret Service security checks and get a White House press pass which are like gold dust. He then would ask seemingly soft planted questions. At the same time he ran gay escort websites and rented his ass out at $200 a day.

          I doubt W fucked him but it seems likely he was very close to some very high up people.

          Various conspiracy websites suggest Karl Rove was involved because he never got married and was never seen with a girlfriend kind of ignoring the fairly easily checked fact that he has been married three times...


          • Hardrock69
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Feb 2005
            • 21888

            The original post was a bunch of "sky is falling" bullshit.

            Ooo....."Massive change in a very short time".....yes...massive change is we have a Black President.....


            Though of course I would love it if shrub and chenkles got arrested and found guilty of treason, genocide, etc.

            I don't see it happening though.


            • Seshmeister

              • Oct 2003
              • 35212

              Alex Jones does the same thing, Obama was going to be assassinated in the first few months of his presidency blah blah.

              They need the immediacy to keep interest up and rely on people never going back at a later date, like the 'psychics' that make their predictions every year.

              I had to laugh and must share this with ELVIS.

              I was listening to the comedian Doug Stanhope who knows Alex Jones pretty well.

              He was saying it's funny when he is on the show listening to Jones say how the government is trying to poison you and then it gets to the commercials which are all for pseudo healthcare products and he and Jones go out back to smoke cigarettes...


              • Kristy
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Aug 2004
                • 16344

                Originally posted by ELVIS
                The only way to change anything is from within...
                Oh, and to buy water purification filters from paranoid lunatics.

