Bill Clinton Decries His Impeachment In Speech At Hofstra

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  • Nickdfresh

    • Oct 2004
    • 49219

    Bill Clinton Decries His Impeachment In Speech At Hofstra

    Bill Clinton Decries His Impeachment In Speech At Hofstra

    POSTED: 7:33 pm EST November 10, 2005
    UPDATED: 11:43 am EST November 11, 2005

    HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. -- Former President Clinton said Thursday that his impeachment was "an egregious abuse of the Constitution" and asked if history judges him poorly because of his White House tryst with Monica Lewinsky, "How many other presidents do you have to downgrade?"

    Speaking on the opening day of a three-day conference at Hofstra University examining his presidency, Clinton challenged a statement by noted historian Douglas Brinkley, who opined in a newspaper interview that Clinton would be deemed a great president were it not for his impeachment.

    "I completely disagree with that," Clinton said. "You can agree with that statement, but only if you think impeachment was justified. Otherwise, it was an egregious abuse of the Constitution and law and history of our country."

    Clinton, who was acquitted by the Senate of perjury and obstruction of justice at his 1999 impeachment trial, contended that the impeachment was not about what he called his "misconduct."

    "Now if you want to hold it against me that I did something wrong, that's a fair deal," he said. "If you do that, then you have a whole lot of other questions, which is how many other presidents do you have to downgrade and what are you going to do with all those Republican congressmen, you know, that had problems?"

    His remarks were cheered loudly by the audience.

    In a speech that lasted more than an hour, Clinton touched on many of what he called the achievements of his eight-year presidency, citing everything from Middle East peace initiatives to turning around the U.S. economy.

    Among his Democratic administration's failures, he said, were its slowness to act to stop genocide in Rwanda and the decision to allow FBI agents to raid a cult leader's compound in Waco, Texas. Nearly 80 cult followers died in a fire during the 1993 confrontation.

    "We should have waited them out," Clinton said.

    Former cabinet members, White House staffers and academicians converged at Hofstra for the conference, which will touch on issues including the economy, relations with Congress, the Middle East and Northern Ireland peace processes and confronting terrorism.

    Those participating include former Attorney General Janet Reno, ex-Defense Secretary William Perry, former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and advisers Paul Begala, David Gergen and Harold Ickes.

    During an opening keynote speech, former chief of staff Leon Panetta quipped that he appreciated "the opportunity to, considering the problems that are confronting this White House, to take some comfort in the ability to say when we were in the White House those were the good old days."

    The presidential conference is the 11th to be held at Hofstra; the first was held in 1982 and examined the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

    Hofstra President Stuart Rabinowitz said this year's conference was "one of the very first attempts to write the historical record of the Clinton presidency."

    Brinkley, who is serving as a moderator at several events, said the transcripts and other records from the Hofstra sessions are considered important reference materials for students of history across the country.

    Madeleine Albright, Clinton's secretary of state from 1997 to 2001, introduced him Thursday evening. In remarks earlier Thursday, she recalled some of the administration's foreign policy efforts during her term.

    "I have always believed America is an exceptional country. But that is because we have led in creating standards that work for everyone, not because we are an exception to the rules," she said. "Countries should know that America is a nation whose leaders can be trusted and who will practice what they preach. By that high standard, I am proud of the Clinton administration's record."


    © 2005 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
  • DrMaddVibe
    • Jan 2004
    • 6686

    Thanks for the laugh nicker00!


    • Nickdfresh

      • Oct 2004
      • 49219

      Originally posted by DrMaddVibe
      Thanks for the laugh nicker00!
      I thought you needed a pick me up after all of the Republoshittingofthebed lately.


      • DrMaddVibe
        • Jan 2004
        • 6686



        • ELVIS
          • Dec 2003
          • 44120

          Re: Bill Clinton Decries His Impeachment In Speech At Hofstra

          Impeached President Bill Clinton
          "I completely disagree with that," Clinton said. "You can agree with that statement, but only if you think impeachment was justified. Otherwise, it was an egregious abuse of the Constitution and law and history of our country."

          He lied under oath...

          What part of that don't you liberals or Clinton understand ??


          • Cathedral
            ROTH ARMY ELITE
            • Jan 2004
            • 6621

            Uh huh, and I heard him say he should be given dredit for dealing with it all...The man should hit the Comedy Clubs, he's a riot.


            • ELVIS
              • Dec 2003
              • 44120


              "I should be given credit."


              • Cathedral
                ROTH ARMY ELITE
                • Jan 2004
                • 6621

                You had to know that the day would come when he would wave it around like a flag.

                Sure, I agree that Congress was a little drunk with their power and authority. but that doesn't excuse his actions, especially when he could have just ended the whole thing and swept it under the table like every politician has done from day one.

                Do i care if he banged Monica to hell and back?
                Nope, not a bit unless pictures pop up some day, lol.


                • Warham
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Mar 2004
                  • 14589

                  Clinton, avenging the wrongs caused by the EVIL Republicans.


                  • Nickdfresh
                    SUPER MODERATOR

                    • Oct 2004
                    • 49219

                    Re: Re: Bill Clinton Decries His Impeachment In Speech At Hofstra

                    Originally posted by ELVIS
                    He lied under oath...

                    What part of that don't you liberals or Clinton understand ??
                    No. Technically he didn't. The definition of sex was KEN STARR's missionary definition.

                    Yes, CLINTON basically did lie. But he lied about a blowjob, not weapons of mass delusions so he could start a grudge war...


                    • blueturk
                      • Jul 2004
                      • 1883

                      Here's a nice big fat lie from Dubya:

                      "I want to remind you all that in order to fight and win the war, it requires an expenditure of money that is commiserate with keeping a promise to our troops to make sure that they're well-paid, well-trained, well-equipped." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Dec. 15, 2003


                      • Hardrock69
                        DIAMOND STATUS
                        • Feb 2005
                        • 21888

                        I am sure our troops would rather we promise them they could come home.

                        Fucking Chimpy....givers fucktards a bad name....


                        • Hardrock69
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Feb 2005
                          • 21888

                          Oh and Mr. Bill's statements are fucking laughable.

                          Abuse of the Constitution my ass.

                          He is just saying that because he got away with getting his dick sucked and lying about it.

                          Poor a blowjob and got called on the carpet for it.

                          Cry me a fucking river....


                          • Warham
                            DIAMOND STATUS
                            • Mar 2004
                            • 14589

                            He's been a whiny bitch since 1998. Some of him rubbed off of Monica, and apparently, some of her rubbed off on Bill.


                            • ELVIS
                              • Dec 2003
                              • 44120

                              Good ole DNA...

