Christmas Under Attack: A Manufactured Crisis

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  • floyd95
    • Mar 2004
    • 153

    lesbians against bush


    • ELVIS
      • Dec 2003
      • 44120

      Wouldn't that be an oxymoron ??


      • ELVIS
        • Dec 2003
        • 44120

        We think so...


        • Millermoos
          Head Fluffer
          • Aug 2005
          • 309

          Feliz Navidad! Donde aprediste el espanol!?!? Cinco estrellas para ti.

          Do you speak Spanish? I am trying to learn...
          Feliz Navidad does it mean Happy Christmas in Spanish or just Happy Festivities?


          • ELVIS
            • Dec 2003
            • 44120

            Originally posted by Millermoos

            Do you speak Spanish? I am trying to learn...

            Well go to and leave us alone...
            Feliz Navidad does it mean Happy Christmas in Spanish or just Happy Festivities?

            Who cares ??


            What does millermoos mean, anyway ??

            Is your last name Miller, and you moo like a cow ??


            • diamondD
              • Jan 2004
              • 1962

              Originally posted by FORD
              Jerry Falwell blamed homosexuals for 9-11-01.

              Pat Robertson calls for assassinations of foreign heads of state and claims that God will "abandon" cities that don't put Unchristian Coaliton candidates on their school board.

              James Dobson believes you have to beat your wife, your kids, and your dog in order to be the "master of your domain"

              I don't think any of them qualify as SANE.
              But none of them publicly claim the BCE is hacking their computer.

              I'm sick of Christmas being replaced with "Happy Holidays" If it wasn't for Christmas, a lot of businesses wouldn't turn a profit.
              Meet us in the future, not the pasture


              • Cathedral
                ROTH ARMY ELITE
                • Jan 2004
                • 6621

                Originally posted by FORD
                Yeah, let's just destroy the public school system entirely, and give all the money to right wing dominonist churches so that ALL future generations can be brainwashed fascists.

                That's a great idea
                Here's another attempt to skew reality.
                I don't promote the destruction of the public school sytem, even if it does rob the believer of their right to pray or ackowledge Christ as the savior.
                Have you taken a walk through the halls of a public school lately, Ford?

                Of course not, you aren't a parent so why would you?
                It isn't the atmosphere anyone, christian or not, would want their children exposed to. Liberal values are promoted in the halls of public schools, political bias is taught in public schools, acceptance of any and all things is taught in public schools.
                I, as a parent, do not agree with those principles and do not approve of my child being "programmed" with values i do not promote, so I pay for her to attend a school that resembles what public schools were when I was a kid.
                I don't send my child to school to learn about "The world" anyway, I send her to school to get an education, you know, reading, writing, and arithmetic...NOT the current social fads that have nothing to do with education, and THAT is what the public school system is all about in todays society.

                I do however promote people having the right to choose the atmosphere in which their children learn.
                As it stands, private schools are only for the elite, or for those simpler minds, those who can afford it.

                But beyond that, you have no clue what Christ Centered Learning is.
                It isn't about church or teaching kids about Christ, it is about ackowledging Christ in everything they do and learning, plain and simple, learning.
                Your comments prove to me 110% that you believe what you were told and it isn't even close to reality.
                I agree with your views of the right wing fascists and i even agree with most you put on your list as such, but you are lumping everyone in the same pile with those who aren't true christians who actually DO live by Christ teachings, and that isn't fair, bro.

                You have it backwards, the school my daughter goes to doesn't brainwash kids, they just allow them to keep their faith where it belongs, close to their heart while they learn.
                The brainwashing happens in the public system where anything and everything goes BUT God, get it?

                At CCS they have a total of 730 kids from grades K to 12, and every parent, including myself, is involved in some way in the schools many parents in the public system even set foot in their kids school except for when they are in trouble or called in for a conference? not many my friend, and again, you'd know this if you were a parent.
                Parental participation is a requirement NOT an option.
                Discipline is something that is extremely rare at CCS, not so in public schools as you can find a line out the door of the Principle's office on a daily basis.
                At CCS the kids reach out to one another to help and support each other in every aspect of learning, not so in a public school, it's more about ridicule and laughing at those who are different, bullying, and social circles that in most cases are submerged into things that have nothing to do with learning.
                My daughter knows about "This World" from me, the father, and i've lived it from all sides, brother, believe that.
                My oldest girl, God rest her soul, turned out fine and was very independant. she was armed with what she needed to avoid peer pressure and made up her own mind in all cases. she knew right from wrong and was more apt to keep her friends from doing something stupid as opposed to following along...I'm proud of that, and i'm on course with Tara as well.

                The bottom line is that kids should be getting educated in school, not socially conditioned.
                If a parent does their job AT HOME, their kids would leave the home at age 18 with a firm sense of responsibility and be accountable for their actions in all phases of life.
                I personally have never sheltered my kids from reality, and that is where a lot of parents make their mistake because the draw of society leads them to experiment with what they are not familiar with.
                It's a common problem with many parents and that mistake is made in the first 6 years of their childrens lives.
                The effects of that lack of direction will stay with them well into adulthood if not their entire lives.

                When or if you have a child of your own, the moment you hold that child in your arms you will take an immediate assessment of yourself and buddy, you'll take that child home with a complete different set of priorities for their future as well as your own. if not, then chances are you'll fail them because you'll rely on a public school system to teach them their values when they should have come from you, at home.

                Public Schools are under attack and at risk of being destroyed, i agree witht that, but the danger comes from itself, and that's where you and a large part of society are wrong on your assessment.
                Restore God and let the children pray, set rules and guidlines that protect everyone's freedom of religion and God will return his blessing to those classrooms.
                The schools are in control, not any church or what you call right-wing fascists. and so far, from what i see on the news across the country, those public systems are doing a bang up job on their students, give me a break.

                Oh, and let me remind you that even though my child doesn't attend a public school, my tax dollars still pay for it fair that i should be paying for something i don't use?
                The same goes for any homeowner that doesn't even have children.

                Your argument is full of holes and won't hold water, but that's ok, ignorance can be overcome by educating yourself before you reply with such a broad brush painting that which you know little to nothing about.


                • Nickdfresh
                  SUPER MODERATOR

                  • Oct 2004
                  • 49219

                  Originally posted by ELVIS
                  Like learning to put a condom on a cucumber ??
                  Well, you're not actually supposed to put it on a cucumber. I hope you figure that out before you bang another hot nurse


                  • Nickdfresh
                    SUPER MODERATOR

                    • Oct 2004
                    • 49219

                    You dolts! AMERICA WAS FOUNDED AS A SECULAR NATION! Try actually reading about the founding fathers instead of propagating the myth that most of them were avid Christians. Most of them were not! It was based on the principle that European heads of state often manipulated religion for **gasp** political agendas, power, and money; you know, things that Jesus all about...

                    And by the way, DECEMBER 25th coincides with a huge ROMAN feast day and holiday, coincidence? I think not.


                    • LoungeMachine
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Jul 2004
                      • 32576

                      Originally posted by MERRYKISSMASS2U
                      Feliz Navidad! Donde aprediste el espanol!?!? Cinco estrellas para ti!

                      Falwell and O'Reilly are FLEAS It's a pun you humorless geek
                      Originally posted by Kristy
                      Dude, what in the fuck is wrong with you? I'm full of hate and I do drugs.
                      Originally posted by cadaverdog
                      I posted under aliases and I jerk off with a sock. Anything else to add?


                      • Nickdfresh
                        SUPER MODERATOR

                        • Oct 2004
                        • 49219

                        Originally posted by Cathedral
                        Here's another attempt to skew reality.
                        I don't promote the destruction of the public school sytem, even if it does rob the believer of their right to pray or ackowledge Christ as the savior.
                        Have you taken a walk through the halls of a public school lately, Ford?

                        Oh brother... Yeah, I had a lot of fun in SATAN Worship Class in public school...

                        Of course not, you aren't a parent so why would you?
                        It isn't the atmosphere anyone, christian or not, would want their children exposed to. Liberal values are promoted in the halls of public schools, political bias is taught in public schools, acceptance of any and all things is taught in public schools.
                        You have any specific examples of this CAT, or just generalities? BTW, there is no national "Public School System." It's all regional and state mandated and mostly locally funded, so there is a great deal of uneveness in it all, especially when it comes to $$$$$$ for the kiddies.

                        I mean, what should be taught in public schools?

                        I, as a parent, do not agree with those principles and do not approve of my child being "programmed" with values i do not promote, so I pay for her to attend a school that resembles what public schools were when I was a kid.
                        I don't send my child to school to learn about "The world" anyway, I send her to school to get an education, you know, reading, writing, and arithmetic...NOT the current social fads that have nothing to do with education, and THAT is what the public school system is all about in todays society.
                        Um, I though learning about the world was education. There are many many failings in education today, believe me, I know...

                        But a lot of people criticising it always focus on the wrong things. Morality and religion lessons start at home, and in fact the "Golden Rule" is essentially derived from a Judeo-Christian moral code...

                        I do however promote people having the right to choose the atmosphere in which their children learn.
                        As it stands, private schools are only for the elite, or for those simpler minds, those who can afford it.
                        The truth is that most private schools suck. They dramatically underpay teachers and well, you get what you pay for...Their curriculums are for the most part no more dynamic than a good public school.

                        But beyond that, you have no clue what Christ Centered Learning is.
                        It isn't about church or teaching kids about Christ, it is about ackowledging Christ in everything they do and learning, plain and simple, learning.
                        Your comments prove to me 110% that you believe what you were told and it isn't even close to reality.
                        I agree with your views of the right wing fascists and i even agree with most you put on your list as such, but you are lumping everyone in the same pile with those who aren't true christians who actually DO live by Christ teachings, and that isn't fair, bro.

                        You have it backwards, the school my daughter goes to doesn't brainwash kids, they just allow them to keep their faith where it belongs, close to their heart while they learn.
                        The brainwashing happens in the public system where anything and everything goes BUT God, get it?

                        At CCS they have a total of 730 kids from grades K to 12, and every parent, including myself, is involved in some way in the schools many parents in the public system even set foot in their kids school except for when they are in trouble or called in for a conference? not many my friend, and again, you'd know this if you were a parent.
                        Parental participation is a requirement NOT an option.
                        Discipline is something that is extremely rare at CCS, not so in public schools as you can find a line out the door of the Principle's office on a daily basis.
                        At CCS the kids reach out to one another to help and support each other in every aspect of learning, not so in a public school, it's more about ridicule and laughing at those who are different, bullying, and social circles that in most cases are submerged into things that have nothing to do with learning.
                        My daughter knows about "This World" from me, the father, and i've lived it from all sides, brother, believe that.
                        My oldest girl, God rest her soul, turned out fine and was very independant. she was armed with what she needed to avoid peer pressure and made up her own mind in all cases. she knew right from wrong and was more apt to keep her friends from doing something stupid as opposed to following along...I'm proud of that, and i'm on course with Tara as well.

                        The bottom line is that kids should be getting educated in school, not socially conditioned.
                        If a parent does their job AT HOME, their kids would leave the home at age 18 with a firm sense of responsibility and be accountable for their actions in all phases of life.
                        I personally have never sheltered my kids from reality, and that is where a lot of parents make their mistake because the draw of society leads them to experiment with what they are not familiar with.
                        It's a common problem with many parents and that mistake is made in the first 6 years of their childrens lives.
                        The effects of that lack of direction will stay with them well into adulthood if not their entire lives.

                        When or if you have a child of your own, the moment you hold that child in your arms you will take an immediate assessment of yourself and buddy, you'll take that child home with a complete different set of priorities for their future as well as your own. if not, then chances are you'll fail them because you'll rely on a public school system to teach them their values when they should have come from you, at home.

                        Public Schools are under attack and at risk of being destroyed, i agree witht that, but the danger comes from itself, and that's where you and a large part of society are wrong on your assessment.
                        Restore God and let the children pray, set rules and guidlines that protect everyone's freedom of religion and God will return his blessing to those classrooms.
                        The schools are in control, not any church or what you call right-wing fascists. and so far, from what i see on the news across the country, those public systems are doing a bang up job on their students, give me a break.

                        Oh, and let me remind you that even though my child doesn't attend a public school, my tax dollars still pay for it fair that i should be paying for something i don't use?
                        The same goes for any homeowner that doesn't even have children.

                        Your argument is full of holes and won't hold water, but that's ok, ignorance can be overcome by educating yourself before you reply with such a broad brush painting that which you know little to nothing about.
                        It's not the public school systems' job to teach "Christ" or religion, and there is no "restoration" of God possible since he/sher never really was in a public school as part of the curriculum. The fact is that their is a lot NOT being taught in public schools and there is a breakdown of respect and standards, but that starts long before a kid goes into a classroom. Oh yeah, money and class have a lot to do with it too.


                        • Cathedral
                          ROTH ARMY ELITE
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 6621

                          Again, Nick, in all your many words you missed every point in my post.
                          and you call me a Dolt? whatever, dude.
                          Every law in this nation was directly taken from the bible, you just can't see much resemblance in them today.

                          This country was founded on biblical principles, just go and read what each state had to say in writing when they accepted the Constitution.
                          Every one of them except Hawaii and Alaska ackowledged Almighty God as the source of their blessings.

                          I never said that the authors were all devout Christians either, but the biblical principles were there.
                          I also never said that schools are responsible for teaching kids about Christ, in fact, I said the exact opposite of that.

                          You have serious reading comprehension issues, buddy, because you see what isn't there every time.

                          Go find some more articles to post that don't require you to think for yourself, you're on a roll.
                          Last edited by Cathedral; 11-29-2005, 12:20 PM.


                          • Cathedral
                            ROTH ARMY ELITE
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 6621

                            By the way, Nick, how many kids do you have?


                            • LoungeMachine
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Jul 2004
                              • 32576

                              Originally posted by Cathedral
                              By the way, Nick, how many kids do you have?
                              Utterly bogus point.

                              Education is not just for breeders, cat, we ALL live and die by the educations our next generation receives.

                              Having said that, as Nick is a TEACHER, I believe he is MORE than qualified to speak on this.

                              Originally posted by Kristy
                              Dude, what in the fuck is wrong with you? I'm full of hate and I do drugs.
                              Originally posted by cadaverdog
                              I posted under aliases and I jerk off with a sock. Anything else to add?


                              • Nickdfresh
                                SUPER MODERATOR

                                • Oct 2004
                                • 49219

                                Ex-teacher actually. I'm pursuing another course precisely because I'm a bit disgusted by it all....

                                I have too many burned out almost-retired teachers telling me it isn't worth, nor are things as they once were. But my experiences did make me want to vomit often, i.e.:

                                Teachers that didn't teach ANYTHING!

                                Kids that were pampered and socially promoted through school by said teachers, so they could fail out of college...

                                I have to go, but basically if I ever teach full time again, it will be in a community college or something.

