Iran Threatens to Use Oil in Nuke Standoff

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  • Nickdfresh

    • Oct 2004
    • 49219

    Iran Threatens to Use Oil in Nuke Standoff

    Iran Threatens to Use Oil in Nuke Standoff
    Saturday, March 11, 2006 2:47 PM EST
    The Associated Press

    TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran on Saturday explicitly warned for the first time that it could use oil as a weapon if the U.N. Security Council imposes sanctions over an Iranian nuclear program that the U.S. and others suspect is trying to produce atomic bombs.

    Later in the day, diplomats said Russia is pushing for a new round of international talks to be held away from U.N. headquarters, apparently hoping to head off a showdown in the council.

    Iranian Interior Minister Mostafa Pourmohammadi raised the possibility of using Iran's oil and natural gas supplies as a weapon in the international standoff and also noted Iran's strategic location at a chokepoint for a vital Persian Gulf oil route.

    "If (they) politicize our nuclear case, we will use any means. We are rich in energy resources. We have control over the biggest and the most sensitive energy route of the world," Pourmohammadi was quoted as saying by the official Islamic Republic News Agency.

    Iran is the No. 2 producer in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries after Saudi Arabia. It also lies on one side of the narrow Strait of Hormuz, a key passage for most of the crude oil shipped from the Persian Gulf nations.

    Pourmohammadi's statements were the most specific yet in a series of threats issued by Iranian officials as the Security Council discusses how to cajole Iran into reimposing a freeze on uranium enrichment and fully cooperating with a U.N. probe of its suspect nuclear program.

    Iran's government denies it is trying to develop atomic weapons, saying its program is intended only to produce fuel for nuclear reactors that generate electricity.

    Tehran insists the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty gives it the right to enrich uranium for reactor fuel, even though the process also can produce the fissile material needed to make atomic bombs.

    Russia, which has economic and political ties to Iran, has been trying to mediate a settlement and avoid U.N. sanctions. It is thought to fear Iran could spurn negotiations entirely at a time when the West fears the Islamic state is determined to obtain atomic weapons.

    In Vienna, Austria, a Western diplomat told The Associated Press that the Kremlin is trying to arrange talks March 20 among the five permanent Security Council members — the United States, China, Russia, Britain and France — and Germany.

    The meeting is envisioned for Vienna because Russia wants to take the focus off the council's deliberations in New York, said the diplomat, who agreed to give details of the confidential discussions only on condition of anonymity.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov floated the idea of multilateral talks on Iran earlier in the week but did not suggest a date or venue. On Friday, John Bolton, America's ambassador to the Security Council, also said continuing consultations made "a lot of sense."

    But the Western diplomat suggested Washington wants the main focus to remain on the Security Council, emphasizing that route was approved in January by Lavrov and the foreign ministers of the other permanent members.

    The five permanent council members considered proposals Friday on how to get Iran to answer questions about its nuclear program, abandon uranium enrichment and stop construction on a reactor.

    The five planned another meeting Monday morning to look at a revised draft of a resolution involving Iran, the Western diplomat said.

    Another diplomat who had seen the draft told AP it calls on Iran to halt construction of its heavy-water reactor and stop all uranium enrichment, but does not contain any threat of punishment against the Iranians.

    The lack of a threat is a clear effort to get Russia and China on board. If that does not happen, Bolton and other senior U.S. officials have suggested Washington might try to rally its allies to impose their own targeted sanctions.
  • FORD

    • Jan 2004
    • 58829

    Certainly can't blame them for playing that card.

    Here comes $5/gallon gas, just in time for summer.

    Thanks PNAC!
    Eat Us And Smile

    Cenk For America 2024!!

    Justice Democrats

    "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


    • Nitro Express
      • Aug 2004
      • 32798

      Iran is playing a dangerouse poker game buying themselves time to complete whatever is on their agenda. Iran has some state of the art diesel submarines that run absolutely silent. They could wreak havoc in the Persian Gulf and bring shipping to a stand still.

      The problem is it's cuts Irans inflow of money and ruins relations with Irans oil customers.

      The big question is how nuts are their political leaders? Are they crazy like a fox? Whatever they are, they are buying themselves more time to do something.
      No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


      • Cathedral
        • Jan 2004
        • 6621

        Originally posted by FORD
        Certainly can't blame them for playing that card.

        Here comes $5/gallon gas, just in time for summer.

        Thanks PNAC!
        Incidentally, where was your thanks for having gas cost less than what other markets have been paying for years?

        But the fact that you never blame anyone but your own people says it all to me, pal.
        I suppose all the corruption this country is submerged in will just vanish should a Democrat win the Presidency?

        You're lost if you believe that for a second, Ford.

        So go for it, thank the PNAC for saving you all that gas money for the last several years that other markets weren't as fortunate to have if it's all their fault, c'mon, fair is fair, buddy.
        You can't just bitch when things go south, you have to accept the good with the bad, that's the bi-partisan way, chief...


        • Cathedral
          • Jan 2004
          • 6621

          Iran wants their ass handed to them by way of air strikes.
          Oh but it won't be us firing the first shot, it will be Israel.

          Just watch, it will happen in short order, and why?

          Because Iran becoming a nuclear power simply cannot be allowed to happen no matter what anyone has to say about it, period.

          Diplomacy has failed here, folks, it is dead in the water and the time has come for everyone to choose their allies because it is going to get stickier than you can imagine, guarenteed.

          Iran isn't buying time, they've basically sped up their own clock and soon reports will come across our screens that Israel has begun attacking Iran.
          And we'll be right there with them blowing the fuck out of Irans military infrastructure.

          The writing is on the wall, it's actually been there for months.

          So get ready, all the pretty articles and commie banter in the world will not stop what has already begun.

          Roth On!


          • FORD

            • Jan 2004
            • 58829

            Pray to GOD that the Likud party does NOT win (or steal) that upcoming Israeli election.

            Sharon, mad butcher that he once was, somehow managed to restrain them in recent years, but now he's out for good. Last poll I saw had his fledgling "Kadima" party still holding the lead even with him out if it, and his acting successor Olmert apparently running for the job. Mossad/Likud will undoubtedly try to pull some last minute fear tactics to manipulate the elections. Let's hope the Israelis don't buy into that horse shit like people did here with "Fake Osama tape #2".
            Eat Us And Smile

            Cenk For America 2024!!

            Justice Democrats

            "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


            • Cathedral
              ROTH ARMY ELITE
              • Jan 2004
              • 6621

              I don't think praying to God will stop it, bro.
              The bible speaks clearly of these current times and this time, unlike the 80's, I don't see anything to stop the coming world war.

              All we can do is slow it down a little, and allowing Iran to proceed with their plans is NOT an option, not now, not ever.

              Israel will strike Iran, it is a mathematical certainty at this point in time. Israel knows Irans intentions, and they have threatened as much, there is no way imaginable that Israel will sit and wait to be hit by nukes.
              We will be forced to back them or abandon them, and we won't abandon them.

              As i said, Diplomacy failed, and that was the last straw.
              Iran's latest comments cemented the deal, they are about to get hit and hit very hard, just watch, wait, and it shall come to pass sooner than you think possible.

              The most important issue will be which side Russia falls to, and China will have a choice to make as well.
              These two are what concerns me, because their alliances will detrmine what happens to the US, and all of us for that matter.

              The only positive is that everyone knows that Iran is the last country that needs a bomb in their arsenal, but will they support stopping them, that is the question.


              • Seshmeister
                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                • Oct 2003
                • 35212

                Did Reagan like Russia?

                Was Breshnev a big fan of the US?

                Why shouldn't a cold war work over there? It seems to be working for India and Pakistan. All the people that are having a pissy fit about Iran moving towards nukes are the same people that were all for the Mutually Assured Destruction strategy between Russia and the US?

                We allow Israel to have nukes, noone did anything because of the US vetos.

                Only one country has ever used a nuclear weapon against civilians...
                Last edited by Seshmeister; 03-12-2006, 08:48 PM.


                • Nickdfresh
                  SUPER MODERATOR

                  • Oct 2004
                  • 49219

                  Iran isn't going to have the bomb until after 2010 at the soonest...

                  For all the talk you hear, that fact gets lost...

                  But of course George the II has to save his pResidential legacy somehow, doesn't he?


                  • Cathedral
                    ROTH ARMY ELITE
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 6621

                    Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                    Iran isn't going to have the bomb until after 2010 at the soonest...

                    For all the talk you hear, that fact gets lost...

                    But of course George the II has to save his pResidential legacy somehow, doesn't he?
                    This doesn't have shit to do with the President saving any damn legacy, take that bullshit line back home with ya when you go, thanks.

                    Who's info are you going by with that assumption anyway, Nick?
                    And who's the possible target that has to worry first?

                    Could be, since the estimates I heard were that it would be 2010 before Iran could have a weapon that could hit the US....Israel isn't the US, Nick....and Israel will be taking a stand, rightfully so, against their personal growing threat in Iran long before we would otherwise have to worry about them...and 4 years passes rather quickly.

                    One thing for sure is this, it won't be us or our foreign policy that starts the conflict and everyone will immediately be evaluating their own allies looking for the best to stand with....basically everyone will be in a cluster fuck not knowing who to trust and little by little we'll destroy everything, yadda, yadda, yadda, we're all dead, the end, have fun on that final journey, good fuckin night...

                    And when i think of the last moment in time for human life i am visited by a memory of Darrin McGavin saying proudly, "It's a major award!", as he displays his electric sex in the front window of the home.


                    • Jerry Falwell

                      Originally posted by Nitro Express
                      Iran is playing a dangerouse poker game buying themselves time to complete whatever is on their agenda. Iran has some state of the art diesel submarines that run absolutely silent. They could wreak havoc in the Persian Gulf and bring shipping to a stand still.

                      The problem is it's cuts Irans inflow of money and ruins relations with Irans oil customers.

                      The big question is how nuts are their political leaders? Are they crazy like a fox? Whatever they are, they are buying themselves more time to do something.
                      I mostly agree with everything you said, except the diesel submarine thing. Even the most state of art Diesel sub is extremely vulnerable. They are quiet underwater (close to same as US subs), but they do have to surface and run the diesels in order to recharge their batteries. This makes them very vulnerable. Especially with our boys on their tails like they already are.


                      • Jerry Falwell

                        Originally posted by Seshmeister
                        Did Reagan like Russia?

                        Was Breshnev a big fan of the US?

                        Why shouldn't a cold war work over there? It seems to be working for India and Pakistan. All the people that are having a pissy fit about Iran moving towards nukes are the same people that were all for the Mutually Assured Destruction strategy between Russia and the US?

                        We allow Israel to have nukes, noone did anything because of the US vetos.

                        Only one country has ever used a nuclear weapon against civilians...

                        You are missing the big picture here. The reason that a Cold War won't work with Iran is because of their mission here. They don't want to wipe away just Israel off of the map, they actually want to create a new map. Get rid of everyone except Muslim loving countries. They seem crazy enough to actually try.

                        We did use a mean weapon against Japan. It was strictly as a preventative measure, and it was very effective. We didn't try and take over the world with it, and remember who attacked who first. Our state of mind was to end a war. Iran and Israel may have bad blood between them, but do you see Israel attacking them on a daily basis? Is a nuke owned by Iran with the intention of wiping out the infadels worth risking?

                        No. If you say otherwise, I feel sorry for you due to your inability to use your logic on this one.


                        • Nitro Express
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Aug 2004
                          • 32798

                          Oh we could take out their submarines but not before they sunk some large ships in the key channels and bottled up the shipping lanes.
                          No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                          • BITEYOASS
                            ROTH ARMY ELITE
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 6530

                            Originally posted by Nitro Express
                            Iran has some state of the art diesel submarines that run absolutely silent.
                            For someone who has actually been in a war zone I'd have to say that the phrases state of art and diesel submarines do not belong in the same sentence. Especially when they run out battery power and have to turn the diesel generator back on again. But I'd keep the helo's and the surface vessels away since they have anti-ship and Surface to air missle. Instead bring in the Seawolfs or Los Angeles class SSN's to the gulf and fish em out.


                            • Nickdfresh
                              SUPER MODERATOR

                              • Oct 2004
                              • 49219

                              Yes, but diesels have one really big advantage of nuke-powered subs. They're extremely quiet and much harder to detect...

                              I'd be more worried about Sunburn Anti-Ship Missiles...
                              Last edited by Nickdfresh; 03-13-2006, 06:46 PM.

