Bush Wants Iraqi Regime Change

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  • Hardrock69
    • Feb 2005
    • 21888

    Originally posted by Warham
    You use partisan op-eds every time you use one of your 'credible' newspaper sources.

    So you claim the New York Times, Washington Post, etc. are not credible?

    Ok so explain please....where is one supposed to get news of the world if not through legitimate news organizations?
    Perhaps a children's NeoCon Fairy Tale Book?


    • Warham
      • Mar 2004
      • 14589

      Originally posted by Hardrock69
      So you claim the New York Times, Washington Post, etc. are not credible?

      Ok so explain please....where is one supposed to get news of the world if not through legitimate news organizations?
      Perhaps a children's NeoCon Fairy Tale Book?

      One is not to rely on one or even two different sources for their news imput.

      You must use several.


      • Nickdfresh

        • Oct 2004
        • 49219

        Originally posted by Warham
        One is not to rely on one or even two different sources for their news imput.

        You must use several.
        Or some dimwit that gets paid by publishers to tell you what to think, rather than just reporting the facts and letting one make up his or her own mind...


        • Hardrock69
          • Feb 2005
          • 21888

          Originally posted by BigBadBrian
          Before he was deposed, Ferdinand Marcos ruled the Philippines.

          He was ELECTED during every election.

          Extortion, murder, and vote-rigging were the names of those games.

          He was a DICTATOR.

          So is Chavez.
          Christ....he was NOT "elected".

          He was a puppet of the CIA.

          He eventually got too big for his britches, so they removed him from office.

          It is in the history books.

          Since some of the Retardlicans around here seem to need reading material to comprehend some of the above statements I will provide some factual material, which the NeoCons around here will frantically try to deny, and when that fails, they will begin attacking the messenger and/or his credibility, as a desperate means to convince themselves the U.S. Government and it's intel services are NOT bad people:

          During the 40s and 50s, most of the public was unaware of what the CIA was doing. Those who knew thought they were fighting the good fight against communism, like James Bond. However, they could not keep their actions secret forever, and by the 60s and 70s, Americans began learning about the agency’s crimes and atrocities. (3) It turns out the CIA has:

          * Corrupted democratic elections in Greece, Italy and dozens of other nations;

          * Been involved to varying degrees in at least 35 assassination plots against foreign heads of state or prominent political leaders. Successful assassinations include democratically elected leaders like Salvador Allende (Chile) and Patrice Lumumba (Belgian Congo); also CIA-created dictators like Rafael Trujillo (Dominican Republic) and Ngo Dinh Diem (South Vietnam); and popular political leaders like Che Guevara. Unsuccessful attempts range from Fidel Castro to Charles De Gaulle.

          * Helped launch military coups that toppled democratic governments, replacing them with brutal dictatorships or juntas. The list of overthrown democratic leaders includes Mossadegh (Iran, 1953), Arbenz (Guatemala, 1954), Velasco and Arosemena (Ecuador, 1961, 1963), Bosch (Dominican Republic, 1963), Goulart (Brazil, 1964), Sukarno (Indonesia, 1965), Papandreou (Greece, 1965-67), Allende (Chile, 1973), and dozens of others.

          * Undermined the governments of Australia, Guyana, Cambodia, Jamaica and more;

          * Supported murderous dictators like General Pinochet (Chile), the Shah of Iran, Ferdinand Marcos (Phillipines), "Papa Doc" and "Baby Doc" Duvalier (Haiti), General Noriega (Panama), Mobutu Sese Seko (Ziare), the "reign of the colonels" (Greece), and more;

          * Created, trained and supported death squads and secret police forces that tortured and murdered hundreds of thousands of civilians, leftists and political opponents, in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Haiti, Bolivia, Cuba, Mexico, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Iran, Turkey, Angola and others;

          * Helped run the "School of the Americas" at Fort Benning, Georgia, which trains Latin American military officers how to overthrow democratic governments. Subjects include the use of torture, interrogation and murder;

          * Used Michigan State "professors" to train Diem’s secret police in torture;

          * Conducted economic sabotage, including ruining crops, disrupting industry, sinking ships and creating food shortages;

          * Paved the way for the massacre of 200,000 in East Timor, 500,000 in Indonesia and one to two million in Cambodia;

          * Launched secret or illegal military actions or wars in Nicaragua, Angola, Cuba, Laos and Indochina;

          * Planted false stories in the local media;

          * Framed political opponents for crimes, atrocities, political statements and embarrassments that they did not commit;

          * Spied on thousands of American citizens, in defiance of Congressional law;

          * Smuggled Nazi war criminals and weapon scientists into the U.S., unpunished, for their use in the Cold War;

          * Created organizations like the World Anti-Communist League, which became filled with ex-Nazis, Nazi sympathizers, Italian terrorists, Japanese fascists, racist Afrikaaners, Latin American death squad leaders, CIA agents and other extreme right-wing militants;

          * Conducted Operation MK-ULTRA, a mind-control experiment that gave LSD and other drugs to Americans against their will or without their knowledge, causing some to commit suicide;

          * Penetrated and disrupted student antiwar organizations;

          * Kept friendly and extensive working relations with the Mafia;

          * Actively traded in drugs around the world since the 1950s to fund its operations. The Contra/crack scandal is only the tip of the iceberg –- other notorious examples include Southeast Asia’s Golden Triangle and Noreiga’s Panama.

          * Had their fingerprints all over the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcom X. Even if the CIA is not responsible for these killings, the sheer amount of CIA involvement in these cases demands answers;

          * And then routinely lied to Congress about all of the above.


          The above is only a small portion of the material abailable from this page, which offers a more complete history:


          • Hardrock69
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Feb 2005
            • 21888

            Here we go again...Chimpy is fucking blaming all of his fucked up policy problems on someone else:

            Bush blames Iraq's instability on Hussein

            Wednesday, March 29, 2006; Posted: 3:52 p.m. EST (20:52 GMT)

            WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush said Wednesday that Saddam Hussein, not continued U.S. involvement in Iraq, is responsible for ongoing sectarian violence that is threatening the formation of a democratic government.

            In his third speech this month to bolster public support for the war, Bush worked to counter critics who say the U.S. presence in the wartorn nation is fueling the insurgency.

            Bush said that Saddam was a tyrant and used violence to exacerbate sectarian divisions to keep himself in power, and that as a result, deep tensions persist to this day.

            "The enemies of a free Iraq are employing the same tactics Saddam used, killing and terrorizing the Iraqi people in an effort to foment sectarian division," Bush said.

            The president also pushed Iraq to speed up the formation of a unity government, seen as the best option to subdue the violence gripping several Iraqi cities

            "I want the Iraqi people to hear I've got great confidence in their capacity to self govern," Bush said. "I also want the Iraqi people to hear -- it's about time you get a unity government going. In other words, Americans understand you're newcomers to the political arena. But pretty soon its time to shut her down and get governing."

            Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid accused Bush of sending "mixed messages" on Iraq that are hurting Iraq's chances for success.

            "The president can give all the speeches he wants, but nothing will change the fact that his Iraq policy is wrong," said Reid, D-Nevada. "Two weeks ago, he told the American people that Iraqis would control their country by the end of the year. But last week, he told us our troops would be there until at least 2009."

            Hundreds of Iraqis have been killed in sectarian violence and by death squads operating inside the Shiite-dominated ministry since the February 22 bombing of an important Shiite shrine in Samarra set off a wave of revenge attacks.

            On Wednesday, gunmen shot 14 employees of an electronics trading company in Baghdad, killing eight and wounding six. (Full story)

            "Iraq is a nation that is physically and emotionally scarred by three decades of Saddam's tyranny," Bush said in a speech to Freedom House, a more than 60-year-old independent organization that supports the expansion of freedom in the world.

            Bush said Iraq's instability "is the legacy of Saddam -- a tyrant who exacerbated ethnic divisions to keep himself in power."

            Bush said it is vital to the security of Iraq that its police force not be infiltrated with Saddam loyalists or members of illegal militias. The violence has raised the urgency for forming a government representing all ethnic groups, he said.

            The United States has been pushing Iraq to speed up the formation of a unity government, seen as the best option to subdue the violence gripping several Iraqi cities -- and to allow for further U.S. troop withdrawals this summer.

            But the talks are fragile in a country with deep sectarian differences between Shiites and Sunnis and daily violent death tolls in the dozens.

            "I know that the work in Iraq is really difficult," Bush said, adding that a free Iraq in the Middle East is important to the security of America.

            He criticized lawmakers calling for an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq -- a move that Bush said would have disastrous consequences for American security.

            If troops were withdrawn now, Iraq would turn into a safe haven for terrorists, who could arm themselves with weapons of mass destruction and could attack moderate governments in the Middle East, he said.

            "The Iraqi government is still in transition, and the Iraqi security forces are still gathering capacity," Bush said. "If we leave Iraq before they're capable of defending their own democracy, the terrorists will win."


            • Hardrock69
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Feb 2005
              • 21888

              That very last sentence is fucking stupid.

              He fails to mention HE is a terrorist.

              Though of course he is referring to the insurgency in Iraq.

              The insurgents will win anyway.

              For him to make such an assinine statement only proves once again what an ignorant fuck he truly is.

              There is no way for America to "win" in Iraq. Just as there was no way to "win" in Vietnam.

              Not only that, the U.S. Government is not planning on "winning", just as with Vietnam.

              I personally feel the only way for EVERYONE to win is for the U.S. to pull it's troops out of Iraq NOW.

              The longer we stay, the more we lose.

              We lose more troops, we lose more of our taxpayer dollars for NO FUCKING REASON WHATSOEVER, and we will continue to lose credibility with other nations around the world.

              FUCK CHIMPY!

              CHIMPEACHMENT NOW!!


              • Nickdfresh
                SUPER MODERATOR

                • Oct 2004
                • 49219

                Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                Yeah, maybe I should just make the fuck up whatever I want and state it as fact.

                Or I could quote partisan op-eds as truth. Because those people hardly ever lie by omission or misstate, and selectively use, facts in their poorly written hack pieces...
                Case in point...

                Originally posted by FORD
                Linda Chavez is a fucking hypocrite. She was denied a BCE cabinet position. Anybody remember why?


                Shut up, cunt!


                • ODShowtime

                  • Jun 2004
                  • 5812

                  Originally posted by Warham
                  Are you talking about Chavez or one of our ex-Presidents?

                  you are so goddamn lame lately.
                  gnaw on it


                  • Warham
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Mar 2004
                    • 14589

                    Originally posted by ODShowtime
                    you are so goddamn lame lately.
                    No sense of humor?


                    • ODShowtime

                      • Jun 2004
                      • 5812

                      Originally posted by Warham
                      No sense of humor?
                      I guess you could say I have a more refined sense of humor. After hearing the same irrelevant comparisons, that you would call "jokes", for 2 years, it stops being funny.
                      gnaw on it


                      • Warham
                        DIAMOND STATUS
                        • Mar 2004
                        • 14589

                        Originally posted by ODShowtime
                        I guess you could say I have a more refined sense of humor. After hearing the same irrelevant comparisons, that you would call "jokes", for 2 years, it stops being funny.
                        You have a more refined sense of moaning about the country you live in. Moreso that most other people here, that's for sure.


                        • ODShowtime

                          • Jun 2004
                          • 5812

                          Originally posted by Warham
                          You have a more refined sense of moaning about the country you live in. Moreso that most other people here, that's for sure.
                          Yes, I'm also very perceptive.
                          gnaw on it


                          • LoungeMachine
                            DIAMOND STATUS
                            • Jul 2004
                            • 32576

                            Originally posted by Warham
                            No sense of humor?
                            No, you don't. Nada.

                            And when you do try and be funny, and it falls flat, you backpeddle and say you "weren't trying to be funny"
                            Originally posted by Kristy
                            Dude, what in the fuck is wrong with you? I'm full of hate and I do drugs.
                            Originally posted by cadaverdog
                            I posted under aliases and I jerk off with a sock. Anything else to add?


                            • Warham
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Mar 2004
                              • 14589

                              Originally posted by LoungeMachine
                              No, you don't. Nada.

                              And when you do try and be funny, and it falls flat, you backpeddle and say you "weren't trying to be funny"
                              Hey, it doesn't bother me if you don't laugh nowadays.

                              If I was in your situation, I probably wouldn't either.


                              • BigBadBrian
                                TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                                • Jan 2004
                                • 10625

                                Originally posted by Hardrock69
                                [B]Christ....he was NOT "elected".

                                He was a puppet of the CIA.

                                He eventually got too big for his britches, so they removed him from office.

                                It is in the history books.


                                I bet you assume Hugo Chavez ISN't a puppet of someone else.

                                Wake the FUCK up!!!!!!

                                “If bullshit was currency, Joe Biden would be a billionaire.” - George W. Bush

