Fixing immigration

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  • Matt White
    • Jun 2004
    • 20569

    You can't prove ANYTHING using a Diebold machine...

    Abramoff made sure of that!


    • Nickdfresh

      • Oct 2004
      • 49219

      Originally posted by Warham
      They are not illegal immigrants...they are undocumented immigrants.

      Get that correct before we go any further.
      Who's hiring them though? The same people that write columns on how they should be sent back.

      Ah yes, the Warham school of logic...


      • Warham
        • Mar 2004
        • 14589

        Originally posted by Nickdfresh
        Who's hiring them though? The same people that write columns on how they should be sent back.

        Ah yes, the Warham school of logic...
        Whoever is hiring them isn't doing our country any favors, Democrats or Republicans.


        • Nickdfresh

          • Oct 2004
          • 49219

          Maybe we need to think this through a little more, since there's a lot of bullshit out there spewed by both sides...

          But I find it repugnant, that immigrants are taking construction jobs (for instance) that "Americans don't want."


          • Big Train
            Full Member Status

            • Apr 2004
            • 4013

            People think it's odd when I say this, but I think the solution (I know it's out there) is to just making a fucking offer to Mexico. Lousiana Purchase Pt. II.

            So many of that nation's people want to come here for a better live, why not just buy the place out, make it follow American ways of doing business and develop the fuck out of it? The ONLY reason that country is fucked is the government.

            It has the largest amount of untapped oil in this hemisphere, easy to defend (we do it already in fact), it's labor is cheap and it has beautiful places in the country completely untapped (read, not with condos all over it). All the ingredients to send the American Economy to the moon and it solves all the immigration problems.


            • Nickdfresh
              SUPER MODERATOR

              • Oct 2004
              • 49219

              Originally posted by Big Train
              People think it's odd when I say this, but I think the solution (I know it's out there) is to just making a fucking offer to Mexico. Lousiana Purchase Pt. II.

              So many of that nation's people want to come here for a better live, why not just buy the place out, make it follow American ways of doing business and develop the fuck out of it? The ONLY reason that country is fucked is the government.

              It has the largest amount of untapped oil in this hemisphere, easy to defend (we do it already in fact), it's labor is cheap and it has beautiful places in the country completely untapped (read, not with condos all over it). All the ingredients to send the American Economy to the moon and it solves all the immigration problems.

              Many futurists say this is inevitable, in fact, the entire continent will be a United American States within a couple of hundred years...


              • ULTRAMAN VH
                • May 2004
                • 1480

                Damn!!!!! I won't be around to witness this UTOPIA. Sorry fella's but human greed and politicians will ruin this little wet dream. In all seriousness though, I do applaud your optimism.


                • Nickdfresh
                  SUPER MODERATOR

                  • Oct 2004
                  • 49219

                  Who said I was being optimistic....

                  Have you ever seen "Metropolis?"


                  • Hardrock69
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Feb 2005
                    • 21888

                    Contact: William Gheen, Americans for Legal Immigration (ALIPAC)
           (866) 329-3999

                    The controversial proposal to give illegal aliens taxpayer subsidized in-state tuition at American universities is included in the immigration "reform" bill that also contains the Guest Worker Amnesty proposals according to the Washington Times!

                    Nine states allow illegal aliens to receive the in-state tuition rates, but the law is under challenge in those states and most slipped the provision in with little or no public input. In states where public debate occurred, the measure failed in NC, FL, GA, and VA. In liberal Massachusetts the measure failed by a graphic 96-57 in the House.

                    "If this bill passes, the American taxpayers will be forced to pay for illegal aliens to replace their own children in the limited seats in college" says William Gheen of ALIPAC. "Professional polls in North Carolina show over 81% opposition to in-state tuition for illegal aliens. It is bad enough the Senate is proposing Guest Worker Amnesty. Now they want us to pay college tuition for illegal aliens!"

                    Under the provisions of this bill, illegal aliens would be given preference over American students that are required to pay higher tuition rates when they attend public colleges away from their home state. Taxpayers would have to pay for expanded services in universities. Some universities would give even further benefits in admissions and financial aid due to the minority status of the applicants. In-state tuition costs American taxpayers thousands of dollars per year per student.

                    "American families have spent generations building these Universities." Gheen says. "It is a national tragedy the US Senate is even considering giving these finite resources to foreign nationals that broke our laws."

                    Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee is calling on all Americans that oppose Amnesty and In-State tuition for illegal aliens to contact every member of Congress and demand they vote "No" on these measures. Contact information and instructions can be found at the ALIPAC website at William Gheen and ALIPAC played a key roll in defeating in-state tuition for illegals in North Carolina.

                    Americans for Legal Immigration PAC or ALIPAC is fighting against illegal immigration and any form of amnesty for illegal aliens. ALIPAC is America's top source of illegal immigration news, facts, laws, polls, statistics, crime listings, and information about gangs from Mexico. Founded by William Gheen September 11, 2004. ALIPAC supports campaigns and elections where candidates pledge to enforce America's existing border and immigration laws.


                    • Hardrock69
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Feb 2005
                      • 21888

                      Migrants Find a Gold Rush in New Orleans

                      Word spread to Latino laborers as Katrina's floodwaters ebbed: There is work with good money and no questions about papers.

                      Word spread to Latino laborers as Katrina's floodwaters ebbed: There is work with good money and no questions about papers.


                      • Nitro Express
                        DIAMOND STATUS
                        • Aug 2004
                        • 32798

                        Illegals will keep flooding in and it's only a matter of time before it becomes a time bomb with taxpayers getting tired of footing the bill and being ran over by an illegal mob who fills the schools and healthcare system.

                        Someone is going to scapegoat someone when the economy turns south long-term or there is another huge terrorist attack somewhere.

                        The reality is the politicians can't get rid of them. Illegals can go on strike and crops don't get harvested, trucks don't move, houses don't get built, hotel rooms don't get cleaned, resturants don't have kitchen staff. Not only can they shut a huge part of the economy down but theres enough of them to cause real havoc if they get violent because they refuse to leave. by force.

                        I think the illegal immigration problem could split the United States apart into sevral different countries with the south west going back to Mexico. There's no way we are going to subsidize this illegal activity forever. Letting it go on will only bring and bigger and nastier race war in the future.
                        No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                        • Hardrock69
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Feb 2005
                          • 21888

                          I hear on CNN occasionally interviews and stuff where people whine that "immigrants are not criminals".

                          It depends on whether or not they are here legally.

                          If they are not, they ARE FUCKING CRIMINALS!!!


                          • Warham
                            DIAMOND STATUS
                            • Mar 2004
                            • 14589

                            Originally posted by Hardrock69
                            I hear on CNN occasionally interviews and stuff where people whine that "immigrants are not criminals".

                            It depends on whether or not they are here legally.

                            If they are not, they ARE FUCKING CRIMINALS!!!
                            They are 'undocumented immigrants' according to Ted Kennedy and John McCain.

                            It's the next Civil Rights movement.


                            • Hardrock69
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Feb 2005
                              • 21888

                              Fuck those motherfuckers (Kennedy & McCain).

                              Illegal Immigrants are criminals, no matter what label those clowns want to put on it.

                              My heart does NOT bleed for illegal immigrants.

                              They need to have a boot planted up their ass as they are kicked back over the border.
                              Last edited by Hardrock69; 04-05-2006, 12:31 PM.


                              • ULTRAMAN VH
                                • May 2004
                                • 1480

                                Lets not forget the medical and criminal ramifications of these 'Undocumented Immigrants'. Sneaking over the border allows these illegals to avoid a medical exam, which means they could be carrying any number of deseases including Bird Flu. The criminal element also crosses the border wreaking havoc in the form of MS-13. Just recently an illegal alien that was working for a business stuck around after the job was completed and murdered the female home owner who employed the company. As I mentioned in an earlier post as of 2002, 29 percent of the prison population is comprised of illegal aliens. That number I am sure has grown in the past 3 years. And do not forget who pays for their free room and board at our local detention facilities. LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS!!!!!! To top this post off, Prison facilities are now employing the use of video game systems in prison cells for good behavior. Ice cream socials amongst the convicted have also been put into use.

