So, does Chimpy really like "bananas"???

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  • FORD

    • Jan 2004
    • 58825

    So, does Chimpy really like "bananas"???

    "President Bush's speech to the nation Monday. If he doesn't say he's a gay American or at the least a bisexual one then he shouldn't be making one at all. And the notion that it would be in regards to writing bigotry into our nation's Constitution is reprehensible.

    Too bad it isn't me doing the rebuttal because in 1984, I watched him perform (with the enthusiasm of homosexual male who had done this many times before) a homosexual act on another man, namely Victor Ashe. Victor Ashe is the current Ambassador to the nation of Poland who should also come out like former Governor McGreevey of New Jersey and admit to being a gay American. Other homo-erotic acts were also performed by then private citizen George Bush because I performed one of them on him personally.

    I am the woman this website ( speaks of that has been posted on the net nearly two years now. None of this would be the business of anyone but President Bush's little ruse to save his failed presidency by using DOMA to divide Americans one from the other has to be exposed as the act of a desperate closeted homosexual man. The only crime in being GLBT is in the hiding. The President needs to come clean with the American people about his own past sexual behavior before he tries to besmirch the humanity of people in search of sincerely committing to the same bonds of matrimony he's afforded. He violated his own vows of monogamy having a homosexual affair with a long time family friend of whom his wife had no knowledge. His hypocrisy seems to know no bounds.

    I had planned to run for governor of Nevada without going into any of this but his planned nationally televised address to the nation makes it necessary for me to address his attempt at division in as public a way as he picked to try this Bushification of reality regarding same sex marriages.

    Leola McConnell
    Liberal Democratic candidate for Governor of Nevada"
    Eat Us And Smile

    Cenk For America 2024!!

    Justice Democrats

    "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992
  • matt19
    • Mar 2005
    • 875

    Wow, a quote from a liberal, who didnt see that coming?
    Long Live Classic VH


    • Satan
      • Jan 2004
      • 6664

      Originally posted by matt19
      Wow, a quote from a liberal, who didnt see that coming?
      Is it relevant that she's a liberal, or that she's a dominatrix who has personally seen George Bush Jr suck cock, and apparently did him up the ass herself with a strap-on?

      As the lady said, what the moron does in private is his own business, but "It's the hypocricy, stupid" to be using gay marriage as a wedge issue, when he's apparently queer himself.
      Eternally Under the Authority of Satan

      Originally posted by Sockfucker
      I've been in several mental institutions but not in Bakersfield.


      • matt19
        • Mar 2005
        • 875

        Just seems like some people will say anything to make people look bad, what kind of credibility does she have? NONE, this is just bullshit.
        Long Live Classic VH


        • diamondD
          • Jan 2004
          • 1962

          This is pathetic that you would post something as stupid as this in an attempt to discredit Bush. I guess when you have zero credibility left, there's nothing for you to lose by posting it tho.
          Meet us in the future, not the pasture


          • diamondD
            • Jan 2004
            • 1962

            It was on the ballot in 11 states FORD and the people overwhelmingly voted against gay marriage.

            Besides, I refuse to be preached to about gay marriage from someone who uses it as a deragatory term when it fits his agenda, which you are guilty of doing 100s of times. Then you have the nerve to tell us all to stand together. PATHETIC.
            Meet us in the future, not the pasture


            • BigBadBrian
              • Jan 2004
              • 10625

              Originally posted by diamondD
              It was on the ballot in 11 states FORD and the people overwhelmingly voted against gay marriage.

              Especially since FORD is gay himself.

              “If bullshit was currency, Joe Biden would be a billionaire.” - George W. Bush


              • Satan
                ROTH ARMY ELITE
                • Jan 2004
                • 6664

                FORD isn't gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

                You mortals really shouldn't waste a beautiful day like this grasping for straws.

                As the one who maintains the database of the sins of all mankind, I can vouch for what the dominatrix said as the truth.

                Junior bats from both sides of the plate, and is therefore a complete hypocrite using sexual orientation as a wedge issue.
                Eternally Under the Authority of Satan

                Originally posted by Sockfucker
                I've been in several mental institutions but not in Bakersfield.


                • diamondD
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 1962

                  Why does FORD always seem to know the latest rumors on who's gay?What websites does he frequent to always seem to be in the know on who's in or who's out, Beezlebub?
                  Meet us in the future, not the pasture


                  • FORD
                    ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                    • Jan 2004
                    • 58825

                    Originally posted by diamondD
                    Why does FORD always seem to know the latest rumors on who's gay?What websites does he frequent to always seem to be in the know on who's in or who's out, Beezlebub?
                    This ain't no rumor. It's eyewitness testimony from a former(?) dominatrix who is now running for Governor in Nevada. Sha says she personally witnessed Junior blowing Victor Ashe, and engaged in other "homoerotic" activities with Bush herself.

                    Now granted, there have been "rumors" of a relationship between Chimpy and Ashe for years, but in this case it's a little more than a rumor, as it involves someone who was there and participating in their little orgy.

                    The woman would have nothing to gain by making up such a story, since it would certainly kill her candidacy if proven wrong..

                    But if what she says is correct, and Bush were to be exposed as a closet homosexual, then he loses all credibility - if that word can even be applied to him anymore - on the gay marriage ban wedge issue.

                    And that seems to be the general feeling in the gay community, as I understand it. They don't care who is gay and who isn't, except when it comes to closeted hypocrites who publically support anti gay discrimination and then go home to their "personal assistants" of the same gender.
                    Eat Us And Smile

                    Cenk For America 2024!!

                    Justice Democrats

                    "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                    • binnie
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • May 2006
                      • 19145

                      With a name like Bush, could you be gay?
                      The Power Of The Riff Compels Me


                      • Unchainme
                        ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                        • Apr 2005
                        • 7746


                        she's kinda ugly looking

                        Still waiting for a relevant Browns Team


                        • binnie
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • May 2006
                          • 19145

                          The Power Of The Riff Compels Me


                          • Unchainme
                            ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                            • Apr 2005
                            • 7746

                            Vote Leola McConnell
                            I'll do "Whatever It Takes" to stop the Bushification of Nevada by The New Right Conservative Congressman. Jim "There's No War" Gibbons (R-Reno)

                            Making Improvements To Nevada's Rapidly Crumbling Infrastructure.

                            If you, the good people of Nevada, think I have what it takes to do the job and see fit to send me to Carson City in November 06 to Govern our great state, I will do "Whatever It Takes" to make our infrastructure second to none.

                            As your Governor, my only job will be to strengthen and expand Nevada's infrastructure for you, "the working people" of Nevada - not work to make multi-millionaires into billionaires, or billionaires into trillionaires at your expense.

                            Strengthening and expanding our infrastructure for the greater good of the working people of Nevada will be my first, second and third priorities. Together we will build "The Strongest Infrastructure" of any state in the United State of America.

                            I entered the race for Governor of Nevada because I believe I know the many pressing issues facing Nevada and how best to remedy what ails us. My past dealings with certain neo-con/Project for a New American Century (PNAC) members has given me a distinct advantage over others in the race on how best to disrupt their "neo-con two step" and thwart these plans in regards to many life and death issues facing Nevada in the not to distant future. Our much valued state of Nevada and its vast resources are a sought after prize in the neo-con game of empire building - they can't complete their war for empire abroad without Nevada (and other key states) being firmly under their control.

                            Their disastrous policies have led us into an ever expanding war in the Middle East (with future plans of attacking Iran, North Korea, Syria and possibly Venezuela) with no end in the foreseeable future while deaths of American soldiers (nearly 2,600) and innocent Iraqi civilian casualties (estimates as high as 150,000) mount on a daily basis. The neo-cons have entered Republican Congressman Jim Gibbons of Reno, a junior member in their extremist movement into the race for Governor of Nevada on their behalf. Nevadans (as well as our republic) will suffer irreparable damage if this neo-con nationalist is elected Governor. Republican Congressman Jim Gibbons is a lock-step "Bushevik" who will sell our great state down the Colorado River if he is hired by you to be the next Governor of Nevada. In his launch party for Governor they sent in another neo-con, Jack Kemp, William J. Bennett's partner at Empower America (yes him again) to be at his side. I will reveal to all Nevadans in detail what they're up to concerning Nevada (and Utah), I've listened to their plans for years, and my indiscretions aside, I'm the candidate best suited for the coming battle against these extremist - I know the plays and most of the players, those both in and outside of the government.

                            The neo-cons and their agents in the MSM (mainstream media) will try to discredit my candidacy for Governor by waving these adult indiscretions. If being a neo-con extremist, in and of itself, doesn't exclude Congressman Jim Gibbons from running, along with working hand in hand with his predatory capitalist, D.C. Beltway, greedy-grabber cronies bent on malicious knavery to destroy Nevada by chopping up our resources (human and mineral),then nothing will exclude him. The neo-cons pretend to be conservatives but they aren't really Conservatives at all. Ask yourself (if you're a Republican - the rest of us have already done the math on this one) what conservative starts a unilateral war in the Middle East that has cost America 1/3 of a trillion dollars (320 billion) thus far by invading the wrong country (Iraq) that had nothing to do with the attacks of 9-11. Would former President Ronald Reagan have undertaken such a foolhardy enterprise without thoroughly reviewing it from every conceivable angle? Well the Bush-Cheney White House did exactly that and Republican Congressman Jim Gibbons who sat on the House Intelligence Committee at the time said zero when word of the pre-war WMD's intel being more then a little flakey circulated the Beltway -- it was common knowledge in the intelligence community what was being presented by the Bush-Cheney White House couldn't be trusted yet Congressman Gibbons looked no further then his nose and played the good yes man as is his standard method of operation in his dealings with President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney as if he's afraid to disagree. It was his charge (he claims Intelligence as his discipline) as a member of Congress to examine all the intelligence presented to Congress by the White House in the run up to the invasion of Iraq. He presently sits on the House Homeland Security Committee and does as poor a job there as he did on the House Intelligence Committee. Such a man can not be trusted with the stewardship of Nevada in 2006. He was denied it by the voters in 1994 and he should be denied it for the second and final time in 2006. We saw firsthand what happened in the Gulf States with Hurricanes Katrina-Rita and Wilma (Later in West Virginia with the coal mine disasters, 16 deaths in all from three separate preventable incidents) when a governor won't hold his or her ground and stand up to the federal government or a particular business interest to protect the state's infrastructure from predictable impeding disasters. Governor Schwarzenegger of California (our next door neighbor) needs 3 billion to revamp his bridges and levees but all he gets is lip service from the Bush-Cheney White House -- his failed infrastructure problems can easily become a Nevada problem with a mass exodus of Californians into Nevada in event of major flooding (not to mention wild fires). Nevada needs a governor who will not roll over and play dead to the Bush-Cheney White House and their failed style of governance. Nevada of the third millennium needs a governor who can or at least attempt to see around corners to avert impending disasters like those I mention above.

                            Please review my positions on the many infrastructure matters facing Nevada. People have told me to KISS (keep it simple, stupid) but I feel that these aren't matters that can be addressed in sound-bite information. My page is still developing and it's a true labor of love -- I love the state of Nevada and have no intentions on living any were else. Thus far every special interest faction eyeing our state has a candidate in this race for governor -- the casino industry, mining, energy corps, nuclear industry, those who seek to privatize our education, etc, I see myself as the special interest candidate of "the people". If you help me I will be your voice -- the voice of no-income, low-income and the middle class folks that are the true builders of states like Nevada, not the billionaires that try and convince us that without them and their capital investments we'd all be lost, no they'd be lost because it's the working people whose sweat equity that built this great nation of ours. I will post more in the days ahead. The Favorite girl (my mother) hasn't been well and I've been mentality not my best but I'll be back in the pink faster than you can say, "Viva Las Vegas." This Proud Liberal, Birkenstock wearing, tree huggin' Liberal is in it, to win it!

                            Sounds like FORD in a womans body
                            Still waiting for a relevant Browns Team


                            • binnie
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • May 2006
                              • 19145

                              The Power Of The Riff Compels Me

