All Flipper, No Gipper

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  • Nickdfresh

    • Oct 2004
    • 49219

    All Flipper, No Gipper


    For release 05/20/2007

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    All Flipper, No Gipper

    The GOP's pathetic candidates, or: Why three wrongs can't please the right

    By Tim Dickinson

    (c) 2007, Rolling Stone. First published in ROLLING STONE (r) Magazine. Distributed by Tribune Media Services.

    It's a bad time to be a republican running for president. Thanks to President Bush's blunders and deceits, only twenty-nine percent of Americans favor installing another Republican in the White House. Democrats hold a staggering eighteen-point advantage among independents, and even nine percent of Republican voters have declared their intention to spurn the GOP in 2008. "The troubles of the Bush administration give the Democrats the best chance they've had for the White House in at least thirty years," says David Gergen, who served as a senior adviser to Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. Even history itself is against the Republicans: In the past century, only one two-term president - Reagan - has paved the way for the election of a member of his own party.

    Democrats, to their credit, have fielded candidates worthy of the opportunity. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Edwards, along with Bill Richardson, headline the party's strongest crop of presidential hopefuls in living memory - a band of qualified and electable politicians that, boasts longtime Democratic strategist Donna Brazile, "looks more like the Beatles than anything I've ever seen."

    The Republican field, by contrast, looks more like the Monkees - a cast of misfits who, judging by their amateur-hour performances in the first GOP debate in early May, seem unnominatable, much less electable. "They've all got real liabilities," admits Republican strategist Frank Luntz, who has been a driving force in the party since he helped craft the Contract With America in 1994.

    Some of the flaws are intrinsic: A quarter of Americans say they wouldn't vote for a Mormon (Mitt Romney), three in ten would reject a candidate on his third marriage (Rudy Giuliani), and forty-two percent wouldn't endorse a seventy-two-year-old (John McCain's age at inauguration). And then there are the issues: McCain continues to champion the bloody futility in Iraq, Giuliani has little hope of winning over Christian conservatives furious at his support for abortion and gay rights, and Romney has flip-flopped on nearly every political position he has ever taken. No wonder fifty-seven percent of likely GOP voters declare themselves dissatisfied with the current crop of candidates.

    "I've never seen the Republican base more perplexed," confesses Bill Donohue, president of the conservative Catholic League. "McCain has lost his luster, Romney has flip-flopped, and Rudy has got baggage. Some people think their glaring weaknesses are going to cancel each other out - but I'm beginning to wonder if it won't kill all of them."

    Perhaps the surest sign of Republican desperation is the attempt by restive conservatives to promote the potential candidacy of a man who wasn't even on the stage in the debate at the Reagan Library: Law & Order star Fred Thompson. This is a man who served eight undistinguished, skirt-chasing years in the Senate before stepping down because the job required too much effort. ("I don't like spending fourteen- and sixteen-hour days voting," Thompson explained.)

    The GOP field for 2008 was supposed to be stocked with heavyweight Dixie-publicans, politicians befitting a party in which Southern evangelicals have positioned themselves as kingmakers. "We fully expected a run by Bill Frist, George Allen, maybe even Jeb Bush," says Charlie Cook, the veteran Washington handicapper. But those candidates fell by the wayside in the wake of congressional corruption scandals, the implosion of the Bush legacy, and macaca. "If George Allen hadn't been such an idiot, he'd be sitting pretty right now," says Luntz. "He was the guy who could have made it through both the primary and the general election."

    Indeed, over the past year, Karl Rove's vision of a "permanent majority" has been torpedoed by Republican greed and incompetence. The party has been staggered by the administration's mishandling of Iraq and Katrina, as well as by the endemic corruption and cronyism that have turned the GOP - once the party of small government and fiscal restraint - into the party of reckless spending and record deficits. What's more, given the way that Bush and Rove have welded the GOP ever more firmly to the Christian right, the fiscal moderates and social-issue centrists who would like to return the party to its more traditional roots have been forced to subject themselves to extreme ideological makeovers in an attempt to appease the fundamentalist Christians who have a virtual stranglehold on the GOP nominating process.

    No one has paddled more pathetically to the right than John McCain. The maverick senator entered the 2008 race with the formidable backing of the Bush political machine - an apparent quid pro quo for McCain's unexpected endorsement of the president in 2004. But McCain's transition from anti-establishment insurgent to establishment front-runner has been about as smooth as Iraq's path from dictatorship to democracy. "McCain's initial hope was to create an aura of inevitability about his candidacy - and that has completely failed," says Pat Toomey, president of the Club for Growth, an anti-tax pressure group.

    Seven years after McCain swept to victory in the New Hampshire primary, many in the party wonder if he has passed his elect-by date. The septuagenarian is showing his age, frequently losing his train of thought on the campaign trail, mixing up Iran and Iraq in his creaky performance at the debate - even appearing to nod off during the president's State of the Union address. Longtime admirers are concerned. "I think the rigors of the campaign are taking a toll on him," says Gergen. "He does not look well."

    Selling your soul will do that to a man. In a transparent effort to get right with the conservative base, McCain has embraced the economic zealots whose tax cuts he snubbed in 2001 and 2003, as well as Christian hard-liners like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, whom he once decried as "agents of intolerance." This reactionary shift has created incoherence on the campaign trail, as McCain has flip-flopped on issues such as gay marriage, tax cuts and abortion - often in the same sentence.

    "McCain was the all-time winner of the authenticity bowl, and he's just squandering it," laments one seasoned observer of presidential politics. "The lesson he took out of 2000 was 'I gotta kiss ass with the base.' Lately, that's the only message that's coming out of McCain. And it's not even working."

    To put it mildly. As he has become the chief spokesman for Bush's surge in Iraq, McCain has stumbled badly in the polls. His fund raising has also suffered: He raised only $13 million in the first quarter, and began the second with a paltry $3.4 million after debts - less money than fourth-place Bill Richardson among the Democrats.

    Unlike McCain, Mitt Romney has plenty of money - the former governor of Massachusetts shocked the Washington political establishment by raising $21 million in the first quarter. But Romney has already burned through half that cash, and he remains bogged down at less than ten percent in the polls, thanks in large part to his own shameless pandering. The same man who voted for uberliberal Paul Tsongas in the 1992 Democratic primary, pledged to outdo Ted Kennedy as an advocate for gay rights in 1994, and vowed to not back down in the fight to "preserve and protect a woman's right to choose" as recently as 2002, now paints himself as a Reagan Republican, the standard-bearer in the fight against gay marriage and devoutly pro-life.

    And that's just the beginning. The man who appointed more Democrats than Republicans to judgeships in Massachusetts - including two champions of gay rights - now describes himself as a "strict constructionist" foe of "activist judges." While Romney positions himself as an anti-immigrant hard-liner, his lawn was tended for nearly a decade by illegal Guatemalan laborers. And the gun-control advocate - who used to boast, "I don't line up with the NRA" - joined the organization last August. "Who could have predicted," asks Gergen, "that a man as bright as Mitt Romney could be so stupid politically?"

    With Romney and McCain faltering so badly, the Republicans are left with a candidate whom few insiders expected to emerge as a front-runner. "This is a strange race," says Stu Rothenberg, one of Washington's top political analysts. "The only guy who seems to be exceeding expectations is the guy with the biggest, deepest flaws - Rudy Giuliani."

    The more Romney and McCain jockey for position with the far right, the better Giuliani looks. "He is benefiting from the same reputation that McCain used to have," says Toomey of the Club for Growth. "He is the straight-talking, straight shooter who doesn't always agree with everyone but doesn't pander to anybody. And that's going over quite well - even with people who disagree with him on substantive issues."

    Many political strategists, however, remain convinced that Giuliani's poll numbers are padded by ignorance among voters who know him only as the man with the bullhorn who took charge amid the rubble of Ground Zero - not as the vindictive, foul-tempered Nixonite who attempted to foist his mobbed-up buddy Bernie Kerik upon the country as Homeland Security chief. "Rudy Giuliani's lead is artificial," says Gergen. "It's based on his name recognition and celebrityhood coming out of 9/11. But as people learn more about who he was on 9/10, they're considerably less enchanted."

    Giuliani's personal history and views on hot-button social issues anger the "values voters" who dominate the GOP nominating process. A fallen Catholic on his third marriage - whose second wife learned of their impending divorce from a press conference - Giuliani personally supports abortion rights and once said he would pay for his own daughter to terminate a pregnancy. As mayor, he sued gun manufacturers for illegally flooding New York with black-market firearms. He hosted eight gay-pride receptions at Gracie Mansion, welcomed the Gay Games to New York, moved in with a gay couple during his divorce proceedings and embraced gay civil unions - to say nothing of his appearance in drag on Saturday Night Live.

    "There's no way on this planet that Rudy is going to win the nomination," says Charlie Cook. "As soon as evangelical voters find out what this guy's positions are on cultural issues, his support is going to be like an ice cream cone in the middle of August - it's just going to melt."

    Indeed, Giuliani's once commanding lead has already started to soften - as has his commitment to unpopular stances. At the debate, Giuliani began to succumb to the flip-flopping fever of his competitors, reversing his support for federal funding of abortion and even proclaiming that "it would be OK" to repeal Roe v. Wade.

    McCain has turned up the heat on Giuliani by hiring Bush's former political director Terry Nelson, the prime suspect behind the recent leak of Giuliani's contributions to Planned Parenthood. And in March, a petition circulated by Christian Coalition activists in Iowa declared that Giuliani's "liberal record as mayor" and "the conduct of his personal life make it impossible for us to support his candidacy under any circumstances." Richard Land, president of the political wing of the Southern Baptist Convention, vows that his troops will boycott Rudy. "If Giuliani wants the presidency," Land says, "he'll have to do it without evangelical votes - and that's a real difficult mathematical equation."

    As a result of such infighting, the Grand Old Party - long known for closing ranks around a single candidate - is in disarray. "This is the most Balkanized Republican primary season that I can remember," says Bob Barr, the former GOP congressman who led the impeachment fight against Bill Clinton. Gergen offers an even more dire assessment: "The party," he says, "is splintering." Without the support of the Christian right, it's hard to see how either McCain, Giuliani or Romney can win the nomination. According to Grover Norquist, the Republican revolutionary who is a close ally of Karl Rove, many evangelical leaders view the GOP race as nothing more than a contest between "two pagans and a Mormon."

    Ironically, say party insiders, the one politician capable of unifying the Republican base isn't even a Republican. It's Hillary Clinton - the Democrat who galvanizes GOP hard-liners the same way that Dick Cheney does the MoveOn crowd. At the debate, there was only one point of absolute unanimity: Each of the ten candidates - from libertarian dove Ron Paul to anti-immigration whack-job Tom Tancredo - spoke passionately about the need to keep Bill and Hillary from a return trip to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. "There's a new pragmatism on the part of Republican voters," says Dick Morris, who served as Bill Clinton's top political strategist. "And it's driven by their terror of Hillary."

    That fear has given a huge boost to Giuliani, the one Republican who consistently tops Clinton in the polls. As Barr puts it, "Giuliani's strongest trump card is the claim that 'I can beat Hillary. I have the backbone, the chutzpah and the credentials to beat her - and these other folks don't.' "

    Giuliani's chances are also buoyed by the accelerated primary schedule, which offers the massive electoral prize of California - dominated by Schwarzenegger moderates - as a detour around the evangelical roadblock in South Carolina that doomed McCain in 2000. Should Giuliani secure the nomination, his stance on social issues would actually help him win over independents in the general election. And faced with the prospect of a rerun of the Bill and Hillary show, the religious right would turn out in force to support Giuliani, warts and all. "If Hillary gets the nod," says Donohue of the Catholic League, "I can't imagine social conservatives sitting it out."

    Yet even if Clinton ends up topping the ticket, the smart money remains on the Democrats. The primary reason that Newt Gingrich has stayed on the sidelines, according to an intimate of the former speaker, is that "he doesn't know whether any Republican can win this thing." As the violence in Iraq - and the number of U.S. casualties - continues to escalate, the GOP may simply be unable to distance itself from the disastrous policies of the Bush administration. "If you're a wagering man," says Gergen, "you'd have to say that the Democrats - if they don't once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory - are the odds-on favorite to win this one."


    The Fallback Squad

    Do any of the GOP candidates have a shot in 2008?

    When it comes to the 2008 presidential election, the Republican Party is just like Iraq - there's no Plan B. The second-tier GOP candidates looking to supplant Giuliani, McCain and Romney as front-runners have far fewer funds - and even deeper flaws.

    Fred Thompson

    Ticket to ride. Law & Order candidate seen as a "Southern-fried Reagan," according to Southern Baptist leader Richard Land. When focus groups are asked, "Would you want to have a beer with the candidate?" says GOP strategist Frank Luntz, "everybody says yes to Fred Thompson."

    Baggage. Slammed by James Dobson of Focus on the Family as "not a Christian." Admitted he "chased a lot of women." Married a woman four years younger than his daughter. Has a reputation for laziness: Won't go on the road for long stretches because "I don't do frenetic."

    DARK-HORSE ODDS 12-to-1

    Sam Brownback

    Ticket to ride. Kansas senator appeals not only to Christian fundamentalists (he serves only "one Constituent" - God; considers abortion murder and homosexuality immoral) but to economic fundamentalists ("He has a great pro-growth record," raves Pat Toomey of the Club for Growth).

    Baggage. Baptized by a priest from the Catholic cult of Opus Dei (featured in The Da Vinci Code). A favorite of hatemongers: Fred Phelps, the "God Hates Fags" preacher infamous for disrupting gay funerals, says Brownback "likes what we're doing, and he tells me that."

    DARK-HORSE ODDS 50-to-1

    Mike Huckabee

    Ticket to ride. Ex-Arkansas governor wins points with social conservatives for his divorce-proof "covenant" marriage. Nails the language of compassionate conservatism: "We can't say we're pro-life if, after the child is born, we're not concerned about affordable housing, decent education and adequate access to health care."

    Baggage. Disliked by anti-tax right for "expanding government." Raised only $544,000 in the first quarter. Holds a concealed-carry permit; son was busted trying to board a plane with a loaded Glock ten days after Virginia Tech.

    DARK-HORSE ODDS 80-to-1

    Chuck Hagel

    Ticket to ride. The Nebraska senator, a true conservative, is the GOP's leading voice against the war in Iraq. "There is an anti-war Republican vote out there - twenty-five percent of the party and growing - and Hagel would capture all of it," says Luntz.

    Baggage. His non-announcement announcement of his candidacy in March was, Luntz adds, "One of the dumbest blunders of 2007. There's a rule in politics: Don't drag Washington reporters to Nebraska in the middle of winter to tell them absolutely nothing. They'll try to get even."

    DARK-HORSE ODDS 100-to-1

    Copyright 2007, Rolling Stone. First published in ROLLING STONE

    Magazine. (r)

    Distributed by Tribune Media Services.
  • Big Train
    Full Member Status

    • Apr 2004
    • 4013

    Ah yes, Rolling Stone that bastion of journalistic integrity. "The Dems have fielded worthy candidates, while the Repubs have fielded monkees". Am I supposed to that article seriously?

    I love these articles. I love what they do for the Dems. It inspires this "Look how bad they suck, we have it in the bag this time" attitude, before the game has even been played.

    Then, as usual, the horror and disgust that you lost is a complete shock.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm agreeing the republicans have an uphill climb, but discount them too much and you will get burned.


    • Nickdfresh

      • Oct 2004
      • 49219

      Yeah well, blame the messanger. Actually, politics has been one of Stone's strong points through the years, they even had the arch-conservative P.J. O'Rourke write for 'em...

      But I guess you didn't read the final few paras of the article in which it is stated that Hillary, or sHillary as I like to call her, may be the one unifying factor that keeps the GOP from completely imploding.

      And she IS a very strong candidate, love her or hate her. She has money, connections, and one for the greatest politicians ever as her husband. I voted for her twice as my Senator, but I certainly do not want her as my president. But you can't say she's a 'weak' candidate, inferior as in lacking integrity and consistency perhaps, but not weak...


      • Big Train
        Full Member Status

        • Apr 2004
        • 4013

        If weak is defined as her ability to get elected, then yes, she is weak.

        You are right, you caught me, I gave up after the 10th or so paragraph. RS is a messenger I'd love to shoot. They suck covering music and they suck covering politics. My opinion of course.

        The GOP will be far from imploding in a year and a half. The Dem controlled Congress has lower numbers than Bush. Those people under the illusion the dems they sent in the mid-terms would make a difference are now disillusioned.

        They Dems backing down on the war took all their heat away as reformers. The longer it goes on the more obvious it will be. I see no significant movement by them on any other issue and no single issue they can call their own in this time period.

        The damage to the Repubs is much less than people are willing to say.


        • FORD

          • Jan 2004
          • 58830

          "If George Allen hadn't been such an idiot, he'd be sitting pretty right now," says Luntz.

          Just thought I'd post that again, in case Warhamster stops by for his monthly visit.....
          Eat Us And Smile

          Cenk For America 2024!!

          Justice Democrats

          "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


          • Nickdfresh

            • Oct 2004
            • 49219

            Originally posted by Big Train
            If weak is defined as her ability to get elected, then yes, she is weak.

            Really? Who's she running against?

            You are right, you caught me, I gave up after the 10th or so paragraph. RS is a messenger I'd love to shoot. They suck covering music and they suck covering politics. My opinion of course.
            Fair enough...

            The GOP will be far from imploding in a year and a half. The Dem controlled Congress has lower numbers than Bush. Those people under the illusion the dems they sent in the mid-terms would make a difference are now disillusioned.
            Um, no, the people do not hold congress in a lower regard than they do Bush, and in any case, that congress still has many Republicans in it mindlessly toiling for the War.

            People may be disappointed at the reluctance of the majority of Democrats to pull the purse strings, but in real terms, it wouldn't work anyways...

            They Dems backing down on the war took all their heat away as reformers. The longer it goes on the more obvious it will be. I see no significant movement by them on any other issue and no single issue they can call their own in this time period.

            The damage to the Repubs is much less than people are willing to say.
            Oh, so the "people" will be so disappointed with the Democrats for not stopping the War that they'll vote for a pro-War Republican?

            Good one!


            • FORD

              • Jan 2004
              • 58830

              We need to run a REAL Democrat (i.e. NOT Hillary) this time precisely for the reason that the competition is so LAME.

              This is not the time to cave to DLC rhetoric about a non-existent "center" which would be the extremist right fringe in any other Democratic country.

              I'm really starting to wish Dean was in for 2008. And if Gore doesn't step in soon, Dean might have to.
              Eat Us And Smile

              Cenk For America 2024!!

              Justice Democrats

              "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


              • Big Train
                Full Member Status

                • Apr 2004
                • 4013

                Originally posted by Nickdfresh

                Um, no, the people do not hold congress in a lower regard than they do Bush, and in any case, that congress still has many Republicans in it mindlessly toiling for the War.

                Oh, so the "people" will be so disappointed with the Democrats for not stopping the War that they'll vote for a pro-War Republican?

                Good one! [/B]

                Check your facts before you say things like that...33% Bush
                29% for Congress. While I agree the poll does include Republicans, it is a Democratic-led Congress.

                The "people" will vote for whoever has the best "plan". You know as in executable ideas? Not, study after hearing after poll, which is the Dems way of doing it.

                Hillary is running against all the candidates last I checked. She is unelectable, so all she is really accomplishing is diluting her parties time and energies. Since Gore doesn't seem to be running, it's a net benefit for the Repubs.


                • BigBadBrian
                  TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 10625

                  Originally posted by FORD
                  We need to run a REAL Democrat (i.e. NOT Hillary) this time precisely for the reason that the competition is so LAME.

                  You realize, of course, that most Democrats are more toward the center of the political spectrum than your far left views, don't you?

                  Yet you say only far-left candidates are real Democrats. Amazing.

                  I think Obama or Hillary (or even John Edwards) will do better with the Democrat electorate than a far-left looney like algore.

                  “If bullshit was currency, Joe Biden would be a billionaire.” - George W. Bush


                  • Nickdfresh
                    SUPER MODERATOR

                    • Oct 2004
                    • 49219

                    Originally posted by Big Train

                    Check your facts before you say things like that...33% Bush
                    29% for Congress. While I agree the poll does include Republicans, it is a Democratic-led Congress.

                    Check your polls! Most have Congress in the 30% range:

                    The "people" will vote for whoever has the best "plan". You know as in executable ideas? Not, study after hearing after poll, which is the Dems way of doing it.
                    The "best plan" for what? Iraq?

                    Good one!

                    I think the plan is 'more of the same.'

                    In fact, it almost seems like McCain has insinuated a return of the draft (as in: 'gee, I don't know where all these surge troops are going to come from').

                    Hillary is running against all the candidates last I checked. She is unelectable, so all she is really accomplishing is diluting her parties time and energies. Since Gore doesn't seem to be running, it's a net benefit for the Repubs.
                    Unelectable? Dude, she's quite electable. Though it is a plus in galvanizing Republicans, it's because she's a major threat to them...


                    • Big Train
                      Full Member Status

                      • Apr 2004
                      • 4013

                      Well, with the +/- range, it is very close. In SOME polls, he is above them (claim rigged all you want). At any rate, they are as least as bad as his. That is not a good thing at all.

                      Te best plan for Iraq, as in whatever that may be. Fight it out, or wrap it up plans. Whatever the best plan is to the American people, will be what wins this election.

                      Nick, Hillary is not the major threat. Gore is. Gore is not running thus far. Hillary is not electable on the national stage. There are two many within her party for instance who would prefer she not run (hence all the Obama support). She is highly unlikely to convince midwesterners to vote for her.

                      Hillary is the Republican choice. She should not be yours.


                      • FORD
                        ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                        • Jan 2004
                        • 58830

                        Originally posted by BigBadBrian
                        You realize, of course, that most Democrats are more toward the center of the political spectrum than your far left views, don't you?

                        Yet you say only far-left candidates are real Democrats. Amazing.

                        I think Obama or Hillary (or even John Edwards) will do better with the Democrat electorate than a far-left looney like algore.

                        No, what I'm saying is that the corporatists have so distorted what "left", "right", and "center" actually mean to the point where Clinton was actually more conservative than Nixon and even Saint Jellybean himself is rather moderate compared to the current configuration of the BCE.

                        It's time to abolish this false construct and get back to what the true values of American people really are, and what made this country great. And the answer to both is LIBERALISM
                        Eat Us And Smile

                        Cenk For America 2024!!

                        Justice Democrats

                        "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                        • FORD
                          ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                          • Jan 2004
                          • 58830

                          A Liberal Paradise

                          THERE IS A COUNTRY I would like to tell you about. It is a country like no other on the planet. Many of you, I am certain, would love to live there.

                          It is a very, very liberal, liberated, and free-thinking country. Its people hate the thought of going to war. The vast majority of its men have never served in any kind of military and they aren't rushing to sign up now. They abhor guns and support any and all efforts to restrict the usage of personal firearms. Its citizens are strong supporters of labor unions and workers' rights. They believe that corporations are up to no good and should not be trusted.

                          The majority of its residents strongly believe in equal rights for women and oppose any attempt by the government or religious groups who would seek to control their reproductive organs. In overwhelming numbers, the people of this country I speak of believe that gay and lesbian people should have the same opportunities as straight people and they should not be discriminated against in any way.

                          In this country nearly everyone wants to have the strongest protections necessary to ensure a clean environment. And they take personal responsibility by doing a number of things every single day to cut down on pollution and waste.

                          This country is so far to the left that 80 percent of its people believe in universal health care and racial diversity on college campuses.

                          This country I know of is so hippy-dippy-free-love and all that jazz that only a quarter of its people believe that drug users should go straight to jail-perhaps because, as their president has, 41 percent of the citizens have admitted to using illegal drugs themselves! And when it comes to holy matrimony, the number of people who live together and don't get married is up 72 percent in the past decade, and 43 percent of them have children.

                          I'm telling you, this country is so commie-pinko-weirdo, its conservative party can never get more than 25 percent of its recurring voters to join it, while the vast majority of its citizens define themselves as either members of the liberal party, or worse-independent or anarchist (the latter just simply refusing ever to vote!).

                          So, where is this utopia I write about, this land of liberal-lefty, peacenik tree-huggers (and how soon can you and I move there)?

                          Is it Sweden?


                          The Moon?

                          No! You don't have to go to the moon because . . . you're already there! This Land O' Left paradise I speak of is none other than . . . the United States of America!

                          Surprised? Don't believe it? Finally convinced my last screw has come loose? I don't blame you. It's hard to think of the U.S. of A. as anything but a country that is ruled by a conservative majority, a nation whose moral agenda seems set by the Christian Coalition, a people who appear to be cut from the cloth of their Puritan ancestors. After all, look who's in charge at the White House! And look at the approval ratings he gets!

                          But the cold bitter truth-and the best kept political secret of our time-is that Americans are more liberal than ever when it comes to both the lifestyles they lead and the positions they take on the great social and political issues of the day. And you don't have to take my word for it-it's all there in the polls, just the facts and nothing but.

                          Now, say this to any liberal and they won't just snicker (liberals stopped laughing a long time ago, which is part of the problem), they'll shake their heads and repeat the mantra they've learned from a media with a vested interest in making them believe they're on the losing side every miserable day of their lives: "America has gone conservative!" Ask any liberal-leaning person to describe this country and you'll hear a series of invectives about how we live in a nation of pickup trucks and gun racks and flags flying everywhere. They will speak with a tone of defeat about how much worse things are going to get, and resign themselves to four more years of whatever crap we've been eating for the last four (or fourteen or forty) years.

                          The right must rejoice every time they hear this surrender-and then they reinforce it with whatever sledgehammer they can grab. Yes! America supports the war! Yes! America loves its Leader! Yes! All of America was watching The Bachelorette last night! So, if you are not part of All-of-America, then just shut the fuck up and go crawl into that phone booth with the Noam Chomsky fan club, you miserable loser!

                          The reason the right is so aggressive in trying to squash any and all dissent is because they're in on the dirty little secret the left doesn't get: that more Americans agree with the left than the right. The right knows this because they look at the numbers, they read the reports, and they live in the real world that has become increasingly liberal in the last decade or so. And they hate it. So, in the tradition of all propagandists, they lie. They create an opposite truth: AMERICA IS CONSERVATIVE. Then they pound away with that false message so hard and so often that even their political opponents come to believe that it's true.

                          I want everyone reading this book to stop repeating this Big Lie. And to help you break this habit, I am going to give you the simple, indisputable facts. What I am about to share with you is not information that comes from liberal think tanks, the pages of the People's Daily or my handlers in Havana (to whom I report on an hourly basis). It is from sources that are as straight and mainstream as the Gallup Organization and as American as the members of the National Rifle Association. The polls were taken by organizations including the Harris Poll, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Harvard University, National Opinion Research Center, PBS's NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, The Los Angeles Times, ABC News and, yes, Fox News (for the complete list of poll sources, see Notes and Sources).
                          Eat Us And Smile

                          Cenk For America 2024!!

                          Justice Democrats

                          "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                          • FORD
                            ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                            • Jan 2004
                            • 58830

                            Please, allow me to introduce you to your fellow Americans:

                            Fifty-seven percent of the American public believes that abortion should be legal in all or most cases. Fifty-nine percent think abortion should be decided between a woman and her doctor, while 62 percent don't want to see the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade. In fact, a solid 53 percent think the legalization of abortion was a GOOD THING for the country (compared to just 30 percent who thought it was bad), and a full 56 percent of us want to leave a woman's access to an abortion as it is now or- get this-make it easier!

                            No wonder the right has lost its marbles-THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS ARE BABY-KILLERS!

                            Since it became legal in 1973, there have been 40 million abortions in this country. One in three women will have an abortion by the time she's 45, and of those who do, almost half will have more than one.

                            What does this mean to conservatives? It means that women are deciding when life will be brought into this world. Women are in complete control of this decision. That is a tough pill for conservatives to swallow; after all, it's only been eighty-three years since women were even allowed to vote. To give them the power to decide which of us will get to be born-whoa! That means the next Sean Hannity might be getting flushed down into some medical waste jar right now as we speak! Imagine how helpless this makes right-wing men feel. We Impregnate, You Don't Decide. That's the way it always was until just a few years ago. A multi-millennial change takes some getting used to.

                            A whopping 86 percent of the American public say they "agree with the goals of the Civil Rights movement." Four out of five Americans say "it is important for colleges to have racially diverse student bodies." Hell, even the U.S. Supreme Court has come around on this one! And more than half of us believe affirmative action is necessary to help those who have been historically denied these opportunities. Seventy-four percent disagree with this statement: "I don't have much in common with people of other ethnic groups and races"-which puts us ahead of Great Britain, France, Germany, and Russia, when the same question is asked in those countries. Seventy-seven percent of us would adopt a child of another race, and 61 percent say they have friends or family members who are dating or are married to someone of another race. And, in fact, in the last twenty years, the number of interracial marriages has more than doubled, from 651,000 to 1.46 million.


                            Oh, you can just see the conservative blood boiling, can't you?

                            What happened to everyone knowing their own place and sticking with their own kind? J.Lo! That's who's responsible for this! Taking all the good, white men with her. Next they'll start having kids and we won't know how to identify them by race, and if that happens, we might realize how ridiculous race is and start working together on the problems that really matter. And that, my friends, does not include much that is on the right wing's agenda.

                            Eighty-three percent of Americans say they are in agreement with the goals of the environmental movement. Three-quarters of us think environmental problems pose a serious threat to the quality of life in the United States. Eighty-five percent are worried about pollution of rivers and lakes, 82 percent worry about toxic waste and polluted drinking water, 78 percent worry about air pollution, and 67 percent worry about damage to the ozone. Eighty-nine percent of the people recycle and 72 percent check the label to avoid buying toxic products, while 60 percent would rather see the government push for more energy conservation than an increase in production of oil, gas and coal. When given the choice between "economic growth" or "environmental protection," assuming you couldn't have one without the other, Americans choose environmental protection. Even two-thirds of Republicans in one poll responded by saying they would vote for an environmentalist candidate over a non-environmentalist. Four times as many Americans trust environmental organizations to know what's better for the ecology than they do the government. THAT'S RIGHT, AMERICANS ARE ECO-WACKOS! They would actually put the survival of some spotted snail fish over having a few more dollars in their pocket each week. How misguided is that? Don't they get it-this is OUR planet and we can do with it what we damn well please! Give these Americans a chance to buy more fuel-efficient vehicles (industry experts expect hybrid cars to soon make up 10-15 percent of America's annual car sales), and they flock to the showroom floor! What's the world coming to-the world?

                            Ninety-four percent of the American public want federal safety regulations enacted on the manufacture and use of all handguns- and 86 percent want this even if it makes guns more expensive! Seventy-three percent of Americans want a mandatory background check on anyone buying a gun. They want a five-day waiting period before you can actually get a handgun. They believe that you must have a police permit before you can own a handgun, that guns should be childproof, and that if you beat up your spouse, you shouldn't be able to own any gun. And in states like New York, 59 percent want an outright ban on all handguns.

                            In the 2000 election, The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence was able to defeat nine of the twelve candidates on their "Dangerous Dozen" list of elected officials who were deep in the pocket of the gun lobby. The NRA spent more than $20 million that year, focusing most of it on two of the largest hunting states in the country -Michigan and Pennsylvania-in the hopes of electing pro-gun governors and defeating Al Gore. What happened? Gore won both states, and the people of Michigan and Pennsylvania elected governors whom the NRA labeled as "anti-gun." This came two years after the NRA-backed Republican incumbent in Michigan, U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham, was defeated by anti-gun forces.

                            * The NRA is so out of touch with even their own members, that, when NRA members in Michigan were polled, this is what the Lansing-based market-research company EPIC-MRA found out:
                            * 64 percent of NRA members favored mandatory reporting of private handgun sales;
                            * 59 percent favored regulations requiring that guns be stored unloaded;
                            * 68 percent supported creating uniform safety standards for domestic and imported guns;
                            * 56 percent supported a law requiring a five-day waiting period before purchasing a gun;
                            * 55 percent were in favor of banning high-capacity magazines that hold the ammo.

                            AMERICANS WANT THE GUNS PRIED FROM THEIR COLD, DEAD HANDS! Only 25 percent of us own a gun. The majority know they are less safe with a gun in the house. Why is this? Because more than a million of us have been killed by guns since Kennedy was assassinated. We couldn't have killed that many of our countrymen if we'd fought the Vietnam War another fifteen times! That means everybody knows somebody who at one time or another was shot with a gun. And you know what happens when that many people see firsthand the tragedy of gun violence-they end up hating guns! And that's the majority of the country.

                            Eight in ten Americans believe that health insurance should be provided equally to everyone in the country. And 52 percent say they would be willing to pay more in taxes or insurance premiums to see that happen. It's not surprising we want national health insurance since, per capita, we spend $4,200 a year on it already, while countries with universal health care pay far less: $2,400 in Germany; $2,300 in Canada; and $1,400 in the United Kingdom.

                            YES, AMERICANS ARE SOCIALISTS AND THEY WANT SOCIALIZED MEDICINE! Why? Because they get sick! Who doesn't get sick-and who doesn't want to get better? C'mon, this one's a no-brainer. So many millions by now have seen their life savings go up in smoke because of one accident or one horrible illness. They don't give a damn what it costs at this point. They just want it fixed. As the baby boomers' joints start to ache with arthritis and they lose a testicle or two, watch how quick we get universal health care. The only reason we don't have it already is that the politicians who oppose it are all covered 100 percent by very generous health plans. They've rarely paid a doctor bill in their lives and they don't intend to have you stop paying your bills now. Nothing seems crueler-or more ironic-than these upper crusters who never pay a dime for their high-priced shrinks or reflexology sessions to call those who just want that tumor removed from their uterus a bunch of commies. Well, the revolution is at hand and let's hope all those uninsured commies give the rich such a headache that a whole bottle of Advil won't be enough to take away the pain.

                            Sixty-two percent of the people you share this country with support changing current laws so that fewer nonviolent offenders are sent to prison. That's right, they want criminals roaming the streets! Eighty percent want more community service for those who break the law and 76 percent believe that offenders would do better being on the outside making restitution to their victims than by being locked away. Seventy-four percent prefer treatment and probation for nonviolent drug users.

                            AMERICANS ARE SOFT ON CRIME! They are a bunch of bleeding hearts! And they are dopers themselves! Ninety-four million Americans have used illegal drugs at least once in their lives. No wonder they want to let the potheads run amok!

                            Eighty-five percent of Americans support equal opportunity in the workplace for gays and lesbians. And 68 percent want laws enacted to punish anyone who would discriminate against homosexual employees. Seventy-three percent support hate crime laws and banning discrimination in housing. Half now say that gay and lesbian couples should receive the same benefits enjoyed by married couples, and 68 percent think gay couples should be entitled to Social Security benefits while 70 percent support employee-sponsored health insurance coverage for gay spouses. And half of us have no problem with gay and lesbian couples adopting children.

                            AMERICANS ARE A BUNCH OF LIMP-WRISTED PANSYLOVERS! The country has gone to the fags! The U.S. Supreme Court has just legalized sex between consenting homosexuals. What's next-gay priests?! How are we going to get all macho for the next war if our men have all gone soft on the soft men? Not everybody can have David Crosby's baby!

                            According to a 2002 Gallup Poll, 58 percent thought labor unions were a good idea. An AFL-CIO poll put union approval ratings at 56 percent and even a fair and balanced poll from Fox News (Oops! Don't sue me! No, sue me!) showed that half the country had a favorable impression of unions (while only 32 percent were opposed). With only 13.2 percent of the country's workers belonging to a union, all this extra support must be coming from half of the nonunion workers who would join one if given the choice. On top of all that, 72 percent believe that Washington gives too little consideration to working Americans.

                            The average working American has come to completely distrust Corporate America: Eighty-eight percent have little to no trust in corporate executives; 68 percent think these executives are less honest and trustworthy than they were a decade ago; 52 percent have very little or no trust in corporate accounting, while 31 percent have only some trust; 65 percent think there needs to be major reform of Corporate America; and 74 percent think the problems in Corporate America are due to greed and a lack of morals. They know that these bastards are constantly up to no good and should be watched every waking moment of every bloody day.

                            AMERICANS HATE THE MAN! Especially the boss-man! They believe they should get their fair share of the pie. They believe that the workplace should not be the place where they die. They believe that the employers must be forced to behave properly.

                            As you can see, we live in a nation of people who believe in racial equality, women's rights, labor unions, a clean environment, and fair treatment for gays and lesbians. Even on the one issue where Americans skew conservative-the death penalty-support for capital punishment has dropped dramatically in the past five years (thanks, in part, to the work of those students at Northwestern University who found at least eleven innocent people on death row in Illinois). While over 80 percent of the public used to believe in the death penalty, that number has dropped to 64 percent. When asked how they felt about capital punishment if it was guaranteed that a first-degree murderer received a sentence that would never let him out of prison, support for the death penalty drops to only 46 percent. This is a stunning drop in support of one of our nation's weirdest and cruelest activities, one that is practiced by no other Western industrialized country on this planet. In fact, a recent CNN poll found that 60 percent of Americans now support a nationwide moratorium on executions while a commission studies whether the death penalty is applied fairly.

                            How did this happen? It happened because the American people have a good heart and an active conscience. The majority will never support the killing of an innocent human being, even if they still believe in the death penalty as a concept. That is why we will see an end to capital punishment in the not too distant future. As people become educated about how we may be putting innocent people to death, they will not continue to support such a risky endeavor.

                            This goodness that I believe is at the core of most of my fellow Americans is what leads them down the liberal road more often than not. They do not want others to suffer. They want everyone to get a fair break in life. They want their planet to be around for their grandchildren to enjoy.

                            From your favorite Patriotic American (other than FORD)
                            Last edited by FORD; 06-03-2007, 04:04 PM.
                            Eat Us And Smile

                            Cenk For America 2024!!

                            Justice Democrats

                            "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                            • Big Train
                              Full Member Status

                              • Apr 2004
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                              America is right down the's the politicians who are left and right for their own reasons. That's a basic truth as old as time itself.

                              American voters have some opinions on issues that extremely liberal and other issues extremely conservative. Whatever the most important issue is at the time is the way America votes.

