Thursday Night Is Gay Manlove Night In Assramistan

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  • Hardrock69
    • Feb 2005
    • 21888

    Thursday Night Is Gay Manlove Night In Assramistan

    So today I am hanging out at a music store where a friend is demonstrating his new Digitech Jimi Hendrix pedal.

    The shop owner walks in and sits down and says "Y'all are not going to believe this shit...."

    Seems he has a friend who just got back from a 2-year tour of duty in Assramistan.

    Thursday night in Islamic culture is like Saturday night in Western culture.

    They party like hell, and then Friday is their High Holy Day.

    A little known facet of Islam is that sex with women is just for making babies. Sex with men is for pleasure.

    So you got shitloads of Afghani men who during the week can be vicious, cold-blooded murdering radical assholes, but on Thursday night their fancy turns to thoughts of Man Love.

    My friend at the music store said (like any of us would) that he found this shit hard to believe, and had to go look on the net.

    It appears to be true. I found some blogs by Googling the phrase:

    "Thursday Night" "Man Love" Afghanistan.

    So these cocksuckers (literally) are exactly the same as Retardlican asslickers.

    They claim they are so holy and devout and they loudly proclaim their devotion to Allah.

    Then on Thursday nights they ignore all that and suck the big AssRammistan Cock!!

    Goddam this world is strange....

    Military and Afghanistan Blog
    18 July

    Their Thursday night is our Saturday night
    The Afghanistan calendar is a little bit different than ours. Their week starts on a Saturday, which means Friday is their “Sunday” and Thursday night is our “Saturday night”. What I mean by that is that just like Saturday night is the night a lot of people go out, party, or do whatever, that is what they do on Thursday night. Friday is our down day as they use it to relax, clean weapons, barracks, catch up on laundry, go downtown to buy things or even use that day to take off and head home on leave.

    Just as in our country, where Saturday nights mean parties, drunks on the road and weird things happening in nightclubs and house parties, the same is going on here. This has caused us to nickname “Thursday Night Man Love night”. We love to joke with our terps about this and mess with each other when it is a Thursday. When I say “mess with each other” we will joke like “hey are you getting dressed up tonight, because you know it is Thursday?” or something like, “hey, is your terp coming by for a meeting tonight, because it is Thursday?”.

    It does not matter what the Koran says about homosexuality, it is rampant here. Just like in the US where people ignore the bible where it talks homosexuality, and still practice it and practice their faith. According to my terp Aziz, this southern area of A-stan if very heavy in homosexual behavior. I thought great, I leave a 18 month project in San Francisco, USA and come to war in San Francisco, Afghanistan.

    When I first got here, I thought maybe it was just the US personnel being mean Americans and making jokes that are not true. But the longer I was here, the more I see it. We have several stories from our terps and from eye-witness accounts of our US soldiers that leave no doubt there is a lot of homosexuality here. From the guy in Lawara who brought his wife to the US medics to find out why she could not get pregnant, only to find out his aim was a few inches off to the couple of soldiers we caught in their rack the other day snuggled up and kissing. Yes, it is here, and a common thing that is known but no acknowledged. Kind of like that deep dark secret of a family or black sheep member of a family.

    It is what it is, so that is their issue, no different than the US. Most of our terps are engaged and I think all straight. I know this because they are all saving and paying for the dowry of their fiancés. See in this country they have to pay a dowry to the father of the women they want to marry. It seems the average price is $4,000.00 USD, but I have heard as cheap as $2,500.00 USD. The other night on a night mission as we were talking to Terp Hameed about his future wife and what he paid he asked me what a normal dowry is in the US. I told him we don’t really have a dowry, but we do pay. He asked me to explain, and I told him rather than pay up front to marry, we tend to pay for it after we marry for the rest of our lives. HAHA. Of course that got some laughs from the other US personnel around. I also explained how marriages are typically paid for by the bride’s parents if they can afford it and the rehearsal dinner is paid for by the groom’s parents. He said that it must be better to be the groom’s parents then, and I told him he does not even realize how much better it is.

    So if you hear jokes about Thursday Night man love or anything to do with Thursday night, now you know why. They are not all gay here, but enough for us to look at them with a puzzled face and then question about hard-core faith, praying 5 times a day, and all the other parts of their faith, but still being able to openly disregard their Koran. Who knows?

    Things have been slow lately as we are in a heavy training and planning phase, so I thought rather than write about a boring day I would give a little insight into Thursday Nights, Afghan style.

    Another fucked up Muslim tradition is the male on male sex party every Thursday night. Our Western media staples don't highlight this custom very often, but every Thursday night is a Manlove bonanza. In the Muslim tradition, men are to be used for pleasure, and women are for procreation. It is forbidden for a woman to have a sexual encounter with another woman.
    Last edited by Hardrock69; 09-24-2007, 11:07 PM.
  • thome
    • Mar 2005
    • 6678

    Next realization -Moment- you have........................ let it go!

    Next ,.........someone will post Islamics walk down the street --Skwatt --down relieve themselves and walk away.

    They don't shake with the right hand because that is the one the don't wipe thier ass with.

    This is a perfect thread for The Front.

    Sticky This Bitch!!!.........


    • Nickdfresh

      • Oct 2004
      • 49219

      More cultural ignorance from "blogs" with a political "War on Terr'a" agenda to convince us that all "Muslims are fags" as another reason as to why we should hate and fear them...

      Firstly, this doesn't NOT go on in most parts of Afghanistan and certainly most Muslims do not have Thursday night gay-sex parties.

      If they did, they why would they feel so sexually threatened by women that they have to cover their women with burkas because they so fear feminine sexuality will drive men into rape frenzied, sex-crazed animals?

      This is filled with exaggerations and cultural bogus hyperbole and I'm wondering if I should close this since it's being discussed in the No Gays in Iran thread, move all further discussions there, please. Since apparently, homosexuals are executed in many parts of the Islamic world as well..


      And BTW, 90% of what passes for strict Islamic moral code is actually Arabic or local cultural prohibitions (burkas) that predate Mohammad...
      Last edited by Nickdfresh; 09-25-2007, 12:11 PM.

