The Official Joe Biden "open mouth, insert foot" thread

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  • fryingdutchman
    Full Member Status

    • Feb 2005
    • 4133

    The Official Joe Biden "open mouth, insert foot" thread

    OK....let me say that I'm not really into partisan politics.

    I try to call 'em the way I see 'em, and I won't defend either party if they're acting like fucking morons.

    Obama seems to be doing the best he can, and I hope that he succeeds in reversing some of the monumental fuckups of the last 8 years.

    However, there's alway somebody lurking in the wings....just waiting to give poor Barack some really needless headaches.'s the Veep himself. Joe Biden, the guy whose mouth consistently outruns his brain.

    Let's keep tabs on Joe, because he's certainly going to give us many memorable moments in the years to come!
    Originally posted by perilouspete
    fryingdutchman you pretty much own everyone.....sick comebacks, well put. top class wit.
  • fryingdutchman
    Full Member Status

    • Feb 2005
    • 4133

    I'll start with the latest...just within the last 24 hours.

    Joe reveals potentially classified information on the location of the VP's secret bunker...

    Vice President Joe Biden, well-known for his verbal gaffes, may have finally outdone himself, divulging potentially classified information meant to save the life of a sitting vice president.

    According to a report, while recently attending the Gridiron Club dinner in Washington, an annual event where powerful politicians and media elite get a chance to cozy up to one another, Biden told his dinnermates about the existence of a secret bunker under the old U.S. Naval Observatory, which is now the home of the vice president.

    The bunker is believed to be the secure, undisclosed location former Vice President Dick Cheney remained under protection in secret after the 9/11 attacks.

    Eleanor Clift, Newsweek magazine's Washington contributing editor, said Biden revealed the location while filling in for President Obama at the dinner, who, along with Grover Cleveland, is the only president to skip the gathering.

    According to Clift's report on the Newsweek blog, Biden "said a young naval officer giving him a tour of the residence showed him the hideaway, which is behind a massive steel door secured by an elaborate lock with a narrow connecting hallway lined with shelves filled with communications equipment."

    Clift continued: "The officer explained that when Cheney was in lock down, this was where his most trusted aides were stationed, an image that Biden conveyed in a way that suggested we shouldn't be surprised that the policies that emerged were off the wall."

    On Monday, Biden's press office issued a statement in response to this story, denying the bunker report.

    "What the Vice President described in his comments was not -- as some press reports have suggested -- an underground facility, but rather, an upstairs workspace in the residence, which he understood was frequently used by Vice President Cheney and his aides," said Biden's spokesperson Elizabeth Alexander. "That workspace was converted into an upstairs guestroom when the Bidens moved into the residence. There was no disclosure of classified information."

    In December 2002, neighbors complained of loud construction work being done at the Naval Observatory, which has been used as a residence by vice presidents since 1974.

    The upset neighbors were sent a letter by the observatory's superintendent, calling the work "sensitive in nature" and "classified" and that it was urgent it be completed "on a highly accelerated schedule."

    Residents said they believed workers were digging deep into the ground, which would support Biden's report of a secret bunker, but officials never confirmed the purpose of the work performed.

    The revelation is the latest from Biden, who has a long history of political blunders.

    Most recently, he said in a televised interview that if a family member asked him about traveling he'd advise staying away from public transportation or confined spaces to avoid swine flu -- a remark described as "borderline fearmongering" by an airline spokesman.
    Originally posted by perilouspete
    fryingdutchman you pretty much own everyone.....sick comebacks, well put. top class wit.


    • fryingdutchman
      Full Member Status

      • Feb 2005
      • 4133

      And....just so we can get brought up to speed, here's a little history for y'all....

      Here's a list of 14 amusing yet cringe-worthy "Bidenisms" made during the vice president's more recent political career.

      -- On March 13, 2009, Biden addressed a former Senate colleague by saying, "An hour late, oh give me a f**king break," after he arrived on Amtrak at Union Station in Washington, D.C. The vice president's expletive was caught on a live microphone.

      -- During a Feb. 25, 2009, interview on CBS' "Early Show," Biden encouraged viewers to visit a government-run Web site that tracks stimulus spending. When asked for the site's web address, Biden could not remember the site's "number."

      "You know, I'm embarrassed. Do you know the Web site number?" he asked an aide standing out of view. "I should have it in front of me and I don't. I'm actually embarrassed."

      -- At a Jan. 30, 2009, swearing-in ceremony of senior White House staff, Biden mocked Chief Justice John Roberts for his presidential oath blunder on Inauguration Day.

      "Am I doing this again?" Biden said, after Obama asked him to administer the oath. When Biden was told the swearing-in was for senior staff -- and not cabinet members -- the vice president quipped, "My memory is not as good as Justice Roberts," prompting a stern nudge from Obama.

      -- On Inauguration Day, Jan. 20 2009, Biden misspoke when he told a cheering crowd of supporters, "Jill and I had the great honor of standing on that stage, looking across at one of the great justices, Justice Stewart." Justice John Paul Stevens -- not Stewart -- swore Biden in as vice president.

      -- When criticizing former GOP nominee John McCain in Athens, Ohio, on Oct. 15, 2008, Biden said, "Look, John's last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number-one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S, jobs."

      -- In a Sept. 22, 2008, CBS interview, Biden misspoke when he said Franklin D. Roosevelt was president when the stock market crashed in 1929.

      "When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened," he said. Herbert Hoover -- not Roosevelt -- was president in 1929, and television had not yet been invented in 1929.

      -- During a Sept. 12, 2008, speech in Columbia, Mo., Biden called for Missouri State Sen. Chuck Graham, who is wheelchair-bound, to "stand up."

      "Oh, God love ya," Biden said, after realizing his mistake. "What am I talking about?"

      -- At a Sept. 10, 2008, town hall meeting in Nashua, N.H., Biden said, "Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me."

      -- Biden mistakenly referred to Alaska governor Sarah Palin as the "lieutenant governor" of her state during a town hall meeting on Sept. 4, 2008 at George Mason University in Manassas, Va.

      "I heard a very, by the way I mean this sincerely, a very strong and a very good political speech from a lieutenant governor of Alaska who I think is going to be very formidable, very formidable not only in the campaign but in the debate," Biden said.

      -- Biden said he was running for president -- not vice president -- during a Sept. 1, 2008, roundtable discussion in Scranton, Pa.

      "Today is the moment for me as a United States senator running for president to put aside the national politics and focus on what's happening down there," Biden said.

      -- Biden referred to John McCain as "George" during his vice presidential acceptance speech on Aug. 27, 2008, at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Co. "Freudian slip, folks, Freudian slip," he explained.

      -- Biden confused army brigades with battalions when speaking about Obama's plan for sending troops to Afghanistan.

      "Or should we trust Barack Obama, who more than a year ago called for sending two additional combat brigades to Afghanistan?"

      -- During his first campaign rally with Obama as his vice presidential running mate on Aug. 23, 2008, Biden introduced Obama by saying, "A man I'm proud to call my friend. A man who will be the next President of the United States -- Barack America!"

      -- On Jan. 31, 2007 -- the day Biden announced his presidential bid -- the Delaware Senator was roundly criticized for calling Obama "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."
      Originally posted by perilouspete
      fryingdutchman you pretty much own everyone.....sick comebacks, well put. top class wit.


      • Kristy
        • Aug 2004
        • 16344

        Biden reminds me of the old guy in your neighborhood who rambles on and on and on about his war stories, his hunting stories, or, most likely, "when I was your age" stories without clue fucking one as to what he is talking about.

        To me he's a bit an of enigma in that no one is really sure as to how he became VP in the first place. Maybe it was ploy by Obama advisers to have some contrast between the young and the old for the DNP voter believing that Biden's age also held wisdom. Were they ever wrong.

        Biden's senility (and yes, I'm calling him senile) is what scares me in that no one in the DNP is calling him out for it. Or maybe I'm wrong and Biden wants to see himself fastened in American history by being a figurehead for Obama's historical presidency hoping that people will remember his quotes long after he's gone. Unfortunately, that's what happening now.

        And rarely does a VP make history. Quayle was probably the most innocuous one to date and even Darth knew when to shut the fuck up and let Bush be the fall guy. As the saying goes instead of trying to make history perhaps Biden should learn from it.


        • Nickdfresh

          • Oct 2004
          • 49219

          Originally posted by fryingdutchman
          And....just so we can get brought up to speed, here's a little history for y'all....

          Here's a list of 14 amusing yet cringe-worthy "Bidenisms" made during the vice president's more recent political career.

          -- On March 13, 2009, Biden addressed a former Senate colleague by saying, "An hour late, oh give me a f**king break," after he arrived on Amtrak at Union Station in Washington, D.C. The vice president's expletive was caught on a live microphone.

          -- During a Feb. 25, 2009, interview on CBS' "Early Show," Biden encouraged viewers to visit a government-run Web site that tracks stimulus spending. When asked for the site's web address, Biden could not remember the site's "number."

          "You know, I'm embarrassed. Do you know the Web site number?" he asked an aide standing out of view. "I should have it in front of me and I don't. I'm actually embarrassed."

          -- At a Jan. 30, 2009, swearing-in ceremony of senior White House staff, Biden mocked Chief Justice John Roberts for his presidential oath blunder on Inauguration Day.

          "Am I doing this again?" Biden said, after Obama asked him to administer the oath. When Biden was told the swearing-in was for senior staff -- and not cabinet members -- the vice president quipped, "My memory is not as good as Justice Roberts," prompting a stern nudge from Obama.

          -- On Inauguration Day, Jan. 20 2009, Biden misspoke when he told a cheering crowd of supporters, "Jill and I had the great honor of standing on that stage, looking across at one of the great justices, Justice Stewart." Justice John Paul Stevens -- not Stewart -- swore Biden in as vice president.

          -- When criticizing former GOP nominee John McCain in Athens, Ohio, on Oct. 15, 2008, Biden said, "Look, John's last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number-one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S, jobs."

          -- In a Sept. 22, 2008, CBS interview, Biden misspoke when he said Franklin D. Roosevelt was president when the stock market crashed in 1929.

          "When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened," he said. Herbert Hoover -- not Roosevelt -- was president in 1929, and television had not yet been invented in 1929.

          -- During a Sept. 12, 2008, speech in Columbia, Mo., Biden called for Missouri State Sen. Chuck Graham, who is wheelchair-bound, to "stand up."

          "Oh, God love ya," Biden said, after realizing his mistake. "What am I talking about?"

          -- At a Sept. 10, 2008, town hall meeting in Nashua, N.H., Biden said, "Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me."

          -- Biden mistakenly referred to Alaska governor Sarah Palin as the "lieutenant governor" of her state during a town hall meeting on Sept. 4, 2008 at George Mason University in Manassas, Va.

          "I heard a very, by the way I mean this sincerely, a very strong and a very good political speech from a lieutenant governor of Alaska who I think is going to be very formidable, very formidable not only in the campaign but in the debate," Biden said.

          -- Biden said he was running for president -- not vice president -- during a Sept. 1, 2008, roundtable discussion in Scranton, Pa.

          "Today is the moment for me as a United States senator running for president to put aside the national politics and focus on what's happening down there," Biden said.

          -- Biden referred to John McCain as "George" during his vice presidential acceptance speech on Aug. 27, 2008, at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Co. "Freudian slip, folks, Freudian slip," he explained.

          -- Biden confused army brigades with battalions when speaking about Obama's plan for sending troops to Afghanistan.

          "Or should we trust Barack Obama, who more than a year ago called for sending two additional combat brigades to Afghanistan?"

          -- During his first campaign rally with Obama as his vice presidential running mate on Aug. 23, 2008, Biden introduced Obama by saying, "A man I'm proud to call my friend. A man who will be the next President of the United States -- Barack America!"

          -- On Jan. 31, 2007 -- the day Biden announced his presidential bid -- the Delaware Senator was roundly criticized for calling Obama "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."
          Biden has foot-in-mouth disease no doubt....

          But the above list seems pretty borderline and smacks of mostly cherry-picked, mainly out of context or 'who-gives-a-shit?' type comments under a microscope. It's a collage of quotes that could made about any politician...

          That being said, he just might be Obama's ultimate talisman against an assassination attempt.


          • mrchickenfoot
            • May 2009
            • 20

            I'm a republican but I disagree with all of you. Joe Biden is a VP with a huge wealth of knowledge in foreign affairs and most would consider one of the most respected Senators in last years Senate and the best picks for VP that Obama could have made


            • fryingdutchman
              Full Member Status

              • Feb 2005
              • 4133

              Originally posted by mrchickenfoot
              I'm a republican but I disagree with all of you. Joe Biden is a VP with a huge wealth of knowledge in foreign affairs and most would consider one of the most respected Senators in last years Senate and the best picks for VP that Obama could have made
              I'm not disputing Biden's wealth of knowledge or vast experience.

              He is to Obama what Cheney was to Bush...a guy with a lot of field experience who can be turned to for an educated opinion on a wide range of issues.

              This isn't about's about humor.
              Originally posted by perilouspete
              fryingdutchman you pretty much own everyone.....sick comebacks, well put. top class wit.


              • fryingdutchman
                Full Member Status

                • Feb 2005
                • 4133

                Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                Biden has foot-in-mouth disease no doubt....

                But the above list seems pretty borderline and smacks of mostly cherry-picked, mainly out of context or 'who-gives-a-shit?' type comments under a microscope. It's a collage of quotes that could made about any politician...
                All very true, Nick!

                But it just seems that he's had so many so soon that he's bound to drop a REALLY big one any day now!!

                Originally posted by perilouspete
                fryingdutchman you pretty much own everyone.....sick comebacks, well put. top class wit.


                • hideyoursheep
                  ROTH ARMY ELITE
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 6351

                  Hell, let him talk all he wants to! I love the guy!

                  Takes my mind off the economy...


                  • ELVIS
                    • Dec 2003
                    • 44120

                    Originally posted by fryingdutchman
                    Obama seems to be doing the best he can,



                    • sadaist
                      TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                      • Jul 2004
                      • 11625

                      Originally posted by Kristy

                      To me he's a bit an of enigma in that no one is really sure as to how he became VP in the first place.
                      A lot of people are still wondering how Obama got the Presidency as well. As for Biden, it is, and will continue to be amusing watching Democrats backing him with the misspoke-out of context-anyone could slip like this type defense after eight years of slamming orator in chief GWB.
                      “Great losses often bring only a numb shock. To truly plunge a victim into misery, you must overwhelm him with many small sufferings.”


                      • ELVIS
                        • Dec 2003
                        • 44120

                        Hey Joe, can you freeze a smile like this ??



                        • GreenBayLA
                          • Jan 2006
                          • 796

                          SEXY JOE!!

                          White House aides said that Biden pulled into the driveway shortly before noon, the chorus of Night Ranger's "(You Can Still) Rock In America" blaring from his car's stereo. According to witnesses, Biden spent several minutes maneuvering the Trans Am into the perfect spot, and was observed drumming his fingers on the steering wheel until the song came to a close.

                          The shirtless 66-year-old then entered the executive residence and greeted employees with a round of high fives and a variety of nicknames. "Hey, hot stuff, looking good,"

                          Full story Shirtless Biden Washes Trans Am In White House Driveway | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
                          Last edited by GreenBayLA; 05-21-2009, 07:30 PM.
                          "Nothing gets a yak over a suspension bridge faster than 'Back in the Saddle Again' by Aerosmith" ~ DLR


                          • ELVIS
                            • Dec 2003
                            • 44120

                            I guess his crackhead male companion said make sure my fucking car is spotless before you let it back into my sight!


                            • ELVIS
                              • Dec 2003
                              • 44120

                              And why do old motherfuckers wear dress shoes with shorts ??

                              Don't they have sneakers, flip-flops, sandles, crocks etc...

