22 reasons Obama will raise your taxes...soon!

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    • May 2004
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    22 reasons Obama will raise your taxes...soon!

    Paul B. Farrell

    May 19, 2009, 12:01 a.m. EST

    22 reasons Obama will raise your taxes ... soon!
    'Tax Bomb' dead ahead: Former GAO chief says your taxes will double
    By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch
    ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- Yes, taxes will go up. Must. Why? Debt: federal, state, corporate, bank, pensions, personal. The hole just keeps getting deeper, bigger. Well over $100 trillion of debt is being piled on future generations, while our GDP is only $15 trillion annually.

    Reagan was right, "government is the problem," both the GOP and the Dems.

    Geithner: "Things have stabilized"At a Newsweek event in Washington, D.C., Treasury Sec. Timothy Geithner said that the economy is showing signs of stabilization, including a thawing of credit markets. Even after recovery, Americans still have to learn to live within their means, he said. Video courtesy Fox News.
    Imagine doubling your taxes: That's what David Walker, the former U.S. comptroller general and GAO chief, recently said on CNN: "The federal government has spent more money than it takes in at an increasing rate. Total federal debt almost doubled during President George W. Bush's administration and, as much as we needed some stimulus spending to boost the economy, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office now estimates total debt levels could almost double again over the next eight years based on the budget recently outlined by President Obama," with our "tax bill doubling over time."

    Debt is killing the American Dream. We've mortgaged our future, and now Obama's adding a new $1.84 trillion federal deficit. That's four times Bush's record deficit last year, with deficits over $500 billion annually for the next decade. The president's gambling, doubling down, betting the farm, going "all in," with a huge bet that could break the bank. Is this America's last hand in a high-stakes poker game?

    More grim tax facts: A few years ago Peter Orszag, Obama's new budget director, said "balancing the budget would require a 41% cut in spending on Social Security and Medicare, a 47% cut in discretionary spending, or a 17% cut in all non-interest spending." Last week Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner gave us an update: "The longer we wait to address the long-term solvency of Medicare and Social Security, the sooner those challenges will be upon us and the harder the options will be."

    Those two trust funds already eat up more than a third of the federal budget and increase $2 trillion a year. Still, AARP lobbyists will fight benefits cuts more than tax increases, despite a new study: Medicare surpluses will run out in 2016, Social Security by 2037, both earlier than previously estimated. Together they account for roughly $80 trillion to $120 trillion in unfunded liabilities, with Medicare 80% of the total ... and please note, America's debt now exceeds the $50 trillion GDP of all economies in the entire world!

    Wake up, you're in denial, the 'tax bomb' is dead ahead
    Still, most Americans are in denial. We want to believe Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's recent optimism about a recovery this year: Investor sentiment got a big boost since March from that 30% market gain, many believe we've hit bottom and it's not a sucker's rally, not a dead cat bounce in a secular bear. Then we hear corporate insiders are selling their stock -- still, we're in denial.

    Please listen: Excessive debt virtually guarantees your taxes are going up, way up. But how much debt will drive the demand increased taxes? In March of 2008 when it looked like McCain vs. Clinton we wrote a column: "10 Reasons the New President Will Raise Your Taxes." We saw this coming, and it didn't matter who got elected, Bush left a massive hole of debt. Read previous Paul B. Farrell.

    But let's go back even further, to 2005 when we started surveying America's burgeoning debt as a trigger for a coming meltdown. The Dow was roughly 10,000. It peaked at 14,164 in October 2007, in spite of the obvious warning signs. Get it? Our average Main Street investors saw the global meltdown coming nearly three years before it happened. In fact, it was quite obvious to 86% of our readers back in 2005. But not to a greedy Wall Street and Reaganomics-obsessed Washington. They were in total denial into 2008.

    So we researched, updated and reprioritized 22 debt/deficit areas that will push us over the edge, forcing a sharp increase in taxes. There's a perfect storm dead ahead: Any one of the 22 could trigger the dominoes cascading into a black hole, demanding higher taxes, triggering the "Great Depression 2" we've discussed often. Be prepared.

    How to score: Give each of these areas of debt 1-5 points. Add the points for all 22. Then let us know whether/when/ how/why you think your taxes will start going up, up and away, through the roof. We'll tabulate and report back to you on the results, and some investment strategies for the future, based on your predictions, as we did in 2005:

    1. Federal budget deficits/debt
    Federal debt is now $11.5 trillion. Add $1.4 trillion this year. That's almost 100% of GDP.

    2. Social Security unfunded debt
    No longer a political "third rail," we have no choice: We must raise taxes, or cut benefits.

    3. Medicare unfunded obligations
    Unfunded after 2016, $65 trillion by 2041, consuming 100% of tax revenues by 2075.

    4. Health care insurance liabilities
    Costs rising at double the inflation rate, 47 million uninsured. Obama plans universal coverage of this mega-$2.5 trillion business. Can we trust insurers sudden offer to help?

    5. Military/defense budget costs
    Budget $662 billion. Add veterans affairs, Afghan, Iraq: $1.45 trillion 55% of budget.

    6. Homeland insecurity risks
    Ports, chemical plants, borders at risk. Black Swans are lurking; with unpredictable mega-buck consequences.

    7. Real estate/mortgage losses
    Global real estate from $40 trillion to $70 trillion in 5 years. Total global wealth lost since 2007, $50 trillion. U.S. mortgages shot from $7 trillion to $14 trillion in 8 years, now down $6 trillion, with 20% of homes worth less than the mortgage.

    8. Peak oil and energy alternatives
    Oil's soon declining. Extraction costs will exceed sale price. Nuclear energy cost: $75 trillion. Coal's dirty. Wind, biofuels: costly.

    9. Cap and trade
    Taxing fossil-fuel emissions will increase energy costs. But it won't change much. China won't stop. So population grows, with demand and global warming.

    10. Foreign trade deficits
    Annual deficits continue hovering around $600 billion. Foreigners buy 70% of our debt. Many convert to equity: Today foreigners own a net value of $2.5 trillion in America.

    11. Corporate pensions
    Two-thirds of them are underfunded. Taxpayers cover losses through the Pension Benefits Guarantee Corporation, also underfunded by $500 billion.

    12. Local government pensions
    Latest estimates of retiree benefits and health-care costs now called a "$2 trillion hole."

    13. Weak U.S. dollar
    U.S. foreign debt nearly equals our $15 trillion GDP; China's replacing dollar reserves.

    14. Personal savings debt
    We're consumers. Our savings rate dropped from 8% in 1980 to zero last year. Only 30% save enough to retire. And yet, economists warn increased savings would slow economic recovery. They want consumption.

    15. Credit card and consumer debt
    Consumer debt is now at $2.5 trillion. Personal bankruptcies are rising. Still, we're card addicts. And card companies are stealing from us.

    16. Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac
    They're owners of $5.5 trillion in mortgage debt, half the nation's total, with foreclosure rates at historic highs.

    17. War on drugs
    Drug addiction in America plus our misguided, unwinnable supply-side wars on drugs in Mexico, Afghanistan -- all over the globe -- costs hundreds of billions annually. Worse, our domestic demands are increasing the total costs.

    18. Shadow banking system
    The Fed and Treasury prefer secrecy with loans and credits now over $5 trillion. Auto and insurance companies now getting money.

    19. Democracy by lobbyists
    Forget socialism, capitalism, democracy: America is run by 42,000 lobbyists. It's "Washington's Biggest Business" controlling all politicians.

    20. Class gap widening
    CEO salaries vs. worker pay rose from 40:1 in 1980 to over 400:1 before the meltdown, while inflation-adjusted pay of workers fell.

    21. International credibility
    With friends and enemies, our war/torture was costly.

    22. What did we miss? Resources, tech, educational, environment, jobs, you pick
    New taxes are inevitable at this level of debt. Please, total up your scores on each of these individual tax-creating debt areas. Tell us your total score. Add comments and tell us your opinions about the coming "tax bomb:" When? How much? Can we stop it? Is this the "last hand" before the "Great Depression 2" in 2011, during Obama's next campaign? Is the president doubling down in a high-stakes poker game, betting the farm, going 'all in,' gambling on your kids/ future, with a bet that will break the Treasury?

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  • Nickdfresh

    • Oct 2004
    • 49219

    Is he gonna lower them after raising them like Reagan did?

    And who is this article addressed too? The top 2%?


    • Satan
      • Jan 2004
      • 6664

      One reason Obama will "raise" your taxes: You're in the top 2% who make too goddamn much money.

      And in my Most Unholy opiniion, he should not only roll back the Chimp tax "cuts" for rich tax dodgers who don't pay taxes in the first place, but also the Reagan tax "cuts" for rich tax dodgers who don't pay taxes. Ultimately, he should roll back the JFK tax "cuts" for rich tax dodgers who don't pay taxes, and go back to where things were in the Eisenhower years.

      And THEN close all the loopholes. And seize the assets of all the banks in the Cayman Islands and/or Switzerland, using the BCE's fucked up "terrorism" laws as a pretext.

      Problem solved. And when this is being proposed by the inventor of greed, you can bet your pointy tailed ass I'm serious.
      Eternally Under the Authority of Satan

      Originally posted by Sockfucker
      I've been in several mental institutions but not in Bakersfield.


      • sadaist
        • Jul 2004
        • 11625

        Originally posted by Nickdfresh
        And who is this article addressed too? The top 2%?
        Is it only the top 2% who smoke cigarettes, drink sodas, drink alcohol, and buy gas?
        “Great losses often bring only a numb shock. To truly plunge a victim into misery, you must overwhelm him with many small sufferings.”


        • GAR
          • Jan 2004
          • 10881

          In a depression, the GDP should be revised as "negative $16 trillion" because Obama spent all available credit, and once we default you can't print the money fast enough to accomodate it!

          The only reason this year will post a positive GDP is the sale of vast amounts of bank-owned subprimes, once those taxes are accounted for and the properties boarded up it's gonna be a 60 year long haul to making past a deficit budget.


          • GAR
            • Jan 2004
            • 10881

            Originally posted by Satan
            One reason Obama will "raise" your taxes: You're in the top 2% who make too goddamn much money.
            I just let a guy go who was from Spokane, so that I can make too much more goddamn money.

            Thanks for the advice, Frodo. I'll let his nephew go the week after the holiday you know just to stagger out the pain over the course of a couple weeks.


            • LoungeMachine
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Jul 2004
              • 32576

              Originally posted by GAR
              I just let a guy go .
              Find a new pimp yet?

              Originally posted by Kristy
              Dude, what in the fuck is wrong with you? I'm full of hate and I do drugs.
              Originally posted by cadaverdog
              I posted under aliases and I jerk off with a sock. Anything else to add?


              • Guitar Shark
                ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                • Jan 2004
                • 7579

                Aww, how cute. Library boy is trying to pretend that he's in the top 2% of wage earners. I'm sold!
                ROTH ARMY MILITIA

                Originally posted by EAT MY ASSHOLE
                Sharky sometimes needs things spelled out for him in explicit, specific detail. I used to think it was a lawyer thing, but over time it became more and more evident that he's merely someone's idiot twin.


                • Nickdfresh
                  SUPER MODERATOR

                  • Oct 2004
                  • 49219

                  Originally posted by Guitar Shark
                  Aww, how cute. Library boy is trying to pretend that he's in the top 2% of wage earners. I'm sold!
                  Well, I guess then "the Mexicans" never "stole (his) job!"

                  And yes, that's an exact quote from DDLR...


                  • hideyoursheep
                    ROTH ARMY ELITE
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 6351

                    We all knew the rising debt wouldn't make itself go away with the "supply side" tax breaks, where's the suprise here?

                    Too bad that oil in Iraq never did what Wolfoworthless said it would.

