April (Gun) Showers

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  • FORD

    • Jan 2004
    • 58828

    April (Gun) Showers

    April 1, 2010

    Mike Malloy
    Posted: March 30, 2010 06:33 PM

    April (Gun) Showers

    Ah, April.

    Time to break out the breezy floral prints, shine up the white Mary Janes, dye some eggs...and reinforce the barbed wire on the electrified fence surrounding your split-level Cape Cod.

    April is a dangerous month, and not just because of the thunderstorms, floods, and tornadoes. In middle America, it's raining gun-crazed Tea baggers. Call it Spring Fever, but history shows that April is the preferred month for the beer-bellied Bubbas to go all Jesse James and start piling up assault weapons, ammo, MRE's and Bibles in their backyard bunkers while flailing their arms and raving about their misguided message of the day. It may be Obama's assault on the Second Amendment; or the filthy Democratic trick that banned God, The Bible, and His commandments from the courtrooms and classrooms; or the illegal Liberal Socialist confiscatory income tax; or the minorities and/or illegals who are ruining (White) America - taking our jobs and corrupting our good Christian women; and they're especially unhappy about the Ungodly Homosexuals who are lurking in our military, our schools, our YMCA locker rooms, forcing their full-frontal Gay Agenda assault on the Constitution and random unsuspecting, innocent straight white men everywhere.

    So, in these last precious, safe days of March we learn that the FBI raided a nest of religious militants in Michigan over the weekend, you know it's time for the rest of us average American citizens to break out the Kevlar. According to CNN, "Nine suspected members of a militia group were charged Monday with seditious conspiracy and related charges [including] attempted use of weapons of mass destruction, teaching the use of explosive materials and possessing a firearm during a crime of violence . . . . The five-count indictment unsealed Monday charges that since August 2008, the defendants, acting as a Lenawee County, Michigan, militia group called the Hutaree, conspired to oppose by force the authority of the U.S. government. The Hutaree group proclaims on a Web site it is 'preparing for the end time battles to keep the testimony of Jesus Christ alive.'"

    Hmmm . . . . sounds like the goal of your average Fox "News" fanatic or typical Sarah Palin worshipper. They sure luv her rockin' website with its map of the US with the exciting gun-sight targets on all the states with Democrats up for reelection. Yeah, we got your message Sister Sarah Baraccuda, loud and clear; 10-4! Just tell us where to bring the bullets. (She's so bitchin' hot in her tight leather jacket, shootin' animals and stuff from her helicopter).

    But where is Glenn Beck and his magic white-board when you need him? I don't speak "Christo-fascist" and need an interpreter. I don't understand these organizations. It never fails to amaze me how they can read the Bible and somehow "hear" the divine mission from their Savior, their Lord Jesus Christ . . . who wants them to stockpile automatic weapons and shoot up a church.

    I'm sure the FBI gave some consideration to the timing of the raid: do they wait until after the dreaded mid-April danger zone so as not to inadvertently inspire other sleeper cells of knuckle-dragging kooks to arm up and start shooting normal people, or - do they strike now and deactivate this group of goons before they fulfill their McVeigh fantasies? For the Feds it had to be a tough call.

    So. Historically, how scary is April if you haven't yet thrown in with the locked-and-loaded lunatics? The kind folks at the Southern Poverty Law Center have created a handy guide to the most infamous right-wing domestic terror attacks against the United States. Ever notice, it's never the eeeevil libruls who scour Home Depot circulars for sales on fertilizer and empty aluminum tubes and stockpile copies of The Turner Diaries in their clammy apartments in their parent's basements. But, I digress . . .

    We all know the April 19, 1993 siege on Waco has become the High Holy Day for these militia maniacs, Here's just a smattering of other notable April events and arrests in the Dangerous Wing Nut Hall of Fame (the complete list can be found here):
    • April 19,1995 On the anniversary of Waco, anti-government, right-wing militia sympathizer Timothy McVeigh drove an explosive-laden Ryder truck to the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The explosion wrecked much of downtown Oklahoma City and killed 168 people, including 19 children in a day-care center. Another 500 were injured.

      April 11, 1996
      Antigovernment activist and self-described "survivalist" Ray Hamblin is charged with illegal possession of explosives after authorities find 460 pounds of the high explosive Tovex, 746 pounds of ANFO blasting agent and 15 homemade hand grenades on his property in Hood River, Ore. Hamblin is sentenced to almost four years in federal prison, and is released in March 2000.

      April 12, 1996
      Apparently inspired by his reading of a neo-Nazi tract, Larry Wayne Shoemake kills one black man and wounds seven other people, including a reporter, during a racist shooting spree in a black neighborhood in Jackson, Miss., then sets a restaurant on fire and kills himself. A search of his home finds references to "Separation or Annihilation," an essay on race relations by neo-Nazi National Alliance leader William Pierce, along with an arsenal of weapons that includes 17 long guns, 20,000 rounds of ammunition, and countless military manuals.

      April 26, 1996
      Two leaders of the Militia-at-Large of the Republic of Georgia, Robert Edward Starr III and William James McCranie Jr., are charged with manufacturing shrapnel-packed pipe bombs for distribution to militia members.

      April 22, 1997
      Three Ku Klux Klan members are arrested in a plot to blow up a natural gas refinery outside Fort Worth, Texas, after local Klan leader Robert Spence gets cold feet and goes to the FBI. The three, along with a fourth arrested later, were hoping to kill a huge number of people with the blast -- authorities later say as many as 30,000 might have died -- which was to serve, incredibly, as a "diversion" for a simultaneous armored car robbery.

      April 23, 1997
      Florida police arrest Todd Vanbiber, a member of the neo-Nazi National Alliance's Tampa unit and the shadowy League of the Silent Soldier, after he accidentally sets off pipe bombs he was building, blasting shrapnel into his own face. He is accused of plotting to use the bombs at Disney World. Disney World!Released in 2002, Vanbiber within two years is posting messages on neo-Nazi Internet sites boasting that he has built over 300 bombs successfully and only made one error, and describing mass murderer Timothy McVeigh as a hero.

      April 27, 1997
      After a cache of explosives stored in a tree blows up near Yuba City, Calif., police arrest Montana Freemen supporter William Robert Goehler. Investigators looking into the blast arrest two Goehler associates, one of them a militia leader, after finding 500 pounds of explosives -- enough to level three city blocks -- in a motor home parked outside their residence. He is later accused of stabbing his attorney with a "shank" and charged with attacking prison psychologists.

      April 28, 2000
      Unemployed immigration attorney Richard Baumhammers, himself the son of Latvian immigrants, goes on a rampage in the Pittsburgh area against non-whites, killing five people and critically wounding a sixth. Baumhammers had recently started a tiny white supremacist group, the Free Market Party, that demanded an end to non-white immigration into the United States.

      April 19, 2001
      White supremacists Leo Felton and girlfriend Erica Chase are arrested following a foot chase that began when a police officer spotted them trying to pass counterfeit bills at a Boston donut shop. Investigators quickly learn Felton heads up a tiny group called Aryan Unit One, and that the couple, who had already obtained a timing device, planned to blow up Black and Jewish landmarks and possibly assassinate Black and Jewish leaders.

      April 3, 2003
      Federal agents arrest anti-government extremist David Roland Hinkson in Idaho and charge him with trying to hire an assassin on two occasions in 2002 and 2003 to murder a federal judge, a prosecutor and an IRS agent.

      April 10, 2003
      The FBI raids the Noonday, Texas, home of William Krar and storage facilities that Krar rented in the area, discovering an arsenal that includes more than 500,000 rounds of ammunition, 65 pipe bombs and remote-control briefcase bombs, and almost two pounds of deadly sodium cyanide. Also found are components to convert the cyanide into a bomb capable of killing thousands. Also found: white supremacist and antigovernment material.

      April 1, 2004
      Neo-Nazi Skinhead Sean Gillespie videotapes himself as he firebombs Temple B'nai Israel, an Oklahoma City synagogue, as part of a film he is preparing to inspire other racists to violent revolution. In it, Gillespie boasts that instead of merely pronouncing the white-supremacist "14 Words" slogan ("We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children"), he will carry out 14 violent acts of terror.

      April 26, 2007
      Five members of the Alabama Free Militia are arrested in north Alabama in a raid by federal and state law enforcement officers that uncovers a cache of 130 homemade hand grenades, an improvised grenade launcher, a Sten Mark submachine gun, a silencer, 2,500 rounds of ammunition and almost 100 marijuana plants. Raymond Kirk Dillard, the founder and "commander" of the group, complained about the collapse of the American economy, terrorist attacks, and Mexicans taking over the country.

      April 4, 2009
      Three Pittsburgh police officers are fatally shot and a fourth is wounded after responding to a domestic dispute at the home of Richard Andrew Poplawski, who had posted his racist and anti-Semitic views on white supremacist websites. In one post, Poplawski talks about wanting a white supremacist tattoo. He also reportedly tells a friend that America is controlled by a cabal of Jews, that U.S. troops may soon be used against American citizens, and that he fears a ban on guns is coming.

      April 25, 2009
      Joshua Cartwright, a Florida National Guardsman, allegedly shoots to death two Okaloosa County, Fla., sheriff's deputies -- Burt Lopez and Warren "Skip" York -- at a gun range. Cartwright's wife later tells investigators that her husband was "severely disturbed" since Barack Obama was elected president. He also reportedly believed the U.S. government was conspiring against him.

    Remember, the disparate, dangerous nut cases have united to proudly display their massive, manly, potent firepower at the Big Gun March on the infamous Waco anniversary April 19, 2010. After the FBI raids this week, the leather-clad Palinicious TV appearances on her new media tour, and the latest mad ravings from the right-wing media loons, they're sure to be extra-excited. Nice.

    Hey, is it time to buy the plastic baskets and bright-colored marshmallow peeps?

    Mike Malloy: April (Gun) Showers
    Eat Us And Smile

    Cenk For America 2024!!

    Justice Democrats

    "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992
  • Cathedral
    • Jan 2004
    • 6621

    I picke up another GLOCK at the pawn shop 2 weeks ago, a G21, great buy, a little beat up, but it's a GLOCK.
    April 10th marks the first gun show here in PCB, gotta load up on some ammo, and maybe a shotgun or two.
    I'm not a tea bagger, so i'm missing your point.

    Oh, and I got my Peeps, tasty little bastards...they don't come in gun shapes yet.


    • Satan
      • Jan 2004
      • 6664

      Mike's not anti-gun by any means. He owns several himself. Ironically, he became a gun owner reluctantly, after white supremacist nutbags murdered talk radio host Alan Berg in the mid 80's, and Malloy has had several death threats against him and his family since then. And seeing as he lives in rural Georgia, where this mentality is more common, even the cops told him his best defense was to get a gun and learn how to use it. So he did.

      Owning guns doesn't make you a teabagger. Wanting to do stupid shit WITH those guns just might.
      Eternally Under the Authority of Satan

      Originally posted by Sockfucker
      I've been in several mental institutions but not in Bakersfield.


      • conmee
        • Mar 2003
        • 1945

        I've even called some threats into Mr. Malloy when I found out he was going to be the replacement lead singer in Van Halen right before Gary came in and stole the gig...

        Why is it the RELIGIOUS of pretty much ANY religious denomination from anywhere in the world all feel the need to dismiss all other religions, stockpile at some point guns, violent streaks, narrow and outdated moral codes, and force their world view on the rest of us just trying to get on from day to day? I can't imagine God condones any of this horseshit, and won't it be one big fucking letdown if he doesn't even exist?

        That is all.

        An Icon©®™Incorporated/GODDAM BUCK-KNIFE JACKBOOT MOTHERFUCK©®™ Production.
        hitchWORLD1969.com© and Old Boy Club© Co-Founder, Investor, and Spiritual Leader 1996-2024©™®

        E.U.A.S. - "The Feng Shui in the House That Roth Built!"

        R.I.P. - Douglas Hitchens, Jr. aka Hitch1969 aka Supermodel Doug et al... 1-23-2017

        "It is possible to OverGap©®™" - Sesh©®™, 5-8-2013

        "A reacharound doesn't need to be gay." - Sesh©®™, 1-18-2012

        "If we are going to have ex mods posting cocks can they at least be a manageable size." - Sesh©®™, 8-24-2011

        "For the love of jive, have a waborita and chill out." - Hitchman©®™, 5-18-2004


        • Satan
          • Jan 2004
          • 6664

          Well, of course God exists! If He didn't, I'd be out of a job. And nobody's gonna hire a 35,000 year old Devil.
          Eternally Under the Authority of Satan

          Originally posted by Sockfucker
          I've been in several mental institutions but not in Bakersfield.


          • conmee
            • Mar 2003
            • 1945


            I think you have to be much older than that, unless you are basing your birthday on some literal reading of Genesis.

            If my calculations are correct, you were born sometime between Beginning and Earth on the Alpha to Omega timeline.... Just carbon-dating you would push you back a bit, wouldn't it?

            That is all.

            An Icon©®™Incorporated/GODDAM BUCK-KNIFE JACKBOOT MOTHERFUCK©®™ Production.
            hitchWORLD1969.com© and Old Boy Club© Co-Founder, Investor, and Spiritual Leader 1996-2024©™®

            E.U.A.S. - "The Feng Shui in the House That Roth Built!"

            R.I.P. - Douglas Hitchens, Jr. aka Hitch1969 aka Supermodel Doug et al... 1-23-2017

            "It is possible to OverGap©®™" - Sesh©®™, 5-8-2013

            "A reacharound doesn't need to be gay." - Sesh©®™, 1-18-2012

            "If we are going to have ex mods posting cocks can they at least be a manageable size." - Sesh©®™, 8-24-2011

            "For the love of jive, have a waborita and chill out." - Hitchman©®™, 5-18-2004


            • GAR
              • Jan 2004
              • 10881

              Originally posted by Satan
              Ever been to a gun show before -


              • PETE'S BROTHER
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Feb 2007
                • 12678

                Originally posted by GAR
                Ever been to a gun show before -
                was that a "sock" puppet?
                Another one of those classic genius posts, sure to generate responses. You log on the next day to see what your witty gem has produced to find no one gets it and 2 knotheads want to stick their dicks in it... Well played, sir!!


                • Satan
                  ROTH ARMY ELITE
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 6664

                  Yeah, I think GAyR was trolling up at the Bakersfield public library for a while. Poor Sockfucker was so freaked out by the homostalking that he actually hitched up his trailer and moved to Louisiana.
                  Eternally Under the Authority of Satan

                  Originally posted by Sockfucker
                  I've been in several mental institutions but not in Bakersfield.


                  • Satan
                    ROTH ARMY ELITE
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 6664

                    Originally posted by GAR
                    Ever been to a gun show before -
                    I'm the Devil, you dumb fucking son of a bitch. I invented gun shows.
                    Eternally Under the Authority of Satan

                    Originally posted by Sockfucker
                    I've been in several mental institutions but not in Bakersfield.


                    • BigBadBrian
                      TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 10625

                      An Op-ed?

                      I guess it's OK to start posting opinion pieces now.

                      Cool. Here they come....

                      “If bullshit was currency, Joe Biden would be a billionaire.” - George W. Bush


                      • sadaist
                        TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                        • Jul 2004
                        • 11625

                        Originally posted by Satan

                        Owning guns doesn't make you a teabagger. Wanting to do stupid shit WITH those guns just might.

                        Neither does being conservative or being angry with the government and taxes.
                        “Great losses often bring only a numb shock. To truly plunge a victim into misery, you must overwhelm him with many small sufferings.”


                        • Nitro Express
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Aug 2004
                          • 32798

                          The whole Tea Bagger, gun toting, mullet under a West Coast Choppers cap cliche is getting so old. Is that all these left running media whores can talk about these days? The Democrats control the Federal government now so maybe they should be talking about how much they are failing instead of being obsessed with their distorted view of what the average Republican is. It's has gotten fucking old.

                          It's all they can do, make fun of the opposition to take the attention of their failures do undo what Bush did. Making fun of people with mullets isn't going to fix the country or change the situation. I want to hear real solutions to real problems, not some grade school level heckling.
                          No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                          • LoungeMachine
                            DIAMOND STATUS
                            • Jul 2004
                            • 32576

                            Originally posted by BigBadBrian
                            An Op-ed?

                            I guess it's OK to start posting opinion pieces now.

                            Cool. Here they come....

                            Hey moron.....

                            It's ALWAYS been okay to post op eds.

                            What YOU got chastised for was posting many without ever POSTING YOUR OWN FUCKING OPINION IN THEM

                            Do that again, and I'll dump them like before.

                            Originally posted by Kristy
                            Dude, what in the fuck is wrong with you? I'm full of hate and I do drugs.
                            Originally posted by cadaverdog
                            I posted under aliases and I jerk off with a sock. Anything else to add?


                            • Nitro Express
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Aug 2004
                              • 32798

                              Originally posted by sadaist
                              Neither does being conservative or being angry with the government and taxes.
                              Everyone should be angry about what both the Democrats and Republicans have done. They BOTH are guilty and should be called out. This whole game of bashing tea baggers or leftist communists is just a distraction from the real issues and hell, I think the corporations play both sides. They are trying to create scapegoats and enflame the masses. Have the left hate the right and vice versa. It's a game of emotional ping pong and who is going to be the scape goat of the lynch mob. It's all bullshit and people need to think above this blame game trap and look beyond it.
                              No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!

