Five myths about Sarah Palin

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  • Bob_R
    Full Member Status

    • Jan 2004
    • 3834

    Five myths about Sarah Palin

    Thought you guys would get a kick out of this.

    By Matthew Continetti
    Sunday, October 17, 2010

    Think you know Sarah Palin? The former Alaska governor has been in the spotlight ever since John McCain named her as his running mate on Aug. 29, 2008. Yet, while practically everybody has an opinion about Palin, not all of those opinions are grounded in reality. Many of them are based more on a "Saturday Night Live" caricature than on the living, breathing, 46-year-old mother of five. The real Sarah Palin is a complex woman who has risen in no time from obscurity to the stratosphere of American politics, fusing celebrity and populism in novel ways. Now that she's laying the foundation for a possible presidential run in 2012, it's worth taking a moment to separate the facts about Palin from the fables.

    1. Palin cost McCain the 2008 election.

    She didn't. CNN's 2008 national exit poll, for example, asked voters whether Palin was a factor when they stepped into the voting booth. Those who said yes broke for McCain 56 percent to 43 percent.

    Before Palin's selection, remember, McCain suffered from an enthusiasm gap. Republicans were reluctant to vote for the senator from Arizona because of his reputation as a maverick who'd countered his party on taxes, immigration, drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and "cap and trade" climate legislation. But Palin's conservative record in Alaska and antiabortion advocacy changed the Republican mood. With her by his side, McCain's fundraising and support from conservatives improved. It wasn't enough to beat Barack Obama -- but McCain probably would have lost the presidency by a greater margin if he had, say, selected independent Sen. Joe Lieberman as his running mate, further alienating the GOP base.

    Yes, it's possible that Palin's conservatism and uneven performance on the campaign trail shifted some voters to Obama's column. But even if Obama picked up some anti-Palin votes, he surely didn't need them: The economy was in recession, Wall Street was in meltdown, and the incumbent Republican president was incredibly unpopular. In the end, it's impossible to know how McCain would have performed if he hadn't selected Palin -- politics does not allow for control experiments.

    2. Resigning as governor was rash.

    No one expected Palin's resignation on July 3, 2009, just 2 1/2 years into her term. Her hastily composed and clumsily delivered farewell address left many observers confused about her motives. Some of her critics were only too eager to fill in the gaps with conjecture and hearsay (She's being investigated by the FBI! Sarah and Todd must be headed for divorce!). If there was one thing everybody knew for sure, it was that Palin's career in politics was over.

    But none of the rumored scandals ever broke. The Palins remain married. And as for Sarah Palin's career, it's taken off. She plays a far greater role in American public life than she did before she left office.

    When Palin returned to Alaska after the 2008 campaign, she confronted three problems. The political coalition on which she had based her governorship -- a combination of Democrats and renegade "Palinista" Republicans -- had collapsed. Her critics were using Alaska's tough ethics laws to launch investigations into her behavior, sapping her finances and her energy. Finally, every time she traveled to the Lower 48, Alaskans criticized her for putting her political interests above the state's.

    Palin's solution was to resign. Her agenda stood a better chance of passing if then-Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell, who shared Palin's goals, succeeded her as governor. As a private citizen, meanwhile, Palin could make enough money to pay her legal bills. And she would no longer be accused of neglecting her official duties.

    Some might say that Palin's resignation was shortsighted and showed that she was not ready for the demands of executive office. But if Palin had remained governor, she would have been denied opportunities to rally the tea party and fight in the battle over the Obama agenda. She would have been stuck on a regional stage. Instead, she's back on the national one.

    3. Palin and the tea party are destroying the GOP.

    You've heard the spiel: The Republican Party is in the midst of a civil war between moderate incumbents and far-right challengers backed by Palin and the tea party. Driving Charlie Crist from the GOP and defeating establishment figures such as Robert Bennett, Lisa Murkowski and Mike Castle spells electoral doom for the party. The only chance Republicans have for long-term success is to move to the center in a bid to win over millennials and Latinos.

    But demographics aren't destiny, and no one knows what the future holds. The reality, right now, is that Palin and the tea party are saving the GOP by dragging it back to its roots and mobilizing conservative voters.

    Remember, by the time Palin arrived on the national scene, the Republican Party was depleted, exhausted and held in disrepute. An unpopular war in Iraq, an economy in recession and GOP corruption had driven away independents. Meanwhile, massive government spending and a liberal immigration policy had dispirited conservatives.

    This is where Palin came in. In the wake of Obama's historic victory, she and countless other grass-roots activists could have abandoned the GOP and turned the tea party into a conservative third party. They didn't. They decided instead to refashion the Republican Party from the ground up, pressuring it to live up to its limited-government ideals. Now, two years after Obama's win, Republicans are poised to reap major gains in the midterm elections. Palin and the tea party haven't hurt the GOP one bit.

    4. Palin is extreme.

    On many of the most important issues of the day, Palin holds positions that are squarely in the center-right of American political discourse. And many of those positions, not incidentally, are held by a large segment or even a majority of the public. For instance, neither the public nor Palin believes the stimulus worked. And while most Americans may not share Palin's views regarding "death panels," many join her in opposing Obama's health-care overhaul.

    Over the past two years, Pew and Gallup surveys have tracked the public as it has moved to the right -- not on just one or two issues but on a whole constellation of them. Even on the controversial topics of abortion, guns and same-sex marriage, Palin is not as far away from the center as some suppose. A May 2009 Gallup poll, for example, found that a majority of Americans identified as "pro-life" rather than "pro-choice." In October 2009, Gallup measured record-low support for gun control. The public is divided on same-sex marriage, with about half the country joining Palin's (and Obama's) opposition.

    5. Palin is unelectable.

    Without question, a Palin 2012 campaign would be an uphill battle. Palin is unpopular -- massively so among Democrats, decisively so among independents. Even many Republicans don't believe she's ready to be president.

    But opinions can change. Look at the political resuscitations of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Hillary Rodham Clinton. If Palin works hard and runs an impressive campaign, wavering Republicans and skeptical independents may give her a second look.

    To earn that second look, she may need to find a big idea. It's hard to become president without one. Reagan had supply-side economics and the end of detente with the Soviets. Bill Clinton had the third way. George W. Bush had compassionate conservatism and the freedom agenda. Obama had national unity and hope and change.

    At the moment, however, Palin still expresses her agenda mainly in negative terms, focusing on her opposition to Obama and the Washington establishment. She hasn't defined her "common-sense conservatism" in positive language. And she hasn't found a unifying, exhilarating theme.

    Then again, she just might get along without one. After all, a presidential contest is a choice. The public might not love Palin. But by 2012, Americans might absolutely despise Obama. Two more years of a bad economy and an unpopular Afghan war, and anything is possible. Yes, there's a ceiling to Palin's support. But in 2012, there also will be a ceiling to Obama's.

    Whose will be higher?

    Think you know Sarah Palin? The former Alaska governor has been in the spotlight ever since John McCain named her as his running mate on Aug. 29, 2008. Yet, while practically everybody has an opinion about Palin, not all of those opinions are grounded in reality. Many of them are based more on a ...
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  • Seshmeister

    • Oct 2003
    • 35212

    Rather than just shouting BULLSHIT! at this I'll outline how I think when I see an article like this.

    First I see the title, hmmm. After the first couple of paragraphs it's obvious this is a eulogy to Palin. So I google the writer 'Matthew Continetti'.

    First link is wikki.

    Matthew Continetti (born June 24, 1981) is a conservative journalist and associate editor[1] at The Weekly Standard whose articles frequently appear in the magazine. His book, "The K-Street Gang," was published in April 2006.

    His articles and reviews have also appeared in The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, and Doublethink. He lives in Virginia[2] and is a 2003 graduate of Columbia. He has also been a frequent on-camera contributor to
    [edit] Writings

    * The K Street Gang: The Rise and Fall of the Republican Machine, Doubleday, 2006-04-18 ISBN 978-0385516723

    * The Persecution of Sarah Palin: How the Elite Media Tried to Bring Down a Rising Star
    Well ok he has form whatever.

    Two things jump out, he's only 29 and yet he's an associate editor at something called The Weekly Standard???

    Weekly Standard? Look it up and Wikki again.


    The Weekly Standard has been described as a "redoubt of neoconservatism" and as "the neo-con bible".[6][7]

    A supplement with articles and commentary, The Daily Standard, is produced for the magazine's website.
    [edit] Ownership

    Although the publication had, as of 2006, never been profitable and reputedly "los[t] more than a million dollars a year", News Corporation head Rupert Murdoch had previously dismissed the idea of selling it.[8] In June, 2009, a report circulated that a sale of the publication to Philip Anschutz was imminent, with Murdoch's position being that, having purchased The Wall Street Journal in 2007, his interest in the smaller publication had been less forceful.[9][10] The Washington Examiner reports that the Examiner's parent company, the Anschutz-owned Clarity Media Group, has since purchased the Standard.[11][12]
    So to be clear the capitalist Rupert Murdoch owned a publication that year after year lost him money. Why would he do that? Surely an Australian billionaire wouldn't be propping it up because it gave him power and influence...?

    So who is this Anschutz-owned Clarity Media Group.

    Oh joy.

    Political and Christian activism

    Often identified as "Christian billionaire Phil Anschutz",[25] he is a Republican donor who supported George W. Bush's administration. He has been an active patron of a number of religious and conservative causes:

    * Helped fund Colorado's 1992 Amendment 2, a ballot initiative designed to overturn local and state laws that prohibit discrimination against individuals on the basis of sexual orientation but was invalidated by Romer v. Evans after it passed.[26]
    * Helped fund the Discovery Institute, a think tank based in Seattle, Washington that promotes intelligent design and criticizes evolution.[27]
    * Supported the Parents Television Council, a group that protests against television indecency.[27]
    * Financed and distributed films with Christian themes, such as Amazing Grace and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, for mass audiences through his two film production companies and ownership of much of the Regal, Edwards and United Artists theater chains.
    * Financed The Foundation for a Better Life.
    * In 2009 Anschutz purchased the conservative American opinion magazine The Weekly Standard from Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.[28]
    So another billionaire's plaything.

    An anti gay, anti science reactionary censoring billionaire who wants more influence on how people especially Republicans think.

    Why did Murdoch sell it? He had just bought the Wall Street Journal and is now using it instead.

    Took a while to find the numbers but it was sold for $1 million and loses $5 million a year.

    No doubt there is a story behind why the Washington Post printed the article.

    Could it possibly be connected to keeping the billionaire owner of a dozens of media and sports companies happy in a time when there is a squeeze on advertising revenues?

    The thing that annoys me most about all the bullshit about the Bilderberg group and so on is there is no need for grand conspiracies. The control of how people are led to think and people trying to wield unelected power is going on right in front of us and it's not secret at all, just a few clicks on Google.
    Last edited by Seshmeister; 10-26-2010, 07:33 PM.


    • Dr. Love
      • Jan 2004
      • 7833

      Myth #6 - She's hot.

      Seriously, if you guys think she's hot, you're old.
      I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.


      • chefcraig
        • Apr 2004
        • 12172

        Originally posted by Dr. Love
        Myth #6 - She's hot.

        Seriously, if you guys think she's hot, you're old.
        I'm so old I fart dust and get injured while sleeping. And I don't find her the least bit attractive.

        “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
        ― Stephen Hawking


        • Dr. Love
          • Jan 2004
          • 7833

          I had no idea you were 40.
          I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.


          • chefcraig
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Apr 2004
            • 12172

            Originally posted by Dr. Love
            I had no idea you were 40.
            That's the nicest thing someone has said to me in a very long time.

            “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
            ― Stephen Hawking


            • Terry
              • Jan 2004
              • 11967

              Palin just isn't in the same league as Nixon, Reagan or either of the Clintons, in terms of a "comeback" in 2012 to a high elected office (the WH) mirroring any of the aforementioned leaders.

              When someone claims it's anything other than a VERY remote chance Palin could even win a single GOP primary race (much less the GOP nomination or the general election) in 2012, it raises serious doubts in my mind as to the validity of whatever other political opinions they have. Her poll numbers just aren't there.

              As to rest of it:
              1) The Tea Party aren't destroying the GOP, but they are taking votes and a degree of support away from mainstream GOP candidates.

              2) Resigning from the governorship in 2009 was a smart move, especially since Alaskan polls in the months prior to her resignation indicated she could well have lost had she stuck around and ran for re-election.

              3) McCain's selection of Palin energized his candidacy in the short-term. The market collapse (and McCain's fumbling response to it) undoubtedly hurt him more than selecting Palin (one wonders if Obama would have won had the financial crisis not happened). However, while Palin was strong coming out of the GOP convention starting gate, by the time the election rolled around without a doubt far more voters found her grossly unqualified to be a breath away...and she hasn't done anything in the subsequent time since to erase that notion.
              Scramby eggs and bacon.


              • Kristy
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Aug 2004
                • 16343

                Here's another myth: the GOP is nor ever has made a martyr out of her. Maybe that's too harsh. For the GOP is still getting their money's worth with all the anti-intellectual sewage that runs from her pouting mouth to the unwashed masses of teabagging idiots. If there ever was a myth about our dear Palin it was she was never a puppet of McInsane and his womanizing ideology. Now she's more book tour that book smart, less interesting than interested in the Joe The Plumbers of the U.S.A. And that voice of hers....ARRRRRRGGGHHHHH! That woman can peel paint from concrete in the dead of winter and somehow she sees herself as a speaker for all of America's ills. Oh, and lest I forget, here's another myth about that crazy bitch: she has any fashion sense. Even homeless people with Courtney Love's and/or Elton John's leftovers dress better than her.


                • Kristy
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Aug 2004
                  • 16343

                  Originally posted by Terry

                  2) Resigning from the governorship in 2009 was a smart move, especially since Alaskan polls in the months prior to her resignation indicated she could well have lost had she stuck around and ran for re-election.
                  The only pre-meditated move of hers that did anyone any good.


                  • Nitro Express
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Aug 2004
                    • 32798

                    Palin is an attention junky and quit the office of governor to go out and make money with her new found fame. She's made about $5 million so far. She's basically a cheer leader and opportunist. Anyone that would vote for her as president needs their head checked.
                    No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                    • Nitro Express
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Aug 2004
                      • 32798

                      One thing I will admit, if I came in from a cold wet Alaskan moose hunt with Sarah, and had a few drinks after dinner by the fire, we might end up fucking. Hey, I'm a dude. Enough said.
                      No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                      • ashstralia
                        ROTH ARMY ELITE
                        • Feb 2004
                        • 6566

                        heard a bit of one of her 'speeches' here on the radio t'other day. fuck she sounds dumb.
                        but then, look at our idiot prime minister. it's like the aliens have infiltrated the world, and
                        are stoopifying the leaders.


                        • Nickdfresh
                          SUPER MODERATOR

                          • Oct 2004
                          • 49219

                          Originally posted by Dr. Love
                          Myth #6 - She's hot.

                          Seriously, if you guys think she's hot, you're old.
                          Never found her hot despite being 40. She's okay and obviously keeps herself in shape and looks better than her daughters. But I've never found ultra-right wing, 'Christian' moralist all that sexy...


                          • binnie
                            DIAMOND STATUS
                            • May 2006
                            • 19145

                            The sad truth about Sarah Palin is that her presence in the public eye turns politics into comedy - the result is a lack of attention on issues, a heightened focus on personality, and a rigid polarization of parties based on blind zeal rather than considered thought. When clowns get close to the reigns of power, the course of society will not run smoothly: frankly, the presence of people so frighteningly unqualified turns politics into an even more vapid version of The Hills.

                            The result is simply a lack of engagement and growing apathy.
                            The Power Of The Riff Compels Me


                            • Dr. Love
                              ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 7833

                              Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                              Never found her hot despite being 40. She's okay and obviously keeps herself in shape and looks better than her daughters. But I've never found ultra-right wing, 'Christian' moralist all that sexy...
                              The one with the huge rack looks good to me ... but then, it's probably because of the huge rack.
                              I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.


