Mr. Sulu calls out homophobic bully douchebags.

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  • chefcraig
    • Apr 2004
    • 12172

    Not for nothin', it is somewhat interesting to note that the site's self-appointed moral adviser with regard to all things porn has apparently studied Mr. Takei's (an admitted homosexual) career in great detail and interest.

    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking


    • Seshmeister

      • Oct 2003
      • 35215

      Originally posted by GAR
      Mr Sulu had three words in his script the entirety of both seasons: "right away captain."

      Dude got paid $40,000 each year but thinks he's Shakespeare because of it.

      What's he done since then, a flatscreen TV commercial - and he's gonna tell me things get better in time if you're gay?
      Apart from everything else you forgot the 6 movies where he earned more than you will in your entire life.

      Last edited by Seshmeister; 11-07-2010, 10:56 AM.


      • Seshmeister

        • Oct 2003
        • 35215

        Originally posted by GAR
        Mr Sulu had three words in his script the entirety of both seasons: "right away captain."

        Seriously, where does this stuff come from every day? Do you just make it up or does someone else?

        I don't often check but whenever I do it seems to be just nonsense.

        "Star Trek: The Naked Time (#1.4)" (1966)
        [Sulu is acting psychotically]
        Sulu: I'll protect you, fair maiden.
        Uhura: Sorry, neither.

        Sulu: Stand, no farther. No escape for you. You'll either leave this war bloodied, or with my blood on your swords.

        Sulu: Are you feeling alright?
        Tormolen: Get off me! You don't rank me and you don't have pointed ears, so just get off my neck!

        Capt. Kirk: What is it?
        Sulu: Nothing but gravity increase, sir. Like the planet reached out and yanked at us.
        Capt. Kirk: Compensate.

        Sulu: I'm sweating like a bridegroom.
        Riley: Yeah, me too.

        Sulu: Hey, why don't you come down to the gym with me, Kevin, my lad.
        Riley: Now?
        Sulu: Why not, a light work-out will take the edge off.

        "Star Trek: The Infinite Vulcan (#1.7)" (1973)
        Lieutenant Sulu: I hope these things work.

        Captain James T. Kirk: What is that thing?
        Lt. Hikaru Sulu: It's a mobile plant. When it stops, it's roots bore back into the ground. They're all over the place. I think it likes me.
        Captain James T. Kirk: We always encourage our officers to make friends with the natives.

        Agmar: But come, you are worried about your friend. I will show you he is safe and in good hands.
        [turns to lead the way]
        Lt. Hikaru Sulu: Just like that, captain?
        Captain James T. Kirk: So it would seem, Mr. Sule. All the same, keep that bag handy...

        Captain James T. Kirk: By the way, Mr. Sulu, any chance of teaching me that body throw? Could come in handy some time.
        Lt. Hikaru Sulu: I don't know, sir. It isn't just physical, you know. You have to be inscrutable.
        Captain James T. Kirk: Inscrutable? Sulu, you're the most scrutable man I know!

        "Star Trek: The Enemy Within (#1.5)" (1966)
        Sulu: Temperature's starting to drop.
        Captain James T. Kirk: Yeah, At night it gets down to 120 degrees below zero.
        Sulu: That's nippy.

        Sulu: Can you give us a status report, Captain? Temperature's still dropping. Now 41 degrees below zero.
        Captain James T. Kirk: We've located the trouble. It shouldn't be much longer.
        Sulu: You think you might be able to find a long rope somewhere and lower us down a pot of hot coffee?

        Sulu: I think we should give room service another call. That coffee's taking too long.

        Sulu: We're using hand phasers to heat the rocks. One phaser quit on us, three still operating. Any possibility of getting us back aboard before the skiing season opens down here?

        "Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver (#1.10)" (1966)
        Sulu: Four minutes, thirty seconds.
        Scott: You have an annoying fascination for time pieces, Mr. Sulu.

        Sulu: If, eh, anyone's interested... 30 seconds.

        Lieutenant Dave Bailey: [after Spock's reply to his witty comment] Very funny.
        Sulu: Try and cross brains with Spock, he'll cut you to pieces every time.

        "Star Trek: The Man Trap (#1.1)" (1966)
        Yeoman Janice Rand: [to one of Sulu's plants] Hello, Beauregard. How are you today, darling?
        Lt. Hikaru Sulu: Her name's Gertrude.
        Yeoman Janice Rand: No, it's a he plant. A girl can tell.
        Lt. Hikaru Sulu: Why do people have to call inanimate objects "she"? Like "she's a fast ship."
        Yeoman Janice Rand: He is not an inanimate object. He's so animate he makes me nervous. In fact, I keep expecting one of these plants of yours to grab me.

        Yeoman Janice Rand: Where are you Sulu?
        Lt. Hikaru Sulu: I'm here, feeding the weepers, Janice.
        Yeoman Janice Rand: Well, I've got your tray.
        Lt. Hikaru Sulu: May the Great Bird of the Galaxy bless your planet.

        Captain James T. Kirk: Stand by, Mr. Sulu. Spock has something.
        Mr. Spock: [Looking at body of a crewman] Green.
        Captain James T. Kirk: He beamed up to the ship with us.
        Mr. Spock: Or something did.
        Captain James T. Kirk: Enterprise, from Kirk.
        Lt. Hikaru Sulu: Bridge, Sulu.
        Captain James T. Kirk: You have an intruder aboard. Could be masquerading as Crewman Green. General Quarters. Security condition 3.

        "Star Trek: That Which Survives (#3.17)" (1969)
        Sulu: Once in Siberia there was a meteor so great that it flattened whole forrests and was felt as far as...
        Captain James T. Kirk: [interrupting] Mr. Sulu, if I had wanted a Russian history lesson I'd have brought along Mr. Chekov.

        Sulu: Stop, or I'll shoot. I don't wanna have to kill a woman.

        "Star Trek: Mirror, Mirror (#2.4)" (1967)
        Mirror Sulu: Still no interest, Uhura? Hmm? I could change your mind.
        Uhura: You are away from your post, mister.
        Mirror Sulu: Is the captain here? Is Spock here? When the cat's away...

        Captain James T. Kirk: What is this, Mr. Sulu?
        Mirror Sulu: Mr. Spock has orders to kill you, Captain. He will succeed... apparently. You will also appear to have killed him, after a fierce battle. Regrettable, but it will leave me in command.

        "Star Trek: The Slaver Weapon (#1.14)" (1973)
        Lt. Hikaru Sulu: Mr. Spock, if it takes a stasis box to find another stasis box, how did anyone ever find the first one?
        Mr. Spock: As with a number of discoveries, purely by accident, lieutenant.

        Lt. Hikaru Sulu: Nice try.
        Lt. Uhura: I'm slowing down. I used to run the 100 in record time.

        "Star Trek: Wolf in the Fold (#2.14)" (1967)
        Sulu: That's the first time I heard a malfunction threaten us.
        Captain James T. Kirk: Man your post, Mr. Sulu.

        Sulu: Captain...
        [McCoy injects Sulu with a hydrospray, Sulu becomes euphoric]
        Sulu: Whoever he is, he sure talks gloomy...
        [starts to rise from chair]
        Captain James T. Kirk: [pushing Sulu back into his chair] Man your post, Sulu.

        "Star Trek: The Deadly Years (#2.12)" (1967)
        Chekov: Give us some more blood, Chekov. The needle won't hurt, Chekov. Take off your shirt, Chekov. Roll over, Chekov. Breathe deeply, Chekov. Blood sample, Chekov. Marrow sample, Chekov. Skin sample, Chekov. If-if I live long enough, i'm going to run out of samples.
        Sulu: You'll live.
        Chekov: Oh yes, I'll live. But I won't enjoy it.

        "Star Trek: The Empath (#3.12)" (1968)
        Sulu: Do you suppose our landing party could be in any danger?
        Scott: That's not likely. The planet's atmosphere will give them ample protection. And if I know captain Kirk, he'll be more worried about us than we are about him.
        [cut to Kirk strung up by his hands about to be tortured]

        "Star Trek: The Doomsday Machine (#2.6)" (1967)
        Mr. Spock: It's closing fast on the Constellation.
        Sulu: Standing by, sir.
        Mr. Spock: Commodore, I suggest...
        Matt Decker: Kirk pulled us out of there by distracting it. Now it's our turn. Fire phasers.
        [the Enterprise fires upon the Planet Killer, causing it to release the Constellation]
        Matt Decker: Did it! Hard about! Give me some distance.
        [the Enterprise veers sharply to the left, away from the Planet Killer]

        "Star Trek: Balance of Terror (#1.14)" (1966)
        Captain James T. Kirk: Since the days of the first wooden vessels, all ship masters have had one happy privilege: that of uniting two people in the bonds of matrimony. And so, we are gathered here today with you, Angela Martine, and you, Robert Tomlinson, in the sight of your fellows in accordance with our laws and our many beliefs, that you may pledge your -
        [the ceremony is interrupted by a siren]
        Sulu: [through intercom] Alert! Alert! All decks, alert! Alert! Alert! Captain to the bridge, please!

        "Star Trek: Shore Leave (#1.15)" (1966)
        Sulu: Captain, I'm being chased by a Samurai!

        "Star Trek: Albatross (#2.4)" (1974)
        Mr. Spock: General order 6 has been activated?
        Sulu: Yes, sir. If everyone on board has perished at the end of 24 hours the ship will self-destruct in... in order to protect other beings from the disease on board.

        "Star Trek: The Lights of Zetar (#3.18)" (1969)
        Chekov: I didn't think Mr Scott would go for the brainy type.
        Sulu: I don't think he's even noticed she has a brain.

        "Star Trek: Once Upon a Planet (#1.9)" (1973)
        Lt. Hikaru Sulu: It's been almost 5 minutes, captain.
        Doctor McCoy: Maybe the planet smells a trick.

        "Star Trek: The Squire of Gothos (#1.17)" (1967)
        Lt. Hikaru Sulu: Captain... we're about to warp.
        Lt. Vincent DeSalle: Large body ahead!
        Mr. Spock: [Spock studies his scanner] Collision course!
        Captain James T. Kirk: Hard to port, Mr. Sulu!
        [the Enterprise evades the planet]
        Mr. Spock: That was the planet Gothos, Captain.
        Captain James T. Kirk: Gothos? Mr. Sulu, have we been going in circles?
        Lt. Hikaru Sulu: No, sir. All instruments show on course.
        Mr. Spock: Gothos again, Captain!
        Captain James T. Kirk: [the planet has reappeared again in front of the ship, which evades it again, barely] Hard over, Mr. Sulu.
        Mr. Spock: Cat and mouse game...
        Captain James T. Kirk: With us as the mouse...
        Lt. Vincent DeSalle: There it is again, dead ahead!
        Captain James T. Kirk: Ninety degrees to starboard, Mr. Sulu
        Lt. Hikaru Sulu: Turning, Captain.
        Lt. Hikaru Sulu: [the planet moves to block their course changes] ... but not veering off from it.
        Captain James T. Kirk: Ninety degrees sub port, Mr. Sulu. Adjust...
        Lt. Hikaru Sulu: Turn completed... and still accelerating toward the planet!
        Mr. Spock: Or it toward us.

        "Star Trek: The Terratin Incident (#1.11)" (1973)
        Captain James T. Kirk: [Bones is using a miniature laser to heal Sulu's broken leg] How is it, Sulu?
        Lt. Hikaru Sulu: I can feel it knitting, sir.

        "Star Trek: Amok Time (#2.1)" (1967)
        Sulu: How do you figure it, Chekov? First we're going to Vulcan, then we're going to Altair. Then we're headed to Vulcan again, and now we're headed back to Altair.
        Chekov: I think I'm going to get space sick.

        "Star Trek: Spock's Brain (#3.1)" (1968)
        Sulu: Ship's Log, Lieutenant Sulu recording. I am holding the Enterprise in orbit about planet Sigma Draconis VII. Captain Kirk's hunch that Spock's brain is on this planet appears to be correct. Ensign Chekov remains on the surface to act as liaison between the Captain and the Enterprise.

        "Star Trek: Turnabout Intruder (#3.24)" (1969)
        Sulu: The captain really must be going mad if he thinks he can get away with an execution.
        Chekov: Keptin Kirk wouldn't order an execution, even if he were going mad. That cannot be the keptin.
        Sulu: What difference does it make who he is? Are we going to allow an execution to take place?
        Chekov: If security backs him up, how will we fight him?
        Sulu: I'll fight him every way in any way I can.

        "Star Trek: This Side of Paradise (#1.24)" (1967)
        Sulu: When it comes to farms, I wouldn't know what looked right or wrong if it was two feet from me.


        • PETE'S BROTHER
          • Feb 2007
          • 12678

          "Star Trek: This Side of Paradise (#1.24)" (1967)
          Sulu: When it comes to sex, I wouldn't know what looked right or wrong if it was two feet from me.

          Another one of those classic genius posts, sure to generate responses. You log on the next day to see what your witty gem has produced to find no one gets it and 2 knotheads want to stick their dicks in it... Well played, sir!!


          • PETE'S BROTHER
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Feb 2007
            • 12678

            Originally posted by PETE'S BROTHER
            "Star Trek: This Side of Paradise (#1.24)" (1967)
            Sulu: When it comes to sex, I wouldn't know what looked right or wrong if it was two feet from me.

            blaze does tho:tongue0011:
            Another one of those classic genius posts, sure to generate responses. You log on the next day to see what your witty gem has produced to find no one gets it and 2 knotheads want to stick their dicks in it... Well played, sir!!


            • GAR
              • Jan 2004
              • 10881

              Takei could make swell use of The Gayifier to render his gayness inert..

              <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

