When The Going Gets Tough, The Democrats Run Away

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  • BigBadBrian
    • Jan 2004
    • 10625

    When The Going Gets Tough, The Democrats Run Away


    Madison — Amid the third straight day of chaotic but largely peaceful protests at the Capitol, Democratic senators Thursday boycotted a Senate vote on Gov. Scott Walker's budget-repair plan, forcing Republicans to put off further action in that house until Friday at the earliest.

    With Democrats hiding out just over the Illinois border and drawing national media attention, Republicans had too few lawmakers to take a vote Thursday and had to adjourn. With thousands of demonstrators swarming the Capitol Square, GOP lawmakers vowed to come back Friday morning to try to take up the proposal, which would help solve a state budget shortfall by cutting public employee benefits and would also take away most public union bargaining rights.

    Democrats holed up in the Clock Tower Resort and Conference Center in Rockford, Ill., while Republicans said they wanted law enforcement to bring them to the Capitol if they were still in Wisconsin. Walker called for Democrats to call off their "stunt" and "show up and do the job they're paid to do."

    "It's either a matter of making reductions and making modest requests of our government employees or making massive layoffs at a time when we don't need anyone else laid off," Walker said.

    Walker said he had received more than 8,000 e-mails on the issue, with the majority of them backing his stance.

    Democrats and union leaders said their concerns were focused on losing decades-old bargaining rights, not the financial concessions. In a telephone interview from an undisclosed location, Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller (D-Monona) said he was upholding the rights of workers by allowing for more debate on the bill.

    "This is a watershed moment unlike any that we have experienced in our political lifetimes," Miller said. "The people have shown that the government has gone too far. . . . We are prepared to do what is necessary to make sure that this bill gets the consideration it needs."

    Sen. Bob Jauch (D-Poplar) said the decision on when to return had not been made yet. Sen. Spencer Coggs (D-Milwaukee) said Democrats were prepared to stay away "as long as it takes."

    Coggs said senators from the two parties had been in touch in an effort to try to resolve differences.

    The political drama played out amid a massive demonstration of union members that clogged the hallways of the Capitol and made the rotunda ring with chanted slogans as loud as the revving of a motorcycle engine.

    For the third straight day, thousands demonstrated inside and outside the Capitol. With drums pounding in the background, the crowd blocked the main entrance to the Senate by sitting down in front of it, though police kept a side entrance open. Demonstrators were expected to stay in the building overnight.

    The scene and mood on the marble floors was part angry protest, part carnival and part sleep-in. There were placards, Valentine balloons, banjos, air horns and an American flag.

    At least nine people were arrested in the protests at the Capitol, the state Department of Administration reported. Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney said those were mostly disorderly conduct charges, and no one had been taken to jail.

    Mahoney, a Democrat and former union leader, said officers are in the Capitol to protect the free speech rights of both sides. He said there are roughly a dozen law enforcement groups at the Capitol.

    "We are exercising extreme measures of tolerance," Mahoney said.

    Assembly action possible
    Legislative leaders planned to have the Senate take up the bill first, with the Assembly following. But late Thursday, a spokesman for Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald (R-Horicon) said if Senate Democrats have not returned to Madison by Friday, the Assembly might act first.

    Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) said Assembly Democrats were focused on drafting amendments to the bill. He left open the possibility that Assembly Democrats would leave town like the Senate Democrats to prevent the Assembly from acting.

    But that scenario appears unlikely. To pass a budget bill in that house, 58 members of the Assembly must be present. There are 57 Republicans in the Assembly, and Rep. Bob Ziegelbauer (I-Manitowoc) said he plans to vote for the bill.

    Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) said that Democrats in his house were "not showing up for work" and that he wanted law enforcement to bring them back.

    "That's not democracy. That's not what this chamber is about," Fitzgerald said of the boycott.

    Coggs disputed that.

    "We're doing our job of making sure the people have an opportunity to have their voices heard," he said.

    The state constitution says lawmakers can be compelled to attend floor sessions. Senate Chief Clerk Rob Marchant said he was "researching the extent to which law enforcement can be involved" in doing that.

    Sen. Tim Cullen (D-Janesville) first confirmed Thursday morning that Democrats were boycotting the Senate action on the bill in efforts to block a quorum and keep the measure from passing. Because 20 senators of the 33-member house must be present to pass a fiscal bill, the body's 19 Republicans are not enough to pass the budget repair bill.

    Cullen said Democrats hope delaying the bill will give more time for union demonstrators to win over any possible wavering Republicans or force Walker to negotiate. Walker has said he hopes to finish the bill by Feb. 25 for an offering of state bonds that would be affected by the budget-repair bill.

    The Rockford Register Star reported that Democratic senators arrived at the Clock Tower at about 10:30 a.m. and left later in the day. State Sen. Jim Holperin (D-Conover) told the Illinois newspaper that Democrats wanted more time to understand the bill and debate its impacts.

    "This is pretty significant legislation that would take away decades of collective bargaining rights," Holperin said.

    Scott Fitzgerald said he believed the last time such an action happened was in October 1995. At that time, then-Sen. Joe Wineke (D-Verona) fled the Senate to block passage of the $250 million Miller Park stadium deal that raised the sales tax in the Milwaukee area.

    The Senate Democrats' tactic didn't win over Sen. Rob Cowles (R-Green Bay), a moderate whom unions had been trying to persuade to vote against the bill. Cowles called the blockage of the Senate vote an attempt to "shut down democracy."

    Lack of quorum
    The Senate convened at 11:30 a.m., with 17 Republicans but no Democrats present. After a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance, action immediately was disrupted by demonstrators in the gallery shouting, "Freedom, democracy, unions." One of the two missing Republicans arrived shortly afterward and an aide to the 19th, Sen. Dale Schultz (R-Richland Center), said his boss was unable to make it to the Senate through the demonstrators.

    Senate President Mike Ellis (R-Neenah) made a call of the house to bring the additional senators needed to vote on the bill to the Senate floor.

    Walker and Scott Fitzgerald have said they were confident that the GOP lawmakers had the votes they needed to pass the bill without further changes. Walker said Thursday that the proposal's cuts to worker benefits and union bargaining laws are financially necessary and that he wouldn't accept changes that compromised the saving he's seeking.

    The state has a $137 million budget shortfall for the fiscal year ending June 30 and a more than $3 billion shortfall over the next two years. The cuts to benefits would save taxpayers nearly $330 million through mid-2013.

    Republicans control the Senate, 19-14, meaning they can lose only two votes and still pass the bill if all Democrats oppose it. Some Republicans have shown reluctance about the bill, though so far none have said publicly that they will vote against it.

    Sen. Luther Olsen (R-Ripon) said he was uncomfortable about the bill's effects on workers but also concerned about the other alternatives to fix the budget.

    "I will probably vote for it" on the Senate floor, Olsen said.

    Top GOP leaders in the Legislature have said they expect the bill to pass both houses with the changes adopted by the Joint Finance Committee late Wednesday on a party-line vote. Some GOP senators attempted to make changes to the bill Wednesday that would go further than the Joint Finance Committee changes but had no success.

    The biggest change approved by the Joint Finance Committee would require local governments that don't have a civil-service system to create one to address grievances for employee termination, employee discipline and workplace safety.

    The committee left major elements of the bill in place. It would require most public workers to pay half their pension costs - typically 5.8% of pay for state workers - and at least 12% of their health care costs. It applies to most state and local employees but does not apply to police, firefighters and state troopers, who would continue to bargain for their benefits.

    Except for police, firefighters and troopers, raises would be limited to inflation unless a bigger increase was approved in a referendum. The non-law enforcement unions would lose their rights to bargain over anything but wages, would have to hold annual elections to keep their organizations intact and would lose the ability to have union dues deducted from state paychecks.
    “If bullshit was currency, Joe Biden would be a billionaire.” - George W. Bush
  • Dr. Love
    • Jan 2004
    • 7833


    I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.



    • ace diamond
      Full Member Status

      • Sep 2004
      • 3863

      typical old democraps.......the party of cut and run chickenshit politics....fucking cowards!
      Originally posted by hideyoursheep
      When Hagar speaks, I want to cut off my ears and send them to Bristol Palin.
      "It's like trying to fit a mouse fart into a sardine can with a shoe horn"-Ace Diamond

