ron paul=awesome/kickass?

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  • Dr. Love
    • Jan 2004
    • 7833

    From active duty members of the military. And you're right, RP wouldn't give any student loan relief. He's pretty clear about that.

    Obama wasn't saying he'd reduce government involvement in nearly anything that I can remember (correct me if I'm wrong).

    RP is pretty much unanimously agreed upon to be genuine and would try to uphold his interpretation of the constitution. My guess is that a RP presidency would result in a lot of veto threats (and vetoes). He could work to get things done on both sides of the aisle (as he agrees with issues important to both sides). There would certainly be a risk that Congress would get a taste for overriding his vetoes.

    If he connected with the voters, hopefully he'd be able to get other like-minded libertarians elected as well. But it's all a great stretch of the imagination; He likely won't get elected. Right now it's about attention and changing the party from within. Given what I read about caucses and precinct/district/county GOP meetings... it's going to be a huuuge fight.
    I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.


    • Nitro Express
      • Aug 2004
      • 32798

      Politicians who have an 18% approval rating get elected 95% of the time. What this means there is no accountability. I personally feel the political process is broken as is. Once we amended the constitution to where senators were elected and not appointed by state legislatures it made the senate a lifetime job. Hell, 60% of our budget is spent inside the executive branch on agencies that have no public accountability.

      We need to get rid of the party system and have a system where the candidates meet two months before the election and then we have a series of elections locally until one is finally chosen and they sign a contract that makes them agree to serve the people in specific ways and if they violate the contract they can be removed from office.

      GOOOH enables YOU to: [Run for Congress, all expenses paid], [Select Congressional candidates], [Evict the politicians]
      Last edited by Nitro Express; 03-18-2012, 10:03 PM.
      No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


      • Nitro Express
        • Aug 2004
        • 32798

        Originally posted by Kristy
        Wasn't Obama pretty saying the same 4 years ago? Isn't that how you win the heart of a liberal - tell them what they want to hear? The definition of pandering. You say Paul takes in more contribution for the military? Are we talking the industry complex or ex disgruntled vets? Even if grandpa was elected, I doubt he would end the Fed in 4 years, give reprieve to a single student college loan or let anyone live their life to their own accountability. He's just another Rethuglican puppet.
        You don't end the FED you flank it. The president by executive order can issue money out of the US Treasury Department. When you have Ben Bernanke running the presses non stop and he's only loaning to the big boys, the president can send the money to the smaller banks that serve you and I. You run that first and then you work on auditing the FED.
        No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


        • Kristy
          • Aug 2004
          • 16347

          Originally posted by Dr. Love

          Obama wasn't saying he'd reduce government involvement in nearly anything that I can remember (correct me if I'm wrong).
          Obama was saying what was relevant in 2008: economy, Gitmo, Iraq, jobs. Obama sold the American people one of the biggest lies of all time: that government can solve problems if you throw enough money at them - the mindset of a liberal. And you're right right, Obama has chipped away more at the Constitution that makes Bush "Monkey Boy" Junior blush. Now it's the economy on the verge of collapse, Afghanistan/Iran, jobs and a lot of fresh college grads who can't find a job, or like I said, believe they are entitled to a pay that they haven't deserved while wanting their outrageous student loans defaulted on. Out of all the Rethuglicans running, Paul seems the most sane and mature and his contingent of voters are more educated and aware of what in the fuck is going on not only in this country but the world as well although I find their agenda to be quite selfish. It's sad that the Rethuglican party is running on the same outdated principles of tax breaks for the uber rich (i.e., corporations are people, too), religiosity and pseudo-patriotism. I will give credit to Paul in that he does genuinely see beyond such bullshit in which case, he's really a Libertarian in wolf's clothing. He would stand a better chance of winning if he ran as one.


          • Nitro Express
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Aug 2004
            • 32798

            The government has just become a enforcer, a holding company, and collection agency for some corporate and banking interests. The mistake people are making is they get stuck on the social issues that divide us. What made the Tea Party fail is they got political and the Republicans lapped them up. The only kind of movement that is going to work is one that stays non-partisan and focuses on restoring basic constitutional rights. If it gets into social politics, it's ruined. We need to stop arguing about the small shit and just focus on the big simple shit together and then we can turn things around.

            Personally I don't want much from the government. Just the basics. Bridges, roads, water works, sewers and those things. Much is provided by the local government. I do like the interstate system and enjoy the cheap electricity that comes from federally managed dams. Other than that I can take care of myself thank you. I won't be a big load on the system so I want to keep more of my money to spend as I please because I earned it. It's mine. We've tried the big government thing and it's been a total failure for the most part. Most these agencies do nothing for us now and they suck up 60% of our yearly budget. The Department of Energy has done nothing to change the energy situation for the better. Maybe some of the EPA and FDA stuff can be ran at the state level by a committee of state governors over seeing it. We need to spread the power out because having it all condensed into the executive branch is being abused.

            Ron Paul only has so much money to spend on his campaign. He doesn't have deep pockets. He chose to run as a Republican because by doing so it can get him on all the country ballots in the country. If you run as an independent you have so spend a fortune to get on each ballot. Ralph Nader explained the process and he has to spend millions of dollars and have a big staff of people. I think Ron is trying to do two things here. Win the presidency running a grass roots internet campaign and bring attention to all the corruption in the Republican Party. We will see how his delegate strategy pays off. In some of these caucuses the delegates aren't chosen until months after the voting is done.
            Last edited by Nitro Express; 03-19-2012, 02:17 PM.
            No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


            • ELVIS
              • Dec 2003
              • 44120

              Originally posted by Kristy
              Obama was saying what was relevant in 2008: economy, Gitmo, Iraq, jobs. Obama sold the American people one of the biggest lies of all time: that government can solve problems if you throw enough money at them - the mindset of a liberal. And you're right right, Obama has chipped away more at the Constitution that makes Bush "Monkey Boy" Junior blush. Now it's the economy on the verge of collapse, Afghanistan/Iran, jobs and a lot of fresh college grads who can't find a job, or like I said, believe they are entitled to a pay that they haven't deserved while wanting their outrageous student loans defaulted on. Out of all the Rethuglicans running, Paul seems the most sane and mature and his contingent of voters are more educated and aware of what in the fuck is going on not only in this country but the world as well although I find their agenda to be quite selfish. It's sad that the Rethuglican party is running on the same outdated principles of tax breaks for the uber rich (i.e., corporations are people, too), religiosity and pseudo-patriotism. I will give credit to Paul in that he does genuinely see beyond such bullshit in which case, he's really a Libertarian in wolf's clothing. He would stand a better chance of winning if he ran as one.
              That was beautiful...


              • Nitro Express
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Aug 2004
                • 32798

                I'm seeing more and more Americans getting the hell out of dodge. When you see people leave the US and move to China to teach English because they fear what the government is going to do here it makes you think. Sure they are staying US citizens and they are going to vote, but they just want themselves and their money out of this country because it's in a totally lawless stage right now. A friend of mine likes to joke every time he comes back home it's worse and every time he goes back to China it's better. We really are at a crossroads here. Our countries resources are just being used by corporate interests for their own gain and they are sticking the public with the bill. The military no longer fights to defend the country. It fights to secure old men's loot. The politicians no longer serve the public, they serve the corporations and banks. They have the system so rigged that even those with low approval ratings get re-elected.
                Last edited by Nitro Express; 03-19-2012, 02:28 PM.
                No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                • Nickdfresh
                  SUPER MODERATOR

                  • Oct 2004
                  • 49227

                  Originally posted by Kristy
                  Wasn't Obama pretty saying the same 4 years ago?
                  I don't think he was promising exactly that...

                  Isn't that how you win the heart of a liberal - tell them what they want to hear?
                  I don't know. Have you tried to win any liberal hearts lately?

                  The definition of pandering. You say Paul takes in more contribution for the military? Are we talking the industry complex or ex disgruntled vets? Even if grandpa was elected, I doubt he would end the Fed in 4 years, give reprieve to a single student college loan or let anyone live their life to their own accountability. He's just another Rethuglican puppet.
                  I agree with much of your sentiment, and I in no way support Ron Paul for prez. But he can hardly be called a GOP puppet...

                  Now fuck off, yourself.


                  • Nickdfresh
                    SUPER MODERATOR

                    • Oct 2004
                    • 49227

                    Originally posted by Kristy
                    Obama was saying what was relevant in 2008: economy, Gitmo, Iraq, jobs.
                    Really? No shit! A candidate was addressing some of the bigger issues during an election year?! Well fuck me!!

                    Obama sold the American people one of the biggest lies of all time: that government can solve problems if you throw enough money at them - the mindset of a liberal.
                    This seems like a vast blanket-statement. I don't recall Obama ever selling that gov't should solve all their problems. Feel free to cite anything even close to that in one of his speeches or political musings...

                    And you're right right, Obama has chipped away more at the Constitution that makes Bush "Monkey Boy" Junior blush.
                    Um, not really. But feel free to cite examples...

                    Now it's the economy on the verge of collapse...
                    Do you ever read anything aside from the latest Kardashian update, or are you trying really hard to be stupid? How is the economy "on the verge of collapse" when unemployment is trending lower, the Dow is near 2007 levels, and the vast majority of economists are stating we're in a recovery? You can argue the strength or weakness of said recovery. But saying its on the verge of a collapse just makes you look completely dumb and uninformed in your hyperbole...

                    Which policies are you specifically criticizing? Obama didn't get us into either. He withdrew Americans from Iraq fulfilling a campaign promise and is attempting to remove U.S. and NATO forces from combat roles in Afghanistan by 2014 and has shown a good deal of restraint with Iran as compared to his potential adversaries' warmongering statements...

           and a lot of fresh college grads who can't find a job, or like I said, believe they are entitled to a pay that they haven't deserved while wanting their outrageous student loans defaulted on. Out of all the Rethuglicans running, Paul seems the most sane and mature and his contingent of voters are more educated and aware of what in the fuck is going on not only in this country but the world as well although I find their agenda to be quite selfish. It's sad that the Rethuglican party is running on the same outdated principles of tax breaks for the uber rich (i.e., corporations are people, too), religiosity and pseudo-patriotism. I will give credit to Paul in that he does genuinely see beyond such bullshit in which case, he's really a Libertarian in wolf's clothing. He would stand a better chance of winning if he ran as one.
                    I don't find anything objectionable in the last para other than Paul would continue breaks for the uber rich at unprecedented levels and possibly enact insane economic polices based solely on ideology and not experience and fact...
                    Last edited by Nickdfresh; 03-19-2012, 07:13 PM.


                    • Dr. Love
                      ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 7833

                      I think Ron Paul's tax policy (i.e. no income tax, lower corporate tax, no capital gains tax) only works if you reduce the size of government rather drastically. Which would be a huuuuuuge fight to get through. I don't think every department of the government should be cut, but there are some that I think should definitely go. I would start with the TSA.
                      I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.



                      • Dr. Love
                        ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 7833

                        looks like Ron Paul is on course to win the Missouri Caucuses.

                        Ron Paul Is Winning ANOTHER Caucus, And The Media Isn't Telling You About It

                        While Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum duke it out for delegates in high-profile primaries like Illinois and Pennsylvania, Ron Paul's quiet pursuit of delegates appears to be paying off.

                        Early results from Missouri's caucuses this weekend show that the long-shot libertarian candidate is significantly outperforming his rivals in the race for delegates. Senior campaign advisors tell Business Insider that Paul appears to have picked up the majority of Missouri's delegates, despite having lost the state's nonbinding primary to Rick Santorum.

                        "We did do real well in Missouri," Benton said. "Some county conventions are still going on, but we've got good turnout. Anecdotal evidence shows we won multiple caucuses, and it looks like we're going to pick up the majority of delegates."

                        Although the final delegate tally won't be determined until the state party convention this spring, Paul's success in Missouri is a validation of his low-key caucus strategy. The Paul campaign has recently shifted its focus to winning unbound delegates in caucus states, where delegates are elected at state conventions rather than by the popular vote.

                        In Missouri, Paul's robust and aggressive organization has filled a void left by Santorum's lackluster operation. As in Iowa, Maine, and other states, Paul organizers have taken advantage of caucus chaos to stage legitimate takeovers of several county contests. In St. Charles County, outside St. Louis, the crowd was so unruly that party leaders were forced to shut down the caucus before delegates were elected, and two Paul supporters were arrested.

                        The Santorum campaign has offered a counter-narrative about Missouri. On a conference call with reporters today, senior campaign strategist John Yob told reporters that they anticipate Santorum will win a majority of delegates in the Show Me State.

                        But reports from the caucuses indicate that the Santorum campaign was completely outmaneuvered by the Paul campaign. Although the former Pennsylvania Senator has gained momentum in recent weeks, his campaign lags far behind his rivals in terms of organization.

                        “Rick Santorum will never be able to catch up,” Benton told BI. “He’s been scrambling to try, but he had poor organization to begin with. He does have some party insiders and establishment people who have been lending him their organizations, but he doesn’t have one.”

                        The Paul campaign's internal count has Santorum in third place, Benton added.

                        "His consultants should stop misleading him," he told Business Insider. "They are destroying his credibility."

                        In Greene County, for example, Santorum received just six of the delegates despite having the support of nearly half of the county's deeply conservative Republican voters. In Boone County, Paul supporters managed to shut out Santorum entirely.

                        Yob blamed those losses on an alliance between Paul and Romney supporters, echoing Santorum's past assertions that his two rivals are conspiring to lock him out of the race.

                        Benton conceded that state organizers did work with the Romney camp to push through a slate of delegate in several Missouri counties. But he said that there were other counties where Paul supporters worked with the Santorum campaign, as well as ones where Romney and Santorum worked together to shut out Paul.

                        "It was really on a county-by-county basis," Benton said. "In some counties, there is really a palpable desire to block Romney."
                        Hopefully as the caucus season proceeds in the various states we'll hear more and more stories like this!
                        I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.



                        • Hardrock69
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Feb 2005
                          • 21888

                          Ron Paul is the main guest on Jay Leno NOW.


                          • Hardrock69
                            DIAMOND STATUS
                            • Feb 2005
                            • 21888

                            Never mind. It is a repeat of a show that was on about a month ago. I figured this out not by watching it, but when Jay said there is an all-star tribute to Jimi Hendrix, well, I TIVO'd that, so it is just a repeat.

                            Carry on....nothing to see here...


                            • Dr. Love
                              ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 7833

                              was joe rogan on? If so, I saw it already.
                              I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.



                              • Nitro Express
                                DIAMOND STATUS
                                • Aug 2004
                                • 32798

                                We will see how rigged this election will be. There are accounts of the Republican party just giving delegates Ron Paul got to Romney and I hear they had a squabble over it in Missouri and the cops came in. Then the company that is in charge of tallying the votes from the districts is in Switzerland so there are rumors about electronic vote flipping and all of that.

                                If anything Ron Paul running as a Republican Is just exposing what a corrupt den of shit the Repubican Party has degraded into being. GOP stands for Goddammed Outraging Pricks.
                                No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!

