ron paul=awesome/kickass?

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    • Dec 2003
    • 44120

    Ron Paul First GOP Candidate to Appear on Ballot in All 50 States

    “Being first to appear on the ballot in all fifty states proves that Ron Paul is the only candidate with the organizational muscle, resources, and stamina to challenge Mitt Romney.”

    LAKE JACKSON, Texas -- 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul is the first candidate among those vying for the GOP nomination to appear on the ballot in all 50 states, and the only candidate aside from moderate-establishment Mitt Romney to have any prospects for 50-state ballot access.

    The 12-term Congressman from Texas filed to appear on the ballot in New Jersey on Tuesday, March 27th with double the required 1,000 signatures, which gave him the status of first candidate to have nationwide ballot access. Romney is expected to file in New Jersey in the coming days, making his 50-state ballot access likely.

    Not all states require activity such as the need to file paperwork to appear on the ballot. In the case of some states, for example, the respective secretaries of state simply green-light ballot access for candidates. In the over 30 states that do require some form of filing activity, filing requirements range from formalities such as filing paperwork and paying a fee to appear on the ballot, to similar requirements plus a quota of signatures from those enrolled in the relevant political party, to stringent requirements as in the example of Virginia, which requires filing plus thousands of signatures to authenticate candidate support.

    In Virginia, Paul and Romney were the only candidates that appeared on the ballot in the Commonwealth’s primary held on March 6th – Super Tuesday. Counterfeit conservative Rick Santorum failed to file at all in Virginia, and serial hypocrite Newt Gingrich filed but fell short of qualifying. Would-be candidate Rick Perry’s suit that the other candidates joined against the Commonwealth was struck down on appeal, and an injunction determining whether and when paper ballots were to be printed was lifted, making possible the Paul-Romney matchup. More recently, Santorum failed to file in the District of Columbia, which is holding its primary on Tuesday, April 3rd.

    “Success in accessing ballots no matter a state’s requirements is a barometer for the strength of a campaign organization. Being first to appear on the ballot in all fifty states proves that Ron Paul is the only candidate with the organizational muscle, resources, and stamina to challenge Mitt Romney for the Republican nomination,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Manager John Tate.

    “In concert with our delegate-attainment strategy, which is working well in states like Iowa, Nevada, Washington, and Missouri, we’re prepared and eager to continue on the long road to Tampa,” added Mr. Tate, referring to the Republican National Convention in to be held in Florida in September. “See you on the campaign trail.”


    • Dr. Love
      • Jan 2004
      • 7833


      GOP feud: Santorum and Paul supporters team up to scuttle Romney
      Posted by Jim Brunner

      Mitt Romney won the straw poll at Washington's precinct caucuses March 3, but the fight over who will claim the state's 43 delegates to the Republican national convention is ongoing.

      The latest twist: Rick Santorum's campaign is teaming up with Ron Paul supporters in an effort to deny Romney delegates, apparently at the direction of Santorum himself.

      The strategy has alarmed some top GOP officials who fear it will crack party unity and lead to a nasty scene at the state convention in a couple months. It has also angered some grassroots Santorum supporters.

      In an email to Santorum supporters Thursday, state volunteer coordinator Graden Neal laid out the plan:

      "Last night, the Washington State Rick Santorum leadership had a conference call with a special guest, the Senator himself. We were surprised and honored that Rick Santorum himself came on our call to help give us direction. And the Senator didn't mince words. In order for us to win the nomination in Tampa in August, we must deny Romney delegates to that convention. If the frontrunner, Romney receives 1,144 delegates before the national convention, it is all over for our campaign. That is the reason why the Senator himself directed us to coalition with the Ron Paul delegates to deny Romney any state delegates." [Emphasis added]
      Neal confirmed the message in a phone interview, and acknowledged the effort has split Santorum's supporters here. Neal said the alliance is showing a measure of success, but acknowledged some Santorum backers are not happy with the strategy.

      "We are a house divided," he said.

      The showdown should be evident this weekend when nine counties -- including Snohomish and Clark counties -- hold conventions to elect delegates to the state GOP convention, where the national delegates will be picked in June.

      King County Republican Party Chairman Lori Sotelo called it a "weird alliance" given the libertarian views of Paul, which are often at odds with Santorum. Indeed, there has even been speculation nationally that Paul was allying himself with Romney, given several conveniently timed barbs Paul has thrown at Santorum.

      State Republican Party Chairman Kirby Wilbur said he's growing "concerned" about the scheming leading to a disruptive fight at the state convention.

      And the Santorum campaign's move -- directed by the national campaign -- has turned off some local supporters who had been working on "unity slates" to fairly apportion delegates among the Santorum, Romney and Gingrich campaigns.

      Garry Pagon, a long time Snohomish County Republican activist, sent a letter of resignation to the Santorum campaign Thursday.

      Pagon had been the campaign's coordinator for the 1st and 2nd congressional districts, but said in the letter he could not continue in that role.

      Pagon wrote that "personal animosities" have developed between some Santorum and Paul supporters, so "many of our people will not be willing to work with the Paul campaign."

      "If we revoke commitments that we made," Pagon's letter added, "then we will lose most of our credibility going forward, and other campaigns will not trust any negotiations that we attempt in the future."
      I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.


      • Dr. Love
        • Jan 2004
        • 7833

        Also, Paul swept Nye County, Nevada today, taking all the delegates and alternates.
        I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.


        • FORD

          • Jan 2004
          • 58832

          Kirby Wilbur is running the Washington state Repuke party now?

          Well, that makes me feel better about the next election. He's a failed right wing radio host. Mush Limpdick wannabe who used to have the afternoon shift on KK-KVI radio.

          I think he supported Ellen Craswell for Governor She was an old lady with a religious extremist party platform which included the death penalty for homosexuality.
          Eat Us And Smile

          Cenk For America 2024!!

          Justice Democrats

          "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


          • Dr. Love
            • Jan 2004
            • 7833

            The Ronulans are among us: How Ron Paul’s delegate strategy is actually working
            Published: 28 March, 2012, 17:58

            On they come, marginalized by the media and ridiculed by the Republican establishment. Their votes are often rejected at precinct caucuses, their voices ignored by temporary chairmen who flaunt their own rules and pretend that they have the votes for their prearranged delegate slates.

            On one occasion a crowd of onlookers shouts objections at this fraud, only to be subjected to prearranged organized arrests for “disturbing the peace.” Some participants openly weep, in shame for the obscenity of such blatant corruption. Others become angry. In Missouri, a weary delegate is seen vomiting by the side of a building, sick over what she has just experienced.

            In Kentucky they show up to find that their name is on a list prohibited from participation by the County Chairman. He claims he did a drive-by the day before and they had a Libertarian sign in their yard and therefore cannot participate in a GOP caucus.

            In Nevada the microphones are only allowed for favored candidates and are turned off when a young Hispanic tries to speak. There are lots of Hispanics among this crowd. Parliamentary rules are ignored. Prospective delegates are intimidated.

            In Virginia, they are tricked into leaving the building, told that if there is no quorum the vote can be delayed until the rest of their people show up. But once out of the building the County Chairman, herself, locks the door so they can’t get back in.

            In Alaska, election times are changed and their names are excluded from robo calls announcing those changes. Participants from all of the other campaigns are invited. Insiders are reportedly allowed to vote in caucuses by telephone conference calls, meanwhile, young people who show up are turned away in droves, saying they are too late or not registered, in spite of showing registration documents.

            In Maine, a county chairman cancels the caucus, knowing that they will have a strong showing. A GOP official transfers false data and her phony numbers are caught by a local newspaper.

            In an Oklahoma county convention a corrupt chairman adds new delegates who didn’t attend precinct caucuses and eliminates those who actually did. Another establishes a credentials committee which eliminates anyone under the age of thirty.

            And yet, on they come, in spite of the pain, the inconvenience, the open hostility of the Party bosses. They are like a tide of the ocean. And for every precinct or county where they are violated or cheated, there is another where their sheer numbers prevail. These are the Ronulans, the Ron Paul supporters, trying to take back the Mothership from the corrupt Empire. And unseen, unheralded by the national media, they are showing signs of success.

            In Seattle they overwhelm the 46th and 36th legislative district delegate elections, electing their own chairman, and winning every single one of the 21 delegates to the state convention. The rejected former GOP chairman, pouting over his loss, walks off the stage with all of the Party ballots and scanners, perhaps believing that they cannot have a meeting without the Republican Party’s technology.

            They out-organized us says a Romney man. The same thing happens in the 36th District, where the Paul’s supporters vote down a Romney contrived “unity slate” that claimed to represent all of the other candidates. Weeks ago the Associated Press claimed that Romney would win 30 of the Washington State delegates to the national convention, Ron Paul, they reported would win 5. But it is turning out to be very different.

            In Minnesota, where the AP projects 37 delegates for Santorum, 1 for Gingrich and 0 for Ron Paul the difference between media and reality is even more stark. In Carver County, Minnesota (suburban Minneapolis) Ron Paul supporters show up in force securing 30 out of the 52 delegate slots that will go onto the State Convention. Reports across the state are similar, especially in the suburbs. In most of them Ron Paul supporters account for at least a third of the delegates that will go to State. Theoretically, if they could unite, a Santorum-Paul deal could split the whole delegation to Tampa and deny Romney all but a few.

            It is the same story in Missouri. Here too, Senator Rick Santorum won the statewide beauty contest but is seeing the delegates being swept away by the Ronulan tide. Ron Paul sweeps the St. Louis City Caucus and doubles the nearest delegate winner, Mitt Romney, in Jackson County (Kansas City.) It is a dramatic showing. In the Sixth Congressional District, Dr. Paul bags the whole lot, winning every single delegate to the State Convention.

            Santorum wins Christian County but it is a bittersweet victory. The Country Chairmen himself openly declares “voter fraud.” Videos and written eye witness reports abound on what really happened.

            Perhaps the most dramatic contest centers on Greene County. (Springfield, Missouri.) This is the home to the national headquarters for the Assemblies of God and the Baptist Bible Fellowship, of Jimmy Swaggart and Jerry Falwell fame, respectively. The Ronulans extend a hand of cooperation to the Santorum people but it is rejected. And who can blame them? Santorum had carried the County by 54% in the statewide, non binding, contest. The Romney people quickly step into the breach, make peace with the Ronulans. The end result is a delegation to the State Convention that is 59% Ron Paul, 36% Mitt Romney and 5% Rick Santorum.

            Again in Boone County, (Columbia, Missouri,) Ron Paul organizer, Bruce Summers tries to strike a deal with Santorum supporters and is flatly rejected. The Ronulans promptly elect a new chairman of the caucus and the Romney supporters, seeing the math, fall into line, offering to join with the Ron Paul forces just to be able to get a piece of the delegation that will go onto State.

            Santorum forces become so defensive over the invasion of young Ronulans in Cass County that they make a deal with Romney they didn’t have to make. Just to be certain of keeping out the Ron Paul supporters, they give up five delegates to Romney, their main rival for the GOP nomination. Like the Ron Paul deals with Romney, it is a tactical decision of strategic incompetence.

            In Iowa, where it all began last January, where the Romney State Chairman delayed reports that Santorum had really won after all, they have announced a new State Chairman. He is A.J. Spiker, the State co-chairman for Ron Paul for president. And still, the AP delegate tracker suggests that split of delegates from Iowa will be Santorum 14, Romney 12, and Ron Paul 1. Clearly, if the Ronulans can replace the Romney State Chair with their own man, they will get much more than one delegate to Tampa.
            So who are these Ron Paul supporters? They are young. He carried 48% of the youth vote in Iowa, 47% in New Hampshire, while six other candidates split the rest. They are Hispanic. He carried 52% of the Hispanic vote in Clark County, Nevada ( Las Vegas) while all of the others split the rest. And they are Independents. In a recent CBS poll he did better among Independents than all other candidates including Barack Obama.

            And that means that they are the future. It means they are going to keep coming. They cannot be stopped, only delayed. And not for long. They are coming. They are coming.
            I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.



            • ELVIS
              • Dec 2003
              • 44120

              Vedy vedy intedesting...


              • Nickdfresh
                SUPER MODERATOR

                • Oct 2004
                • 49225

                Originally posted by ELVIS
                Vedy vedy intedesting...
                Like the fact you believe it's okay for people to arbitrarily assassinate anyone in their neighborhood under the (completely bullshit) guise of "self-defense." Good one, liber'tard...


                • Nitro Express
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Aug 2004
                  • 32798

                  Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                  Like the fact you believe it's okay for people to arbitrarily assassinate anyone in their neighborhood under the (completely bullshit) guise of "self-defense." Good one, liber'tard...
                  Another good way to reduce the carbon footprint. People exhale carbon dioxide and they use products that add to the carbon footprint which causes global warming. Elvis' philosophy is good for the planet and green friendly. Any way we can reduce the human population is a good thing.
                  No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                  • FORD
                    ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                    • Jan 2004
                    • 58832

                    Too bad the doctors didn't realize that last week, when they put a new heart into the body of a 71 year old mass murdering war criminal who had killed his own heart with cigarettes before he was 40.
                    Last edited by FORD; 04-01-2012, 03:11 AM.
                    Eat Us And Smile

                    Cenk For America 2024!!

                    Justice Democrats

                    "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                    • Dr. Love
                      ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 7833

                      I've heard a lot of stories like this... Paul supporters getting themselves elected as delegates with the intent to be bound for another candidate at the national convention for the first ballot, believing that no one will have enough to clinch the nomination. Then they will be free to swap their support to Paul.

                      Ron Paul supporters claim victories in Nevada
                      The Associated Press
                      Sunday, April 1, 2012 | 6:31 p.m.

                      Supporters of Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul say they came away with all 75 state delegates from Nye County and more than half of 108 state delegates from Douglas County in convention voting Saturday.

                      But leaders of the Nye Republican Central Committee say they plan to appeal the vote to the state GOP Credentials Committee because Paul backers violated party rules and state law, prompting them to leave before the election.

                      "Me and the others left early because the Paul supporters violated state law, and were unruly and rowdy," said Fely A. Quitevis, chair of the Nye GOP. "I couldn't stand it anymore and gave up. In my heart and mind, I know I did the right thing."

                      Paul supporters maintain Nye GOP leaders cheated by trying to convene the convention with unelected delegates, and they elected a chair who oversaw a fair election.

                      "Supporters of Dr. Paul are reshaping Republican politics in Nevada," Carl Bunce, Nevada chairman of Paul's campaign, said in a statement. "They have the stamina and determination to bring the party back to its limited-government roots, county by county."

                      Last month, Paul backers captured more than half of Clark County's 1,382 delegates to the state convention in Sparks in May. They also won 14 of the Clark GOP's 21 executive board positions. The county encompassing Las Vegas is the state's most populous.

                      While Paul supporters have said they share the GOP goal of defeating President Barack Obama, the Paul factor could complicate matters at the state convention.

                      Four years ago, GOP leaders who supported then-presidential candidate John McCain abruptly shut down the state convention in Reno when it appeared Paul would take most of Nevada's delegates to the national convention.

                      The state convention will elect 28 delegates to the Republican National Convention this summer in Tampa, Fla.

                      Ralph McMullen, parliamentarian for the state Republican Party, said it would be up to the credentials committee to decide whether the Nye election was legal. The panel also will consider a similar controversy involving Carson City's state delegates, he added.

                      "I don't care who wins as long as the rules are followed," McMullen said. "We don't want a repeat of 2008. The main thing is you win it fairly and squarely."

                      Bunce has said Paul supporters would follow rules requiring Nevada's 28 delegates to be bound on the first ballot to vote in line with the GOP caucus-winning percentages. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney earned 14 of those delegates because he finished with 50 percent of the caucus vote in February.

                      But delegates could switch to other candidates if a contested convention leads to more than one ballot.
                      I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.



                      • LoungeMachine
                        DIAMOND STATUS
                        • Jul 2004
                        • 32576

                        Ahhh..the conspiracy theory campaign strategy....

                        Originally posted by Kristy
                        Dude, what in the fuck is wrong with you? I'm full of hate and I do drugs.
                        Originally posted by cadaverdog
                        I posted under aliases and I jerk off with a sock. Anything else to add?


                        • FORD
                          ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                          • Jan 2004
                          • 58832

                          I certainly hope all these stealth Paul delegates are also working just as hard as getting Liberals elected to Congress. Because to do otherwise would make them treasonous Randtard scum.
                          Eat Us And Smile

                          Cenk For America 2024!!

                          Justice Democrats

                          "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                          • Dr. Love
                            ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 7833

                            I doubt it, FORD, but it's not treason to vote for non-liberal candidates.
                            I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.



                            • FORD
                              ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                              • Jan 2004
                              • 58832

                              The agenda of Randtard "libertarian" anarchism is practically textbook treason, since destroying the USA (as we know it) is the whole idea.
                              Eat Us And Smile

                              Cenk For America 2024!!

                              Justice Democrats

                              "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                              • Nitro Express
                                DIAMOND STATUS
                                • Aug 2004
                                • 32798

                                Originally posted by FORD
                                I certainly hope all these stealth Paul delegates are also working just as hard as getting Liberals elected to Congress. Because to do otherwise would make them treasonous Randtard scum.
                                I don't think there are any real liberals in power anymore. Liberals used to be the free speech and protest people. They were the disenters. Pretty much what you saw in the 60's with civil rights and the war protesting. It worked too.

                                Then what the liberals were fighting, the old money corporate establishment infiltrated the Democratic party. We supposedly have a liberal president now but he's shut up or go to jail. Protest and go to jail. The liberals no longer stand for free speech and citizens's rights. It represents tyranny. You are going to say what we want you to say or else! You are going to do what we want you to do or else!

                                I don't see any liberals anymore, just corrupt politicians who claim to be liberal sucking GE's and Goldman Sach's cock. The Democratic party has become everything the Democrats in the 60's were protesting about.
                                No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!

