ron paul=awesome/kickass?

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  • Dr. Love
    • Jan 2004
    • 7833

    Just voted for Ron Paul and a bunch of liberty candidates for Texas!
    Last edited by Dr. Love; 05-31-2012, 10:34 PM.
    I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.


    • ELVIS
      • Dec 2003
      • 44120

      The Liberty movement is going to be a rude awakening for the current corrupt system in 2016 and beyond...


      • Dr. Love
        • Jan 2004
        • 7833

        Wow, this is simply appalling. I hope the GOP aren't as bad as this in my state.

        But good on the delegates of Louisiana for standing up (even if the police do attack you for it).

        Here's some video that shows what the story is detailing. It catches 1 person being tased, it doesn't capture the 60 yr old man having his hip broken by off-duty police.

        This is taken directly from an email from a friend who lives in New Orleans:

        So the story starts a few months back. Louisiana just had their 2012 Republican Presidential Primary results in which Rick Santorum took 1st place, Mitt Romney in 2nd place, and Ron Paul in 3rd place. This secured that 10 delegates for Santorum and 5 delegates for Romney will be bound for them at the Republican National Convention in Tampa this August. The media with their lackluster knowledge of politics didn't mention that Louisiana has 46 delegates that will represent them in the National Convention, not 15. The other 41 state delegates will be chosen by the congressional delegates who will be voted on in the Louisiana Caucus. Not too long after, Louisiana held it's Caucus for the registered republicans to vote for congressional delegates who will go to the State GOP Convention and vote for the other other 41 state delegates. Louisiana has 6 Congressional Districts. Ron Paul won 4 of the 6 districts, Mitt Romney won 1 district, and both presidential candidates tied and had to split the congressional delegates in half in the 6th district. The media still remains silent through this huge victory for Ron Paul. Ron Paul will have 113 out of the 180 congressional delegates represent him and his (our) platform at the Louisiana GOP Convention. This means that Ron Paul essentially "won" Louisiana. Needless to say the establishment was not too happy about this outcome and they made plans of their own. I'm proud to say that I am one of those 118 elected congressional delegates.

        This past weekend was the Louisiana GOP Convention in Shreveport, La, where us delegates had been participating in committees and other activities to change future rules, platforms, and vote for the remaining state delegates. The GOP set up a convention schedule months in advance. The committee meetings were scheduled to be on Saturday morning and the voting of state delegates in the afternoon. Two days prior to the Convention day, the GOP Head Chairman had decided to move the committee convention up to Friday morning so that the inconvenience for delegates of missing work and making lodging accommodations would result in the absence of the elected Ron Paul delegates. Their poor tactic didn't work and everyone made arrangements to be there. The Chairman decided to hand out a new rule book which would take effect immediately on the night before Saturday's convention. This was a clear violation of the LAGOP rules that state clearly that new rules would be approved by a majority. The Chairman's new rules were obviously to favor his authority and power and keep himself immune from a majority rule. This would also give him the authority to choose certain delegates instead of letting the majority (Ron Paul supporters) vote on these certain delegates. A majority of the rules committee obviously denied this arrogant request by the Chairman on Friday.

        Saturday morning. The Committee Chairman passes out his new rule book as if nothing happened the day prior. When the congressional district leaders filed for a motion at the convention the Chairman didn't recognize the motion and purposely ignored all the motions as if the leaders were invisible. The crowd started getting restless from the blatant disrespect. A congressional district leader stands up and makes a motion to the audience to appoint a new GOP Committee Chairman. This is a legal action and is supported by the LAGOP rule book. When the majority voted and supported the favor of a new chairman the new chairman was then implemented. The old chairman lost control of the room and told the cops to arrest the person speaking to the convention who led the new vote. While the peaceful speaker was being arrested, the cops broke 4 of his fingers and I believe used a taser on him. The chairman said that he blacked out for an hour as he returned limping on a cane. (This arrest is caught on the video above.)

        The old chairman kept resuming the convention schedule despite the fact that he was legally voted out. All of us 118 delegates (majority of the room) then stood up and turned our chairs 180 degrees to put our backs to the former GOP speaker and his podium and we resumed the convention with a new Chairman and speaker appointed who was facing us from the opposite end of the room. The new chairman had a microphone and amplifier to match the volume of the former speakers mic. The former GOP chairman then had the speaker arrested because he didn't appreciate his obvious diminished power. The cops tackled the defenseless 60 something year old handicapped speaker and during the process broke his hip. He was taken out in a stroller and later arrested while he was getting X Rays in the ER. We then had a new speaker (a female) who led us through the process of voting on the rest of the 31 delegates who will represent the state of Louisiana in the Republican National Convention while the former GOP Chairman took votes with his minority delegates of who they believe will be the 31 people to represent Louisiana in Tampa.

        After the convention the cops proceeded to bully "The Ron Paul People" to leave the convention and not to loiter despite the fact that we paid for the use of the convention center. I have left this experience disgusted with the Republican Party and disgusted with the police who "protect and serve" their community. We still live in a brutal Police state where politicians and cops are above the law and will resort to physical violence against their own peaceful citizens. The establishment has broken its own rules to keep itself from a peaceful revolution that legally played and won at its own game. They've hired the police to violently restrain its own citizens and elected chairman/delegates/etc... This is a modern case of a slavery plantation's tactics to keep its slaves in line. I hope that my good work will one day pave the path for a true Republican candidate that will arise in my lifetime whether that be in Gary Johnson or whomever. For the present, there is no way I can/will ever vote for a republican for president that doesn't have the name Ron Paul. I have also found a new deep respect for non violent/peaceful protestors such as the civil rights leaders. Every bone in my body wanted to be anything but peaceful despite the police brutality I witnessed. Our president has now passed a bill that arms the FDA. What is this world coming to where we need the FDA to kick down doors with guns to prohibit the sale of unpasteurized milk from local Amish farmers? The republican party is as liberty minded and freedom loving as Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, and all fascist government organizations that blinds its citizens facade of freedom under the blanket of nationalism.

        When i watch the nomination of Mitt Romney all I will think of is the famous quote from Star Wars when Padame says "So this is how liberty will die, with a thunderous applause."
        I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.


        • Dr. Love
          • Jan 2004
          • 7833

          JUNE 2, 2012


          Today, June 2, 2012, I was in attendance as a delegate in support of Ron Paul at the Louisiana Republican State Convention in Shreveport. Before the convention began I told someone if we make it through without someone being tazed I would feel the day was a success. As it turns out, I wasn’t specific enough. Why would I suggest such a thing? For some reason, the Louisiana GOP felt it was necessary to load up the Shreveport Convention Center with Shreveport and Louisiana State Police. I guess they thought us rowdy Ron Paul people would create a scene or something. (Apparently they’ve been reading our blogs) In that regard they were correct, but not in the way they were expecting.

          First, some background. The Louisiana convention delegation is made up of 25 delegates from each of the 6 LA Congressional districts. The Louisiana State Central Committee wrote into their original rules the authority to elect 5 additional delegates for each district, bringing the Convention total to 180. After the results of the district caucuses, Ron Paul delegates won 111 seats for a 62% majority, including sweeps of the 1, 2, 5, and 6th districts. Now, the LA GOP saw the writing on the wall for Ron Paul supporters to be elected to a potential 32 of 46 delegate seats to the Republican National Convention. This of course was not pleasing to them. A humorous but sad aside; an older woman in the delegation told a female Ron Paul supporter that she knew the reason she liked RP was so he could legalize drugs for her, and what is she, 19 (because age makes her views irrelevant?). Great attitude lady. Anyway, so what do the “powers that be” do? Change the rules of course, 19.5 hours before the Rules Committee was scheduled to meet. And for good measure, they appointed their own chairmen to the 3 convention committees.

          These new “Supplemental Rules” could most accurately be described as…. corrupt, power-grabbing bullshit. I was also elected to a seat on the Rules Committee. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the committee meeting to finalize the rules for the convention. However, during the meeting, the body (made up of a majority Ron Paul supporters) voted to remove the appointed chairman and elect Alex Heilwig. Rough video of this is below.

          Now, back to the Convention itself. The first order of business was a prayer that I would best describe as a political admonition to just sit back and let the powers that be do whatever they want regardless of the will of the 62% majority body. 4 minutes later, self-appointed Chairman of the Convention, Roger Villere, asked Scott Wilfong, “Chairman of the Rules Committee,” to give the report from the committee. At that time, Alex Helwig, the duly elected Chairman of the Rules Committee, challenged this while contesting the legitimacy of Wilfong’s alleged chairmanship. The result? Shreveport and LA State Police assaulted him, breaking at least one of his fingers. Video of the dust-up below.

          Immediately proceeding those events the delegation proceeded to nominate a new Convention Chairman. The motion carried, and as you can see in the above video, the delegates turned their chairs around to continue the Convention since Roger Villere refused to acknowledge this entirely legitimate and proper procedural move. So, what would Villere and the LA GOP do next? Of course, it’s not a real party until the cops assault 2 political activists.

          What you saw in that video, was elected Chairman Henry Herford being forcibly dragged away from the proceedings before being injured and subsequently arrested by Shreveport Police. After that craziness calmed down, the majority of the delegation continued with the business of electing delegates to represent Louisiana at the Republican National Convention. Roger Villere continued to have the minority portion of the delegation proceed with their own elections.

          So, what next? Now the RNC will receive both results of elected delegates and choose who to seat at the convention in Tampa in August. Ask yourself, which process seems more legitimate to you? What country do we live in where political parties can change rules whenever the results don’t seem to be going their way? What country do we live in where a political party hack can have police assault an elected member? That’s right, here in the USA. Also, I forgot to mention that the event was on private property so there is a question as to whether the police even had the authority to remove anyone.

          Anyway, there you go ladies and gentlemen. This is what the Louisiana Republican Party has become. And you wonder why rLOVEution is under way…
          I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.


          • Dr. Love
            • Jan 2004
            • 7833

            oh nice, at the end of the last video, the police try to take his phone as "evidence" because he recorded the incident.
            I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.



            • Satan
              ROTH ARMY ELITE
              • Jan 2004
              • 6664

              Rand Paul supports Mittens, Daddy's fan club ain't happy!

              Ron Paul Supporters Are Fuming Mad at Rand Paul
              John Hudson 9,167 Views Jun 8, 2012

              Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul's endorsement of Mitt Romney last night is igniting a fury of rage from his father's hardcore fan base. In a sort of libertarian version of Bob Dylan going electric (ask your parents), the Kentucky senator's enthusiastic endorsement of Romney has Ron Paul forums fuming with cries of "Judas" and "Benedict Arnold."

              "Rand is dead to me," wrote, Ruffusthedog at the Daily Paul, a heavily-visited pro-Paul website. "He should have never done this." "Rand Paul is a sell out," user Alxnz exclaimed. "He just lost my vote in 2016." "All he had to do was not open his mouth," wrote user Conalmc. Others even took their anger out on Ron Paul himself. "What will it be Old Man Ron? Will you be forever remembered as the leader in the greatest liberty movement since 1776, or will you go down as Benedict Arnold incarnate," threatened lionsuar7788. "We will never vote for Romney or your flimsy son."

              What's interesting about Sen. Paul's announcement last night on Fox News is he appeared highly aware of the backlash the endorsement might cause on Internet forums and repeatedly referenced his father's "legion" of online followers. Paul said he and Romney "talked about issues frankly that are important to me, important to my dad and to many of his followers." "My dad has a legion of young followers who are on the Internet," Paul told Fox News host Sean Hannity, "and they think they rule the Internet and maybe they do or maybe they don't, but they're very concerned about the freedom of the Internet." But pointing out he and Romney's shared opposition to the Stop Online Privacy Act could not quel the anger of libertarians who despise Romney on a range of issues foreign and domestic.

              On the popular Ron Paul fan site, the headline of the news said it all via emoticon: ":-("

              "What the heck! If Ron Paul supports/endorses Romney next I will forever lose faith in change and the belief that there are still individuals out there that think for themselves and want to strive for true Liberty," wrote Ran at User Scott R worked his way into a slow building fit of rage. "Rand, you really have let me down big time," he wrote. "Many of us were hoping that you could fill Ron’s shoes going forward in another 4 years say. By endorsing Romney, you are endorsing all the overseas wars, the FED (a private banking cartel), state mandated health care and the patriot act. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU???"

              On both forums, the tide of incredulous—and highly personal—comments continued ad nauseam. With Ron Paul's diehard supporters being one of his most formidable assets, especially when it comes to winning straw polls or online money bomb fundraisers, you've got to wonder if Rand Paul risks jeopardizing the family brand. Here's the traitorous endorsement in all its glory:

              Eternally Under the Authority of Satan

              Originally posted by Sockfucker
              I've been in several mental institutions but not in Bakersfield.


              • Satan
                ROTH ARMY ELITE
                • Jan 2004
                • 6664

                BTW, thanks Rand, for spelling out all the reasons why Mittens must absolutely not be allowed to win - or steal - the next election.
                Eternally Under the Authority of Satan

                Originally posted by Sockfucker
                I've been in several mental institutions but not in Bakersfield.


                • Dr. Love
                  ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 7833

                  yeah, they are all pretty pissed.
                  I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.



                  • LoungeMachine
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Jul 2004
                    • 32576

                    They expected him to endorse someone no longer running?

                    Originally posted by Kristy
                    Dude, what in the fuck is wrong with you? I'm full of hate and I do drugs.
                    Originally posted by cadaverdog
                    I posted under aliases and I jerk off with a sock. Anything else to add?


                    • jhale667
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Aug 2004
                      • 20929

                      Originally posted by conmee
                      If anyone even thinks about deleting the Muff Thread they are banned.... no questions asked.

                      That is all.

                      Originally posted by GO-SPURS-GO
                      I've seen prominent hypocrite liberal on this site Jhale667

                      Originally posted by Isaac R.
                      Then it's really true??:eek:

                      The Muff Thread is really just GONE ???

                      OMFG...who in their right mind...???
                      Originally posted by eddie78
                      I was wrong about you, brother. You're good.


                      • Dr. Love
                        ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 7833

                        Originally posted by LoungeMachine
                        They expected him to endorse someone no longer running?

                        I realize you aren't being serious, but I'll respond anyway.

                        I do think that some are mad at him for "abandoning" Ron Paul (as they see it). I think the campaigns probably coordinated it given the timing of certain things Ron and Rand were doing. That shouldn't surprise anyone, but apparently it did.

                        A lot of people wanted the Paul family to become a political dynasty for libertarians, which is a bit ludicrous given the libertarian mindset. They wanted Rand to pick up where his Dad left off, hoping that he would be more "user-friendly" and electable than his Dad. Well, that comes with stuff they don't like ... like a willingness to embrace Romney.

                        Additionally, Ron Paul has spoken for months that you take the party over from within and show the other republicans that they should accept us by participating and unifying with the party. The Ron Paul people heard what he had to say but never really took it to heart. I don't really take it to heart that much, either.

                        Some people say that Rand is saying what he has to in order to keep Kentuckians happy and then he can go back to voting how he votes and no one will pay attention. I dunno about that.

                        At the end of the day I think the r3volution should be about more than just Ron Paul, or the Paul family, and Rand can do whatever he wants. The movement will be stronger if someone else, or a few people, come out of the woodwork to take on the mantle and continue moving things forward. I'm very pleased with what we accomplished. We accomplished many of our goals, but not all. I can view that as success in this climate.

                        The journey will take many more election cycles. People need to calm down and recognize that.
                        Last edited by Dr. Love; 06-10-2012, 05:10 PM.
                        I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.



                        • Nickdfresh
                          SUPER MODERATOR

                          • Oct 2004
                          • 49227

                          Originally posted by Dr. Love
                          Additionally, Ron Paul has spoken for months that you take the party over from within and show the other republicans that they should accept us by participating and unifying with the party. The Ron Paul people heard what he had to say but never really took it to heart. I don't really take it to heart that much, either.

                          And it's also much easier to indefinitely stay in congress when you're in a party and not independent...

                          You know, enjoying a lucrative salary, excellent health insurance, the ability to give yourself raises, a nice retirement--all while pissing and moaning for smaller gov't...
                          Last edited by Nickdfresh; 06-10-2012, 08:26 PM.


                          • knuckleboner
                            Crazy Ass Mofo
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 2927

                            Originally posted by Dr. Love
                            I realize you aren't being serious, but I'll respond anyway.

                            I do think that some are mad at him for "abandoning" Ron Paul (as they see it). I think the campaigns probably coordinated it given the timing of certain things Ron and Rand were doing. That shouldn't surprise anyone, but apparently it did.

                            A lot of people wanted the Paul family to become a political dynasty for libertarians, which is a bit ludicrous given the libertarian mindset. They wanted Rand to pick up where his Dad left off, hoping that he would be more "user-friendly" and electable than his Dad. Well, that comes with stuff they don't like ... like a willingness to embrace Romney.

                            Additionally, Ron Paul has spoken for months that you take the party over from within and show the other republicans that they should accept us by participating and unifying with the party. The Ron Paul people heard what he had to say but never really took it to heart. I don't really take it to heart that much, either.

                            Some people say that Rand is saying what he has to in order to keep Kentuckians happy and then he can go back to voting how he votes and no one will pay attention. I dunno about that.

                            At the end of the day I think the r3volution should be about more than just Ron Paul, or the Paul family, and Rand can do whatever he wants. The movement will be stronger if someone else, or a few people, come out of the woodwork to take on the mantle and continue moving things forward. I'm very pleased with what we accomplished. We accomplished many of our goals, but not all. I can view that as success in this climate.

                            The journey will take many more election cycles. People need to calm down and recognize that.
                            rand is positioning himself for the 2016/2020 run. period.

                            whether romney wins or not, rand supporting him helps convince the mainstream party that rand is a viable candidate for the next nomination.


                            • Dr. Love
                              ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 7833

                              Yeah, I know
                              I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.



                              • knuckleboner
                                Crazy Ass Mofo
                                • Jan 2004
                                • 2927

                                Originally posted by Dr. Love
                                Yeah, I know
                                stay with it, man.

