ron paul=awesome/kickass?

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  • Dr. Love
    • Jan 2004
    • 7833

    Ron Paul Won Nevada Caucus – And Nevada Voters Lost

    Posted on February 6, 2012 by Kathleen Gee // 2012 Elections, 2012 GOP Candidates, Breaking News, General Stupidity, Mittens Romney, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul

    While you were busy enjoying your bread and circuses yesterday, operatives from the Nevada GOP–aided and abetted by all four cable “news” networks–were busily manipulating the results of the Nevada Caucuses, handing another undeserved victory to Mittens “It’s My Turn, Peasants” Romneycare.
    You probably aren’t aware of this, because the TeeVee told you that Mitt Romney won, nothing to see here, move along now, after a mere 5% of the vote had been counted.

    But what the TeeVee didn’t tell you–for about an entire day–is that the Nevada GOP refused to release the results from Clark County, Nevada’s most populous county and the home of 60% of Nevada’s registered voters. In fact, as of this writing, more than 30 hours after the last caucus closed, the Nevada Caucuses are still not decided. (Well, not in the “lawfully and transparently counting the votes to see who got the most” sense. They’ve already been decided in the “we count the votes, and we already decided in advance that Mittens was going to win” sense.)

    Here’s some coverage of the “special caucus” that Newt’s billionaire casino magnate backer bought for him. It was the last caucus that took place, and is in Clark County, where 60% of all Nevada voters are located. Later that night, CNN also aired the live counting of the votes at that caucus. In the video below, CNN joins the event at the point where the candidates’ supporters were giving stump speeches. Over two dozen caucus voters spoke on Ron Paul’s behalf, in an audience that was expected to be largely Seventh-Day Adventists and Orthodox Jews. Romney, Gingrich and Santorum only inspired two or three supporters to speak on their behalf, according to one witness who voted at the caucus. (

    Here are the results, counted and announced live on CNN:

    Ron Paul: 183
    Mittens Romney: 61
    Newt Gingrich: 57
    Rick Santorum: 16

    It’s remarkable that the total is so high, given the fact that the caucus organizers forced those who wanted to vote to sign a “religious declaration” affidavit before giving them a ballot, likely in violation of the Voting Rights Act.

    Even with religious discrimination the results favored Ron Paul, as the Paul campaign expected, based on their internal polling. (At some point in the past two weeks, I read that the Paul campaign had identified over 20,000 definite Ron Paul voters in advance of the caucuses. I’ll post a source if I can find it.)

    Ron Paul’s vote totals have more than doubled in every primary or caucus so far over his 2008 totals, and since he has had a massive organization in Nevada for four years, and Nevada is a libertarian state, he was expected to either win or tie for first place. And in the ONE large Clark County caucus where the votes were counted in public, on live television, Ron Paul won by a landslide, as was expected.
    Apparently, that was bad news for those in the Cocktail Party GOP in Nevada.

    Miraculously, “irregularities” were quickly found that required the party operatives to sequester themselves in a smoke-filled room and “recount” the votes from Clark County (until they get the totals they had decided upon in advance?)

    At 3:10 a.m. Monday, nearly 10% of the votes have still not been reported. At this point, Ron Paul is listed in third place with only 5,901 votes–fewer votes than he received in 2008, when he placed second to Mitt Romney in the Nevada caucuses.

    And just as miraculously, the chairwoman of the GOP in Nevada resigned effective 12:01 Sunday morning, in a move she claimed was pre-planned and had nothing whatsoever to do with the voter fraud the Nevada GOP was apparently undertaking.

    Here’s an hour-by-hour account of how the Cocktail Party GOP in Nevada–with in collusion with the Democrat-controlled media–stole the election from Ron Paul and gave it to Mittens Romneycare.

    Here’s a shorter version of events of the caucus voting and counting.

    Move along, peasants. Nothing to see here. Turn up the surround sound and pass the hot wings.

    I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.


    • Dr. Love
      • Jan 2004
      • 7833

      Here we go with this shit again...

      Romney wins Maine caucuses by slim margin

      PORTLAND, Maine (AP) – Mitt Romney eked out a narrow win in Maine's Republican caucuses, state party officials announced Saturday, providing his campaign a much-needed boost after three straight losses earlier this week. But the former Massachusetts governor's margin of victory over rival Ron Paul was so slim it all but guaranteed scrutiny of the party's decision not to count the results of caucuses scheduled later in February.

      Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney greets a supporter at an election caucus Saturday in Portland, Maine.

      At a state party gathering in Portland, state Republican Chairman Charlie Webster announced Romney had won with 2,190 votes compared to 1,996 for Paul, the only other candidate to aggressively compete in the state. Rick Santorum received 989 votes and Newt Gingrich won 349, but neither actively campaigned there.

      Webster said any caucus results that come in after Saturday wouldn't be counted no matter how close the vote turned out to be.

      The former Massachusetts governor won at least eight delegates, with six delegates left to be allocated, according to an analysis by the Associated Press. Paul won at least seven. Santorum and Gingrich were shut out.

      Romney leads the overall race for delegates, with 120. Santorum has 72, Gingrich has 32 and Paul has 16. It takes 1,144 delegates to win the nomination.

      Maine's caucuses began Feb. 4 and continued throughout the week. But the results announced Saturday accounted for just 83% of all precincts in the state. Several communities elected to hold their caucuses at a later date.

      Caucuses in Washington County scheduled Saturday were postponed until Feb. 18 because of a major snowstorm that blanketed the region. Earlier, the state party's Executive Director Michael Quatrano said county officials were told the results would not count toward the total.

      Apparently the GOP doesn't even bother to count all the votes once their boy is in the lead.
      I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.


      • FORD

        • Jan 2004
        • 58825

        I'm giving serious consideration to going to the local Repuke caucus in March, since I don't even think the Democrats are bothering to have one this year.

        Why the Hell not... those fuckers invaded our caucus in 2004. Dean still won the precinct, but Judas came in second, and I didn't recognize a single person who voted for him. Wonder which right wing east of the mountains shithole they were bussed in from?
        Eat Us And Smile

        Cenk For America 2024!!

        Justice Democrats

        "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


        • FORD

          • Jan 2004
          • 58825

          As for Maine, remember who that state's most famous resident is. No, not Stephen King. The guy who has created REAL horror stories for half a century....

          The BCE loves Mittens, and wouldn't be above rigging a caucus for him.
          Eat Us And Smile

          Cenk For America 2024!!

          Justice Democrats

          "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


          • Dr. Love
            • Jan 2004
            • 7833

            17% of the vote is still outstanding and they're saying it won't even count. why even bother with the pretense of an election when it's really just a selection?
            I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.



            • Dr. Love
              ROTH ARMY SUPREME
              • Jan 2004
              • 7833

              I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.



              • Nitro Express
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Aug 2004
                • 32798

                Originally posted by FORD
                I'm giving serious consideration to going to the local Repuke caucus in March, since I don't even think the Democrats are bothering to have one this year.

                Why the Hell not... those fuckers invaded our caucus in 2004. Dean still won the precinct, but Judas came in second, and I didn't recognize a single person who voted for him. Wonder which right wing east of the mountains shithole they were bussed in from?
                You are going to have to register as a Republican to vote. Ford registering as a Republican, you will take one long shower after that I'm sure.
                No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                • Nitro Express
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Aug 2004
                  • 32798

                  Originally posted by Dr. Love
                  They only tell their voting base what they want to hear and then they do what the lobbyists want them to do. I never bother to listen to their rhetoric anymore, I look at their past record. We need to start acting like employers because that is what we are. The politicians are just hired help. We voters are the boss. When you interview people for a job, they tell you all sorts of bullshit and they pad their resumes. If you hire your employees based on the dog and pony show they give you the results are going to be disappointing. You want to check references. Check to see if they really attended the schools they claimed. Do some research. We need to do the same on people running for office. They all are going to tell us what we want to hear and make themselves out to be these wonderful people who are going to save us. They all say the same shit. What we need to do is ignore the shit and get down to the reality and that is researching what they did in the past for real.
                  No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                  • Nitro Express
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Aug 2004
                    • 32798

                    Originally posted by Dr. Love

                    Ron Paul campaign staffer explains why they think they have/will have more delegates than anyone else from the Caucus states regardless of the vote totals
                    Rachel Maddow has always been very gracious to Ron Paul. The Republican establishment treats him like a piece of shit. I'm tired of hearing the very pro Mitt Romeny radio hosts around here telling the listeners voting for Ron Paul is a wasted vote.
                    No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                    • ELVIS
                      • Dec 2003
                      • 44120

                      Originally posted by Dr. Love
                      and that's how you get fired from FOX in only 5 minutes.
                      He don't need Fox...

                      He needs to be back on the radio...


                      • Nitro Express
                        DIAMOND STATUS
                        • Aug 2004
                        • 32798

                        Faux has lost all credibility. The Judge was the only person there with any kind of integrity. The only people watching the Faux line up are the hopeless drones who will vote for the Republican establishment line and are too dumb to realize they will later be ass fucked raw by who they voted for if he wins.
                        No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                        • Nickdfresh
                          SUPER MODERATOR

                          • Oct 2004
                          • 49219

                          CNN's Piers Morgan is interviewing Paul tonight at 9:00pm EST, check your local listings...


                          • Satan
                            ROTH ARMY ELITE
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 6664

                            Originally posted by Nitro Express
                            You are going to have to register as a Republican to vote. Ford registering as a Republican, you will take one long shower after that I'm sure.
                            No such thing as party registration in Washington state. They did try some stupid thing for a while where they mail you three ballots in the same envelope (One with Demoncratic candidates, one with Repukes, and a third with ballot measures and allegedly "non-partisan" offices) but that proved a failure and complete clusterfuck, so they gave up after one or two election cycles.
                            Eternally Under the Authority of Satan

                            Originally posted by Sockfucker
                            I've been in several mental institutions but not in Bakersfield.


                            • Dr. Love
                              ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 7833

                              I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.



                              • Dr. Love
                                ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                                • Jan 2004
                                • 7833

                                Ron Paul campaign implies foul play in Romney victory in Maine
                                By Muriel Kane
                                Sunday, February 12, 2012 18:36 EST

                                In the wake of would-be Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s victory in Saturday’s Maine caucuses, the Ron Paul campaign is raising implications of foul play.

                                According to the official tally, with 84% of the votes counted, Romney took 39% of that vote, defeating Paul by a narrow margin of 194 votes. In an email sent to supporters late on Saturday, however, Paul campaign manager John Tate noted that the media had called the polling for Romney even before the votes had been fully counted

                                Tate went on to charge that “in Washington County – where Ron Paul was incredibly strong – the caucus was delayed until next week just so the votes wouldn’t be reported by the national media today. Of course, their excuse for the delay was ‘snow.’ That’s right. A prediction of 3-4 inches – that turned into nothing more than a dusting – was enough for a local GOP official to postpone the caucuses just so the results wouldn’t be reported tonight.”

                                “This is MAINE we’re talking about,” the email continued. “The GIRL SCOUTS had an event today in Washington County that wasn’t cancelled! And just the votes of Washington County would have been enough to put us over the top. This is an outrage. But our campaign is in this race to win, and will stay in it to the very end.”

                                The Paul charge comes on the heels of Rick Santorum’s insinuation that Romney might have rigged the straw poll at this weekend’s Conservative Political Action Conference. It also follows an unusual situation where Romney was initially declared the winner in the Iowa caucus, only to have the result reversed in Santorum’s favor a few weeks later.

                                The Romney campaign has responded to Santorum’s charge with a statement noting that “Rick Santorum has a history of making statements that aren’t grounded in the truth.” It has not yet responded to the Ron Paul accusation.

                                The caucuses are non-binding, and the Paul campaign remains confident of doing well at the state nominating convention in May. However, the ability to claim a victory in Maine carries an important cosmetic benefit for the Romney campaign.

                                The Washington Examiner, for example, commented on Saturday, “The results allow Romney to avoid the major embarassment had he lost a state in his own backyard, but the small margin will leave lingering questions about the strength of his campaign. In 2008, Romeny won the caucuses with 52 percent and 2,837 votes with roughly the same turnout.”

                                Any shadow cast over the legitimacy of the Ronmey victory in Maine will only intensify those “lingering questions.”
                                I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.


