ron paul=awesome/kickass?

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  • Dr. Love
    • Jan 2004
    • 7833

    Ron Paul Is Secretly Taking Over The GOP — And It's Driving People Insane
    Grace Wyler

    By now, it is clear that the Maine caucuses were a complete mess.

    Evidence is mounting that Mitt Romney's 194-vote victory over Ron Paul was prematurely announced, if not totally wrong. Washington County canceled their caucus on Saturday on account of three inches of snow (hardly a blizzard by Maine standards), and other towns that scheduled their caucuses for this week have been left out of the vote count. Now, it looks like caucuses that did take place before Feb. 11 have also been left out of final tally.

    As the full extent of the chaos unfolds, sources close to the Paul campaign tell Business Insider that it is looking increasingly like Romney's team might have a hand in denying Paul votes, noting that Romney has some admirably ruthless operatives on his side and a powerful incentive to avoid a fifth caucus loss this month.

    According to the Paul campaign, the Maine Republican Party is severely under-reporting Paul's results — and Romney isn't getting the same treatment. For example, nearly all the towns in Waldo County — a Ron Paul stronghold – held their caucuses on Feb. 4, but the state GOP reported no results for those towns. In Waterville, a college town in Central Maine, results were reported but not included in the party vote count. Paul beat Romney 21-5 there, according to the Kennebec County GOP.

    "It's too common," senior advisor Doug Wead told Business Insider. "If it was chaos, we would expect strong Romney counties to be unreported, and that's not what's happening."
    The Maine Republican Party won't decide which votes it will count until the executive committee meets next month. But Wead points out that even if Mitt Romney holds on to his slim lead, it will be a Pyrrhic victory.
    "He will have disenfranchised all of these people," Wead said. "It could be a costly victory — it is a mistake."

    The (alleged) bias against Paul may also be the product of an organic opposition to the libertarian Congressman and his army of ardent fans. Paul volunteers tend to be young and relatively new to party politics, and their presence has many state GOP stalwarts feeling territorial.

    "People feel threatened — they don't want to see a bunch of kids who may have voted for Barack Obama take over," Wead said. "They feel a sense of ownership over the party — but there has to be an accommodation."

    But state party machinations are already starting to backfire. The Paul campaign believes it has won the majority of Maine's delegates — and the perceived election fraud has galvanized Paul supporters to demand their votes be counted in the state's straw poll 'beauty contest.'

    Caucus chaos has also proved to be fertile ground for Paul's quiet takeover of the Republican Party. Since 2008, the campaign and Paul's Campaign for Liberty PAC have made a concerted effort to get Paul sympathists involved in the political process. Now, tumult in state party organizations has allowed these supporters to rise up the ranks.

    "We like strong party leadership when it comes from us," Paul campaign chair Jesse Benton told Business Insider. "Our people work very hard to make sure that their voice is heard."

    The fruits of this labor are evident in Iowa, where Paul's former state campaign co-chair A.J. Spiker was just elected as the new chairman of the Iowa Republican Party. Spiker replaces Matt Strawn, who stepped down over this year's Iowa caucus dustup. In Nevada, the state chair has also resigned over caucus disaster, and several Ron Paul supporters are well-positioned to step up to fill the void. These new leaders not only expand Paul's influence at the state level, but also help protect Paul and his hard-won delegates from state party machinations as the delegate-selection process moves to district and state conventions, and eventually the Republican National Convention this summer.

    "We are always trying to bring people into the party," Benton said. "I think that is a very positive thing for Republicans. Ron is the person who can build the Republican base, bring new blood into the party. That's how you build the party."

    In Maine, the caucus disaster has made the state GOP prime for a Ron Paul takeover. And that means that Paul's hard-won delegates will be protected as the delegate selection process
    "We are taking over the party," Wead told BI. "That's the important thing — and that is what we are doing in Maine."
    tl;dr for Lounge - Ron Paul is building a new part of the republican base with young people, and getting them into positions in the GOP of each state to raise a new generation to carry his message forward



    I've supplied the parade, you guys see if you can bring enough rain...
    I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.


    • Dr. Love
      • Jan 2004
      • 7833

      I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.


      • Dr. Love
        • Jan 2004
        • 7833

        Here's a spreadsheet that shows all precinct totals in Maine. Only 51% of the precincts were counted.

        And yet, it's a Romney win!
        I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.


        • Dr. Love
          • Jan 2004
          • 7833

          Maine has updated caucus totals but won't release a new official count. What a bunch of retards.

          Maine GOP adds missing caucus votes, but won’t release updated vote count

          By Steven Nelson
          The Maine Republican Party has added additional votes accidentally omitted from Saturday’s caucus results, state party chairman Charlie Webster told The Daily Caller Wednesday. But those votes won’t be publicly released.

          “We don’t want any more drama,” Webster told TheDC. “I’ve already got death threats and 1,800 emails.”

          Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney was declared the victor in Maine over the weekend, claiming a slim 194-vote lead over Texas Rep. Ron Paul.

          Paul supporters, however, expressed dismay over errors in tabulating vote counts in various localities, including several towns in Waldo County. That county’s Republican committee passed a motion of censure against Webster on Tuesday.

          In addition to the missing votes, a caucus scheduled for Washington County on Saturday was postponed due to a forecast of snow. The Paul campaign insisted that it would have won the state had the vote not been pushed back, and the county’s GOP chair is advocating that its results be included in the ultimate tally.

          The Paul campaign is expected to make a serious push for turnout in Washington County’s rescheduled caucus this Saturday.

          “If Romney lost by 20 votes, would we be having this big discussion?” Webster mused.

          According to Webster, he has been an honest broker, but he will not release the updated vote count ahead a March 10 meeting of the 83-or-so-member state party committee because “people are going to sense a conspiracy and this is going to keep going.”

          Webster’s brusque treatment of criticism has rubbed many Paul supporters the wrong way. After announcing the results on Saturday, he proclaimed that Washington County’s votes would not count, infuriating Paul supporters.

          But the clerical error in tabulating initial results has been perhaps the most serious charge against his leadership.

          “What I tell people is that I’m not going to fire my staff because they make clerical errors,” he said. “My poor staffer is in tears, because people are harassing her.” (RELATED: Maine GOP to consider counting late caucus votes)

          Webster maintains that Paul should call it quits in Maine, saying that achieving a 200-vote margin of victory in Washington County — where only 113 voters cast ballots in the 2008 GOP race — “isn’t humanly possible.”

          Asked if anyone has access to the updated results, which he said show Romney with a greater lead after vote adjustments, Webster said absolutely not.

          “No one has access,” he said. “There will be no access. We will give it to the committee on March 10. We are not going to release them. People can whine and complain and plead, but I’m not going to make them public.”

          Webster said that all he wants is for the “press feeding frenzy” to end. “I’m not going to restart the fire” by releasing the updated results, he said.
          I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.


          • ELVIS
            • Dec 2003
            • 44120

            Originally posted by Nickdfresh
            As opposed to you being spoon-fed by some overnight radio douchebag that profits off of 9/11 denial...
            What an epic fail...


            • knuckleboner
              Crazy Ass Mofo
              • Jan 2004
              • 2927

              Originally posted by ELVIS
              What if he has 3/4 of the delagates ??

              What if there's a brokered convention and the effort to shun Ron Paul gets totally exposed ??

              What if he then runs as a third party candidate between the lame duck Obama and the broken and fraudulent repugnacan party...

              Could he not win ??

              no. no chance. zero.

              anybody who thinks otherwise does not understand American politics. for better or worse...


              • LoungeMachine
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Jul 2004
                • 32576

                Originally posted by knuckleboner
                no. no chance. zero.

                anybody who thinks otherwise does not understand American politics. for better or worse...

                But they won't accept it.

                It's like if a bunch of loons from the left said Nader could win the Dem nom....
                Originally posted by Kristy
                Dude, what in the fuck is wrong with you? I'm full of hate and I do drugs.
                Originally posted by cadaverdog
                I posted under aliases and I jerk off with a sock. Anything else to add?


                • Nitro Express
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Aug 2004
                  • 32798

                  Originally posted by knuckleboner
                  no. no chance. zero.

                  anybody who thinks otherwise does not understand American politics. for better or worse...
                  I think more and more people are desperate to change American politics for the better. If we don't we are heading for more wars that could possibly spark World War 3 and a revolution here. It's business as usual when people don't feel threatened and they have a home and a job. When that changes the dynamic changes. This election will decide a lot about the future of this country and a lot of people know that.
                  No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                  • ELVIS
                    • Dec 2003
                    • 44120

                    Originally posted by LoungeMachine
                    a bunch of loons from the left said Oblama could win the Dem nom....

                    "Loon Power!!!"


                    • Nickdfresh
                      SUPER MODERATOR

                      • Oct 2004
                      • 49225

                      Originally posted by ELVIS
                      What an epic fail...
                      Don't be so hard on yourself!


                      • Dr. Love
                        ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 7833

                        Maine is now recounting their votes and will release new totals tomorrow. Washington County votes Saturday. The Paul campaign is pushing for a very large turnout there. We'll see how well that goes.

                        Maine GOP recounting caucus votes
                        By TIM MAK | 2/16/12 2:48 PM EST Updated: 2/16/12 4:27 PM EST

                        The Maine Republican Party, under fire from Ron Paul supporters for its mishandling of the state’s recent caucuses, is now re-canvassing counties and municipalities to recount vote totals.

                        POLITICO obtained an email from the State Republican Party asking local chairmen to send them the vote totals from their local straw polls.

                        “County Chairman & Town Chairman,” an email written by a state Republican Party staffer reads. “We are reconfirming the totals from the Presidential Preference Straw poll. Can you please EMAIL ME the totals from your towns. For County Chairman if you are emailing the total for your entire county can you please list the towns that are included.”

                        The letter was forwarded by a longtime Republican activist in Maine.

                        The Maine Republican Party and its chairman, Charlie Webster, have been under attack in the last week for declaring Mitt Romney of the presidential straw poll in Maine when not all of the state’s caucuses have met to vote yet.

                        On Saturday, Webster announced that Romney had won the presidential straw poll. Romney won the non-binding caucuses by just three points, 39 percent to Ron Paul’s 36 percent. Less than 200 votes separated the totals of Romney and second-place finisher Ron Paul.

                        Several localities were not included in the presidential straw poll, including Washington County, where the caucuses were cancelled for the reason of inclement weather. Others municipalities had local caucuses scheduled for after Webster’s announcement.

                        Washington County is expected to caucus this coming Saturday.

                        Webster told POLITICO on Saturday that although the Maine caucuses were scheduled for Feb. 4 to Feb. 11, he had no ability to tell local groups when to caucus. He estimated there are 505 municipalities in Maine, of which 420 have caucused. An additional 40 or so small municipalities will not hold a caucus at all, and the remaining would caucus after his announcement.

                        Ron Paul’s campaign called the exclusion of Washington County’s results “inexplicable” on election night.

                        “Paul performed well throughout the state, although his campaign’s stronghold of Washington County did not report today for inexplicable reasons,” according to a statement released by the campaign.

                        The campaign released a second, more scathing email to supporters later on that evening.

                        “In Washington County – where Ron Paul was incredibly strong – the caucus was delayed until next week just so the votes wouldn’t be reported by the national media today. That’s right. A prediction of 3-4 inches – that turned into nothing more than a dusting – was enough for a local GOP official to postpone the caucuses just so the results wouldn’t be reported tonight,” read the statement.

                        “Just the votes of Washington County would have been enough to put us over the top. This is an outrage. But our campaign is in this race to win, and will stay in it to the very end,” it continued.

                        It remains to be seen whether the results in Washington County would lean towards Paul’s favor. In addition, only 118 votes were cast in the county in 2008 - not enough to make up the difference between Romney and Paul if a similar number of voters showed up to caucus.

                        Neither state chair Charlie Webster nor the staffer who wrote the email immediately responded to a request for comment on Thursday.
                        I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.



                        • Dr. Love
                          ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 7833

                          I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.



                          • ELVIS
                            • Dec 2003
                            • 44120

                            That would be an AWESOME bumper sticker...


                            • LoungeMachine
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Jul 2004
                              • 32576

                              Paul will win Maine.....

                              And it will matter fuck all......
                              Originally posted by Kristy
                              Dude, what in the fuck is wrong with you? I'm full of hate and I do drugs.
                              Originally posted by cadaverdog
                              I posted under aliases and I jerk off with a sock. Anything else to add?


                              • Nickdfresh
                                SUPER MODERATOR

                                • Oct 2004
                                • 49225

                                Originally posted by Dr. Love
                                He is the President. He has control. At some point he has to own what is going on under his watch.
                                That doesn't mean he has a magic wand up his ass that can circumvent strategic realities. How fast do you think Paul would have been able to withdraw Americans from Iraq? If you say an answer in anything less than inn terms of months, you'd have no idea what you were talking about...

                                Secondly, Obama never said anything about withdrawing from Afghanistan, I think he in fact ran on the mantra that that was the "real" war and where we were attacked from...

                                He made the request to keep troops over there beyond the agreed upon withdrawal date and was told no. Thus, he did not affect a complete withdrawal because he wanted to, he affected it because he had no choice.
                                He made a request based on empty benchmarks agreements made years ago. In fact, Obama wanted U.S. troops out as fast as feably possible to reduce their vulnerability to Iranian operations...

                                So let Britain, France and Italy do it. I suppose I should be surprised and grateful that he didn't pre-emptively compromise with them and decide to run the whole campaign with just the US.
                                They did. British, French, and Italian pilots flew the vast majority of combat missions while we provided logistics and ammo...

                                And FUCK Qadouchebag! I hope he's being ass-raped in hell! He murdered people on the Pan Am Fl 103 in addition to his own people he was using heavy weapons on...

                                And why did they want to fly airliners into our skyscrapers again?
                                Because they were fucking hypocrite assholes?

                                Why are we fighting and dying for these people again? Why are we bankrupting ourselves for them?
                                We're not, not for much longer. But I think we went there having something to do with the former gov't sheltering wealthy terrorist murders. What was created after that was largely the fault of the previous regime that ignored Afghanistan in favor of their obsession for Iraq's oil....

