Paul Ryan's Republican Convention Speech (full Text)

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  • BigBadBrian
    • Jan 2004
    • 10625

    Again, debate the merits of the speech without name-calling or insults.
    “If bullshit was currency, Joe Biden would be a billionaire.” - George W. Bush


    • ELVIS
      • Dec 2003
      • 44120

      Where would the fun be in that ??


      • ELVIS
        • Dec 2003
        • 44120

        True American travesties ??

        Is that a TV show ??


        • Nickdfresh

          • Oct 2004
          • 49219

          Originally posted by BigBadBrian
          ...and Paul Ryan continually makes Obama look simply foolish concerning economic matters.
          Um, how is that? How's the economy in his Wisconsin district he occasionally remembers elected him to Congress? This guy is just a bullshitter...


          • DLR Bridge

            • Mar 2011
            • 5470

            Originally posted by ELVIS
            True American travesties ??

            Is that a TV show ??
            Could be.


            • fourthcoming

              Your boy Paul Ryan is still a clown. He missed his calling....should have been a spin doctor the way he manipulates the truth to suit his own needs. Typical politician. No different than any other.....only difference between him and Obama is the teleprompter. Not much difference between the useless bleeding heart liberal left wing and the useless conservative right wing. They are all about themselves and their own agenda.....not "We the People". Romney and Paul are really going to change the state of affairs in this country? That's about as naive as everyone thinking Obama and Clueless Joe were going to change this country.


              • Nickdfresh
                SUPER MODERATOR

                • Oct 2004
                • 49219

                Ryan taken to task for litany of lies

                By Jerry Zremski

                BUFFALO News Washington Bureau Chief

                Updated: August 31, 2012, 7:19 AM

                TAMPA, Fla. - Paul Ryan lied. Again and again.

                That was the consensus Thursday as media fact-checkers pored over the Republican vice presidential nominee's convention speech from a night earlier.

                Thanks to several spurious claims and misleading statements, Ryan's speech went from inspiring Republicans on the convention floor to infuriating independent critics in the blogosphere in a matter of minutes.

                And as Mitt Romney prepared to accept the Republican nomination, the anger over Ryan's misrepresentations drew new attention to Romney and some of his own questionable claims.

                But for the moment, the harshest light shone on Ryan.

                "To anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to facts, Ryan's speech was an apparent attempt to set the world record for the greatest number of blatant lies and misrepresentations slipped into a single political speech," wrote Sally Kohn, a Fox News contributor.

                What did Ryan say that was so wrong?

                Well, let's go down the list, one by one.

                The claim: President Obama did nothing to prevent the closing of a General Motors plant in Ryan's hometown.

                The truth: The plant closed before Obama became president.

                This appeared to the most blatant whopper of the night.

                Ryan told the crowd: "Right there at that plant, candidate Obama said: 'I believe that if our government is there to support you ... this plant will be here for another hundred years.' That's what he said in 2008. Well, as it turned out, that plant didn't last another year."

                The implication of that paragraph is clear: Obama let the plant die.

                Except he had nothing to do with it. GM mothballed the plant Dec. 23, 2008 - nearly a month before Obama became president, according to the Business Journal of Milwaukee.

                Several fact-checkers pointed out that other GM plants most likely would have been forced to shut down without a government-backed bailout of the auto industry. Ryan supported a limited auto bailout in late 2008 but strongly opposed the broader auto bailout that Obama pushed through shortly after taking office, which Romney opposed as well.

                The claim: "The greatest threat to Medicare is 'Obamacare.'?"

                The truth: The Obama health care law added eight years to the life of the Medicare hospital trust fund.

                Ryan said Obama's health care law "funneled" $716 billion out of Medicare to pay for a "new entitlement": health care for all.

                This is a new and powerful Republican argument, and it's grossly misleading.

                "Medicare's money isn't being taken away," wrote in a review of Ryan's speech.

                Yes, the Obama health care law cut $716 billion out of the projected future growth in Medicare. But that money will not come out of benefits for senior citizens. It will come out of payments to insurers and Medicare providers, including those offering "Medicare Advantage" plans that have proved to be far more expensive to the government than traditional Medicare.

                What's more, the budget plan that Ryan drew up - which has become his trademark - includes the very same cuts in future Medicare spending.

                And those cuts are not aimed at promoting "Obamacare." The nonpartisan trustees that oversee Medicare said in their most recent report that those cuts mean that the Medicare hospital trust fund will remain solvent until 2024 rather than 2016, when it was set to go broke if the cuts had not been made.

                The claim: Obama "did exactly nothing" to enact the budget plan put forth by his own fiscal commission.

                The truth: Ryan was one of the commission members who voted to bar the fiscal commission's report from coming to a vote in Congress.

                Sure enough, Obama didn't push the bipartisan budget plan put forth by his fiscal commission. But Ryan did Obama one better by actually voting against the Simpson-Bowles fiscal commission proposal. The 18-member panel needed 14 votes to move its plan to Congress, and Ryan voted no after criticizing the plan's tax hikes. In light of that,, the Pulitzer Prize-winning website set up by the Tampa Bay Times, said Ryan had made "a striking omission." As a result, "Paul Ryan's charge was a doozy."

                The claim: In the Obama stimulus, "you, the working men and women of this country, were cut out of the deal."

                The truth: More than a quarter of the stimulus went to tax cuts for the working men and women of America.

                Ryan called the stimulus legislation "a case of political patronage, corporate welfare and cronyism at their worst," and parts of it appear to be just that. Most notoriously, a $527 million stimulus loan went to Solyndra where Obama staged a photo op, and the energy company later went bankrupt.

                But cases such as Solyndra make up a small part of the $831 billion stimulus package.

                In fact, about $230 billion of the stimulus came in the form of tax cuts, according to the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation.

                That fact made Ryan guilty of what called "stimulus deceit."

                The bottom line: Ryan took liberties with the truth that were unusually egregious, even in the wink-and-a-nod world of national politics.

                And the media noticed, and cried foul.

                "Ryan takes factual shortcuts in speech," read the headline on an analysis from the just-the-facts, down-the-middle Associated Press.

                The Daily Beast website was a bit more harsh, headlining its analysis: "Paul Ryan's Convention Speech and His Web of Lies."

                And James Fallows wrote on "I wonder how he convinced himself it was OK to say things he knew were probably wrong in front of tens of millions of people."



                • Nickdfresh
                  SUPER MODERATOR

                  • Oct 2004
                  • 49219

                  Originally posted by BigBadBrian
                  Again, let's see if our Liberal Friends can dispute/debate the merits of this speech ON THEIR OWN without using any liberal news sources or opinion pieces that obviously are biased against conservatives. Without insults or name-calling. I'll bet they can't.
                  You mean like "fact checking?" Douche.

                  Feel free to find the bias in the fact checks of Ryan's blatant lies, dummy. Is it "liberal bias" that Ryan stated that Obama closed the GM Plant in his district when it actually closed under W.? Really? Cover this guy's asshole all you want, but he's either a smarmy cunt or an incompetent...


                  • BigBadBrian
                    TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 10625

                    Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                    Ryan taken to task for litany of lies

                    By Jerry Zremski

                    BUFFALO News Washington Bureau Chief
                    I knew a liberal couldn't come up with his own views.
                    “If bullshit was currency, Joe Biden would be a billionaire.” - George W. Bush


                    • BigBadBrian
                      TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 10625

                      Originally posted by Nickdfresh

                      The claim: President Obama did nothing to prevent the closing of a General Motors plant in Ryan's hometown.

                      The truth: The plant closed before Obama became president.
                      I'll point out one example how the Liberals are twisting the truth on Paul Ryan.

                      Nick, you're not very good at fact-checking your own shitty opinion pieces. Paul claimed that CANDIDATE OBAMA was doing nothing to prevent the closure of a GM plant in his hometown and was closed in less than a year. He said nothing of the sort that PRESIDENT Obama was at fault.

                      You Dumbocrats are all flash and no substance, just like the Socialist in Chief.
                      “If bullshit was currency, Joe Biden would be a billionaire.” - George W. Bush


                      • Nickdfresh
                        SUPER MODERATOR

                        • Oct 2004
                        • 49219

                        Originally posted by BigBadBrian
                        I knew a liberal couldn't come up with his own views.
                        My political views are based on actual facts, and information, you know? Things you haven't a fucking clue about...


                        • Nickdfresh
                          SUPER MODERATOR

                          • Oct 2004
                          • 49219

                          Originally posted by BigBadBrian
                          I'll point out one example how the Liberals are twisting the truth on Paul Ryan.

                          Nick, you're not very good at fact-checking your own shitty opinion pieces. Paul claimed that CANDIDATE OBAMA was doing nothing to prevent the closure of a GM plant in his hometown and was closed in less than a year. He said nothing of the sort that PRESIDENT Obama was at fault.

                          You Dumbocrats are all flash and no substance, just like the Socialist in Chief.
                          Well, then that makes him FUCKING RETARDED! What is a "CANDIDATE" supposed to do about a plant closing in another state? I guess all plant closings are CANDIDATE RYAN'S and ROMNEY'S faults from now on for not be elected or elected on time.

                          I guess he was actually saying that Republicans are such retarded fuckwits, that competent Democrats are to blame when they fail...


                          • Va Beach VH Fan
                            ROTH ARMY FOUNDER
                            • Dec 2003
                            • 17913

                            Originally posted by BigBadBrian
                            I said, I hope it's not a deal-breaker Mitt, but my playlist starts with AC/DC, and ends with Zeppelin.
                            The one part of his speech where this will be given....

                            Eat Us And Smile - The Originals

                            "I have a very belligerent enthusiasm or an enthusiastic belligerence. I’m an intellectual slut." - David Lee Roth

                            "We are part of the, not just the culture, but the geography. Van Halen music goes along with like fries with the burger." - David Lee Roth


                            • gbranton
                              • Aug 2005
                              • 1847

                              Originally posted by FORD
                              they were ALL liars.
                              But the Democrats, they are always truthful and honest, right?


                              Cliff notes version of all these threads: "I don't like those ____________ fucking lying assed crooks over there who are stealing everyone blind and sending us over a cliff............I like THESE ____________ fucking lying assed crooks over HERE who are stealing everyone blind and sending us over a cliff".
                              "Don't want 'em to get you goat, don't show 'em where it's hid." - David Lee Roth


                              • Nickdfresh
                                SUPER MODERATOR

                                • Oct 2004
                                • 49219

                                Fact Check: Paul Ryan's Jimmy Carter Comments
                                By Shushannah Walshe | ABC OTUS News – 1 hr 2 mins ago

                                GREENVILLE, N.C. - Paul Ryan is not only the GOP vice presidential nominee, he's also the House Budget Chair, and obsessed with data and numbers, but despite his passion for math, some numbers he threw out with a new attack line today need some fact checking.

                                Let's start at the beginning. In comparing President Obama to Jimmy Carter, Ryan said in July 1980 the unemployment rate was 7.8 percent and "for the past 42 months it's been above 8 percent under Barack Obama's failed leadership."

                                Both parts of this sentence are true according to the Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, but in July 1983, when Ronald Reagan was president, unemployment was at 9.4 percent. In July 1982 it was higher at 9.8 percent.

                                In July 1992, when George H.W. Bush was president, unemployment was at 7.7 percent.

                                Is what Ryan said factually correct? Yes, but it leaves out some important data.

                                The next statement Ryan made was that in 1980 "330,000 businesses filed for bankruptcy. Last year, under President Obama's failed leadership, 1.4 million businesses field for bankruptcy."

                                This is not true. According to American Bankruptcy Institute, under Carter 331,264 businesses and non-businesses filed for bankruptcy. That number includes not just businesses, but personal bankruptcies as well. In 1980, there were 43,694 business bankruptcies and 287, 570 non-business bankruptcies.

                                Ryan also got it wrong with regard to the number of business bankruptcies last year. In 2011, there were 1, 410, 653 total bankruptcies. Of that number 47,806 were business bankruptcies and 1,362,847 were non-business bankruptcies.

                                So did he misspeak or purposefully manipulate the data to make it sound worse?

                                "He obviously misspoke, but it's still an apples to apples comparison," Ryan spokesman Brendan Buck said. "The point remains: bankruptcies are up dramatically under President Obama compared to the Carter years."

                                Yet it's important to note that bankruptcies are down dramatically under President Obama, compared to the Bush years.

                                Business bankruptcies hit a record 71,549 in 1991, when George H.W. Bush was president, second only to 1985, under Reagan, when 71,277 businesses filed.

                                A record number of Americans - more than 2 million - filed for personal bankruptcy in 2005.

                                Ryan's next line looks to be correct: "Take a look at people who are having a hard time making their mortgage payments: 77,000 delinquent mortgages by the time Jimmy Carter left office; under President Obama, 3 million."

                                According to the Mortgage Bankers Association, in the third quarter of 1980 there were 76,885 delinquent mortgages, while in the second quarter of this year there were 3,107,247.

                                Politicians are known to both misspeak and fudge the data, but not all are as close to the numbers as Ryan, who in Congress studies them himself, instead of leaning on aides to do it for him.

                                ABC News' Susanna Kim, Elizabeth Hartfield, and Chris Good contributed to this report.


