President Carter's speech

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  • FORD

    • Jan 2004
    • 58819

    President Carter's speech

    The text of former President Carter's speech

    By Associated Press | July 26, 2004

    My name is Jimmy Carter, and I'm not running for president. But here's what I will be doing: everything I can to put John Kerry in the White House with John Edwards right there beside him.

    Twenty-eight years ago, I was running for president, and I said then, "I want a government that is as good and honest and as decent and as competent and as compassionate as are the American people." I say this again tonight, and that is exactly what we will have next January with John Kerry as president of the United States.

    As many of you know, my first chosen career was in the United States Navy, where I served as a submarine officer. At that time, my shipmates and I were ready for combat and prepared to give our lives to defend our nation and its principles.

    At the same time, we always prayed that our readiness would preserve the peace. I served under two presidents, Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower, men who represented different political parties. Both of whom had faced their active military responsibilities with honor.

    They knew the horrors of war, and later, as commanders-in-chief, they exercised restraint and judgment and had a clear sense of mission. We had confidence that our leaders, military and civilian, would not put our soldiers and sailors in harm's way by initiating "wars of choice" unless America's vital interests were endangered.

    We also were sure that these presidents would not mislead us when it came to issues involving our nation's security. Today, our Democratic party is led by another former naval officer -- one who volunteered for military service. He showed up when assigned to duty, and he served with honor and distinction.

    He also knows the horrors of war and the responsibilities of leadership, and I am confident that next January he will restore the judgment and responsibility to our government that is sorely lacking today. I am proud to call Lieutenant John Kerry my shipmate, and I am ready to follow him to victory in November.

    As you know, our country faces many challenges at home involving energy, taxation, the environment, education, and health. To meet these challenges, we need new leaders in Washington whose policies are shaped by working American families instead of the super-rich and their armies of lobbyists. But the biggest reason to make John Kerry president is even more important. It is to safeguard the security of our nation.

    Today, our dominant international challenge is to restore the greatness of America -- based on telling the truth, a commitment to peace, and respect for civil liberties at home and basic human rights around the world. Truth is the foundation of our global leadership, but our credibility has been shattered and we are left increasingly isolated and vulnerable in a hostile world. Without truth -- without trust -- America cannot flourish. Trust is at the very heart of our democracy, the sacred covenant between the president and the people.
    Eat Us And Smile

    Cenk For America 2024!!

    Justice Democrats

    "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992
  • FORD

    • Jan 2004
    • 58819

    The text of former President Carter's speech

    July 26, 2004

    Page 2 of 2 -- When that trust is violated, the bonds that hold our republic together begin to weaken. After 9/11, America stood proud, wounded but determined and united. A cowardly attack on innocent civilians brought us an unprecedented level of cooperation and understanding around the world. But in just 34 months, we have watched with deep concern as all this goodwill has been squandered by a virtually unbroken series of mistakes and miscalculations. Unilateral acts and demands have isolated the United States from the very nations we need to join us in combatting terrorism.

    Let us not forget that the Soviets lost the Cold War because the American people combined the exercise of power with adherence to basic principles, based on sustained bipartisan support. We understood the positive link between the defense of our own freedom and the promotion of human rights. Recent policies have cost our nation its reputation as the world's most admired champion of freedom and justice. What a difference these few months of extremism have made!

    The United States has alienated its allies, dismayed its friends, and inadvertently gratified its enemies by proclaiming a confused and disturbing strategy of "pre-emptive" war. With our allies disunited, the world resenting us, and the Middle East ablaze, we need John Kerry to restore life to the global war against terrorism.

    In the meantime, the Middle East peace process has come to a screeching halt for the first time since Israel became a nation. All former presidents, Democratic and Republican, have attempted to secure a comprehensive peace for Israel with hope and justice for the Palestinians. The achievements of Camp David a quarter century ago and the more recent progress made by President Bill Clinton are now in peril.

    Instead, violence has gripped the Holy Land, with the region increasingly swept by anti-American passions. Elsewhere, North Korea's nuclear menace -- a threat more real and immediate than any posed by Saddam Hussein -- has been allowed to advance unheeded, with potentially ominous consequences for peace and stability in Northeast Asia. These are some of the prices of our government's radical departure from the basic American principles and values espoused by John Kerry!

    In repudiating extremism we need to recommit ourselves to a few common-sense principles that should transcend partisan differences. First, we cannot enhance our own security if we place in jeopardy what is most precious to us, namely, the centrality of human rights in our daily lives and in global affairs. Second, we cannot maintain our historic self-confidence as a people if we generate public panic. Third, we cannot do our duty as citizens and patriots if we pursue an agenda that polarizes and divides our country. Next, we cannot be true to ourselves if we mistreat others. And finally, in the world at large we cannot lead if our leaders mislead.

    You can't be a war president one day and claim to be a peace president the next, depending on the latest political polls. When our national security requires military action, John Kerry has already proven in Vietnam that he will not hesitate to act. And as a proven defender of our national security, John Kerry will strengthen the global alliance against terrorism while avoiding unnecessary wars.

    Ultimately, the issue is whether America will provide global leadership that springs from the unity and integrity of the American people or whether extremist doctrines and the manipulation of truth will define America's role in the world.

    At stake is nothing less than our nation's soul. In a few months, I will, God willing, enter my 81st year of my life, and in many ways the last few months have been some of the most disturbing of all. But I am not discouraged. I do not despair for our country. I believe tonight, as I always have, that the essential decency, compassion and common sense of the American people will prevail.

    And so I say to you and to others around the world, whether they wish us well or ill: do not underestimate us Americans. We lack neither strength nor wisdom. There is a road that leads to a bright and hopeful future. What America needs is leadership. Our job, my fellow Americans, is to ensure that the leaders of this great country will be John Kerry and John Edwards. Thank you and God bless America!
    Eat Us And Smile

    Cenk For America 2024!!

    Justice Democrats

    "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


    • John Ashcroft
      • Jan 2004
      • 2127

      So, when's the last time old Jimmy was invited to speak at a Dem convention?

      Yep, even your own party knows he's a miserable failure. What's weird is that Kerry thinks digging him up is a good thing...


      • Vanstonica
        • Jun 2004
        • 165

        "Digging him up" is a good way to put it. Was it just me, or did Jimmy look like death warmed over?


        • FORD

          • Jan 2004
          • 58819

          Sadly, Jimmy probably won't be around for the next convention. He has aged a lot recently

          But he has more wisdom than all the BCE presidents combined.
          Eat Us And Smile

          Cenk For America 2024!!

          Justice Democrats

          "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


          • Warham
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Mar 2004
            • 14589

            Is that why he was such a great president??


            • jacksmar
              Full Member Status

              • Feb 2004
              • 3533

              President Jimmy Carter doesn’t have the aptitude to understand the resolve of US led coalition. He’s totally out of touch and as many knee-jerk leftists they act out and speak without understanding any consequences of their actions or inaction.

              That being said, President Carter could teach a lot of us about how to interact with people and cultures willing to get along with the U.S. President Carter along with President Ford are role models and their careers after their service as U.S. Presidents is almost exemplary. Habitat for Humanity may take center stage for President Carter as far as being visible, but President Carter spends a lot more time with other philanthropic activities.

              These activities are what apparently prompt President Carter to action daily. However, President Carter’s time in the White House was not anything less than a blight on the office.
              A NATION OF COWARDS - Jeffrey R. Snyder


              • Sgt Schultz
                • Mar 2004
                • 1268

                Yet again another left winger trots out the "Chickenhawk" argument. Bush and Cheney never saw combat, are gung-ho to go to war becasue they don't know the close up horrors of it like good 'ol Truman and Eisenhower did when I was in the Navy.

                Bush stole the election, he and his administration are Chickenhawks blah blah blah - I thought the Democratic convention was going to be about optimism and would give areason to vote FOR Kerry and not just against Bush. Gee, I guess the Democrats lied again. Big surprise. They are saying the same old thing, but the language is not as explicit and elitist Leftists think the average American is so stupid they won't be able to notice.


                • Warham
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Mar 2004
                  • 14589

                  It's ok to spout the same rhetoric Shultz, just as long as they don't bring up Bush by name during the convention. LOL


                  • DLR'sCock
                    Crazy Ass Mofo
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 2937

                    Ah, Carter's speech was perfect.....

                    You gotta love how he basically gave the Bush Admin. the middle finger....pretty funny stuff....


                    • JCOOK

                      Hey jimbo been attacked by any rabbits


                      • FORD
                        ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                        • Jan 2004
                        • 58819

                        Originally posted by Warham
                        Is that why he was such a great president??

                        Yes. More specifically, it's why he is the only President who has been able to bring peace between Israel and one of it's formerly hostile neighbors. Egypt, in this case.
                        Eat Us And Smile

                        Cenk For America 2024!!

                        Justice Democrats

                        "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                        • tobinentinc
                          Head Fluffer
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 468

                          Jimmy Carter is unlike any democrat. That being said, he was sincere in his policies and politics. He was a democrat to help people, which he still does today. But we all know that a good person can not be a good president, therefore he sucked ass as president. The reason why he's never been invited back, was because his democrat views are the ideal, the liberal and socialistic of today's democrats. Why Kerry had him at the convention? To bolster support I'm guessing.


                          • Cathedral
                            ROTH ARMY ELITE
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 6621

                            Jimmy Carter.........ROTMFFLMMFAO......nuff said.


                            • Wayne L.

                              Former president Jimmy Carter is one of the principle reasons 9/11 happened in the first place because of the Iran hostage crises from 79/81 during his watch so he has no reason to question George W. Bush with his ludicrious political rhetoric since he didn't do a damn thing except pander to the terrorists holding our hostages for 444 days.

