Ferguson is what happens when white suburban cops get weapons of war

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  • Seshmeister

    • Oct 2003
    • 35217

    Ferguson is what happens when white suburban cops get weapons of war

    Ferguson is what happens when white suburban cops get weapons of war

    Michael Brown’s shooting was one thing. The protests are another. But military might does not belong on Main Street

    As one US military veteran wrote on Wednesday : ‘Their uniform would be mistaken for a soldier’s if it weren’t for their Police patches.’ Photograph: Jeff Roberson / AP

    You can argue about the looting and the brick-throwing. You can argue about what constitutes a race “riot” these days – and why the hell we are seeing teargas every other evening in the suburbs, or Jim Crow-reminiscent police dogs in the year 2014. There are a lot of things worth arguing about now that the world’s eyes are focused on Ferguson, Missouri, a town where two-thirds of the population is black and 50 of the 53 police offers are white , where one of those officers gunned down an unarmed black kid in broad daylight.

    But here is something that makes no sense, that is inarguable: Ferguson (population: 21,135) has about 40 robberies per year, a couple of homicides, almost no arson cases and a crime rate only a bit higher than the national average. Indeed, the town’s crime rate was going down as of two years ago, when the last major data is available . Ditto in neighboring St Louis .

    Now St Louis isn’t exactly the picture of safety, but two years ago the St Louis Police Department also acquired a Lenco BearCat armored military vehicle, a “tactical support vehicle” and a helicopter that’s popular with the Korean air force . Earlier this year, the US Department of Homeland Security donated a 22-ton Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle – the thing we used on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan – to the police department in nearby St Charles, Missouri (population: 66,463).

    On Saturday night, as people took to the streets to protest the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, the Ferguson Police Department, the chief of which reportedly displays a confederate flag in his home , had this at his disposal:

    Sure, there may have been “unrest” that needed paying attention to, but why were there Iraq-grade trucks even at the ready in the police station of an American suburb in the first place? Since when do local cops need wooden bullets and AR-15s? What the hell is the point of cops looking like this?

    What is happening in Ferguson is exactly what opponents of the rise in military-style policing across America have long feared: when the feds arm white local cops with weapons of war and their superiors encourage them not to just play dress-up but to use their new war toys, it is inevitable that ordinary citizens – especially citizens of color – will get treated as the enemy. As we’ve seen in Ferguson, when military might comes to Main Street, “hands-up, don’t shoot” quickly turns into a quasi-declaration of war on a grieving community.

    How the hell do we stop equipping and training suburban cops as warriors? I’ve written about this for a long time, and I’m not sure another unarmed black kid getting shot is going to end what Radley Balko calls the Rise of the Warrior Cop – even now that military veterans themselves have had enough .

    But this much we know:

    Small-town America does not often contend with military uprisings or terrorist attacks, so the war machines tend to get used on, you know, pumpkin festivals.
    Many small-town residents don’t like when federal grants put armored vehicles in their backyards, and even some local Republican lawmakers want to ban their acquisition without voter approval .
    You would think that a police force sworn to protect us would make us more safe with tanks and assault rifles in waiting, but an ACLU report released this summer – examining just 800 incidents of the estimated 45,000 annual Swat team deployments in America – found the opposite: seven people were killed and dozens were injured, including a baby – and 61% of people impacted by drug-case Swat raids were minorities.
    Kara Dansky, the chief author of the ACLU report, told me this week that “the unnecessary use of paramilitary policing tactics tends to escalate the risk of violence to both civilians and officers.” She said there is no central tracking system of the military equipment going out to local police departments – just as there is no oversight on how the equipment is used, or any reporting requirements other than hitting drug-enforcement numbers that bring in more cash to the local PD. One Georgia Congressman wants to introduce real federal oversight , but it’s currently very difficult to know exactly which police department has what, how much they paid for it or what they use it for.

    We may never know whether Ferguson police chief Thomas Jackson – the one with the flag, apparently – ordered in the armored vehicles of war this weekend, because we don’t know very much about which paramilitary police force is in control on which night. (They are arresting reporters, after all.) But we know what Jackson said on Wednesday: “that the anarchists that are coming in, the people that don’t want healing, the people that just want to continue to fight” are the people he’s allegedly “concerned about”. We know that one cop in riot gear described Ferguson to the Guardian on Monday night as “a war zone”. And we know that cops who think they are fighting in a war zone like to use their MRAPs and their battlefield guns on the street corner. We know that this was the scene on Wednesday night, before the teargas came again:

    On Tuesday, hours after the teargas and the wooden bullets came out in Ferguson for the first time, Jay Caspian King at the New Yorker asked questions we shouldn’t have to :

    Have we become anesthetized to images of police in armored vehicles and full military gear? And has the proliferation of images on news and social-media sites made them seem any more normal?

    The world is arguing about whether the US should be intervening in Iraq, whether we’ll have “boots on the ground” in Baghdad or Mosul. Meanwhile, we have boots on the ground in Ferguson, Missouri. There is nothing normal about that. Why are we even arguing and asking anymore? The toys of war do no belong in a town of 21,000 – not for protests peaceful or less so, not for looting or brick-throwing. Certainly not for the memory of Michael Brown, who was killed by a policeman with a gun in the year 2014.
    • Dec 2003
    • 44120

    So, it's a white problem ??


    • VetteLS5
      • Mar 2012
      • 1130

      Originally posted by ELVIS
      So, it's a white problem ??


      • VetteLS5
        • Mar 2012
        • 1130

        I think this reporter and many others are putting the cart a little before the horse:

        Ferguson didn't "start" because a local police department went parading their military gear up and down the streets of the 'hood. It "started" when people used a shooting that is still under investigation as the impetus to destroy other people's property and toss molatov cocktails at police officers. Granted, it looks like the local cops might not be the most tolerant folks, but the equipment used to respond to riot situations didn't start anything.

        That provocative photo in the story of sniper on top of truck? Standard ops for force protection in any riot situation. Does the gear look a little scarier nowadays? Yeah, maybe. But both my father and a good friend were on SWAT teams back in the day (god... I sound like Nitro), and they found themselves in that stance on more than one occasion. Just back then it was on top of a van that carried the response team to a situation.

        The reporter also neglects to mention that many of the "militarized" vehicles have armor and other aspects removed before they end up in local department hands. I know this because (here I go as Nitro again), a friend is Capt. of a local dept. that just received that very same vehicle. The choice was to receive a well made, heavy duty vehicle designed to transport officers in the event of an emergency at basically no cost, or try and come up with the money to buy something. Nobody wants taxes raised = no new vehicle.

        Right down to the camo uni's, I think a lot of this is local budget driven, not "organized militarization". Local depts. get quality built stuff on the cheap because it's surplus or not needed. (Weird thing though... through most the grants that handle the vehicles, if a local dept. decides they don't actually need it they can't give the damn things back or sell them!


        • SunisinuS
          Crazy Ass Mofo
          • May 2010
          • 3301

          Sigh....thought this thread was about Craig Ferguson.

          Mmm Bop on the head.

          10/7/2009 - Craig Ferguson, his staff and the puppets sings "MmmBop"

          and dem white lines!

          Craig Ferguson does his own version of "White Lines" by Duran Duran
          Last edited by SunisinuS; 08-20-2014, 09:01 PM.
          Can't Control your Future. Can't Control your Friends. The women start to hike their skirts up. I didn't have a clue. That is when I kinda learned how to smile a lot. One Two Three Fouir fun ter thehr fuur.


          • Angel
            • Jan 2004
            • 7481

            Originally posted by ELVIS
            So, it's a white problem ??
            It's much more than that. It's a power and authority problem.
            "Ya know what they say about angels... An angel is a supernatural being or spirit, usually humanoid in form, found in various religions and mythologies. Plus Roth fan boards..."- ZahZoo April 2013


            • SunisinuS
              Crazy Ass Mofo
              • May 2010
              • 3301

              I think what the Angel is trying to say is that it is a human problem. Ain't Black and White.
              Last edited by SunisinuS; 08-21-2014, 12:22 AM. Reason: Everyone gets the Blues though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I6eI7hUruY
              Can't Control your Future. Can't Control your Friends. The women start to hike their skirts up. I didn't have a clue. That is when I kinda learned how to smile a lot. One Two Three Fouir fun ter thehr fuur.


              • ashstralia
                ROTH ARMY ELITE
                • Feb 2004
                • 6566

                This is a very deep subject, and I'm not about to type a 10,000 word essay. My quick synopsis:

                A militaristic police force appears to be an option for economic reasons.
                Police generally have an 'all for one one for all' mentality.
                Your public are similarly armed, and historically have shown a willingness to pull the trigger.
                Senior officers leaving en masse creates a 'vacuum' recruitment environment whereby filling the numbers with rookies happens. This puts incredible pressure on the remaining hierarchy.
                Police forces work best when they've grown organically with the environment. This is how it works in my country, the fathers of the senior cops know the grandfathers of the crims. I took some artistic license there, but you get my drift.
                I hope sanity prevails on both sides.


                • dazzlindino
                  Head Fluffer
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 311

                  So are whites gonna go looting and tearing shit up and carrying on and on about blacks taunting and threatening whites....
                  ...if its found that the "po' in'cent lil black bouy" was indeed threatening and charging the police officer...
                  I want my music waking up the dead.....dont tell me to turn it down


                  • Von Halen
                    ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                    • Dec 2003
                    • 7501

                    Originally posted by dazzlindino
                    So are whites gonna go looting and tearing shit up and carrying on and on
                    No, but according to Sesh and Ford, that's only because whites haven't been mistreated for hundreds of years, like the blacks have.


                    • Angel
                      ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 7481

                      Originally posted by Von Halen
                      No, but according to Sesh and Ford, that's only because whites haven't been mistreated for hundreds of years, like the blacks have.
                      Not only Sesh and Ford...
                      "Ya know what they say about angels... An angel is a supernatural being or spirit, usually humanoid in form, found in various religions and mythologies. Plus Roth fan boards..."- ZahZoo April 2013


                      • ELVIS
                        • Dec 2003
                        • 44120

                        You three idiots, then...


                        • Von Halen
                          ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                          • Dec 2003
                          • 7501

                          Originally posted by ELVIS
                          You three idiots, then...

                          She doesn't count Elvis. She's a ghetto dwelling black lesbian, in a white woman's body.


                          • ELVIS
                            • Dec 2003
                            • 44120

                            I thought she was into whale cohabitation...


                            • Angel
                              ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 7481

                              Originally posted by Von Halen
                              She doesn't count Elvis. She's a ghetto dwelling black lesbian, in a white woman's body.
                              My "ghetto" is nothing like what you are accustomed to in the States, lol.
                              "Ya know what they say about angels... An angel is a supernatural being or spirit, usually humanoid in form, found in various religions and mythologies. Plus Roth fan boards..."- ZahZoo April 2013

