The George W. Bush White House ‘Lost’ 22 Million Emails

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  • Seshmeister

    • Oct 2003
    • 35208

    The George W. Bush White House ‘Lost’ 22 Million Emails

    The George W. Bush White House ‘Lost’ 22 Million Emails

    The outrage and press coverage was nothing compared with that surrounding Hillary Clinton's emails.

    For 18 months, Republican strategists, political pundits, reporters and Americans who follow them have been pursuing Hillary Clinton’s personal email habits, and no evidence of a crime has been found. But now they at least have the skills and interest to focus on a much larger and deeper email conspiracy, one involving war, lies, a private server run by the Republican Party and contempt of Congress citations—all of it still unsolved and unpunished.

    Clinton’s email habits look positively transparent when compared with the subpoena-dodging, email-hiding, private-server-using George W. Bush administration. Between 2003 and 2009, the Bush White House “lost” 22 million emails. This correspondence included millions of emails written during the darkest period in America’s recent history, when the Bush administration was ginning up support for what turned out to be a disastrous war in Iraq with false claims that the country possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD), and, later, when it was firing U.S. attorneys for political reasons.

    Like Clinton, the Bush White House used a private email server—its was owned by the Republican National Committee. And the Bush administration failed to store its emails, as required by law, and then refused to comply with a congressional subpoena seeking some of those emails. “It’s about as amazing a double standard as you can get,” says Eric Boehlert, who works with the pro-Clinton group Media Matters. “If you look at the Bush emails, he was a sitting president, and 95 percent of his chief advisers’ emails were on a private email system set up by the RNC. Imagine if for the last year and a half we had been talking about Hillary Clinton’s emails set up on a private DNC server?”

    Most troubling, researchers found a suspicious pattern in the White House email system blackouts, including periods when there were no emails available from the office of Vice President Dick Cheney. “That the vice president’s office, widely characterized as the most powerful vice president in history, should have no archived emails in its accounts for scores of days—especially days when there was discussion of whether to invade Iraq—beggared the imagination,” says Thomas Blanton, director of the Washington-based National Security Archive. The NSA (not to be confused with the National Security Agency, the federal surveillance organization) is a nonprofit devoted to obtaining and declassifying national security documents and is one of the key players in the effort to recover the supposedly lost Bush White House emails.

    The media paid some attention to the Bush email chicanery but spent considerably less ink and airtime than has been devoted to Clinton’s digital communications in the past 18 months. According to the Boston social media analytics firm Crimson Hexagon, which ran a study for Newsweek, there have been 560,397 articles mentioning Clinton’s emails between March 2015 and September 1, 2016.

    In 1978, Congress passed the Presidential Records Act (PRA), which mandated that all presidential and vice presidential records created after January 20, 1981, be preserved and that the public, not the president, owned the records. The following year, the Reagan administration installed the White House’s rudimentary first email system.

    Despite the PRA, neither the Reagan nor the George H.W. Bush administration maintained email records, even as the number of White House emails began growing exponentially. (The Bush administration would produce around 200 million.) In 1989, a federal lawsuit to force the White House to comply with the PRA was filed by several groups, including the National Security Archive, which at the time was mostly interested in unearthing the secret history of the Cold War. The suit sparked a last-minute court order, issued in the waning hours of the first Bush presidency, that prevented 6,000 White House email backup tapes from being erased.

    When Bill Clinton moved into the White House, his lawyers supported the elder Bush in his effort to uphold a side deal he’d cut with the National Archives and Records Administration to allow him to treat his White House emails as personal. At the time, George Stephanopoulos—then the White House communications director—defended the resistance, saying his boss, like Bush, didn't want subsequent, and potentially unfriendly, administrations rooting around in old emails.

    The Clinton White House eventually settled the suit, and White House aide John Podesta—now Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman—even invited members of the National Security Archive into the White House to demonstrate how the new system worked. If anyone tried to delete an email, a message would pop up on screen indicating that to do so would be in violation of the PRA.

    “We were happy with that,” recalls Blanton, who edited a book on the Reagan-Bush email evasion, White House E-Mail: The Top Secret Messages the Reagan/Bush White House Tried to Destroy.

    Eight years later, in 2003, a whistleblower told the National Security Archive that the George W. Bush White House was no longer saving its emails. The Archive and another watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (which had represented outed CIA agent Valerie Plame in her case against the Bush administration), refiled their original lawsuit.

    The plaintiffs soon discovered that Bush aides had simply shut down the Clinton automatic email archive, and they identified the start date of the lost emails as January 1, 2003. The White House claimed it had switched to a new server and in the process was unable to maintain an archive—a claim that many found dubious.

    Bush administration emails could have aided a special prosecutor’s investigation into a White House effort to discredit a diplomat who disagreed with the administration’s fabricated Iraq WMD evidence by outing his CIA agent wife, Plame. Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, who was brought in to investigate that case, said in 2006 that he believed some potentially relevant emails sent by aides in Cheney's office were in the administration's system but he couldn’t get them.

    09_09_bush_emails_05 Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney listens as former President George W. Bush makes remarks about the U.S. defense budget after meeting with military leaders at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., November 29, 2007. Larry Downing/Reuters

    The supposedly lost emails also prevented Congress from fully investigating, in 2007, the politically motivated firing of nine U.S. attorneys. When the Democrat-led Senate Judiciary Committee subpoenaed related emails, Bush’s attorney general, Alberto Gonzalez, said many were inaccessible or lost on a nongovernmental private server run by the RNC and called The White House, meanwhile, officially refused to comply with the congressional subpoena.

    Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) called the president’s actions “Nixonian stonewalling” and at one point took to the floor in exasperation and shouted, “They say they have not been preserved. I don't believe that!” His House counterpart, Judiciary Chairman John Conyers (D-Mich.), said Bush's assertion of executive privilege was unprecedented and displayed “an appalling disregard for the right of the people to know what is going on in their government.”

    In court in May 2008, administration lawyers contended that the White House had lost three months’ worth of email backups from the initial days of the Iraq War. Bush aides thus evaded a court-ordered deadline to describe the contents of digital backup believed to contain emails deleted in 2003 between March—when the U.S. invaded Iraq—and September. They also refused to give the NSA nonprofit any emails relating to the Iraq War, despite the PRA, blaming a system upgrade that had deleted up to 5 million emails. The plaintiffs eventually contended that the Bush administration knew about the problem in 2005 but did nothing to fix it.

    Eventually, the Bush White House admitted it had lost 22 million emails, not 5 million. Then, in December 2009—well into Barack Obama’s administration—the White House said it found 22 million emails, dated between 2003 and 2005, that it claimed had been mislabeled. That cache was given to the National Archives, and it and other plaintiffs agreed, on December 14, 2009, to settle their lawsuit. But the emails have not yet been made available to the public.

    The Senate Judiciary Committee was operating on a different track but having no more luck. In a bipartisan vote in 2008, the committee found White House aides Karl Rove and Joshua Bolten in contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with subpoenas in the investigation of the fired U.S. attorneys. The penalties for contempt are fines and possible jail time, but no punishment was ever handed down because a D.C. federal appeals court stayed the Senate’s ruling in October 2008, while the White House appealed. Rove’s lawyer claimed Rove did not “intentionally delete” any emails but was only conducting “the type of routine deletions people make to keep their inboxes orderly,” according to the Associated Press.

    By then, Obama was weeks away from winning the election, so the Bush administration basically ran out the clock. And neither the Obama administration nor the Senate committee pursued the matter.

    The committee’s final report on the matter was blunt: “[T]his subversion of the justice system has included lying, misleading, stonewalling and ignoring the Congress in our attempts to find out precisely what happened. The reasons given for these firings were contrived as part of a cover-up, and the stonewalling by the White House is part and parcel of that same effort.”

    At the time, some journalists and editorialists complained about a lack of transparency on the White House’s part, but The Washington Post, in an editorial, accepted the White House explanation that the emails could have been lost due to flawed IT systems.

    The mystery of what was in the missing Bush emails and why they went missing is still years away from being solved—if ever. The National Archives now has 220 million emails from the Bush White House, and there is a long backlog of Freedom of Information Act requests already. But not all of the emails will be available to the public until 2021, when the presidential security restrictions elapse. Even then, with currently available archiving and sorting methods, researchers still have years of work to figure out whether Cheney deleted days’ worth of emails around the time of the WMD propaganda campaign that led to war, Blanton says.

    “To your question of what’s in there—we don't know,” he says. “There was not a commitment at the top for saving it all. Now was that resistance motivated by political reasons? Or was it ‘We gotta save money’?”

    09_12_bush_emails_02 Former U.S. President George W. Bush winks to a member of the audience before he delivers the final State of the Union address of his presidency at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., January 28, 2008. Tim Sloan/Reuters

    Like Leahy, Blanton has doubts that the emails were ever truly “lost,” given that every email exists in two places, with the sender and with the recipient. But unlike watchdog group Judicial Watch, which has been relentless about forcing the State Department to publicly release Hillary Clinton’s emails, Blanton and his fellow researchers have decided not to press their fight for the release of the Bush emails.

    Blanton says he has no idea whether the Bush email record will be found intact after 2021, when his group will be allowed to do a systematic search and recovery process in the National Archives. “Did they find all of them? We don't know,” he says. “Our hope is that by that time, the government and the National Archives will have much better technology and tools with which to sift and sort that kind of volume.”

    Blanton says he’s not expecting that kind of upgrade, though. “Their entire budget is less than the cost of a single Marine One helicopter,” he says. “It’s an underfunded orphan.”

    Meanwhile, the episode has been nearly forgotten by almost everyone but the litigants. A source involved with the stymied congressional investigation recalled the period as “an intense time,” but the Obama administration didn’t encourage any follow-up, devoting its political capital to dealing with the crashing economy rather than investigating the murky doings that took place under his predecessor. Since then, no major media outlet has devoted significant—or, really, any—resources to obtaining the emails, or to finding out what was in them, or what, exactly, the Bush administration was hiding (or losing).

    © 2016 Newsweek LTD
  • FORD

    • Jan 2004
    • 58812

    I wonder how many of those lost Chimpy-era e-mails concerned "journalist" and homosexual prostitute James "Jeff Gannon" Guckert and his all night visits to the White House??

    Eat Us And Smile

    Cenk For America 2024!!

    Justice Democrats

    "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


    • Seshmeister

      • Oct 2003
      • 35208

      LOL yeah I would have thought he would have been done by now.

      As things go though, if that was the worst thing that happened under GW the world would be a spectacularly lovelier place.


      • vandeleur
        • Sep 2009
        • 9865

        I read that this week. It would be nice to think that some old dear on reception thought the bin icon was filing all these lovely emails from happy people , all be it 22 million times .
        Rather than a government hiding it's wrong doings and never being brought to account.
        fuck your fucking framing


        • cadaverdog
          • Aug 2007
          • 8955

          Originally posted by FORD
          I wonder how many of those lost Chimpy-era e-mails concerned "journalist" and homosexual prostitute James "Jeff Gannon" Guckert and his all night visits to the White House??
          I didn't think you swung that way but I guess I was wrong.
          Beware of Dog


          • FORD

            • Jan 2004
            • 58812

            I don't live in the White House, so he wasn't going there to see me.

            Rumors at the time were it was either Chimp, Rove, or Scotty "the Duck" McClellan, who was press secretary at the time

            I was betting it wasn't Chimpy.... way too much homophobia from the right wing base at that time, so somebody would have found a way to blackmail him over it.
            Eat Us And Smile

            Cenk For America 2024!!

            Justice Democrats

            "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


            • cadaverdog
              ROTH ARMY SUPREME
              • Aug 2007
              • 8955

              Originally posted by Seshmeister
              LOL yeah I would have thought he would have been done by now.

              As things go though, if that was the worst thing that happened under GW the world would be a spectacularly lovelier place.
              The world would be a better place if liberals quit trying to blame everything wrong with this fucking planet on George W Bush. His insistence on invading Iraq and killing Saddam hasn't helped the middle east situation but then again those fucks have been going at it since the dawn of time. What did George W do that chapped your hide so much you're still sniveling about it 8 years after the man's left office? Time to put on your big girl panties and go about your business.
              Beware of Dog


              • cadaverdog
                ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                • Aug 2007
                • 8955

                Originally posted by FORD
                I don't live in the White House, so he wasn't going there to see me.

                Rumors at the time were it was either Chimp, Rove, or Scotty "the Duck" McClellan, who was press secretary at the time

                I was betting it wasn't Chimpy.... way too much homophobia from the right wing base at that time, so somebody would have found a way to blackmail him over it.
                Your interest in these matters makes me suspect you might be a rough rider.
                Beware of Dog


                • FORD
                  ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                  • Jan 2004
                  • 58812

                  It's not just Chimpy..... it's his entire fucked up family. And not just the ones he's genetically related to. Though being the grandson of Prescott Bush on one side and Aleister Crowley on the other would be reason enough.

                  BTW.... you'll never guess who just became the official BCE candidate for 2016....
                  Eat Us And Smile

                  Cenk For America 2024!!

                  Justice Democrats

                  "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                  • cadaverdog
                    ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                    • Aug 2007
                    • 8955

                    This fucking e mail bullshit is really starting to chap my hide. Nobody gives a fuck about it. I know I don't. I'm concerned about Syrian refugees and illegal immigrants that keep streaming over the border like shit through a goose. Anybody ever think of asking either one of these pathetic excuses for presidential candidates what they're about ISIS or how they're going to fix what Obamacare didn't fix and what Obama care fucked up that didn't need fixing? Fuck no because we're too busy arguing about e mail and other trivial bullshit.
                    Beware of Dog


                    • cadaverdog
                      ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                      • Aug 2007
                      • 8955

                      Originally posted by FORD
                      It's not just Chimpy..... it's his entire fucked up family. And not just the ones he's genetically related to. Though being the grandson of Prescott Bush on one side and Aleister Crowley on the other would be reason enough.

                      BTW.... you'll never guess who just became the official BCE candidate for 2016....
                      Bernie Sanders.
                      Beware of Dog


                      • FORD
                        ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                        • Jan 2004
                        • 58812

                        Bernie would have fixed health care. Did you vote for him?

                        I'm not sure if anybody can fix ISIS, because I reject the whole premise of what they are, and all the lame history revision that's been done to justify their existence.

                        Best way to end ISIS is to end the PNAC imperial horseshit, and Bernie would have been the best option there too. Gary Johnson might claim to be opposed to imperialism (as Libertarians are) but the end result of serial killer groupie economic policies would devastate this country to the point where everybody except the inheritance rich would be living in conditions as fucked up as the Middle East countries that PNAC has bombed the shit out of for the past few decades.
                        Eat Us And Smile

                        Cenk For America 2024!!

                        Justice Democrats

                        "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                        • cadaverdog
                          ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                          • Aug 2007
                          • 8955

                          Originally posted by FORD
                          I'm not sure if anybody can fix ISIS, because I reject the whole premise of what they are, and all the lame history revision that's been done to justify their existence.
                          Rejection overruled. ISIS is who they say they are. Goat fuckers with guns and bombs that like to cut people's heads off. If them dumbass Canucks let 200,000 Syrian refugees move in up there you'll probably gonna find out first hand what they're all about. Aloha snackbar will be the last thing you ever hear as they're lopping off your head with a serated butter knife.
                          Beware of Dog


                          • FORD
                            ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                            • Jan 2004
                            • 58812

                            Yes... they went from goat fuckers in caves to a well trained, well financed, well armed, and new media savvy superallaharmy overnight.


                            And why are all of their spokesgoons white skinned guys who are native English speakers?? (and why did they stop releasing so many videos once this obvious fact was pointed out).

                            ISIS is just a better orchestrated version of the "babies in incubators" lie that Poppy had his friends in Kuwait make up to scare the US into Iraq War I.
                            Eat Us And Smile

                            Cenk For America 2024!!

                            Justice Democrats

                            "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                            • Seshmeister
                              ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                              • Oct 2003
                              • 35208

                              Originally posted by cadaverdog
                              Rejection overruled. ISIS is who they say they are. Goat fuckers with guns and bombs that like to cut people's heads off. If them dumbass Canucks let 200,000 Syrian refugees move in up there you'll probably gonna find out first hand what they're all about. Aloha snackbar will be the last thing you ever hear as they're lopping off your head with a serated butter knife.
                              You can lie under your bed shitting yourself scared of fictional ISIS bogeymen coming to get you but in actuality you will die of badly managed diabetes.

                              100 000 Muslims have immigrated into the US every year for the last decade. How many of them have chopped people's heads off or eaten babies?

                              If it was 1 in 10 000 it would have happened 100 times already.

                              Start worrying about real things like cancer and heart disease and the way your healthcare system is organized because that's what is actually going to kill you.

