Donald Trump: a man so obnoxious that karma may see him reincarnated as himself

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  • Seshmeister

    • Oct 2003
    • 35215

    Donald Trump: a man so obnoxious that karma may see him reincarnated as himself

    A fairly negative view from across the pond...

    All presidents come into office with something to prove, it’s just rarely their sanity. Comedian Frankie Boyle asks if the answer to stopping him rests in our hands

    Donald Trump: a man so obnoxious that karma may see him reincarnated as himself
    Frankie Boyle

    America has gone from the Obama Years to the Trump Years, like going from the West Wing to a sitcom where the incidental music involves a tuba. I actually think Donald Trump is going to prove a lot of people wrong, but sadly not George Orwell, Margaret Atwood, or whoever wrote the Book of Revelation. It says a lot about the man that building a giant wall isn’t even in the top five most Game of Thrones things about him. Of course, presidents always enter office with something to prove, it’s just rarely their sanity.

    You look into Trump’s eyes and you see the fear and confusion of a man who has just been told he’s got stage-four cervical cancer. He is a super-villain in a world without heroes, a man so obnoxious and unhappy that karma may see him reincarnated as himself. You kind of wish he’d get therapy, but at this stage it’s like hiring a window cleaner for a burning building. It’s still difficult to classify him exactly: he’s not a classic Nazi, but would burn books if his supporters knew how to read. Hillary Clinton was obviously the preferred establishment candidate, and whoever was on the rota for this election cycle at the Illuminati really dropped the ball, but Trump is still very much someone that the permanent powers have assessed they can work with.

    One of his first acts as president was an executive order to ban federal money going to international groups that perform or provide information on abortions. Making it clear that he’ll only provide billion-dollar funding to terminate young lives overseas if some kind of US-made drone is involved. This bill stops funding for birth control in countries where religion and culture mean women have no access to alcohol. Think it through – have you any idea how hard it is inducing a miscarriage just by drinking tonic? Call me a cynic, but when male politicians defund reproductive health centres, I always wonder how many abortions they’ve funded themselves. Is this just revenge for some clinic in the 1980s rejecting their idea for a loyalty card scheme?

    There’s probably business pressure behind this bill, too. Maybe American corporations are worried that fewer kids in the developing world means no one to do the detailed stitching on their clothing lines. I suppose everybody’s politics are shaped by the particular bubble they live in. Trump sees anti-choice arguments all the time; the only time he sees an argument for abortion is in a mirror.

    Trump cares about the same things a member of noughties rap outfit G Unit cares about: women, money and vengeance. Yet, random though it seems, his fight with the judiciary could well be tactical. He will blame them for the next act of terrorism that occurs then declare a state of emergency where everybody has to stay indoors while his tweets are read out over a Tannoy.

    I’m in an unusual position in that I don’t support Trump being invited to Britain, but I do hope he comes. Britain is good at mockery, and it will hopefully be a bit like when David Blaine came and sat in that plastic box. Of course, Farage has gone full Lord Haw-Haw, correctly gauging that history wasn’t going to judge him very kindly anyway, and that there might not be any. If the Queen ever has to shake Trump’s hand, she will put on so many gloves she’ll look like Mickey Mouse. I find it amusing that the same people who think it’s ridiculous for Mexico to be asked to pay for America’s wall think it’s fine for us to pay for Trident. [b]To be fair, I managed to get my neighbour to build a wall and pay for it, and all it cost me was the price of a thong to sunbathe in.

    My best guess at the great man’s next move is the hoisting of an enormous burning eye above Trump Tower. It’s a building for which the words tacky and gaudy somehow seem too jolly and frivolous. Close up, it looks like the memory stick where some giant alien sex-killer stores his worst atrocities, or a version of the black slab in 2001: A Space Odyssey, sent to restore our consciousness to the level of chimpanzees.

    Trapped inside, Melania Trump has a look that I’ve never seen before, the eyes of someone waiting with increasing impatience for Stockholm syndrome to set in. The look of a woman frantically trying to unlearn English, appalled to find that this only makes her understand her husband more clearly. Perhaps women trapped in marriages with monsters resort to plastic surgery so that it becomes easier to leave a wax head in their bed while they work on their tunnel at night. Perhaps the manicures are to hide the endless digging. Perhaps it’s the secret of their figures. They’re not dieting, they’re eating those peanut butter and fried egg sandwiches Michael Phelps used to train on and spending their nights burrowing like a fucking gopher.

    You have to say it’s surprising that, with so much to work with, the response from the Democratic establishment has been to suggest that Trump is a Russian spy. How could he possibly keep a secret? He almost never stops talking, seemingly delivering a live feed of his internal monologue, using national television appearances to ramble about murdering terrorists’ families and blurt out fantasies about torture. Admittedly, any expert psychologist will tell you that torture does work, but only if you first threaten them with bare electrical wires. I’m equally baffled that so much Democratic criticism focuses on his incompetence and instability. Competent, focused Nazis are absolutely the worst kind.

    Equally, I don’t really understand commentators who say it’s vital not to normalise any of Trump’s actions. They have been normalised for eight years by Barack Obama while many of the same people looked the other way. Banks and corporations writing their own legislation; war by executive order; mass deportations; kill lists: it’s all now as normal and American as earthquakes caused by fracked gases being ignited by burning abortion clinics. Of course, there is a moral difference in whether such actions are performed by a Harvard-educated constitutional law professor or a gibbering moron, and the distinction goes in Trump’s favour. That’s not to say Trump won’t plumb profound new depths of awfulness, like the disbanding of the environmental protection agency set up by hippy, libtard snowflake Richard Nixon.

    Obviously, the most important issue here is why America hasn’t done as well as in the past at capitalising on these horrors to create good music about the political turmoil. I mean, where is their Bob Dylan? Where are their anthems about drone warfare killing innocent civilians? Instead we’ve got Drake begging women via song to text him back after a fight at the Cheesecake Factory. Britain seems to be in an even deeper cultural torpor. Everything from Teen Vogue to young adult fiction has a more radical take than our press, and the Trump administration is satirised by American television with a venom that the British television industry, for its own government, does its best to avoid.

    Trump is at war with Saturday Night Live. He thinks it’s horrible and yet he can’t stop watching. Pretty much the same as how the world feels about him. How can he expect to escape ridicule? Being on reality TV is the closest he ever got to reality. His children look like a teen movie about Wall Street vampires directed by Uday Hussein. He has cultivated a square face that’s the shade of a banned food colouring and the muscle tone of a coma patient. He looks like aliens came to Earth and made a human costume after seeing one commercial for a car dealership. Really, he seems like the sort of person that a competent leftwinger with a humane alternative offer should be able to beat at the next election. Sad, really, that the only way Bernie Sanders could return in 2020 is as a glass sliding about a ouija board.

    During the campaign, Trump said he wanted to stop America from making foreign military interventions, possibly because he realised he would need the army for suppressing the domestic population. Yet someone so media-obsessed can’t help but realise that among all the gaffes and flak, his insane aggression towards China and Iran has escaped censure. The media and political establishment largely approve. They only fret that he doesn’t take the same planet-threatening posture with Russia. War sells papers, television advertising and arms. It makes politicians feel important. It provides nationalism with clear enemies to define itself against. Despite all the other failures this administration promises, the US might finally be on time for a world war.

    So what do we do? I think, first of all, it’s worth noting that, under an authoritarian government, all protest will be vilified anyway. Even before Trump, people got very upset that quarterback Colin Kaepernick didn’t stand during the national anthem. You’d think that would fall under the list of White People Approved Forms of Protest, along with leaving a voicemail for your senator kindly asking them to stop shooting black people in the street. Personally, I think there’s limited value in moralising with, or fact-checking, regimes that don’t care about morals or facts. In Britain we also have an increasingly authoritarian government. We send them petitions telling them that we don’t want them reading our emails, which they presumably already know from reading our emails. We face a brief political period that, unchecked, will bring at least irreversible climate change and, at worst, nuclear war.

    Morally, I think you have to look at what you can do to change your own country first, as that’s the bit you have most influence on. This is complicated in Britain as we have a government that has undergone what is known in the business world as “regulatory capture” by corporate and financial interests, and is, broadly speaking, a vassal state of the US. What can we do practically to influence our own government that would truly affect the Trump administration? Well, in a country supposedly filled with restored national pride, we could not renew Trident and refuse to be his missile base. That kind of strategic loss would damage him deeply. No amount of likes or memes or petitions can achieve this. Really, if we want to survive as a species, it’s time for organised civil disobedience. It’s time to stop writing to your MP.
    Last edited by Seshmeister; 02-08-2017, 07:06 PM.
  • Seshmeister

    • Oct 2003
    • 35215

    Frankie really outdid himself this week.


    • vandeleur
      • Sep 2009
      • 9865

      If there is an upside to America losing its mind it's that there is a gold mine of comedic material
      fuck your fucking framing


      • Terry
        • Jan 2004
        • 11967

        The thing about all of this is that in general terms the Republican Party on the whole is much better at wrapping themselves in religion, militarism and patriotism - and then successfully projecting the mistaken belief that anyone who doesn't is anti-American or somehow a lesser American - than the Democratic Party is.

        The Republican Party has a very simple strategy. Defund federal programs, increase military spending and provide massive tax cuts which provide the greatest benefits to the wealthiest individuals and corporations. The Republican Party has also been very successful in convincing large chunks of the working class that privatization on a massive scale coupled with tax cuts and decreased federal funding for social services - all part of 'shrinking the government' - along with deregulation and austerity measures will somehow prove to be beneficial for everybody.

        As to why they have been successful in convincing large chunks of the working class that their trickle-down/"you're on your own...isn't freedom great?!" approach to societal economics actually works for the vast bulk of the population is something of a mystery to me: no serious economic studies over the last 35 years have proved this claim to be true. I guess people believe what they want to believe. When it is pointed out that working class people have mostly seen their wages stay barely even with inflation since the early 1980s, so many of these same people are unwilling to accept that austerity combined with corporatism and a de-unionized working population hasn't been the boom Republicans have been saying it has been for decades. Hence the wedge issues of abortion, gun rights and laws protecting same-sex couples being injected into the economic discussion. The Republican takeaway being if only we outlawed abortion, allowed everybody to carry a gun and got rid of all the queers everybody would enjoy the fruits of the economy! Well, it looks like we're going to put those 3 social wedge issues to the test, and when the Republican approach to those 3 issues ends up not making the working class any better off economically, I wonder what the excuse will be then? Probably anything else other than the core reasons.

        And now into the fray waddles Donald Trump and his cabinet of billionaire deregulators, and apparently according to Trump's advocates America owes it to Donald Trump to just stay quiet about the executive orders he is issuing and the legislation the Republican Congressional majority are proposing, because silence now equals patriotism. Clearly, Donald Trump isn't used to being 'defied' or disagreed with. That probably is to be expected with a person who has named his company after himself and hasn't been told "no" a lot by his employees. Unfortunately, America isn't a dictatorship and Trump (even as President) isn't a dictator. Doubtless he wishes he could rule like one, but America has checks and balances spread over all three branches of government and on various federal, state and local levels in terms of courts and state legislatures. America, and the Constitution, were designed precisely to avoid a king or emperor from controlling everything. No President has ever gotten everything he has wanted, and Trump (try as he may) won't be the exception to this. He is ready to push the limits of the presidency and test the boundaries. That's certainly his right to try and do so. If he gets in a Twitter tizzy every time he is even so much as slightly rebuffed, he is going to be one unhappy guy the next 4 to 8 years. It makes one honestly wonder if Trump has ever read a history book or even read a newspaper when seeing how he is reacting to widespread resistance to what he is doing.

        The idea Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are now promoting, that Trump as President is somehow owed the right to do as he pleases without so much as a whimper from the Democratic Party, is just laughable considering their strategy when Obama was in office. Disagreement, resistance and protests are what founded this country. They are inherent in a healthy democracy. The Republicans -both Establishment and Tea Party - certainly felt so when the Affordable Care Act was being legislated. Is it only healthy when Republicans do it, and heresy when the Democrats do?

        Finally, it is now clear that touching a voting screen every two to four years is no longer enough. Nor is (and yes, I am aware of the irony) posting on an internet blog or twitter feed. I have to figure out what as an average citizen I can do to promote the type of democracy that I - as an American who loves his country - believe in.
        Scramby eggs and bacon.


        • Nitro Express
          • Aug 2004
          • 32798

          Originally posted by vandeleur
          If there is an upside to America losing its mind it's that there is a gold mine of comedic material
          No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


          • Seshmeister

            • Oct 2003
            • 35215

            Originally posted by Terry
            The Republican Party has a very simple strategy. Defund federal programs, increase military spending
            I'll never understand how people don't realize that the military is a federal program, buying the 80% of it which is pointless and needless is a welfare program but one where there is a lot more room to skim off the top than if the same money was spent on something more worthwhile.


            • Seshmeister

              • Oct 2003
              • 35215

              Originally posted by vandeleur
              If there is an upside to America losing its mind it's that there is a gold mine of comedic material
              To be fair at least the USA isn't pretending it's moving continent.

              The quote above is FAKE. He never said it, it's not true.

              What is fucking shocking though is that I went and checked.

              It used to be if a senior politician or member of the government had a caption like that you would know it wasn't true without having to go and check.


              • FORD
                ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                • Jan 2004
                • 58829

                Well that explains why Casper always looked so different from all the other ghosts with the pointy KKK heads. He was an aborted baby ghost!

                Eat Us And Smile

                Cenk For America 2024!!

                Justice Democrats

                "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                • Terry
                  TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 11967

                  Originally posted by Seshmeister
                  To be fair at least the USA isn't pretending it's moving continent.

                  The quote above is FAKE. He never said it, it's not true.

                  What is fucking shocking though is that I went and checked.

                  It used to be if a senior politician or member of the government had a caption like that you would know it wasn't true without having to go and check.
                  Yeah, but one could easily imagine Carson saying something like that.

                  Much like the Trump dossier: it may well be total bullshit, but I wouldn't be shocked in the least if it weren't.
                  Scramby eggs and bacon.


                  • Terry
                    TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 11967

                    Originally posted by Seshmeister
                    I'll never understand how people don't realize that the military is a federal program, buying the 80% of it which is pointless and needless is a welfare program but one where there is a lot more room to skim off the top than if the same money was spent on something more worthwhile.
                    I should have said "defund federal programs except for military spending," being that I am aware the National Defense is a federally funded program.
                    Scramby eggs and bacon.


                    • Terry
                      TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 11967

                      Originally posted by FORD
                      Well that explains why Casper always looked so different from all the other ghosts with the pointy KKK heads. He was an aborted baby ghost!

                      Maybe Tim Tebow can lead a protest against any future Cartoon Network airings of Casper, being that Tebow has plenty of time on his hands.
                      Scramby eggs and bacon.


                      • Terry
                        TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 11967

                        Originally posted by Seshmeister
                        I'll never understand how people don't realize that the military is a federal program, buying the 80% of it which is pointless and needless is a welfare program but one where there is a lot more room to skim off the top than if the same money was spent on something more worthwhile.
                        Well, supposedly America was supposed to enjoy the benefits of a "peace dividend" when the Cold War ended 25 + years ago.

                        Then we went into Iraq (for the first time). Then the attacks of September 11th, 2001 happened, and went into Iraq (for the second time).

                        So much for the peace dividend. Especially now, seeing as we have to - according to Trump - restart the nuclear arms race ("why do we have [nuclear weapons] if we aren't going to use them?" Trump disgustedly asked during the campaign).
                        Scramby eggs and bacon.


                        • Nitro Express
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Aug 2004
                          • 32798

                          Originally posted by Terry
                          Well, supposedly America was supposed to enjoy the benefits of a "peace dividend" when the Cold War ended 25 + years ago.

                          Then we went into Iraq (for the first time). Then the attacks of September 11th, 2001 happened, and went into Iraq (for the second time).

                          So much for the peace dividend. Especially now, seeing as we have to - according to Trump - restart the nuclear arms race ("why do we have [nuclear weapons] if we aren't going to use them?" Trump disgustedly asked during the campaign).
                          Well as you know Eisenhower warned us about the military industrial complex. The MIC just got into wars after the cold war to justify it's existence. There were no point to any of those wars and you have civilians and not military trained people trying to run them and they were a disaster. It's corruption and everyone owns it.
                          No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                          • Terry
                            TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 11967

                            Originally posted by Nitro Express
                            Well as you know Eisenhower warned us about the military industrial complex. The MIC just got into wars after the cold war to justify it's existence. There were no point to any of those wars and you have civilians and not military trained people trying to run them and they were a disaster. It's corruption and everyone owns it.
                            Eisenhower was fairly astute about National Defense. He said we shouldn't spend one penny more than is necessary on Defense, and regarding nuclear weapons he said once the nations of the world have enough weapons to destroy the entire planet building more of them is futile, because once the extinction level capability of the nuclear arsenal is reached building more nukes beyond that doesn't make those additional nukes more of a deterrent.

                            Then again, he also initially signed off on hydrogen bomb production.

                            He also repeatedly advocated to Lyndon Johnson that the Vietnam War was just, winnable and necessary all the way up to [Eisenhower's]death.

                            Personally, I don't think the military shouldn't be run by civilians, at least in terms of our citizens via our selection of President/Commander-In-Chief having the (in theory) ultimate authority as to if we should go to war or not.

                            Sadly, it hasn't exactly worked out that way.

                            For sure every tax-paying American citizen bears some degree of responsibility for the actions of the US Armed Forces, if we're talking about responsibility and ownership.
                            Scramby eggs and bacon.

