John Kerry: Always On The Enemy's Side

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  • John Ashcroft
    • Jan 2004
    • 2127

    John Kerry: Always On The Enemy's Side

    The record is clear: from his anti-Vietnam war activities, to his support of the brutal Sandinista regime in Nicaragua and his participation in the Soviet created and supported "nuclear freeze" movement, John Kerry has most always been on the other side, campaigning vigorously for anti-American causes.

    Indeed, had he succeeded in his various attacks on the interests of his country, a defenseless U.S. would have faced a grim future of living under Soviet nuclear blackmail. And the people of Nicaragua would still be captives of a communist dictatorship once run by a murderous child molester with whom Kerry had hobnobbed.

    Tragically, Kerry succeeded brilliantly in one of his signature campaigns, helping to condemn the people of South Vietnam to the horrors of life under a communist dictatorship which today still honors him as one of their war heroes.

    As he preens himself in the glow of misplaced admiration for his alleged heroism during his four months in combat in Vietnam, he carefully shies away from any real discussion of his sordid anti-American activities. He doesn't like to discuss how he slandered his comrades still fighting in the jungles and rice paddies in Vietnam, calling them war criminals and baby killers.

    For his valiant service on behalf of the Communist Vietnamese government, Kerry was awarded a special commendation as a "Hero" of communist victory in 1983 when he was Lt. Governor of Massachusetts. The record of Kerry and fellow pro-Communist North Vietnam comrades was cited by General Vo Nguyen Giap, the military commander of North Vietnamese forces, in his 1985 memoir. Giap wrote that, "if it were not for the disunity created by... stateside protests, Hanoi would have ultimately surrendered."

    Kerry earned the award, having aided and abetted the enemy, helped to prolong the war, and create more American casualties. Today, a photograph of Kerry being greeted by Do Muoi, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, is displayed in a room dedicated to the anti-war protesters in the Vietnamese Communist War Remnants Museum (formerly known as the "War Crimes Museum") in Ho Chi Minh City.

    During the Reagan administration, Kerry got another chance to turn on his country.

    In the fall of 1983 the KGB launched an all-out "peace offensive" through a welter of front organizations in the U.S. and Europe. A nuclear freeze at that moment would have meant permanently freezing the Soviet advantage in troops and weapons - precisely the Kremlin's main objective.

    As Kenneth Timmerman wrote in "The French Betrayal of America," in the United States "the nuclear freeze movement won the support of key Democrats in Congress as well as that of political gadfly Jesse Jackson. Jackson's Operation PUSH joined forces with the Communist Party USA and the Soviet-backed U.S. Peace Council in demanding nothing less than the unilateral dismantling of the entire U.S. Military."

    The entire nuclear freeze moment was a Soviet initiated and financed attempt to undermine President Reagan's nuclear strategy, which even then was beginning to drive the Soviet Union into an arms race that it could not win and would eventually bankrupt them. And John Kerry reported for duty in the movement.

    In 1985, Kerry, elected to the Senate with the help of a nuclear freeze PAC, spoke at a nuclear freeze conference in Geneva. There he pandered to European pacifists with the absurd claim, "if it were not for the freeze movement, I am confident that the government of the United States would not be in Geneva today talking with its Soviet counterparts."

    As an early backer of the nuclear freeze movement, Kerry climbed into bed with European leftists who denounced Reagan as a reckless cowboy for daring to counter Soviet SS-20 missile emplacements in Eastern Europe with U.S. Pershing IIs.

    In 1985 Kerry introduced The Comprehensive Nuclear Freeze Bill, and sponsored two amendments to freeze the Strategic Defense Initiative- related nuclear development. All of this was in complete opposition to the policies of the Reagan White House, which was actively pursuing a strategy of keeping the pressure up on the evil Soviet Empire. This strategy ultimately succeeded despite Kerry's and the KGB's efforts to derail it. If Kerry's legislation had passed it would have completely undermined the policies being pursued by the White House, prolonging the Cold War very likely to this very day.

    Had Kerry been in charge of fighting the Cold War against Communism, the Soviet Union would still exist. Once again he ended up backing the other side at one of the most crucial moments in the Cold War.

    This is the man who wants the American people to put the conduct of the War on Terrorism into his hands. This is the man now backed by the Communist Party USA.

    Throughout his career Kerry's attitude towards communism has been as wooly minded as his current approach to terrorism.

    Communist terrorists, such as the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, could always count on his liberal gullibility, as when Daniel Ortega met with Kerry in Managua. Ortega promised to obey the Contadora Act for Peace and Cooperation in Central America, and then a few days after meeting with Kerry flew off to Moscow to get a check for $200 million from his Soviet masters. Incredibly, even as Ortega was pocketing his Soviet check, Kerry was on the Senate floor telling his colleagues that they didn't need to support the Contras since Nicaragua was free of Soviet influence.

    For a full account of Kerry's shameful conduct see Dave Eberhart's May 20, 2004 story in "Kerry Went to Extreme Lengths to Back Communist Ortega and Undermine U.S."

    It's no wonder that Kerry has been endorsed by Tómas Borge, a terrorist-friendly Sandinista leader notorious for his brutality when his old communist regime still ruled Nicaragua.

    "The most eye-popping Kerry endorsement last week came from Tómas Borge, one of the nine commandantes of Nicaragua's famed Sandinista revolution and perhaps the most feared," reported the Wall Street Journal's Mary Anastasia O'Grady just hours after Kerry accepted his party's nomination in Boston.

    During a 25th anniversary celebration of the Sandinista revolution last week, Borge declared that President Bush was "demented, crazy and paranoid." But Kerry, on the other hand, is somebody he looked forward to doing business with as president of the United States, calling him "a more sensible and balanced man, [who] would improve relations between the U.S. and us."

    Borge's warm feeling toward Kerry undoubtedly emanates from the trip Kerry and Sen. Tom Harkin made to Nicaragua in 1986, to urge then-Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega not to knuckle under to Reagan administration pressure on their communist regime. A week later, Ortega traveled to Moscow to get his marching orders from the Politburo.

    In 1998, Ortega's stepdaughter accused him of sexually molesting and raping her since she was 11 years old. She said the abuse began in 1979, when Ortega and the Sandinistas took power.

    Years after the Sandinstas were voted out of office in U.S.-backed elections, Borge was still arming for a return to power and was discovered with a cache of surface-to-air missiles in 1993, in apparent preparation for a new war. The new Kerry backer also ran a kidnap ring and has ties to Basque terrorists in Spain, the Wall Street Journal reported.

    When Kerry went to Managua, Nicaragua, with Senator Harkin to offer his personal support to Ortega on April 18, 1985 a congressional vote on aid to the Contras was just days away. Kerry wanted to negotiate with the communists in Nicaragua and "give peace a chance."

    Like Neville Chamberlain waving a printed statement hailing "peace for our time" with Hitler, Kerry brought back a peace proposal to derail Reagan's request for Contra aid.

    John Kerry has been accused by his critics of being a "flip-flopper." But in one respect you can always count on his consistency - to support America's enemies over America. It's no wonder the Communist Party is backing him - he tends to flip in their direction.

    Link: here
  • FORD

    • Jan 2004
    • 58829

    Eat Us And Smile

    Cenk For America 2024!!

    Justice Democrats

    "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


    • John Ashcroft
      • Jan 2004
      • 2127

      That was way too quick Ford!

      You know you just read the title and replied.

