Official 2020 Election Results thread

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  • FORD

    • Jan 2004
    • 58833

    Eat Us And Smile

    Cenk For America 2024!!

    Justice Democrats

    "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


    • Seshmeister

      • Oct 2003
      • 35221

      Originally posted by Nickdfresh
      He's a RECOVERING drug addict you asshole! Just like Trump and his fucking cunt daddy killed his brother suffering from alcoholism...

      You voted for the most corrupt administration in history whoring everything and in a continual blackhole of conflict of interests and you still have the Gaul to post this complete shit. Slipping old man...
      8 of them in jail so far?

      And Obama was a traitor for having a blackface unlike the guy that stood there saying the Russian dictator was the good guy and the the US was lying? WTAF?


      • FORD

        • Jan 2004
        • 58833

        For those who are still keeping track, Arizona was FINALLY called for Biden - at least by the other half of those who didn't call it on election night.

        The NY Times map, which seems to be the one who takes their time making the calls more than the others still shows North Carolina and Georgia technically "un-called". North Carolina's official deadline for mail ballots to come in (if properly postmarked) was today, so I would expect an official call there tomorrow. Looks like a narrow Cheeto win there, he's currently leading 50% - 48.7%.

        Georgia was called for Biden already, but it was close enough to allow a recount. Just stalling tactics from Team Cheeto..... Biden's expected to keep the lead there, and even if he somehow didn't, the combined 31 electoral votes of these two states still wouldn't give Cheeto the win.

        So assuming Biden holds on to GA, and Cheeto wins NC, final electoral vote counts will be:

        Biden - 306
        Cheeto - 232
        Eat Us And Smile

        Cenk For America 2024!!

        Justice Democrats

        "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


        • Seshmeister

          • Oct 2003
          • 35221

          It makes you wonder what they would have been like if it had been close.

          Also it’s a bit rich to gerrymander the voting areas, attack the post office and try to limit voting centres in poor areas while knowing that the weird electoral college system gives you a huge advantage already.


          • Terry
            • Jan 2004
            • 11968

            Originally posted by Seshmeister
            I think the plan is to keep going with the pretend story about the election being stolen and push BS onto the feed of republican voters about Biden etc to make sure that money keeps coming in to pay off campaign debts and make sure they get the vote out in Georgia.
            Which was interesting, to read the disclaimer at the end of the Republican Recount Crowdfunding material via the Trump "Official Election Defense Fund" PAC where large percentages of the individual contributions under $8,000 odd dollars per person are earmarked for political expenses that aren't necessarily related to recounts at all, some of which go toward retiring outstanding RNC campaign debt, some of which go toward Trump's outstanding re-election campaign debt.

            Just more Trump shenanigans.

            As to the voter fraud, I've heard one scenario after another cooked up out of thin air by Trump and his supporters, but the actual proof as presented in various court cases thus far has been thin gruel at best when there has been anything to any of it at all.

            The latest one I heard was that hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots in Michigan and Wisconsin deliberately omitted Trump's name from the ballot. Yet, we hear about this only a week AFTER the election: one would have thought since those ballots were sent out weeks in ADVANCE of the election perhaps somebody among the hundreds of thousands who supposedly received those ballots would have said something to someone before the election...and never mind that such ballots would certainly be discounted as illegitimate once recounted, thus it would have been in inept scam to begin with. Another one I heard was that vote tabulation machines in these close states were programmed to flip votes from Trump to Biden, yet the propagators of THAT voter fraud scenario can never quite explain why they wouldn't have illegally flipped enough votes in order to stay out of the margin of closeness that would necessitate a recount and possibly expose detection.

            All just spun up out of nothing. The closest thus far anything has come close to any of these scenarios is a small amount of mail in ballots in Pennsylvania that didn't have proper identification and thus were rightly discounted.
            Scramby eggs and bacon.


            • Terry
              • Jan 2004
              • 11968

              For whatever it's worth, I voted for Biden. Thus, I hope he will prevail.

              I'm holding my celebration until all the states have certified and the Electors have followed suit in lockstep with the will of the majority of the voters in each state.

              Lot of legal challenges in various states now, and while the basis for many of these challenges seems specious and desperate said challenges must be taken seriously and litigated successfully. Clearly, Trump either hasn't processed the fact that he has lost (or is highly likely to lose) or he actually believes the election was stolen from him.

              Whatever. It wasn't a blowout in any event, and with the economy in shambles and the virus accelerating Biden has a shit show to sort through. Having said all that, frankly should Biden prevail I will be glad to see Trump go and see the focus be concentrated on how the country is going to grapple with the virus and what measures are going to be taken to get the economy moving again. I've had enough of The Donald Trump Show.
              Scramby eggs and bacon.


              • Hardrock69
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Feb 2005
                • 21888

                I voted for Kamala Harris by way of Biden.

                Fucking chumpie and his goddam cast of fucking idiots are going down.

                And the poor widdul chumpie can't do any fucking thing except sit around sobbing and throwing temper tantrums.

                Guess what?

                All the 3-year-old-level games this child plays will not change the inevitable outcome. The slam of prison cell doors, followed by Bubba having an orange-colored groin.


                • Hardrock69
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Feb 2005
                  • 21888

                  As President Donald Trump’s lawyers cling to their far-fetched schemes to overturn the presidential election, it was increasingly clear Thursday that cracks are forming in Trump’s GOP wall of support, as more Republicans stepped forward to say that President-elect Joe Biden should receive national intelligence briefings and others began to acknowledge the long-shot nature of the President’s quest.

                  (CNN)As President Donald Trump's lawyers cling to their far-fetched schemes to overturn the presidential election, it was increasingly clear Thursday that cracks are forming in Trump's Republican wall of support, as more GOP members stepped forward to say that President-elect Joe Biden should receive national intelligence briefings and others began to acknowledge the long-shot nature of the President's quest.

                  There is still no sign that Trump and leading Republicans plan to actively congratulate Biden. Trump is still tweeting conspiracy theories about the election to stoke outrage within his politically activated base, and GOP members are looking to him for help in winning two likely runoff elections in Georgia that will decide who controls the Senate.

                  But after Oklahoma Republican Sen. James Lankford told a local radio station Wednesday that the President-elect should begin receiving presidential intelligence briefings by the end of the week, a number of senior GOP senators spoke up Thursday to say they shared that thinking, including Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chamber's most senior Republican, Senate Majority Whip John Thune and even South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Trump loyalist who has encouraged the President not to concede.

                  In making his argument, Lankford noted that after the 9/11 terrorist attacks the bipartisan committee that investigated them found that the compressed time frame for the transition after the contested 2000 election may have contributed to the lack of preparedness for the attack.

                  In their report after the attacks, the commission said that the dispute over the election and the "36-day legal fight" following "cut in half the normal transition period." The loss of time, the commission said, "hampered the new administration in identifying, recruiting, clearing, and obtaining Senate confirmation of key appointees," diminishing US preparedness before the terrorist attacks.

                  The intermediary step by Republicans in the President's orbit illuminated the widening divide between the practical reality that Biden must be equipped with key national security knowledge to begin running the country in January and the political fiction being perpetrated by the President and his supporters.

                  Ohio's Republican Gov. Mike DeWine, who heads a state the President won last week, said on CNN's "New Day" that "we need to consider the former vice president as the President-elect." While he said the President has the right to pursue legal options, the Ohio governor said there were more pressing issues facing the country.

                  "I'm worried about this virus, I'm not looking at what the merits of the case are. It would appear that Joe Biden is going to be the next president of the United States," DeWine said, adding that America needs to "come together as a country."

                  The illusory quality of Trump's election fraud claims was once again underscored by a set of election integrity checks that are being conducted in Arizona, which CNN called for Biden late Thursday night. Trump had tweeted Thursday that an audit of Arizona votes would mean "that we will easily win" that state. But post-election audits filed with the Arizona Secretary of State's office from more than half of Arizona's counties showed that there is no evidence of systematic voter fraud or major discrepancies that would affect the outcome of the race. Several GOP-leaning counties chose not to conduct the audits; reports from other remaining counties have not yet been submitted.

                  A group of national, state and private election officials said in a joint statement Thursday that there is no evidence that "any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."

                  "The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result," the Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council and the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees said. The group includes federal employees who are working in the Trump administration.

                  The most surreal feature of the suspended reality at the White House is still the behavior of the President himself. A leader who jealously dominated television coverage on the campaign trail and in office has not made public remarks for an entire week -- even as his fate dominates Washington.

                  During that time, Trump has showed little interest in addressing the most important issue facing the country: the record-breaking climb in US coronavirus cases. On Thursday, the influential model from the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation predicted that US deaths are likely to reach 438,941 by March 1. (The model found that the toll could be even higher -- 587,000 deaths by March 1 -- if states were to relax their restrictions and mask mandates).

                  But the President's Twitter feed Thursday indicated that he was much more fixated on what he views as his mistreatment by Fox News, his once favored network, which he believes should be defending him more vociferously in the midst of the twilight zone that he has created by refusing to acknowledge Biden's victory.

                  Trump sent or retweeted more than a dozen tweets critical of the network throughout the day Thursday, claiming the networks' ratings "have completely collapsed" because "they forgot what made them successful, what got them there."

                  "They forgot the Golden Goose," Trump tweeted. "The biggest difference between the 2016 Election, and 2020, was @FoxNews!"

                  The President, whom CNN quoted sources as describing as increasingly "dejected" on Thursday, continues to tweet falsehoods about election fraud. But a week-and-a half after Election Day there are few signs that his campaign has convinced any court to take his complaints seriously. In this odd limbo between defiance and admitting defeat, the President is wavering between fighting on and a recognition that his hold on power is coming to an end, the sources told CNN.

                  Even the Trump children disagree on the path forward. While his adult sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, have urged their father to continue challenging the election results, his daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner have taken a more measured approach, CNN reported Thursday, encouraging the President to think about potential damage to his legacy as they weigh their own post-White House ambitions.

                  It remains quite possible that Trump will leave office having never acknowledged that he was beaten in the election.


                  Each day, the Trump's campaign's public position that the President can still win the election continues to be eroded by developments on the electoral map.

                  In addition to Biden's win in Arizona, the President trails in Georgia, where a hand recount is beginning, by 14,000 votes -- a cushion for Biden unlikely to be overturned. CNN's White House team reported Thursday that Trump vacillates by the hour and the day between charging ahead with his improbable legal challenges and acknowledging that they are unlikely to succeed.

                  Meanwhile, Biden's political choreography -- which late Wednesday included the naming of Ron Klain as his White House chief of staff -- and his departure to his family beach house to decompress after the election is meant to signal that his ascent to power is assured.

                  That is one reason why there has been a perceptible fraying of the President's position in Washington, as the assumption begins to solidify that Biden will be the next President, despite Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's inflammatory comment this week that the administration was preparing a transition to a second Trump term.

                  In what may have been a signal to establishment Republicans -- in a venue that the President himself might take account of -- former George W. Bush strategist Karl Rove wrote in a Wall Street journal op-ed that the election will not be overturned whatever the result of Trump's legal gambits.

                  Some Republican senators are still hedging, out of an apparent desire not to anger Trump's fervent political supporters who will continue to be a hugely influential force in their party, but more and more of them are finding a middle ground.

                  Lankford, who referred to Biden as President-elect at his church last week, has said he will intervene if the victorious Democrat remains unable to access intelligence briefings. Graham, Thune, Ohio's Rob Portman and Missouri's Josh Hawley agreed that Biden should be briefed while Trump's legal challenges play out. Two sometime critics of Trump, GOP Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, have also joined that call.

                  And CNN's Manu Raju and Ted Barrett reported Thursday night that some Republicans are increasingly unnerved by Trump's purge of national security and defense officials at the Pentagon, including former Defense Secretary Mark Esper.

                  "I've been a little concerned about it," Senate Armed Services Chairman Jim Inhofe said of the Pentagon firings, adding he'd been told "now it's come to an end."

                  Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, a member of the Senate GOP leadership, told CNN's Capitol Hill team that Trump's chances of reversing the election's outcome looked like a "a very narrow road."

                  Even Sen. Kevin Cramer, a Republican from North Dakota who is a Trump ally, said he thought the Trump administration should sign the necessary paperwork to allow the transition to proceed, a step they have so far refused to take.

                  "I just think we ought to be cooperating," Cramer told CNN. "I think you can cooperate with a transition -- a peaceful transition -- while also contesting in appropriate legal ways."

                  As Republican lawmakers stake out safe ground -- trying to appear that they are still supporting the President's legal pursuits while also signaling that the transition should begin -- some Democrats have been hammering their GOP colleagues for indulging the President's election fantasies.

                  Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer chided them Thursday for "deliberately casting doubt on our elections for no other reason but fear of Donald Trump."

                  "These Republicans are all auditioning for 'Profiles in Cowardice'," Schumer said.

                  Covid surge continues unabated

                  While Trump tended to his political wounds and settled his personal grudges this week, all of the metrics gauging the progress of the coronavirus pandemic were trending in the wrong direction with case numbers surging, deaths increasing and some hospitals once again facing capacity issues.

                  On Thursday, the US broke the record for Covid-19 hospitalizations for the third consecutive day, surpassing 67,000 hospitalizations.

                  The glimmer of hope on the horizon continued to be Pfizer's promising announcement earlier this week that their vaccine trial is more than 90% effective with officials widely expecting that the company will apply for emergency use authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration before the end of this month. Administration officials are hopeful that other vaccine candidates will also become available.

                  US Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room" Thursday night that all Americans who wish to be vaccinated will be able to be by April. He said targeted vaccinations will begin in December and January as the government partners with large chain pharmacies and networks, including CVS and Walgreens, to speed distribution.

                  Azar said he hoped enough vaccine doses will be available for the most vulnerable Americans in December, followed by all senior citizens, emergency first responders and health care workers in January.

                  "By the end of March to early April, we think across all of the vaccines that we have invested in, we have enough for all Americans who wish to get vaccinated," Azar said.

                  Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease specialist, also sounded a positive note on Thursday, telling ABC's Robin Roberts on "Good Morning America" that "help is really on the way."

                  "If you think of it metaphorically, you know, the cavalry is coming here," Fauci said, touting the major positive impact that the vaccines will have.

                  "If we could just hang in there, do the public health measures that we're talking about," Fauci said. "We're going to get this under control, I promise you."


                  • ZahZoo
                    ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                    • Jan 2004
                    • 8979

                    Originally posted by FORD
                    Not really a surprise here, but the Senate races in Alaska & North Carolina have both been called for the incumbent Republicans. Alaska was never remotely close. NC came down to the wire.

                    So that leaves the count right now at 50 Republicans & 48 Democrats (which includes Bernie Sanders & Angus King). Democrats need to win both seats in the January 5 runoff to knock Yertle McTurtle off his throne and back into the mud where he belongs.
                    It would be very advantageous for the Biden administration to have a Republican majority in the Senate... seriously. It gives Biden leverage to rein in the far left faction of the Democrats and an easy out to blame the Senate Republicans... let them be the bad guys and avoid an internal party war for power... it also opens avenues to manipulate deals under the banner of "unity" if he can negotiate so called bi-partisan deals.

                    Another by-product of not having a full party majority is the broader markets tend to function more stably with a balance rather than one-sided majority in Congress.
                    "If you want to be a monk... you gotta cook a lot of rice...”


                    • Seshmeister
                      ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                      • Oct 2003
                      • 35221

                      It's seems to an outsider that all the Republican senators apart from one have shown themselves to be cowards who put themselves and their party way above the interests of their country or it's people. As I understood it the US system is meant to be one of checks and balances to prevent authoritarian rule in response to the shitty rule of monarchs. Republican senators have not only failed to do this in the legislature they are also undermining the other check of the judiciary by their appointments.


                      • Nickdfresh
                        SUPER MODERATOR

                        • Oct 2004
                        • 49228

                        Originally posted by ZahZoo
                        It would be very advantageous for the Biden administration to have a Republican majority in the Senate... seriously. It gives Biden leverage to rein in the far left faction of the Democrats and an easy out to blame the Senate Republicans... let them be the bad guys and avoid an internal party war for power... it also opens avenues to manipulate deals under the banner of "unity" if he can negotiate so called bi-partisan deals.

                        Another by-product of not having a full party majority is the broader markets tend to function more stably with a balance rather than one-sided majority in Congress.
                        Well who will rein in the obstructionist, far-right wing lunatics' in your party?


                        • Von Halen
                          ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                          • Dec 2003
                          • 7501

                          Despite NickBUMBentia's denial, it is obvious there was some hanky panky with this election. I have full confidence good will prevail and the greatest President in the history of these United States, will remain in his rightful seat in the Oval Office for the next 4 years. Like Gore before, Biden will be bitch slapped back to reality. Fortunately for him, he won't remember what happened. Horizontal Harris will, and she will just have to deal with her loss.


                          • Seshmeister
                            ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                            • Oct 2003
                            • 35221

                            Over 5 million hanky pankys

                            You need to improve where you are getting your information from.

                            Your news sources are like listening to Hagar.


                            • Von Halen
                              ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                              • Dec 2003
                              • 7501

                              Originally posted by Seshmeister
                              Over 5 million hanky pankys
                              I know. It's a literal zombie apocalypse with all the dead people voting.


                              • FORD
                                ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                                • Jan 2004
                                • 58833

                                Originally posted by Von Halen
                                Despite NickBUMBentia's denial, it is obvious there was some hanky panky with this election. I have full confidence good will prevail and the greatest President in the history of these United States, will remain in his rightful seat in the Oval Office for the next 4 years. Like Gore before, Biden will be bitch slapped back to reality. Fortunately for him, he won't remember what happened. Horizontal Harris will, and she will just have to deal with her loss.
                                Nope. Even BCE lawyer Ted Olson - who was one of the main lawyers in the theft of the 2000 Florida election for Chimpy admits THIS election is over. And he admitted this to the Federalist Society, so that's not exactly a "librul" audience.....

                                Lawyer who argued for Bush in 2000 election: 'I do believe the election is over'
                                Jordan Williams November 13, 2020

                                Theodore Olson, the lawyer who argued George W. Bush's case to the Supreme Court in the 2000 election, said he feels that the 2020 election is over and the nation will have a new president when Democrat Joe Biden is inaugurated.

                                “The Framers, they separated the powers because they knew that individuals would be flawed. They put in lots of checks, and we just experienced one, the election,” Olson said during a panel hosted by the Federalist Society, according to the National Law Journal.

                                “To the extent that the citizens of this country did not like the manner in which President Trump spoke, or the manner in which he threatened people or the manner in which he executed the laws, they exercised their franchise. And we have — I do believe the election is over — we do have a new president,” Olson said.

                                Multiple news outlets called the presidential race in Biden’s favor on Saturday, but Trump has refused to concede the race as his campaign has launched a series of lawsuits in several states.

                                Trump and his allies have made unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud, but Biden leads by tens of thousands of votes in some key states.

                                On Thursday evening, the Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council and the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council in a joint statement said the election was the most secure in American history.

                                "Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result,” the groups said.

                                “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised,” the officials emphasized.

                                Emily Murphy, a Trump appointee who oversees the General Services Administration, has refused to acknowledge Biden as president-elect, preventing the team from beginning multiple aspects of the transition.

                                Murphy’s acknowledgement of Biden as president-elect gives the team access to millions of federal funding for salaries, consultants and travel as well as the ability to meet with current government officials and to be briefed on intelligence.
                                Eat Us And Smile

                                Cenk For America 2024!!

                                Justice Democrats

                                "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992

