World War III

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  • Kristy
    • Aug 2004
    • 16346

    Originally posted by Seshmeister
    Some people could argue your continued delight at the death of largely conscripts weakens your position as the self appointed moral guardian of all things in the forum...

    Well as long as it's "some people." Morality in war does not seem to coexist under Putin's autocratic thumb. It has nothing to do with my own personal beliefs when a army of invaders ruthlessly attack, rape, torture, loot, and slaughter innocent civilians with impunity. Many of them seem to be these "conscripts" who have zero problem pulling the trigger. Ukraine has every right to defend itself and such a stance will go on for decades if the RuZZian government stays the same. Right now the only means one can cope with this war (as in any war) is to prepare for death. This RuZZians seem to fail at this no matter how many lessons they are being taught.

    So I guess you can say I am delighted at seeing Putin get his nose bloodied in the same way Bush has his nose bloodied in Iraq and Afghanistan. The unprovoked invasion and occupation of a sovereign country only leads to suffering where even the "aggressors" pay for their brutality. See, this is exactly why you are such a slave. Just like slave FORD you need and purposefully seek out this bullshit false democratic and populist phraseology that only advances the interests of privileged sections of the upper middle class that only defend the greed of capitalism against any true social reform and revolution. You think Puke Yugar honestly gives a fuck about this war or that he and his team of derivative reporting assholes exploit if for their own personal profit by getting eyeballs to send him money with his (alleged) "controversial" opinions? I swear, some of the shit that gets posted here is no different from that of Fox News or any of those Uber right-wring fringe outlets that see RuZZia as the victim here. Appears to me by your comment that you're a Putin sympathizer in that the crimes of this war all get a pass simply because they are conscripts.

    And it appears I'm not alone alone. Both the Republicans and the Democrats are enjoying this war. Arms sales alone have increased distributions of wealth among the richest ten percent of the American population who own them (many of them being Republican) and even AOC and Bernie who both don't know shit about socialism voted for the $40 billion aid packaged to Ukraine - and by "aid" I mean more advanced weaponry. Isn't that amazing? Amazing how both sides of the aisle are for America's US imperialism’s own strategic goal with Biden at the helm saying the deployment of American ground forces can only deter RuZZian “adventurism” and project national power and exert influence in political conflicts all in the name of a dollar or two? But I digress.

    And by the way, look to your own country. Right now in the Shetland Islands Scottish forces are training the Swedes and preparing them for war which will eventually lead to more and more dead RuZZians mainly because they don't want to be occupied or have their women and children raped and their material possessions stolen, etc because Putin is not stopping. I swear to fuck if ol' F A T T Y was in power he would have given Alaska back to RuZzia by now but I'm digressing again.

    It is no wonder the RuZZian people do not see such images much in the same manner the American public turned away in disgust over the images of Viet Nam. The only time I have any feeling for a RuZZian is when they say they were lied to. Sure, you can make for a solid argument the The Sun is another propaganda media machine and they to are profiting off this war but this is the closest many will come to the reality of death and destruction without the superfluous opinion and commentary. This is the reality of war for the RuZZian people. I have zero sympathy for them. They brought this entirely upon themselves and no amount of pseudo liberal compassion is going to end it. May death continue to rain upon them until the RuZZian people stand up against their corrupt government.

    Quit being a goddamn slave.

    Last edited by Kristy; 05-21-2022, 10:43 AM.


    • Seshmeister

      • Oct 2003
      • 35216

      It's a poor essay because you are trying a straw man argument, who said resisting Russian aggression is a bad thing? Obviously I want Russia to lose in the Ukraine I just don't cheerfully shout YAAAS! when posting Rupert Murdoch videos of conscripts being killed like it's a sportball game.

      Just sayin what with you being so perfect...


      • Nitro Express
        • Aug 2004
        • 32798

        Originally posted by Nickdfresh
        I agree a bit callous and that the conscripts are largely the product of an overall brutal system that cares little for them. They're even being shot if severally wounded by their own commanders. But it's hard to have to much sympathy for them with the bevy of murders, looting, and rape coming out of the occupied areas of the Ukraine.
        Sometimes war atrocities are escalated in propaganda but it happens in a war zone. People become their worst. The Russian soldiers went on a rape pillage during World War II. You definitely wanted to be liberated by the British or Americans if you were a woman. War is hell. Best avoided if possible because is has long lasting scars. The Ukraine situation is complicated. There’s some bad factions taking advantage of the situation and maybe they even helped create it. Sure Putin is out for Putin and he runs Russia like a dictatorship but Ukraine had a color revolution in 2014 and there are some nasty characters there as well. Maybe the Ukraine will end up getting broken up in the end. Poland wants part of it. Moldova wants part of it and Russia might end up with the east part. The Ukraine is contested territory with ports, great agriculture land and raw resources.
        No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


        • Nickdfresh

          • Oct 2004
          • 49219

          Originally posted by Seshmeister
          It's a poor essay because you are trying a straw man argument, who said resisting Russian aggression is a bad thing? Obviously I want Russia to lose in the Ukraine I just don't cheerfully shout YAAAS! when posting Rupert Murdoch videos of conscripts being killed like it's a sportball game.

          Just sayin what with you being so perfect...
          They're not all conscripts. The atrocities and summary executions committed in Bucha were by "elite" Russian paratroops that are "contract professionals". While I'm sure it's not easy, theoretically under law these men can "quit" because they are not officially at war and are deployed in a "special military operation"...
          Last edited by Nickdfresh; 05-21-2022, 04:26 PM.


          • Nitro Express
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Aug 2004
            • 32798

            The reality is many Ukrainians were working in Russia because their economy there is better. The Ukraine is a mix. The western Ukraine has a long, deep set hate of Russians. The eastern Ukraine is ethnic Russians. Usually if borders follow ethnic lines you have less conflict. The Middle East became a mess because the British just made borders on a map with no regard to ethnic or tribal loyalties. Israel would be less contested if it never became a Jewish state. But the people who play the big game sometimes create these problems on purpose. They finance the wars. War is a racket and if you make the loans. Hey! Hey! Hey!
            No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


            • Nickdfresh
              SUPER MODERATOR

              • Oct 2004
              • 49219

              Originally posted by Nitro Express
              Sometimes war atrocities are escalated in propaganda but it happens in a war zone. People become their worst. The Russian soldiers went on a rape pillage during World War II. You definitely wanted to be liberated by the British or Americans if you were a woman. War is hell. Best avoided if possible because is has long lasting scars.
              It's called dehumanization, when conspiracy and complete crap statements that are nothing more than bold faced lies are normalized, it's easy to say all the Ukrainians are nazis that therefore it's okay if we murder, rape, and steal from them. The Soviet Red Army in WWII did indeed commit mass rapes but it's a bit easier to understand after the hell they endured under Nazi German occupation. There were instances of US Amry units early on in North Africa "losing all control" and raping and looting by the wayside, though on a vastly smaller scale than the Red Army's Westward drive. French colonial forces like the Moroccan Goumiers raped their way across parts of Italy with their French officers approving. They were only stopped when on the verge of fighting US and British troops who threatened to call artillery on them...

              The Ukraine situation is complicated. There’s some bad factions taking advantage of the situation and maybe they even helped create it. Sure Putin is out for Putin and he runs Russia like a dictatorship but Ukraine had a color revolution in 2014 and there are some nasty characters there as well. Maybe the Ukraine will end up getting broken up in the end. Poland wants part of it. Moldova wants part of it and Russia might end up with the east part. The Ukraine is contested territory with ports, great agriculture land and raw resources.
              The difference is that in the Ukraine they've had relatively free and fair elections (Putin's real terror). There were "nasty elements" as in every country/army, but the Ukrainian far rightists received about 5% of the vote in 2019. So the Nazi stuff is complete bullshit. The real Nazis are the Russian Wagner mercenaries and there are far more exttemist fascists in the Russian Orc forces...

              Moldavia? Really? They want the Transnistria back and the Polish stuff is more Putin bullshit to legitimize his mass murder..


              • Nickdfresh
                SUPER MODERATOR

                • Oct 2004
                • 49219

                Originally posted by Nitro Express
                The reality is many Ukrainians were working in Russia because their economy there is better. The Ukraine is a mix. The western Ukraine has a long, deep set hate of Russians. The eastern Ukraine is ethnic Russians. Usually if borders follow ethnic lines you have less conflict. The Middle East became a mess because the British just made borders on a map with no regard to ethnic or tribal loyalties. Israel would be less contested if it never became a Jewish state. But the people who play the big game sometimes create these problems on purpose. They finance the wars. War is a racket and if you make the loans. Hey! Hey! Hey!
                Every statistic shows that the vast majority of people that fled the Russian proxy controlled Donbas were younger people and the ones that stayed were the old. And the Russian gov't managed to completely unite Ukrainians as even the vast majority of Russophones now hate Russia. The arbitrary map thing is bullshit as the reason why there are so many Russophone Ukrainians is through the long tradition of "planting" Russian in the Ukraine while displacing the local populace in things like the Holodomor..
                Last edited by Nickdfresh; 05-21-2022, 04:48 PM.


                • Seshmeister
                  ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                  • Oct 2003
                  • 35216

                  I do think there are some deep grained cultural differences at work somewhere. Going back to WW2 I find it difficult to imagine any circumstances where US, UK, Canadian or Australian troops could ever be involved in the systematic and repeated rape of 1.8 million females from children to elderly women. Maybe I'm being naive but I think there is a different mindset at least in their approach to warfare.
                  Last edited by Seshmeister; 05-21-2022, 06:49 PM.


                  • Kristy
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Aug 2004
                    • 16346

                    Originally posted by Seshmeister
                    Obviously I want Russia to lose in the Ukraine I just don't cheerfully shout YAAAS!
                    Why not? The Ukrainians themselves seem to enjoy it so why not you? Oh right, you're a slave.


                    • Nitro Express
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Aug 2004
                      • 32798

                      Originally posted by Seshmeister
                      I do think there are some deep grained cultural differences at work somewhere. Going back to WW2 I find it difficult to imagine any circumstances where US, UK, Canadian or Australian troops could ever be involved in the systematic and repeated rape of 1.8 million females from children to elderly women. Maybe I'm being naive but I think there is a different mindset at least in their approach to warfare.
                      I think the leadership has a lot to do with it. The Soviet leadership didn’t care or encouraged it. Eisenhower or his field leaders weren’t saying rape the women and if they found out that was going on there would be punishment.

                      I’ve heard several Germans who were kids at the time say the American soldiers were really nice to them during the liberation and occupation. It was good to hear.
                      No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                      • Kristy
                        DIAMOND STATUS
                        • Aug 2004
                        • 16346

                        Probably another dead RuZZian or two but don't tell slave Lake Erie SESH it'll upset his sensitivity towards rapists, criminals and sadistic torturers.


                        • Nickdfresh
                          SUPER MODERATOR

                          • Oct 2004
                          • 49219

                          Originally posted by Seshmeister
                          I do think there are some deep grained cultural differences at work somewhere. Going back to WW2 I find it difficult to imagine any circumstances where US, UK, Canadian or Australian troops could ever be involved in the systematic and repeated rape of 1.8 million females from children to elderly women. Maybe I'm being naive but I think there is a different mindset at least in their approach to warfare.
                          Originally posted by Nitro Express
                          I think the leadership has a lot to do with it. The Soviet leadership didn’t care or encouraged it. Eisenhower or his field leaders weren’t saying rape the women and if they found out that was going on there would be punishment.

                          I’ve heard several Germans who were kids at the time say the American soldiers were really nice to them during the liberation and occupation. It was good to hear.
                          In no small part was the Soviet Red Army journalists like Ilya Ehrenburg posting "revenge articles". While he never called for the rape of German women, his articles and pamphlets went a long way towards fostering dehumanization of Germans overall. Of course, the Germans didn't exactly do much to contradict this with their brutal occupation practices and mass murders on the Eastern Front. Ehrenburg would later in the war write criticisms of the harsh and brutal treatment of German civilians by Soviet soldiers in Prussia...

                          It should be noted that the vast majority or Soviet rapes and other crimes were not committed by frontline combat soldiers but by follow on rear echelon forces far less disciplined. The Soviet high command would eventually become quite alarmed by the ill-discipline of their army and did finally crackdown at the end and postwar.

                          It also should be noted that Soviet soldiers did share rations with starving Germans after the war and worked hard to provide famine relief...
                          Last edited by Nickdfresh; 05-22-2022, 01:22 PM.


                          • Nitro Express
                            DIAMOND STATUS
                            • Aug 2004
                            • 32798

                            Originally posted by Kristy
                            Probably another dead RuZZian or two but don't tell slave Lake Erie SESH it'll upset his sensitivity towards rapists, criminals and sadistic torturers.

                            The only thing that would make you happier is if Jimmy Page was there.
                            No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                            • Seshmeister
                              ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                              • Oct 2003
                              • 35216

                              Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                              It should be noted that the vast majority or Soviet rapes and other crimes were not committed by frontline combat soldiers but by follow on rear echelon forces far less disciplined. The Soviet high command would eventually become quite alarmed
                              I'm not sure about that as I thought it started immediately in for example Berlin. Also not really sure what difference it makes whether the rape of literally millions is by frontline or reservists to be honest,


                              • Nickdfresh
                                SUPER MODERATOR

                                • Oct 2004
                                • 49219

                                If you are really hardcore with the hate, a site dedicated to Russian death pics that are often sent to their mothers or family, WARNING graphic and horrific:

