Is Joe Rogan Just a Dumb Meathead?

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  • Nickdfresh

    • Oct 2004
    • 49394

    Is Joe Rogan Just a Dumb Meathead?

    IDK and I don't get it. My brother, who otherwise is pretty liberal and more so than me, loves Rogan. I told him I have had experiences on his now wiped message Board and actually have had direct back-and-forth with him in said forum's threads. He makes a fuckload of money and fancy's himself the fitness ubermensch or something. Okay, but he has a forum of discourse and comes off like kind of a gym-boy fucktard in some of his comments on stuff. Keep in mind Joe doesn't believe we landed on the moon and I can't recall if he thinks that 9/11 was an "inside job" or not, which kind of puts him in a different category and even makes legend and sort-of-asshole Art Bell of Coast to Coast AM look legit. In any case, Joe is the subject of a Sam Seder vid here and seems to talk himself into befuddled fucking circles of jerking in regards to as to why he shouldn't have to pay taxes or some shit. Also there's an ongoing feud with Howard Stern because Stern called him out as a misogynist in a wife-beater cliche clown that puts on an evolved face:

  • Nickdfresh

    • Oct 2004
    • 49394

    Brilliant mashup of new rightwing "working class hero" Fudge Round guy :D


    • Rikk
      • Jan 2004
      • 16518

      Joe Rogan is a tool. I've enjoyed a couple of his interviews (I saw one with Leah Remini, but frankly, it wasn't Rogan that made that interesting but instead her pretty awesome takedowns of Scientology) but he's an ignorant douche that plays that whole "I'm just asking questions" bullshit game when trying to urge people not to get vaccinated or whatever.

      Does he really believe we didn't land on the moon?

      I think I did see something about him claiming that 9/11 was an inside-job conspiracy...which, I'm sorry, is insane.

      He's one of those fucking idiots who "asks questions" while doing no the end hurting more people than he "enlightens."

      Do I think he's as dangerous as a Laura Ingraham OR a Tucker Carlson (who seems to really be finished, thank Christ) or a Jesse Watters? No. But the fact that he occasionally comes off as normal and then says insane things that people stupidly listen to makes him dangerous in a different way...
      Roth Army Militia

      Originally posted by WARF
      Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


      • Seshmeister

        • Oct 2003
        • 35580

        Rogan is pretty dumb and the thing that's really kind of weird about his YouTube's is how not funny they are given he is meant to be a comedian.

        The two best descriptions over the years I've heard of him are that he is the kind of dumb that believes the last thing that someone told him and that as a comedian he says very dull things about interesting subjects.

        If you knew Rogan or Rogaine(c) as the RothArmy's Hitch1969 teased him with for year after year, from his thousands of posts on his now deleted message board it's all a bit strange. It was like finding out your friends kids were following Kristy on Twitter. I'm really not surprised he deleted his own board he said so many dumb things over the years that would not look good highlighted now. As someone who because of the crossover between this message board and his 20+ years ago as 2 of the earliest uncensored sites on the internet knows his history I'm confused by his success. A prematurely bald short alpha male guy with daddy issues who is into martial arts is usually the exact opposite of someone I would want to hang with and let's face it - a bit of a fucking cliche.
        Last edited by Seshmeister; 09-09-2023, 10:01 PM.


        • Nickdfresh

          • Oct 2004
          • 49394

          Originally posted by Seshmeister
          Rogan is pretty dumb and the thing that's really kind of weird about his YouTube's is how not funny they are given he is meant to be a comedian.

          The two best descriptions over the years I've heard of him are that he is the kind of dumb that believes the last thing that someone told him and that as a comedian he says very dull things about interesting subjects.

          If you knew Rogan or Rogaine(c) as the RothArmy's Hitch1969 teased him with for year after year, from his thousands of posts on his now deleted message board it's all a bit strange...
          Oh fuck!

          Last edited by Nickdfresh; 09-09-2023, 10:40 PM.


          • Nickdfresh

            • Oct 2004
            • 49394

            BTW Sesh, wasn't "Redban" one of his webbies? Or a Rogan toady in any case? I think Rogan fired him....

            Anyways, Stern and Rogan had a bromance but then a falling out. Howard mentioned that Rogan was very weird and angry at a strip club they went to to the point of being a misogynist sociopath calling them all skanks and whores and whatever, then was covered in strippers by the end of the night. Rogan took over the old "Man Show" for Jimmy Kimmel after he left and he shit all over the "Juggies" again referring to them as "whores" and was given a talking to by HR before the show imploded as it was never the same without Jimmy...

            The Man Show and JUGGIES!!!


            • Kristy
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Aug 2004
              • 16621

              Originally posted by Seshmeister
              Rogan is pretty dumb and the thing that's really kind of weird about his YouTube's is how not funny they are given he is meant to be a comedian.
              Not really. He convinced a bunch of retards in suits at Suckafy to sign him to a multi-million dollar contract. I find that to be funny.


              • Rikk
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Jan 2004
                • 16518

                Originally posted by Kristy
                Not really. He convinced a bunch of retards in suits at Suckafy to sign him to a multi-million dollar contract. I find that to be funny.
                You already know more about Joe Rogan than I do. Hell, you know more about Joe Rogan than you do about The Rolling Stones. Are you a Rogaine-groupie?
                Roth Army Militia

                Originally posted by WARF
                Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                • Seshmeister
                  ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                  • Oct 2003
                  • 35580

                  Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                  BTW Sesh, wasn't "Redban" one of his webbies? Or a Rogan toady in any case?
                  Yeah he was.

                  The weird thing about The Man Show is that he did it with Doug Stanhope who is one of the most respected comics around among people that are really into stand up and with other comedians. I'm a big fan so not sure how he ended up with a hack like Rogaine - I guess he had a high profile from his bug eating show.

                  Their story is that the network wouldn't let them do all their best ideas as they were too edgy. I've never seen it but by all accounts their time doing the show was shit and I bet it looks even worse now.


                  • Kristy
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Aug 2004
                    • 16621

                    Originally posted by Rikk
                    You already know more about Joe Rogan than I do. Hell, you know more about Joe Rogan than you do about The Rolling Stones. Are you a Rogaine-groupie?
                    Oh, you try, Boomer hippie. You really do.


                    • Rikk
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 16518

                      Originally posted by Kristy
                      Oh, you try, Boomer hippie. You really do.
                      Arguing with you is as enlightening as arguing with a dead goldfish.

                      And I don't know this for a fact, but I would bet you smell like a dead goldfish too.
                      Roth Army Militia

                      Originally posted by WARF
                      Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                      • Nickdfresh
                        SUPER MODERATOR

                        • Oct 2004
                        • 49394

                        Originally posted by Seshmeister
                        Yeah he was.

                        The weird thing about The Man Show is that he did it with Doug Stanhope who is one of the most respected comics around among people that are really into stand up and with other comedians. I'm a big fan so not sure how he ended up with a hack like Rogaine - I guess he had a high profile from his bug eating show.

                        Their story is that the network wouldn't let them do all their best ideas as they were too edgy. I've never seen it but by all accounts their time doing the show was shit and I bet it looks even worse now.
                        The Man Show was just stupid fun, but it was never gonna be more than a few seasons. It hasn't aged well but it didn't age well after 1 season.


                        • Romeo Delight

                          • Feb 2005
                          • 5167

                          Nickd, have you ever listened to an entire podcast? I suggest you do. At the very least he is open to dialogue and some guests are interesting.

                          That is the appeal. So instead of a Rachel MAddow, lets say , that is literal garbage, and worthless to society. Joe genuniely tries to have discussions. Not a bad start nowadays don't you thinK?
                          sigpicRoth Army Canada


                          • Nickdfresh
                            SUPER MODERATOR

                            • Oct 2004
                            • 49394

                            Originally posted by Romeo Delight
                            Nickd, have you ever listened to an entire podcast? I suggest you do. At the very least he is open to dialogue and some guests are interesting.

                            That is the appeal. So instead of a Rachel MAddow, lets say , that is literal garbage, and worthless to society. Joe genuniely tries to have discussions. Not a bad start nowadays don't you think?
                            I'm not saying Rogan isn't compelling at times I think he is. I have not listened to an entire podcast to be fair and I will say he is probably a solid interviewer at times. But part of this opinion is based on his now defunct and deleted message board. Dave, did you ever visit there? Sesh and a few others were there as well in the mid=2000's. He is not the high bar of intelligence to be nice. Massive pot-binging and moon landing conspiracy theories are not the thing you can fucking hang your hat on..
                            Last edited by Nickdfresh; 09-26-2023, 11:09 PM.


                            • Romeo Delight

                              • Feb 2005
                              • 5167

                              Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                              I'm not saying Rogan isn't compelling at times I think he is. I have not listened to an entire podcast to be fair and I will say he is probably a solid interviewer at times. But part of this opinion is based on his now defunct and deleted message board. Dave, did you ever visit there? Sesh and a few others were there as well in the mid=2000's. He is not the high bar of intelligence to be nice. Massive pot-binging and moon landing conspiracy theories are not the thing you can fucking hang your hat on..
                              I didn't hear any of that. We can all grow I think. He has become somewhat more intelligent and mature probably. He leans heavily on decent guests for it to be compelling.
                              sigpicRoth Army Canada

