There were 76 guitars sold in total:
White/Black - 26
Black/Yellow - 22
Red/Black/White - 28
They all sold for $979,743.58
With an Average Price of $12,891.36
The Highest Price was $33,250.00, which was the Albuquerque, NM on October 2 Guitar
The Lowest Price was $8,099.00, which was San Antonio, TX on September 28 Guitar
Lets say for argument sake 76 guitars at 1;000.00 a piece would be 7600.00. He made $979,743.58 it would roughly be about 903;743.58 for 76 guitars that my freinds is RAPE
White/Black - 26
Black/Yellow - 22
Red/Black/White - 28
They all sold for $979,743.58
With an Average Price of $12,891.36
The Highest Price was $33,250.00, which was the Albuquerque, NM on October 2 Guitar
The Lowest Price was $8,099.00, which was San Antonio, TX on September 28 Guitar
Lets say for argument sake 76 guitars at 1;000.00 a piece would be 7600.00. He made $979,743.58 it would roughly be about 903;743.58 for 76 guitars that my freinds is RAPE