The Top 100 most influental people in VH message board history.

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  • POJO_Risin
    Roth Army Caesar
    • Mar 2003
    • 40648

    Praise BE to God...

    but WARF...the question I where "you" are ranked on the top 100...
    "Van Halen was one of the most hallelujah, tailgate, backyard, BBQ, arrive four hours early to the gig just for the parking lot bands. And still to this day is. It's an attitude. I think it's a spirit more than anything else is."


    • WARF
      • Jan 2004
      • 15347

      I'm not in the top 100...

      I'm 106...


      • Carmine
        • Apr 2004
        • 7693

        Originally posted by WARF

        142- Carmine Raguzza - I have one thing to say... put the fucking RAGU back in your username.... you had one bad ass nickname!

        Thanks for the mention WARF.

        and with or without the last name....I'll always be RAGU.


        • FabShado
          • Apr 2006
          • 30

          Originally posted by WARF
          This was one tough list to make pojo.
          I'm getting death threats over it..
          I'm sorry.. i'm just telling it like it is!
          nickdfresh is complaining about being at #83
          Well I ranked myself at #106... lmao
          I don't know what to say about some of the people...
          Cuz I don't remember a damn they said that had any merit whatsoever.
          By the time.. I got to 180... I had to just pull random people from the member list... and as a matter of fact... I put in one dude cuz it was his birthday! LMAO
          I didn't notice... Did Raven make your list WARF?
          What number was Pete?


          • WARF
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Jan 2004
            • 15347

            Put the fucking ragu back in your name man!
            It's your trademark!

            Here I am pojo...


            • WARF
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Jan 2004
              • 15347

              Originally posted by FabShado
              I didn't notice... Did Raven make your list WARF?
              What number was Pete?


              • WARF
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Jan 2004
                • 15347

                Pojo you think I would just disappear for two months..

                And not make my entrance known???

                Even Grant stopped by to thank me... lol


                • FabShado
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 30

                  Originally posted by WARF
                  161- Pete - One of two people I met on the message boards personally... I think he's banned now... he watched me sing VH karaoke at some bar in Pompano Beach... I ran into him by accident though... cuz right after I sang VH... he came up to saying I'm a huge Van Halen... and I'm a mod at the Roth Army! I said "no shit" me too.. and he said are you WARF? I said fuck yeah man... and we talked for quite a bit... pretty cool dude... but seemed a lil bitter about being fired from here... overall... he's a classic Van Halen fan... which makes him good in my book!


                  • conmee
                    ROTH ARMY FOUNDER
                    • Mar 2003
                    • 1945

                    I figure I'd show up since I've been given major props by Pojo and WARF...

                    Yeah, I fell for the corporate siren song of cash-money, int'l travel, all the glitz and glamor that comes from selling out to the Man and having him own my ass for 70 hours a week... gone are the good ol' days when I had time and passion to post regularly and make every word count. Ok, why mince words here... when I was a grad student and unemployed... lmao..

                    With lists like this... it depends on age and perspective, just like those ridiculous Rolling Stone and Spin "Top 100" whatever lists... with an old bastard like Pojo and me going way way back, I get in the Top 10, with WARF I get as high as 14 even after our long Pete talk and me firing him twice (webbie and mod).roflmao!!! I'm sure I'd fall out of the top 100 with most of the new kids around here who I don't even know... oh well, that's what happens when I neglect my duties around here..

                    I was also RickAllensLeftArm, the original MikeOxlong (until Hitch/WARF/Panamark/unknown entities made a number of M.O. knock-offs), and about three other aliases that didn't stand the test of time. lol

                    My top 10 in no particular order... Pojo, brown, hitch, von, brett, VHND, FORD, Panamark, SoCal, and WARF for putting me on his list... lol...

                    Honorable mention: HardKnockz, two or three geezers over at VHLinks, hain, sesh, MikeB (lol), loons, On Fire Gang.

                    That is all!

                    An Icon©®™Incorporated/GODDAM BUCK-KNIFE JACKBOOT MOTHERFUCK©®™ Production.
          © and Old Boy Club© Co-Founder, Investor, and Spiritual Leader 1996-2024©™®

                    E.U.A.S. - "The Feng Shui in the House That Roth Built!"

                    R.I.P. - Douglas Hitchens, Jr. aka Hitch1969 aka Supermodel Doug et al... 1-23-2017

                    "It is possible to OverGap©®™" - Sesh©®™, 5-8-2013

                    "A reacharound doesn't need to be gay." - Sesh©®™, 1-18-2012

                    "If we are going to have ex mods posting cocks can they at least be a manageable size." - Sesh©®™, 8-24-2011

                    "For the love of jive, have a waborita and chill out." - Hitchman©®™, 5-18-2004


                    • DeadOrAlive
                      • Jul 2004
                      • 1683

                      Originally posted by WARF
                      198- DeadOrAlive - Cool dude who posts in main.

                      199- Wolfman - Fab's boyfriend... and dog cookie inventor!

                      200- MikeL - VHLINKS mod... and final person on the list.
                      FLIPPIN' MONEY! I'm usually stuck in Gear Street now, along with the main and other bands


                      • Seshmeister
                        ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                        • Oct 2003
                        • 35221

                        I think this list is cuntfusing people a bit.

                        If it was about posts then Arielle Bot would be top 10.

                        People are also cuntfusing(see a flappoism) this for a popularity contest.

                        If it was objective then me and Conmee would be lower in the rankings and Cato, Mr Walker and even Lou and some others would be higher for the bootlegs at least. Also in the the great scheme of things Warf himself would be top 10 or 15 but that would be immodest for him to say. It all depends on which particular bit of all this shit interests you be it bootlegs, humor, the dump or even the new Sheep Pen thing.

                        The best thing about Warf's list is reminding some of us about all the people that have come before and have got a life and moved on after making a lot of great posts and making us laugh. Sarge himself is now in that category.

                        Let's face it having a lot of posts at a site dedicated to an ex rock star is nothing to be particularly proud of...

                        Coming up with new info, funny stuff, bootlegs or influencing the character or posting style of these forums is what I think Warf meant by this thread. That's why he put Flappo high up even though he has posted almost nothing about DLR/CVH in 4 years because he still influenced the place.

                        I'll give you an example. My first thread at this site in 2001 or so was 'Would it have been better if EVH had died in 1985 and become a lgend like Hendrix?' Within 5 minutes 8 of the mods and Webmasters screamed 'How fucking dare you contemplate such a thing, Eddie rules how fucking dare you you prick?." I think Hitch and maybe Warf were the lone dissenting voices. Things have changed a hell of a lot on the CVH boards over the years.

                        Hitchworld has become pretty irrelevant now because it was created as a separate site so that people could post the kind of stuff that is routinely posted in the HW Dump forum here but it has had a huge effect on pushing the envelope of the community.

                        If you go to most rock band sites if you forget where you are you'll be banned in minutes. For better or worse this is the way CVH forums have ended up and WARF's list largely reflects that and who fucked it up...

                        Sarge should be #1 though and Brett #2 for entirely different reasons.


                        Last edited by Seshmeister; 04-12-2006, 09:14 PM.


                        • Little Texan
                          Full Member Status

                          • Jan 2004
                          • 4579

                          I think Ford should be in the top 5, and where is Bill O'Neill as a heel on that list? He's top 5 in the heel dept.


                          • Little Texan
                            Full Member Status

                            • Jan 2004
                            • 4579

                            And if I'm not mistaken, I didn't see Mr. Grimsdale...he should be on there somewhere.


                            • rustoffa
                              ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 8963

                              I think this person deserves an honorable mention. LMFAO, that might be a whole new category! IMO, a top 5 troll.

                              Originally posted by General Hina
                              This is my opinion and I just want to see if you agree or disagree.
                              After reading countless posts on this site I realize that people who are diehard Dave fans don't really like Van Halen they just like Dave.
                              But, people who are diehard Van Halen fans like Sammy and Dave.
                              The diehard Dave fans really view the first 6 Van Halen CDs as Dave solo CDs or just Dave with a backing band.
                              That's how it comes across to me.
                              By the one likes Van Halen with Gary.

                              Over and Out,
                              General Hina
                              Originally posted by Lou
                              I am a die hard fan of the music from 1974-1985 first and foremost. Dave was half of that.
                              Originally posted by General Hina
                              4/4 - 3/4 = 1/4

                              Dave was not half of VH.

                              Nice math skills.

                              Over and Out,
                              General Hina
                              Originally posted by Big Troubles
                              no facts there to support this whatsoever. C'mon guys let's keep this as real as possible. Dave has been careful with money, not hungry for it.
                              Originally posted by General Hina
                              So has anyone associated with VH except maybe Alex with all the alimony he has to pay.

                              None of those guys need money!!

                              When Warner Brothers remastered the catalogue and rereleased it the band's publishing rights got paid all over again..

                              Hina has left.


                              • Seshmeister
                                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                                • Oct 2003
                                • 35221

                                Whatever happend to that guy. I had a run in with him back in 2003.

                                I always assumed he was an alias or something...

