Black Flag / The Flag's Meltdown

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  • Nickdfresh

    • Oct 2004
    • 49219

    I shouldn't have posted BuckFag's personal info.


    • Nickdfresh

      • Oct 2004
      • 49219

      Originally posted by LoungeMachine
      Time to clear the air so as not to derail anymore tribute threads, or other parts of the forum.

      Yes, my mancrush Blackflag has stalked and posted pics/vids of me, and has even tried to re-register here using my email address. He's now threatened to post personal information.

      This is simply the desperate moves of someone who could no longer spar and jab in the forums, and now felt the need to get into my personal life and involve my family, friends, business, and possibly my kids.

      We all here cherish our privacy, hence the user names and avatars. No one believes this clown's name is Black Flag,or that he hails from Yakima. That's why except in a very rare circumstance, do we ever see anyone use their real name or pic. But when they do, it's THEIR choice to do so. To take another posters picture without their permission and use it as your avatar simply to get under their skin or to fire a warning shot that you're going to expose them, is childish, cowardly, and downright creepy.

      Most of us have shared personal info amongst ourselves, and trusted certain friends with it. Mick [ALinChainz] was a prime example of the type of person I trusted. There are a selct few here, both mods and non-mods/webbies who I've done the same with, and vice-versa of course. And we'd never even think to betray that trust.

      We know for a fact of certain people who have used mutual friendships to gather info on others here, and that not only betrays a code here, but betrays that very friendship. Sad. They know who they are.

      I've been offered personal info on people here in the past, and I've turned it down. I only want to spar, chide, ridicule, and debate on the forums, NOT get into people's real worlds, unlike others here. That's the whole point of the anonymity here I would think.

      The whole KIP WINGER thing as anyone who has half a brain and has been here long enough, was started byJ esterstar, where in a thread he posted he KNEW FOR A FACT that that's who I was. We all laughed so hard and so long at that, that it became a running joke. So much so that noobs had to be told about the joke so as not to think it true. Of course Bueno posting it on Wiki didnt help

      But some never got the joke. Some take themselves, and the internets way too seriously.

      I've been a bass player in bands for 30 years. I've played covers, originals, and opened up for some rather large and well knownnationalacts over the years. I've had some great times, did some regional touring, and made some money.

      A few years ago I decided I wanted to try writing and playing MY OWN material for once, and started a vanity project with my ex-wife on drums, and some friends on bass and lead guitar, and we played some low-key shows. We went through some singers, and it eventually just died off. And after 16 years together and 3 kids, my drummer wife and I split on good terms. She's in these pics/vids Black Flag posted as well, and she doesnt deserve hi bullshit childish games either.

      Now I'm back to playing bass, and having fun doing it.

      As for my occupations, I own a booking and events company that does pretty well around here. We've done some great shows and events, and have some naes coming up that many here would recognize and I'msure are fans of.

      I also work for one of the largest music venues in town, which is how myself and my current wife got to see Soundgarden recently. I love being in the local music business, booking, promoting, playing, and networking. My beautiful and talented wife also has a company that caters to the industry.

      I've made no bones about enjoying a good bitch fest here. And I can take it as well as give it out. I've been party to many flame wars, and although they at times got personal, they NEVER included personal info that a poster hadn't already used themselves.

      Ace Diamond is a perfect example. That guy has had no qualms about posting his real name, his family's names, his associates cell numbers. But that's his choice. He even uses his stage name as his user name here, thus making it pretty obvious who he is.

      Gar, one of the most reviled persons on this board, recently posted a thread saying Jesterstar was DEAD. Many of us thought it disgusting he'd do that. Of course it was easy to verify that it was all bullshit. But now even Gar has decided that he can go lower and snake around with Black Flag.

      Black flag claimed I had him banned. Ask any webbie, it's not true. ALL I asked was that he not use my pic as his avatar [fucking stalker CREEPY!!!]

      So now he has re-registered, and has chatted [Didnt know he was the king of chats here] that he'll give my personal info out to anyone who wants it. That's pretty disgusting.

      At some point, he could no longer stand the fact that his hypocrisy, his constant belittling of everyone here, and his "reviews" were not getting him the attention he felt he deserved. So in a fit of rage because he was "pissed off" [his words] he started stalking and posting my personal info.

      As you can imagine, I've received great support from the staff here, and promises that anyone who pulls shit like this will be dealt with. Regardless of who they are. I've also received the support of non-staff poster here, who think Black Flag has crossed the line. THANK YOU ALL FOR THAT.

      It's really kind of sad that because he got pissed off, he felt the need to drag things down to this level, but I have a feeling he's going to end up regretting it. Especially if he involves my kids in any way.

      I wont give him my attention he craves in Dio threads, or anywhere else for that matter. Maybe he'll man up, maybe he'll flame out asked to be banned again, or actually just get perma-banned. Not my call.

      Life is good, family is happy and healthy, business is good, and I'm excited to go back out this summer and gig more. I'm a very lucky man.



      Welcome to the Army Kip!


      • Nickdfresh

        • Oct 2004
        • 49219

        Originally posted by The Flag
        Cry a little more for me now, Lounge. That's just too much for me to read.

        Either be a tough guy and stand behind your reputation as "the rude one." Or shut the fuck up and be a pussy.

        But don't be a tough guy on the anonymous internet...then shit yourself at the prospect that you may have to stand behind your words, and you can't live up to them in reality.

        Somehow it's fine to post pictures and private info of Gar, Joe Thunder, Katie, et al. -- but doing the same of you is off limits?

        Well, in reality, you're just not very rude at all, are you?

        FYI, Lounge is the non-rude looking guy on the right.

        Please...keep fucking with me. I can keep this up forever.


        • Anonymous
          • May 2004
          • 12749

          Originally posted by Shoes, Sensible
          As soon as I take the time to understand any of this, I may have to rethink Blackflag as my BFF and terminate our torrid internet affair.
          I never did understand what you saw in that guy.

          I mean, I know good girls are stupidly attracted to arseholes, but... you're a bad girl, right? A naughty, bad girl.

          Cheers! :bottle:


          • Hardrock69
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Feb 2005
            • 21888

            Originally posted by Shoes, Sensible
            BTW I am Ace Diamond.
            I am SPARTACUS!


            • Hardrock69
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Feb 2005
              • 21888

              Heh....ButtFag's gay Step-Dad.

              Originally posted by Nickdfresh


              • Hardrock69
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Feb 2005
                • 21888

                Originally posted by Imapus Sylicker
                I never did understand what you saw in that guy.

                I mean, I know good girls are stupidly attracted to arseholes, but... you're a bad girl, right? A naughty, bad girl.

                Cheers! :bottle:
                You know, that is true. She IS a naughty bad girl. So I guess that means I am supposed to be attracted to her, as I am a nice guy.

                Oh well. Planet Earth is a strange place.

                Gar brought up some good points. He may be a jackass here a lot of the time (most of the time?), but that is HERE on the Roth Army Forums.
                I have better things to do than to look him up and post his personal info on the interwebz, though it is not hard to find out stuff about him, as he had a long-term, hot and heavy relationship with Jizzystool.

                I view this place as a playground. With the usual diverse cross-section of kids. When I get tired of playing here I go play somewhere else.
                This playground does give everyone an equal opportunity to brush up on their 'owning' skills.
                Some of the more psychopathic individuals here (like BlackFag) eventually (as the thread title says) meltdown, and go away, if not of their own volition, then by force of arms.
                That is ok. They can go play in their basement and sob to their mommy about how "the Roth Army guys were all mean to me! *SOB!*".
                Last edited by Hardrock69; 05-18-2010, 10:32 AM.


                • jhale667
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Aug 2004
                  • 20929

                  Originally posted by Imapus Sylicker
                  Actually, Susie, if you'd've bothered to read more of Gayr's posts through the years, you'd find the hypocrisy in this one absolutely staggering & disgusting.

                  Cheers! :bottle:
                  Exactly. That was fairly nauseating.
                  Originally posted by conmee
                  If anyone even thinks about deleting the Muff Thread they are banned.... no questions asked.

                  That is all.

                  Originally posted by GO-SPURS-GO
                  I've seen prominent hypocrite liberal on this site Jhale667

                  Originally posted by Isaac R.
                  Then it's really true??:eek:

                  The Muff Thread is really just GONE ???

                  OMFG...who in their right mind...???
                  Originally posted by eddie78
                  I was wrong about you, brother. You're good.


                  • LoungeMachine
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Jul 2004
                    • 32576

                    Gar never did explain why he posted that Jesterstar was dead, even posting a link to the SSI page that listed someone else by Jesterstars real name.

                    As for Gar cuntplaining that BF was banned.... didnt Gar QUIT the Roth Army in protest UNLESS katydid was BANNED?

                    BF and Gar = Team Hypocrite.

                    As for taking my lumps Gar, I've ALWAYS stayed in the ring and fought my battles, it was your bff BlackFlag who was losing so bad all he had left was to go private/personal in hopes of shutting me up.

                    He failed.

                    Originally posted by Kristy
                    Dude, what in the fuck is wrong with you? I'm full of hate and I do drugs.
                    Originally posted by cadaverdog
                    I posted under aliases and I jerk off with a sock. Anything else to add?


                    • LoungeMachine
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Jul 2004
                      • 32576

                      Originally posted by Shoes, Sensible
                      As soon as I take the time to understand any of this, I may have to rethink Blackflag as my BFF and terminate our torrid internet affair.
                      The fact he's married didnt do it already?

                      Originally posted by Kristy
                      Dude, what in the fuck is wrong with you? I'm full of hate and I do drugs.
                      Originally posted by cadaverdog
                      I posted under aliases and I jerk off with a sock. Anything else to add?


                      • Sensible Shoes
                        Full Member Status

                        • Oct 2009
                        • 4648

                        Gasp!!!!! I didn't know that. What a naughty bad girl thing to do.

                        I was just trying to keep him from picking on me because above all things, I am a wuss.

                        Oh dear.


                        • MAX
                          Rotharmy Gladiator

                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 13001


                          I'll bite and (as everyone get's ready to lose their collective supper) weigh in. What the hell, you know?? Unlike what seems to be the rest of the tribe, I like Blackflag. Sure, I argued with him at times just like everyone else but that's simply human fucking nature. Fuck, if I had a dime for everytime I've gotten into a useless pissing match with Lounge, I'd be a rich man. lol

                          However and what bothers me is this... Lounge playing the victim in this scenario. To be fair, I didn't witness what Flag infact posted for all to see. Also, I know there are certain rules which are set in stone and if they're broken, the subsequent consequences must fall where they may. Seriously, I can understand Lounge being pissed about all of this private shit being posted but Lounge, you are an online bully. As with in the real world, people do get fed up with being fucked with over and over. Honestly, I'm surprised something similar hasn't happened prior? Not just with you but with a lot of us? Well, scratch that cos the gunt's crossed that line with many of us. Also, I'm not going to call myself a saint by any means. Seriously, I've got the fucking goods on tons of you as soooo many do on me. I mean, it's not very hard to find out the shit on someone if one's motivated enough. Fuck, I've known all about Lounge for a looooong time. With that being said, I've felt zero need to bust out the sheeot but I've been fucking tempted, believe you me!!! As I'm sure he's wanted to do so with myself. I'm by no means hidden.

                          I cannot believe what I'm about to type but GAR's post was actually a good one. Some good points. K, that's not happening again. Miss Q's was also great but that's why she's the A-Class Roth chick she is. Love ya my friend.

                          I kind of regurgitated my frosted flakes (just a bit) when I read about the unwritten "code" though cos Lounge, you've been beyond guilty of breaking 'em. Maybe not with posting extremely personal info. Nonetheless, a while back when both you and myself were going at it, you posted my real name PUBLICLY and made a cupla comments about my PERSONAL status that only four people would've known. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!! Let's see... I know for a fact Deej din't open her yap to you, nor did my bff JMJ, so that only leaves two other peeps who could've spilled the beans, no? Shhhh and shame on you fuckers. So, some people should remember where THEY came from and just shut up and enjoy themselves at some point in time.

                          I guess where I'm going with this pointless babbling is my own personal metaphor for the old glass houses saying? Seriously Lounge, you're a mod and you pulled a guntesque maneuver a few times by breaking standard message board protocol POSTING people's PRIVATE MESSAGES PUBLICLY!!! That's not cool, no ways around it. All I'm saying is I don't think you should be playing scorned woman of the LIFETIME Movie of the week here. Again, you pushed, pushed, followed the guy until he said "fuck it" and fought back. I guess he went a little too far? Maybe??

                          It's just this though, it just pisses me off in general how people on the internet gang up and bully the weak ones. Like a bleeding foot in the Amazon and pihrana's bombard to get in their own little bites. It just brings out the worst in people, like we're back on the schoolyard or in the sandbox. I mean and again, I'm no saint and I'm not a tree hugging hippie by any means, lol... Also, I'm not above calling people dicks in the real world... However, what the fuck is fun about going on the internet where you can hide like a little pussy and spend all day long ragging on people? It's like the cool/popular kids in school, or whatever. I'm fucking sick of it. Been there and done that. Yes, I was one of the assholes I just mentioned growing up. Hence and maybe as to why I'm so against it today? Lots of regrets man and lots of mends that I owe lots of (seemingly) weaker people. Well, now I feel like the weaker man cos I behaved like that back in the day being the jock/popular asshole. It's just insecurity and lack of character.

                          Anyhoo, I'm just sayin' why don't we cut the drama shit and stop this bloodthirsty feeding frenzy here? Maybe, Blackflag went too far retaliating, ok? However, maybe this will teach us all a lesson of sorts? There are REAL PEOPLE BEHIND THE INTERNET PERSONAS!!! Let's all think about that? Yes, fighting's fun and certain fuckers invite it on a daily basis. Seriously, you cannot tell me that Savicki doesn't soil himself by being as ghey as he is? Another is fuckfACE, Katydid, same thing, Gunt, etc, I could go on... I sometimes ask myself, are there people who are truly this fucking stupid? Yes and obviously, there are.

                          Well, if you've read this, there's five to seven minutes of your lives you're not ever getting back. Sorry bout that.
                          EAT US AND SMILE!!!!


                          • Anonymous
                            • May 2004
                            • 12749

                            Originally posted by MAX

                            Well, if you've read this, there's five to seven minutes of your lives you're not ever getting back. Sorry bout that.
                            No, no, you made some fine points, Maxwellimillian. Except for liking the Fag, what the hell?

                            There was a time when I too found him amusing, as he apparently could roll with the punches, but not so. When I went a bit over the line, he'd ask me to stop, which I did, but when he went over the line, he just kept going. That, mein kumpel, is both hypocrisy & stupidity.

                            As for Lounge's own past transgressions when it came to other people's privacy... well, let's give him some credit, shall we? He's an insufferable bastard, but he's a smart bastard. If he didn't learn from his past mistakes, I'm pretty sure he learnt it now.

                            Cheers! :bottle:


                            • PETE'S BROTHER
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 12678

                              thank god i'm at work and got paid to read that.:tongue0011:
                              Another one of those classic genius posts, sure to generate responses. You log on the next day to see what your witty gem has produced to find no one gets it and 2 knotheads want to stick their dicks in it... Well played, sir!!


                              • ThrillsNSpills
                                ROTH ARMY ELITE
                                • Jan 2004
                                • 6627

                                Originally posted by MAX

                                It's just this though, it just pisses me off in general how people on the internet gang up and bully the weak ones.

                                Good Point. Now get over here it's time for your swirlie.

