The state of Van Halen

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  • thekeek

    The state of Van Halen

    The bottom line is- yes Dave Roth is AWSOME - his stay in Van Halen will live
    forever in our hearts. Sammy in Van Halen will do the same. This whole Dave
    or Sammy Camp crap- sucks. It's made VH fan against VH fan- it's retarded!
    The bottom line is- Edward, Alex and Michael- are still playing. Certain
    fans only want to live in a past that can NEVER be reproduced or copied.
    Mozart would never have cared what soprano was singing his music- only if
    they could! The truth is- we can never see another 1978, 1984 or, for that
    matter 1991. Van Halen is more than just a band- it is about Men that want
    to make the best music they can- because they have to. You can spend your
    life in the past, or join and enjoy, the future. I look forward.
    God Bless and Van Halen Rules!
    -Jack Carey
  • Roth & Roll
    Foot Soldier
    • Feb 2004
    • 727

    Re: The state of Van Halen

    Originally posted by thekeek
    Van Halen is more than just a band- it is about Men that want
    to make the best music they can- because they have to.
    -Jack Carey
    They CANT make the best music that they can without David Lee Roth.
    End Of Story

    P.S. : It's like someone else singing "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" during the 7th inning stretch at Wrigley besides your Uncle Harry.


    • Panamark
      • Jan 2004
      • 17161

      If Sammy wasnt such a geek compared to Dave, maybe it would be easier to take. Dave is everything Sammy is not. The band is not the same. Perhaps if they had found another Dave-esque type frontman it could have worked better. But Spammy is a total dweeb nerd and does nothing but tarnish the legacy.

      Aside from the obvious image problems, his voice is shocking. Its one of the most annoying vocal styles in Pop. Fucking kills anything that EVH might possibly be doing in the background.

      BABY PANA 2 IS Coming !! All across the land, let the love and beer flow !
      Love ya Mary Frances!


      • Wayne L.

        It's about time common sense was FINALLY spoken by someone else instead of just me concerning Van Halen speaking as an old VH/DLR era fan. I think it's ridiculous the way some of my fellow VH fans live in the past constantly expecting another Van Halen, Fair Warning & 1984 when it's never going to happen ever again reunion or not. Eddie is one of the last great rock guitarist with few equals who had a major impact on the rock scene when VH exploded back in 78 in those days but you can't turn back the clock. Dave is one of the last great frontmen in rock with his showmanship & bad as attitude with few equals during his VH days while he has had his ups & downs as solo artist he'sstill one of rock's great performers. I think Sammy is a great singer, songwriter, musician & performer in his own right as well as a great VH frontman while Eddie & Sammy compliment each other onstage well which is why Live Without A Net defines that era. I'm looking forward to the Van Halen/Sammy Hagar reunion tour despite not planning on going even though it's more likea Paul McCartney & Wings reunion instead of a Beatles reunion because I would like to see EVH & DLR onstage one more time.


        • Igosplut

          • Jan 2004
          • 2794

          You numbnut feel free to cruise over to any of the sites dedicated to VH in any other form and spew that view. I'm sure you'll get plenty of golf clapps.

          Here and DDLR have been getting besieged with people that seemingly want to tell us how great this reunion shit is, Sams so much better, Blah blah blah.

          Whats the point?? Talk to the hand, It'll get you farther. All trolling aside if people like spam, why preach here.

          Because these two sites are fun. Call it the dave attitude. Make most of these post on the other so-called "all era" sites and you get banned. Thats what I call the sam atittude.

          So spew on about how great it is to see this shit, Eds the balls, ect....
          bottom line its boring mediocre shit at best. Dont expect the people that know better to ever change.....
          Chainsaw Muthuafucka


          • thebuldawg
            • Jan 2004
            • 111

            Originally posted by Igosplut
            Talk to the hand, It'll get you farther.
            Good advice, in my opinion, but will probably be ignored by the Ched Heads. I've taken to ignoring them; I get fewer headaches that way.
            "Whatever happens... happens."
            -Spike Spiegel-


            • Lou

              Can someone move this the LINKS?


              • Sarge
                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                • Feb 2003
                • 5423

                Originally posted by Lou
                Can someone move this the LINKS?
                That would be funny to move this fuckin thread over to another site.
                Like a swap meet.

                Van Hagar has no... BALLS.
                No rebellion, No testosterone.
                It's pop crap
                The Diamond David Lee Roth Army

                [Fender Custom Shop Owners Club]


                • Golden AWe
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 34245

                  Van Hagar is like Luftwaffe without wings

                  DLR = roast beef
                  Sammy = soy sausages
                  Originally posted by Cato
                  Golden, why are you FAT?
                  Originally posted by lesfunk
                  Much like yourself as the Jim Morrison of Nazi bunker flies


                  • Lou

                    I think it's a slightly harder version of Air Supply myself


                    • SheAintWaiting
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 111

                      Someone wrote:

                      >>I'm looking forward to the Van Halen/Sammy Hagar reunion tour despite not planning on going even though it's more likea Paul McCartney & Wings reunion instead of a Beatles reunion because I would like to see EVH & DLR onstage one more time.<<

                      I don't think it's anything like Macca&Wings vs. Beatles, because
                      Macca still had his own voice, just different players behind him.
                      It sounded different musically, but there was that same voice
                      holding it all together. Did I miss the harmonies with John?
                      Did I at times miss the arrangements of Lennon and McCartney?
                      You betcha. But Wings was a WHOLE different deal than what's
                      happened with Van Hagar.

                      One thing I am consistently amazed by with classic Van Halen,
                      is how there is this subtle but VERY important harmony between
                      Dave's voice and Eddie's guitars. There was and still is a resonance
                      in Dave's voice that sounds spectacular with an electric guitar that's
                      being played certain ways. That is, he might sound pretty weird
                      singing with Burzum or Darkthrone, but he sounds fantastic on
                      the classic VH albums and in his solo work, especially the
                      DLR Band album.

                      Sammy's voice on the other hand has an odd, atonal, extremely
                      two-dimensional quality to it. His voice does not carry, it does
                      not shimmer. It's like he's just screeching. My favorite songs
                      from the Van Hagar albums are the instrumentals on Balance.
                      It's the only time I could ever sit back and just be glad for the
                      three musicians that were the rest of classic VH. Without the
                      screeching, Van Halen is still beautiful. Put that screeching in
                      there, and ugh, no thanks.

                      So, to go back to your Beatles reference, having Sam Hagar
                      front Van Halen is like doing a Beatles Reunion Tour and having
                      Roseanne Barr (Arnold? whatever) for the lead singer. In fact,
                      that's the main irritation I had with Gary Cherone, was that
                      FINALLY we had the chance to have a lead who wasn't Hagar,
                      and he turned out to be trying (?) to sound just like Sam more
                      often than not. When he was actually SINGING instead of doing
                      a Hagar imitation it wasn't bad at all.

                      Lastly, I will say that the lead singer, if he's involved in the
                      lyrics and songwriting, makes a huge difference in the
                      quality of the songs the band plays. To that end, compare
                      the DLR Band album with *either* VH3 or Balance, and I
                      think it will become clear that DLR has a gift for writing songs
                      that are gently profound, overtly humorous, undeniably melodic,
                      and hands down rock and roll. I feel like when I try to find songs
                      off the VHgr albums of the last nearly 20 years that don't just make
                      me cringe, I'm grasping at straws. It's really only the instrumentals
                      I can take! But then if I listen to DLR Band, I can hear EXACTLY
                      how that album would have sounded with Michael, Alex, and Eddie.
                      It's freakin' SAD that it can't be somehow pulled together.

                      For me, it's not so much that I "hate" Sam Hagar. If he never
                      would've gotten in VH, I would have never thought of him again.
                      I never liked his early solo stuff and was simply shocked when
                      he was invited to join VH. It's kinda like if I had an ex-husband
                      and he got married but it was to some ugly witch with warts.
                      It would be like, "You chose THAT?!?!?" It's just appalling how
                      Eddie van Halen is wasting his talent and in truth, the talent
                      of three other human beings who all are very capable of making
                      a sort of music together that is unique in all of rock and roll.

                      THAT'S why people "hate" Sam Hagar. THAT'S why there's
                      a rift. It's NOT just a matter of "Can't we all just get along."
                      To suggest that's the case is totally missing the point.

                      "I won't tour on a greatest hits record, that's like basically saying, we're over. Wasted. Biggest waste of time in the world. Strictly money." -Sammy Hagar, 1996.

