Don't really think it's in Roth's game plan to be silent as a way of making Hagar loook like a dick, because Hagar is more than capable of doing that on a regular basis without any of dave's help.
Think it's cool that he put out a curt statement, without any of the usual Rothisms.
Seem to gather some are hoping for another personality meltdown at the RnRHoF awards, or at least expecting some kind of backstage hysterics, but I'd just as soon see whoever is going out there to rep VH just go out, say some positive stuff, take the award and bugger off.
Short of a fistfight, the "nyah-nyah, you suck, I'm great" back-and-forth war of the words between ALL of these guys is just tiresome. If they wanna have at it, start swinging some mitts at one another, otherwise keep the grade-school taunts on the playground. It's fuckin', like, ENOUGH already.
Let 'em all get up there onstage. Dave, the Van Halens (even Wolfie), Mike, Sam...fuck, even get Gary up there. Why the fuck not? The whole thing is meaningless anyway. Only one lineup of that groups ever mattered anyway.
Think it's cool that he put out a curt statement, without any of the usual Rothisms.
Seem to gather some are hoping for another personality meltdown at the RnRHoF awards, or at least expecting some kind of backstage hysterics, but I'd just as soon see whoever is going out there to rep VH just go out, say some positive stuff, take the award and bugger off.
Short of a fistfight, the "nyah-nyah, you suck, I'm great" back-and-forth war of the words between ALL of these guys is just tiresome. If they wanna have at it, start swinging some mitts at one another, otherwise keep the grade-school taunts on the playground. It's fuckin', like, ENOUGH already.
Let 'em all get up there onstage. Dave, the Van Halens (even Wolfie), Mike, Sam...fuck, even get Gary up there. Why the fuck not? The whole thing is meaningless anyway. Only one lineup of that groups ever mattered anyway.